Under The Moonlit Stars

[ONE SHOT] Under The Moonlit Stars





Youngjae shifted in a small patch of grass near the stream and lifted his face up to the stars. The night air was cool as it hit his upturned face and in a deep breath and let it out slowly before opening his eyes. The light of the stars shone above him, endless, quiet, staring down at the world in fondness. They were beautiful, shimmering with sparks of blue and purple fire. It was peaceful here away from the constant clamor of the rushing city and its constant stream of people. Though he had only been away from that hyped up environment for only a few hours, he could already feel his body slowly grow accustomed to the quiet. Something his aching heart desperately needed at the moment.


A bitter smile curled up his lips and his hands tightened around the railing of a porch that overlooked swaying fields of grass and a still pound. How his heart could even feel anything at this point was laughable. Not after―


"Jae....are you okay?" a quiet voice asked, causing Youngjae to jump, but he smiled when he realized it was Daehyun.


"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thought I'd get some fresh air."


The doe-eyed singer hesitated, fingers fidgeting with the end of his shirt nervously. Finally, after another moment of hesitation, he asked, "Are you...still thinking about her?"


Youngjae's heart clenched painfully and for a moment he forgot how to breathe. Damn it, he didn't want to think about her, but....Daehyun was his bestfriend and Youngjae could tell that he was worried. It was the reason he was here in the first place. After months of sleepless nights and listless days that seemed to be filled with nothing painful memories of the past, Daehyun had finally snapped. He had stormed into the studio apartment Youngjae had rented after the harsh breakup, grabbed his hand, and forced the younger man into his car. The elder refused to answer the stream of questions Youngjae threw at him the entire trip, face blank, hands gripping the steering wheel until his knuckles turned white. It wasn't until they had pulled up to Daehyun's summer house on the outskirts of Seoul that the elder finally spoke.


"Look, I know I don't have any right to say this, but I'm worried about you. It's been four months already, Youngjae. Yet you walk around as if it just happened yesterday, and I can't stand seeing you so lifeless anymore.  I'm not asking you to forget about her, but I can't sit back and watch you throw your life away anymore. Especially over someone who doesn't deserve it. So until something changes, I want you to stay here with me. I think being away from the city will help."


They had argued after that. Youngjae was furious at Daehyun for thinking he knew anything about how he felt or that he had a right to but in to his problems. He wasn't a little boy anymore. The last thing he wanted was for someone to hover over him and treat him like some helpless child who couldn't do anything right. He already had his parents for that. He didn't need him of all people to do it, too. . What, did Daehyun think he was fine and couldn't even handle pissing by himself anymore? He didn't no , so just off! But the hurt in Daehyun's eyes when Jae said that had the younger man quickly shutting his mouth.


After that a heavy silence fell over the two. Youngjae glared at the ground, hands shoving into the pockets of his jacket before he stormed off, heading inside and slamming the door with a loud bang. He hadn't looked back, hadn't seen the tears pooling in the elder's soft brown eyes.




The sound of the older male's voice snapped Youngjae out of his thoughts. He met chocolate brown eyes hesitantly. They hadn't spoken in the last few hours since their fight earlier and Youngjae wasn't really sure how to act around the other. He wanted to apologize, but he just didn't know how. "No, I'm not really thinking about her," he finally answered the elder's first question. "I honestly just came out here to clear my head."


"Jae..." Daehyun's voice trembled a bit, but he swallowed and tried again. "Jae, I'm really sorry about what I said earlier. I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried. I know you love Seunghee, but you just haven't been yourself these last four months. I thought bringing you here would give you the chance to get away from everything and heal." His voice had dropped to almost a whisper by the time he finished, and Daehyun's eyes refused to look up at the younger male.


Youngjae smiled softly. Daehyun had been his bestfriend since they first met back when they were only five years old and Youngjae's parents had moved in to the house next door. Ever since then the two had been inseparable, going to the same school, taking the same after school activities, even getting the same job. Thinking about it, Daehyun had been by Youngjae's side for everything. He was so caring when it came to their friendship and Youngjae found himself more than once thinking about how precious the older male really was to him. Daehyun was closer to him than even his family and he would never do anything to hurt him.


That thought made him realize that was exactly what he was doing. Youngjae let his eyes fall on Daehyun, eyes cast down, teeth biting plump lips, face illuminated by the soft glow of the stars. His heart squeezed at the sight. With another soft smile, he punched the older male in the arm, laughing at the sight of wide eyes growing even wider in shock at the sudden attack. "Hey, don't worry about it. I should be the one to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at you or said those things. I'm sorry, Daehyunnie." He pouted before enveloping the older male into a tight embrace. "You're right, by the way. It's been long enough. I need to realize that she isn't coming back and move on with my life."


Daehyun's eyes widened even more, a soft blush dusting his cheeks at Youngjae's sudden nearness. "R-really? You mean it?"


Lips curled into a breathtaking smile. "Of course! Besides, I'm too good looking to stay single for long. It's about time I set my eyes on someone else." He winked, pulling back slightly.


Strong fingers grasp Youngjae's jacket, stopping him from moving any further. He glanced down, mouth popping open slightly in shock at the sight that laid before him. Daehyun slowly lifted his head, large, chocolate eyes staring up at Youngjae in a mixture of fear, worry, and something else that sent a shiver down Youngjae's back, stomach fluttering. At this angle his face was completely swathed in the soft glow of the twinkling stars, the light of the full moon casting their shadows out before them along the polished floor of the oak porch. Daehyun bit his lips, peeking up at Youngjae as his fingers fisted in his jacket and kept him in place.


When he finally spoke, his smoky voice was a pitch lower, unsure, but quickly growing in strength. "Then...how about me?"


Shock thundered through Youngjae, eyes widening. "What did you just say?"


Daehyun dropped his gaze for just a second, teeth worrying into his bottom lip before he looked back up at Youngjae, face flushed, but determined. "What about me? I'm in love with you, Yoo Youngjae." And before Youngjae had the chance to respond, Daehyun pulled the younger male closer, capturing his lips in a sweet kiss.


It only lasted a moment, just long enough to make Youngjae's stomach flip and his heart start to pound, before Daehyun pulled back. "Pabo, I've been in love with you since the first moment we met. You're just too thickheaded to see it."


Silence met the caramel-haired male's confession, Youngjae's eyebrows furrowed, eyes fixed to the ground, refusing to look up at him. Daehyun's heart squeezed, his chest becoming heavy and for the third time that day he felt the cold sheet of anguish wash over him, tears prickling his eyes.


His grip on the younger loosened, and he took a step back, embarrassment and regret pooling in his eyes, but he smiled. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have done that. Making you fall in love with me wasn't why I brought you here. Just forget that I said anything." He turned, letting his tears fall only when his back was facing the blond. He had been so stupid! How could he do something like that when Youngjae still had feelings for his ex. Not only that, but when he knew Youngjae wasn't gay. He would never love Daehyun. How could he? Daehyun was nothing compared to Seunghee's natural beauty and overly kind heart. If it wasn't for her family, those two never would have broken up. Being Youngjae's bestfriend, he even knew the young had been planning to ask the beautiful brunette to marry him.

Daehyun could never compete with that. He was stupid for even thinking he stood a chance.


Keeping his tears to himself, Daehyun took a step forward, needing to get away from the obvious rejection he had just received.


So lost in thought Daehyun didn't feel the hand on his wrist until his body was pulled around and slammed up against a hard chest. He gasped, feeling strong arms wrap around his waist.


"Stupid, where do you think you're going?" Youngjae asked, glaring down at the older male as he pulled him even closer.


"But...I thought..."


"Daehyun, you don't have to make me fall in love with you. I already am," he said, realizing the truth of his words the moment he spoke them. They had been together their entire lives. There wasn't anyone in this world more precious to him than Jung Daehyun and Youngjae was an idiot for not realizing it sooner.


Before he had a chance to say anything, Youngjae bent down and pressed his lips against Daehyun, feeling his chest warm with the feeling of the older male's lips molding into his.


Daehyun was right. It was time to move on. And he had found the perfect person to do it with as they shared their fist real kiss under the moonlit stars.


Hey guys! I'm back with another story^^

Excuse me for a second while this one cuts in front of my Jongkey

Nope, don't mind me. Just casually passing through. Yep.


This story is dedicated to sheakuluvsjungjihoon.

Thank you so much for giving me the scenario for this. Daejae is not someone I ship yet but it was still fun to write.

Tell me what you guys think.

I've never done a oneshot before

but I thought, what the heck XD

I know I should be working on my next chapter for Keeping Love Again

but I really wanted to practice my writing style.

Please comment! Tell me what you liked and didn't like about this.

I could really use the imput :D




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Chapter 1: *spazzing* kfjsakfjasklfjksljfksjfkasjflkasjfkasd I've never had a story dedicated to me!!! It really was beautiful and adorable and sweet and fluffy and you should really ship Daejae...you won't regret it lol
Mi91Nah #2
Chapter 1: Such a cute story.I really liked it ^-^
bangdeko #3
Chapter 1: so cute!i love it so much!Daejae fluff is the best!♥♥♥
DinoCarrot #4