

Hello friends, 

I'll no longer be updating anything here on AFF. All future updates will be on my Tumblr where I've collated all my stories. So if you have a Tumblr, follow me! 

@jjongddae Thank you for your recent comment. I assumed no one was interested in this story anymore so I really took my time with it. But I just posted a new chapter on my tumblr here, after seeing your comment. Hope you like it. (: 

See ya!

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jjongddae #1
Chapter 5: new chapter! finally I have an excuse to make a tumblr acc, hahaha
i'm the one who should thank you though. you are an amazing author, really.
jjongddae #2
hey, i just want to know if you would update this bcs there is not many hyunwoo fic and this one looks promising
subscribed! bcoz this looks great! :D
Chapter 4: This is such a great story...i don't even know what to say...I mean I love the way you write and take in consideration the environment they are in, giving me a pretty good mental image of the place. I also love the way the characters feelings are very well portrayed in their point of views....just wow....amazing... I'm so glad I happen to stumble by this story, desperately looking for a good Hyunwoo fanfic since there are sadly not many out there. I really hope you update soon, but take your time...I patiently wait, since this story is worth it. It's so beautifully written author-nim!
love_hate #5
Chapter 4: As much as I love seeing this story updated, feel free to take your time! ^^
jjongddae #6
Chapter 3: please update soon ^^;
love_hate #7
Chapter 3: You are truly one of my favorite authors here. It saddens me to see the lack of comments on this story, but I guess it just got started. Your stories can always keep my attention and wish for more. I can go on, but I feel like this comment is leading to something extremely corny so I'll just stop haha. I really love your writing!
jjongddae #8
Chapter 2: this is such an amazing story, authornim! Please update soon! I'll be waiting for it