A Drop Of Pure Darkness {HIATUS}


In this world, 
where their existence is denied and deemed impossible. 
Vampires have evolved and they are now living among unsuspecting people, 
who is ignorant of them.
They could walk under the sun and actually do feel warm to people.
They could behave perfectly human. 
No one could tell them apart. 
Except for a specific existence, who can tell in just one look
The vampire slayers.
Yeonhee is a vampire slayer. Her blood smells heavenly to the blood seekers and she is always surrounded by danger. But whenever a seeker tries to take her blood, they will burn and die an excruciatingly painful death. All because, her blood though is heavenly tasting, it is also very venomous to them. Unable to mask away the fragrance she gives off, she is constantly on the run as she lures in many dangers, causing her to move around the country and change schools very often. This time when she transfers into Crimson Rose Academy, the 30th school she has been to, she is determined to stay till she graduates which is in another 2 years time. 


{Author's Note}


Hello everyone~ ^^

This is my first fanfiction, though its not really a first, but it is kind off the first ever I  tried to publish. Technically this is my 2nd attempt to write a story, and I hope to finish it completely.

I did put in my best effort to write it, considering how I have not written anything longer than half a page of words for a year now. Though I'm actually amazed by myself for choosing such a theme to begin with.

Oh, the time I'll need to (maybe) research and prepare myself for writing about vampires, hopefully no Vampire Pros are going to criticise me on my vampire-ology. I'm just throwing in everything and churning stuff out...so... damn it. But seriously, be lenient and don't criticise me too much, I have a weak heart(literally).

I may have writer's block every now and then so please pardon my slow and (maybe but hopefully not) bad writing.

Also, pardon me for the badly made poster(Because I made it)


*P.S.    I have Exams now, so I'll only begin my writing in about 2-3 weeks time. But I'll post something like teasers (Short Character Descripts.) in the mean time so yeah, let's study hard and wait. 




I uploaded a new poster that I made. YAY.

Still not very good at it though and I only realised that the gif underneath the words is blue after making it and could not change it any longer since its a gif. Boo... It should have been black or red... Sigh...

I took a long time to make it because of all the gif files I wanted to include in,, Hahaha, 

Had a hard time to upload it too, since its a massive file of 11.8mb... lol.

What was I thinking of anyways...

But you know since I took the time to make it, It obviously has meaning.

Anyways, it turned out okay, so yeah.




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nefeli33 #1
Chapter 4: This will be a beautiful story :D please update soon :D
tae_lover #2
Chapter 2: plzzzzzzz update soon i'm really excited to know wht will happen next