Snow White

Snow White

Once upon a time there lived a lovely princess with fair skin and dark brown eyes.

Actually, forget what you just read. The real story took place in South Jeolla and its about a tall cute blonde who was named Junhong but he liked to call himself Zelo and because of that, people tend to forget his real name.

But there was one thing that made him different from the other boys, he was always mistaken as a girl and because of his fair skin, people call him Snow White. The blonde always felt annoyed when people mistook him as a girl and called him Snow White but he didn’t mind this one person calling him that.

It was Prince Jung Daehyun from Busan. This prince rarely comes to South Jeolla, usually he comes just to go to Seoul or back to his hometown in Busan. Zelo met the prince when he was walking near the borders of South Jeolla, the prince noticed him and mistook Zelo as a girl.

“Oh, your that girl called Snow White right?” The prince asked as he smiled brightly at the blonde.

Zelo was quite annoyed at first but when he looked at the prince’s smile, he felt a strange feeling and his heart started beating faster than usual. “I guess..” Zelo nods and looks away shyly, not knowing why he is feeling like this.

“Wow, your even cuter in person, I’ve heard a lot of stories about you!” The prince exclaimed making Zelo blush. “Well, I have to go. I hope I get to see you again” The prince said as he patted Zelo’s head before walking away.

That was like a few years ago and Zelo still continued to wait for the prince to arrive at South Jeolla again. Anyways, Zelo’s dad died when he was a baby due to a disease and his mom remarried with the new king of South Jeolla.

This king was very manly but he was also very cruel, his name was Yongguk. And he wanted to be the most good-looking guy in the kingdom and he would often ask his magic mirror that’s called Kim Himchan.

“Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the most good-looking of them all?” And the magic mirror would say, “You are, Your Majesty!” But one day, the mirror replied, “Snow White is the most good-looking of them all!”

The wicked king was very confused to hear that Snow White was the most good-looking person in the kingdom since Snow White was a girl. “How can that happen? Snow White is a girl” The king protested.

“Snow White is actually a boy but is always mistaken as a girl” The mirror replied.

The King felt angry and jealous of Snow White so he ordered his huntsman, Youngjae to take Snow White to the forest and kill her. “I want you to bring back her heart”

“Yessir” The huntsman said as she went out to look for Snow White.

After awhile, Youngjae finally found Zelo sitting near the borders of South Jeolla.“We’re finally meeting, Snow White” The huntsman said as he walked towards Zelo. Zelo ignored him as he felt annoyed being called Snow White. “Come with me to the forest. I would like to show you something” Youngjae said as he smiled.

“No thanks, I’m waiting for someone” Zelo replied.

“Perhaps this person might be travelling in the woods?” The huntsman said which caught the blonde’s attention. “Come, lets go” Youngjae said as he offered his hand. Zelo nods and held Youngjae’s hand as they both went to the forest.

It was quiet . The only thing that was heard was the sound of the animals in the woods.  

“I’m curious, may I ask who your waiting for?” The huntsman asked as he broke the silence. Zelo blushed a little as he thought about the prince.

“Its someone special. He has an amazing smile but I don’t really know him much since I’ve only met him once. But I just felt this strange feeling towards him” Zelo replied.

“So it was love at first sight and your waiting for him to return” The huntsman said and Zelo nodded. Youngjae stopped and looked at the innocent blonde that he was ordered to kill. He understood that Snow White wanted to see someone that she liked for along time and he would feel guilt if he were to kill the blonde.

He took pity on the blonde and decided not to kill him. “I’m sorry” Youngjae said as he walked away.

“Where are you going?” Zelo asked as he followed the huntsmen. “Wait for me” He added as he hurried to the huntsman’s side but Youngjae was too fast.

Zelo was now alone in the woods, feeling  sad. “Someone save me, bbuing bbuing” Zelo said as he sat down. He noticed the huntsmen figure, he immediately ran to him and hugged him tight.

And so, Youngjae was stuck with the blonde and he needed to report to the king so he needed to get rid of Snow White.

“Leave! Leave! Nothing went well after I met you!” The huntsman yelled as he pushed Snow White away from him. Zelo fell on the floor and Youngjae fled.

Once Youngjae feld from Zelo, he noticed a deer so he killed it and took its heart. He reported back to the king and told him that he had killed Snow White. The king was pleased when he saw the heart and gave a reward to the huntsman.

Meanwhile, Zelo could not understand why the huntsmen fled and told him such cold harsh words, how did he ruin the huntsmen’s life anyway? They just met a few minutes ago. Zelo sighed and wandered in the forest.

When the sun faded, Zelo cried the whole night trying to find his way home. He used up too much energy and fainted.

When it was daylight, he woke up and his stomach was growling so loud that it probably scared all the animals in the forest. He was still tired and his whole body was sore. After a few minutes, he came across a tiny cottage and went inside.

“Hello?” Zelo said as he scanned the insides of the cottage, there was nobody there but she found seven plates on the table and seven tiny beds in the bedroom. Zelo’s stomach growled and he decided to cook a wonderful meal and ate it. He had nothing to do so he decided to clean the house and got tired so he slept on one of the tiny beds.

At night, the seven dwarfs who lived in the cottage came home and found Snow White sleeping. When he woke up, he was shocked at how short they were. They didn’t like to be called short and was about to kick Snow White out but then, he told them his story and decided to let him stay with them.

  The next day, the dwarfs went out early and Snow White would make a delicious meal for them when they return. The dwarfs loved him and cared for him even though he can make them irritated by calling them short.

Every morning, when they left the house, they would always instruct Snow White to never open the doors to strangers.  

Snow White’s life was great but there was one thing that he desired, he wanted to see the prince but he was afraid to go outside since he thought he’ll get lost again. So everyday, he would always wished for a miracle so that they could meet again.

Meanwhile, in the palace, the wicked king walked towards the mirror and asked, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall, who is the most good-looking of them all?”

The mirror replied, “Snow White is the most good-looking of them all!”

The king was outraged. “What? How can that happen? He is dead, I ordered a huntsmen to kill him!”The king protested.“I even have his heart, I think its somewhere in the fridge..” He added.

“He lives with the seven dwarfs in the woods!” The mirror said which made the king furious. He was actually a sorcerer and he knew how to curse stuff so she took a shiny red apple and made it poisonous by saying his spell that’s in Mato language.

 Then he used a robe to disguise himself as an old peasant woman and went to the woods with the poisonous apple. He knocked on the cottage door and said “Child! Let me in! Look what I have for you!”

Snow White was confused that an old woman can talk with a very low voice and he got quite irritated being referred as a child. Snow White said, “Sorry old lady, I cant let you in. The dwarfs told me not to let strangers in. So..bye”

Snow White was about to close the door but the old woman/ king said,” Wait! I have a shiny red apple that’s delicious and shiny!”

Snow White looked at the apple for awhile and then said, “No thanks, I’m full” Snow White closed the door and the king was pissed.

“Damn..” The king cursed. He walked away and then noticed a dwarf that was smiling at him. The king suddenly thought of an idea. “Ya, you! Come here!” The king called out to him and the dwarf walked towards him. “Give this poisonous apple to Snow White” The king ordered and the dwarf nodded as he went inside the cottage.

  The dwarf went outside of the cottage and called out to Snow White. “Yes Jongup?” Snow White walked out of the cottage and went towards the dwarf.

“Snow White, eat this poisonous apple!” He exclaimed as he passed the apple to him.

“Wait, did you just say poisonous apple?” Snow White asked but Jongup just kept on smiling, it was obvious that he was clueless. “Should I eat it? I’m already full” Snow White asked himself. “I’ll just eat it since its shiny” Snow White munched on the apple.

Poor Snow White, he fell into a deep sleep and he might never wake up again. Jongup, the dwarf that’s in front of Snow White was seriously clueless, he just walked away casually not really knowing what just happened. 

 Anyways, the king went back to the palace and asked the mirror, “Mirror! Mirror on the wall! Who is the most good-looking of them all?”

The mirror replied, “You are, your majesty!” And because of that answer, the king was very happy and decided to go for a walk.

That afternoon, the dwarfs haven’t come back instead a certain brunette came and saw the blonde lying on the ground.  “The princess fainted in such a place!” The brunette exclaimed as he hurried to Snow White.

He keep nudging him, poking him, he even tried slapping him but everything didn’t work.

“This isn’t working. Hm..With my love’s strength, I will wake the princess up!” The brunette exclaimed as he tried to carry Snow White but the tall blonde was too much for the brunette so they both fell down on the ground.

The prince tried carrying him bridal-style but that also failed. “Aish, why are you so tall?” The brunette was a little frustrated but seeing the innocent face of the blonde calmed him down. “Princess, wake up” He said but nothing happened. “Ya, wake up” The brunette began poking Snow White’s face.

The brunette didn’t know what to do anymore but then, he got an idea that was quite embarrassing. “With my love’s strength, I will wake the princess up!” The brunette exclaimed and leaned really close to Snow White’s face so that he could press his lips on Snow White’s.

Once he kissed him, Snow White was instantly alive. Zelo looked at the situation and pushed the brunette. “Ah! What’re you doing?!” The blonde yelled.

“Its been along time hasn’t it, Snow White” The brunette smiled and the blonde recognized his smile and remembered the prince.

“Y-your..J-jung D-daehyun” The blonde stuttered as he blushed looking straight into the brunette’s dark brown eyes.

“Oh, you remembered me” The prince said and Zelo smiled. “You know, I’ve heard rumors that you always wait at the borders of South Jeolla for a special person” The prince said making the blonde red as a cherry tomato.

“Oh that..hehe, well I was waiting for you..” The blonde said looking away shyly from the brunette. “ You must think that’s kind of weird..” He added.

“Actually, I think that’s really sweet of you to do something like that” The brunette patted the blonde’s head. “I’m sorry you had to wait so long for me” The prince pouted.

“Its alright, I didn’t really mind” Zelo smiled.

“When I was in Seoul, I thought about you the whole time, I didn’t know why. I wondered what were you doing, where were you, do you remember me and most importantly-“ The prince leaned really close to Snow White. “- Do you like me?”

Zelo couldn’t respond, he was trying to control his beating heart and was trying to calm down this strange feeling.  “I-I guess…” He said nervously.

The prince smiled and took out a small box from his pocket and gave it to Snow White, Snow White took it and opened it revealing a diamond ring. Snow White was confused and looked at the prince. “Snow White, will you marry me?” He asked.

“W-what? M-marry you?” Zelo stuttered and Daehyun nodded. “But do you realize that I’m actually a boy? Not a girl?” Zelo asked.

 “Yep, I heard some rumors that you were a guy but that still wont make me refuse on having you as my wife” Daehyun chuckled. “Besides, I’ve always wanted a cute wife” He added as he pinched Zelo’s cheeks.

“Please stop, it hurts” Zelo pouted and Daehyun stopped as he tilted his head. “W-what? Why are you staring at me like that?” Zelo asked.

“You still haven’t gave me an answer, will you marry me or not?” Daehyun asked.

“S-sure..” Zelo replied shyly as he looked down.

“Yes, finally! I’m engage with someone cute!” The prince exclaimed. “My parents can finally stop making me meet other princesses that are so creepy” The prince smiled.

“Wait..what? Your just marrying me cause I’m cute?” Zelo asked innocently making the brunette blush.

“That’s one of the reasons but the main reason is because I fell in love with you at first sight. And ever since the day we’ve met, I could never stop you from getting out of my mind” Daehyun replied.

Daehyun grabbed Zelo’s hand and said, “I’ve never really visited South Jeolla, I only use it just to pass through so that I could go to Seoul. Can you please show me some places in South Jeolla before we go to Busan and tell my parents the big news?”

Zelo nodded. “Sure, I know a great place we should go first” Zelo smiled as he dragged Daehyun away. So the two of them spend their day going around South Jeolla having a fun time and they found out about each other. And in the whole trip, they never let go of each other’s hands.

So after a few years, they both got married and lived happily ever after.   

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flufflypopcorndog #1
Chapter 1: LOL: “I even have his heart, I think its somewhere in the fridge..” xDDDDD
This is such an awesome and cute fanfic^^ Keep up the good work :)))))
Chapter 1: Haha jongup is completely clueless xD
But the ending was sweet~~~!! Yay *-*
Chapter 1: Hi, Author!
Can I ask you something?
May I have your permission to translate this fic into Vietnamese?
I'll keep all the credits and send you the link when I post it.
Reply to me soon. Thanks!!♥