
Living with 12 werewolves is not a joke.


They were the school kingkas.You did not really know them because you never paid any attention to them.You only knew that some of them were in the same class you.But they have a very big group of fangirls that always scream and squeal like seals whenever EXO pass by them.

Now you were stuck among them-EXO's fangirls.You were being squeezed in between them.

"Aish...This girls are so annoying.Whats so great about EXO?Crazy girls.Come Myungsoo,Lets go."You said pulling him with you while walking to class with the other two walking behind you'll.

Upon reaching your class,you quickly went to your sit.You sat at the left side of the classroom,the table near the window.Two tables behind you was Eunji.Taemin and Myungsoo were at the other side of the class.So basically,all of you were seperated during class.

Once you sat down,you took out your books for the first period and placed it on your desk.Since there was still time before class started,you decided to take a short nap.You placed your head on the table and closed your eyes.A few seconds later,you almost fell off your chair when you heard a high pitched squeal.

You woke up to see 3 of them from EXO walking into your classroom.

"Off all times,why.....?"You muttered while sighing angrily.

The three of them went to sit at their places.

One of them had bambi like eyes and had a baby face.The other one had a angel like face with a charming smile.And the last one looked like a little like Taemin except for the fact that he was a little more tanner and had plump lips.

Suddenly,you felt a paper ball hit the back of your head.You turned around to look at Eunji smiling sheepishly.You sent her a glare.

"What?"You mouthed to her.

She pointed at the paper.You opened it and read it.

*I see somebody interested in EXO now eh?KekekeXD*

That was when you realized that you were unknowingly starring at them.You blushed furiously upon reading it.Embarrassed,you threw the paper ball back at her while glaring at her to hide your embarassment.She just smirked at you.

You turned back to face the front to avoid Eunji from further teasing you.You placed your head down on the table  again to use the remaining time to nap.

Soon many student started entering the classroom.

After about 10 mins,the bell rang signaling for the first period.

As if on cue,your teacher,Lee seonsaengnim,entered the classroom with three students trailing behind him.

As soon as they stepped in to the classroom,all of the girls started squealing and screaming.

"Okay class,today we have three students who are transferred to this class.Please introduce yourselves."Lee seonsaengnim said while signaling them to start.

The one with the sharp features started first, "Hello everybody,My name is Jongdae but I prefer to be called Chen.I hope we can be friends.Please take care of me."

"Hello everyone,I am Minseok but you can call me Xiumin.Nice meeting all of you!"The one with a chubby face said while bowing politely.

"Hello everyone,nice meeting all of you.I am Yixing but you can call me Lay."The one with cute dimples said while flashing a shy smile.

Unconsciously,you found yourself starring at the dimple guy since he looked both handsome and cute.

"Okay,feel free to take any empty sits."The teacher said while writing somethings on the board.

"Ne,Kamsahamida!"The three of them thanked the teacher politely and went to sit at their places.
Chen and Xiumin found two empty places and sat beside each other while Lay sat at the empty table beside you.

"Okay class,we will be learning a new topic today..............."your teacher blabbered on and on.

You took out your notebook to jot down the lesson. 

You tried your best not to get distracted by the person sitting beside you and concentrated on the lesson.

A/N:HELLO EVERYBODY(: I re-uploaded this chapter so please re-read it:D AND PLEASE DO SUBSCRIBE,UPVOTE AND COMMENT(: 사랑해<3


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Taelin #1
Chapter 4: wow , nice story author-nim , i really like it , hwaitiing
Emily21 #2
Chapter 1: Please update as soon as possible because I'm dying right now!
minchanhun #3
Chapter 2: awwww,love at 1st cite?xD hahahahaha