Chapter 4

Turtle, Turtle

It’s been three days. And of those three days, Geobok's just been lazing around my bedroom doing god knows what. When I try to talk to him, he’ll groan at me and slowly, slowly crawl away, yelling at me, “Don’t ing bother me, ho” like an old grumpy granny.

I have no idea either.

I think the only ‘big huge life-changing revelation' that I thought was going to happen is that when my pet turtle started talking, my pet turtle started talking. It’s not that much of biggie really when you get used to it. That, and the excessive amount of swearing I am forced to bear with.

In other boring news about my crazily boring life, I actually mustered up the will to get out of bed and brave school today. Plus my lovely mother had literally pulled me out of my bed. It was about 7 and I was hanging on to the bed posts, shrieking that I didn’t want to go, and my mother was grabbing the ankles of my feet and shrieking back, “Yes you will, honey, YES YOU WILL”. Father had paused out the door, looked at us, and tsked.

In an act of rebellion, I don't wash up my used plates. Hah. Take that, mother.

I feel triumphal when I overhear mother's whispering. “I think Jin-Ju is at ‘that’ stage already, Kiseok.”

I don't plan to go into Samson that morning. When I spot Yongguk chilling outside the café, smoking a cigarette and looking all cool and whatnot, I hastily dart away from his peripheral view and into an alley.

It takes me some more than few minutes, but I finally stop spazzing out for a second and chance a peek at him. He looks as if he's waiting for someone, his eyes always twitching left-right and at times he'll crane his neck and mutter something under his breath.

He stood there for ages, practically, that I started growing a beard.

My thoughts are interrupted when –

“Um, hello? You’re interrupting my little makeout session here, girly.”

“Er, Kikwang, let’s not…”

I slowly turn around

…and find myself staring into the eyes of my neighbour, Lee Kikwang. My gay neighbour apparently, judging from the way his lips is all bruised and his humongous boyfriend has lipstick smudged all over his neck. Ugh, all the pretty boys are always either taken or homoual.

I just gawk there spluttering for a moment, a bit too slow to process the situation. In my utter moment of daftness, I notice that Kikwang has on the YG Academy uniform. Why don’t I know this? Oh, right, we’ve never exchanged words with to each other before. I remember my late grandparents being a pair of paranoid anti-social whatsits and the genes skipped a generation.

Kikwang makes shooing motions at me when I don't respond quickly enough. Looking all sassy-like as he quips, “Um, go, go, little one, sorry to traumatize you and all but I have a to attend to right now.”

His boyfriend starts blushing madly. “Kikwang!”

Kikwang only responds with a “shut up ” then grabs him by his two cheeks and proceeds to kiss him again.

Awkwardly, I tip-toe away, sprinting like mad when I got out of the alley. Luckily, Yongguk has gone in by then. I think his boss had screamed at him to.

I find myself looking back at the shop, eyes searching for Yongguk's face. But I shake my head and face forward once more and I tell myself,  that is not a bridge you're supposed to cross.

I thought school would be a complete day of torture but it ended up to be one of the most mediocre days I’ve had since the start of the school term. It turns out that Hyuna hasn't spread out my identity. But she did exaggerate the story a 'little' bit. From me accidentally coming in on them shoving tongues down each other throats, it warped into a pity party of Hyuna and Jiyong being forced to ‘doing it’ in front of some sick-minded voyeur – who I’m guessing is supposed to be me.

When people ask Hyuna “who was the freak who would do such a thing to such an innocent lady like her”, she would dab at her eyes and say in a strangled manner “I – I can’t say” as if I'm blackmailing her or something. Jiyong has nothing to say on the matter. Overall, he looks as if he’s still simmering about the whole matter.

I dutifully avoid and stay out of Jiyong and Hyuna's way. I don't want to arise drama and falsely pointed fingers. Also, Jiyong hates my guts and I really can't cope with that reality. I sigh and bang my head against my Geography textbook. Better I was the invisible fangirl than the loathed one.

That recess, I decide to just stay in the deep, uncharted walls of the school library. Bom sometimes looks for me during recess. “For a bit of harmless fun,” she says.

At every subject, my eyes are trained on the class clock. It doesn't make the seconds pass any faster, though.

On my walk back from school, I felt really impressed with myself that I managed to avoid Hyuna and Bom the whole day. There was that belittling smirk Hyuna flashed me when she spotted me sitting pathetically by myself, but other than that, there was nothing too dramatic.

My feet are aching by the time I reach my house. I duck my head a little, not wanting to meet with Kikwang again. YG boys finish their classes around the same time as Hajima High’s. And meeting up with Kikwang right now would be too awkward and draining.

I quickly unlock my front door and hop in whilst I take off my shoes, shouting, “Helloooooooooo? Mother? Father? You ho–” I pause short when I spot the bright yellow post-it taped to the back of the door.

I snap the thing off, grumbling to myself why they (mother) even bother leaving all these “I’m coming home late. Stay home and BE GOOD” notes when they do it all the time anyways. Plus, there is the fact that I have no social life. Hence I stay home all the time. Hence there is not a time when I am “out” anyways. I’m rambling.

I dump my bags on the sofa and step into the kitchen. There's a bowl of salad on the counter that I grab and start taking out the back to the rabbits.

Ah, the rabbits.

You see, my neighbour – not the Lees but the Parks – own these adorable rabbits out the back in their backyard. There are 3 of them, such white fluffy things that hop around with twitchy noses all the time. Precious things. But, problem is, recently Mrs Park had gotten into a nasty divorce with Mr Park. It seemed that he has a mistress hidden somewhere for the past five months. Mrs Park went ballistics and literally kicked him out. To add to the drama, she even burned all of his belongings.

I’m serious. I was creeping at the window, watching the fumes and hearing her laughter.

They’re still in the process of working through the divorce and settling some other stuffs. But – enough of the drama. I’m talking about the rabbits. Ever since that happened, Mrs Park has been sorely neglecting the poor beings. So, lately, I’ve been sneaking off with the salad that mother always prepares for me and feeding it to the rabbits instead.

Personally, I think that the rabbits need it more than me. I've just bought them, but I think my bra is getting tight.

I stoop over the fence separating the Parks’ backyard with ours, giving one last look around my surroundings before climbing over the white-painted dividers. My skirt gets caught in the wood and I fall over. I bite my lip, holding in my yell. On the bright side, I landed on my so the food is unschathed*. The rabbit's cage is situated right between a cluster of bushes. I walk over, body hunched over to avoid getting caught.

“Hello,” I greet, dumping the contents of the bowl. Immediately, the lot of them divert their twitching noses to the pile of spinach lying in the middle of their cage.

I smile fondly at them. “You must be hungry, eh?” This is a habit of mine – talking to animals. If only I have the same habit of talking to actual human beings.

They have their small furry butts cutely positioned upwards as they munch on the food.

Still, I continue rambling. “I wonder when Mrs Park is going to quit mourning. It’s been weeks, she should at least be feeding you lot again. I mean–”

“So this is where you’ve ing been.”

I jump and quickly turn around, locking eyes with Geobok who's lounging on a branch of a tree, looking like he doesn't have a care for the world. “Geobok - how'd you – how many times have I – NEVER DO THAT AGAIN.”

Geo demands me to pick him up. I grumpily do as told. “Oh don’t get your frilly little in a bunch,” he says as he sits atop my palm, eyes glancing at the rabbits. "I was just wondering where you and your slow were. School's finished over an hour ago."

Aw, did Geobok missed me? How sweeeeet.

"And I am ing starving, mind you."

Well, that just ruins it. "School's quite far, okay!" I defend.

Geobok doesn't respond; eyes glued to the cage.

The rabbits have finished eating by now. The small things are sniffing at each other’s bottom, poking at each other, and sniffing each other’s bottoms some more. It's all sniff, sniff, poke, poke, bottom, poke, and lots more bottom-sniffing.

For a peaceful moment, the both of us are just staring at the little rabbits.

“Well…” Geobok speaks up, “isn’t that a cute little twosome.”

I grin at Geo, my teeth showing. “Yeah, they’re adorable, right?”

“Er, yeah, sure, I guess…?”

I continue gazing at the rabbits’ antics. One of them has ended up on the back of another, looking as if he's riding him. The one lying below is making these weird noises - probably noises of fun and excitement!

“Aw, look at them! Aren't they darlings?”

Geo coughs, seeming a bit awkward(?). “Can we, um, get back inside now? I’m feeling a bit nippy.”

“You’re a –”

“ing inside – ing now.”

So, due to the ever-demanding Geo, I am forced back inside. Before leaving though, I make sure to bid adieu to the animals. Geo calls me a retard but then I point out that he is, too, an animal so calling me that invalid.


My bedroom door slams close and I dump myself straight into bed, sinking into my thick comforters.

“Oi, oi, oi, oi, watch it! I am more ing valuable than your ing toe, you little ,” Geo grumbles, crawling over the bed wrinkles and lying by my head.

I contain myself from telling him that I can get another one of him for just a 20 at any old pet shop nearby. Instead, I opted telling him about my day, like I usually do. Talking or not, he still has to deal with my daily ranting.

Geo is surprisingly quiet the whole time. The only proper reaction I get out of him is when I tell him about my little run-in in the alley. He tips his chin a little as if saying “oh my god – you serious?” After my little talking session, it becomes really silent and quiet.

After a while, I nod off.

I hear Geo faintly saying something along the lines of “I’m coming with you to school tomorrow”. But, nahhhhhhhhhh, I must’ve dreamt it.


The next morning, I am standing in front of my talking pet turtle, eyes defiant as I say to him, “No, you are not coming with me to school.”

Geobok narrows his eyes at me in a challenge. “Yes. I. ing. Will.”

I cross my arms and will myself to stand firm. "No, Geo -"


My shoulders slump and an aggravated sigh escape my lips. "Jesus Christ - fine."

Our argument ends there.

Mother loudly knocks on my door, yelling, “Jin-Ju! Who are you talking to in there?” I hear some more footsteps approaching and mother’s voice is softer as she speaks with father. “Kiseok, I am really, really worried for our little baby.”

I hear him grunt and his footsteps as he walks away.

A/N: A "filler". Sorta. I dun know.

EDITED (11/5/2014).

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Guys, I am warning you now, the next chapter will be a monster. I have too many plans for this fic - TT, Rex (no, this is not a dinosaur)


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 6: This is very interesting. I have a red ear slider turtle named Mikey and the scene with the pizza made me laugh.
Gdbbselps123 #2
Please please update!!!!
Chapter 6: Love it haha
fel_f8 #4
Update please !!! It's been a whole WEEK already !!! (Sorry but this is just me being your impatient reader hahaha) ♥
BigBang_VIP #5
Chapter 6: Wow that just isn't her day lol xD Lovely update though
Lovelyy_April21 #6
Chapter 6: Ohh how I wish BYG ends up with her ^^*
Limzhiqi #7
Chapter 5: Update soon :)
Limzhiqi #8
Chapter 5: Update soon:)
JiYong_JaGi #9
Chapter 5: so sad for her.. even her turtle is being demanding to her and keep cursing her.. hahaha~ but how can someone get bullied till sooooo pathetic?? gosh~ i thought Geo will makeover her? at least teach her some self defence so she won't end up getting bullied..
Limzhiqi #10
Chapter 4: Makeover yaayyyy!