Graduation~ Chapter 22

I'm Tutoring a Rapper


Minhwan's POV
Today is the day of our graduation my Parents and Hyunna's parents arrived early in our apartment. Hyunna's parents were of course proud of their daughter for being the schools valedictorian. I never talked to Hyunna about college since me and the rest of the band will start a career under FNC agency. I declined the offers in the US because I am overly confident that Hyunna will not leave her family or leave Seoul. 
The ceremony had started parents and guardians are all proud on what their children had achieved. 
"Now let me call on this year’s valedictorian Miss Kim Hyunna" the Principal excitedly announce. The valedictorian will have her speech. 
"This day all of us will leave the memorable moments that happened in High School. We will go in different paths and take different opportunities. Maybe all of us found the friends that will stay in our side or lovers that will love us through the years and I am sure that most of us found the goal that will keep us moving towards. I will never say ‘Goodbye’ but rather I will say 'Until we meet again' I will never forget the memorable moments in this school because remembering them is the reason that I kept on working hard. Thank you" with that Hyunna ended her speech and the principal announced her achievements. 
"Hyunna will take the Valedictorian award also the best in History award, best in Science award, Best in Computer Technology award. Also our valedictorian will receive a scholarship in the University of Stanford under the Bachelor of Science Majoring in Medicine." the audience clapped but Minhwan, Seunghyun, Jonghun, Hongki and Jaejin felt a slight pang in the heart when they heard that Hyunna will be studying in the States. 
After the graduation ceremony Hyunna's Family and Minhwan's family decided to eat in a restaurant to celebrate their children's success. The whole time Hyunna and Minhwan didn't said a word to each other or dare to look at each other in the eyes. As the dinner end both Minhwan and Hyunna's Parents decided to go back in the province while Minhwan and Hyunna will pack their things and go home in the province on the next day. 
Hyunna and Minhwan arrived in their apartment. Minhwan didn't bother to talk to Hyunna instead when he entered the house he just slammed the door in Hyunna's face. 
"I'm here in front of your apartment go outside and mind explaining me what's happening" Seunghyun hung up and waited for Hyunna to go outside. 
After a few minutes Hyunna was in front of Seunghyun scared.  
"So. When are you planning on telling us that you’re studying in the states?" 
"The day before I leave. I was preparing myself to say goodbye to all of you guys but I never felt ready. I didn't thought that the principal will announce about my scholarship in the graduation ceremony" 
"What do you think I'm feeling when last time you told me that you want to continue on dating me and now I will know that you will leave!" Seunghyun started to cry as he remembered how happy he was when Hyunna agreed to keep on dating Him. 
F L A S H B A C K 
"Should we keep on dating?"
"Yes !" 
Then tears left my eyes without me knowing. Tears of joys where flowing from my eyes. I hugged Hyunna so tight to show her how grateful I am. 
After that we drive home. 
"I am really happy tonight Hyunna thank you" 
"I should be the one thanking you for making my first date memorable and romantic." 
"I should get going and plan on what we should do on our next date."
"Yeah. You should. Goodnight Seunghyun"
"Goodnight Hyunna" and then I kissed her on the cheeks. I looked at her and her expression was priceless I know she was shock and I am too but I don't regret on kissing her on the checks maybe next time I could kiss her on the lips since we're dating. 
E N D  O F  F L A S H B A C K 
"I am sorry" That was all Hyunna could say. She knows that all of her friends have the right to know and all of her friends are not worth being hurt by her. 
"You know what, my heart hurts like hell." Seunghyun still continued to cry. He knows that he doesn't have the right to get mad like that to Hyunna but what can he do he loves Hyunna. 
"I am ashamed of myself, it is wrong of me for not telling you guys" Hyunna's eyes started to water. 
"You know all of us are hurt but, you should try and explain all of this to Minhwan he is your best friend and he will be the saddest person when you leave. Goodbye"
"Wait Seunghyun" Hyunna tried to tell something to Seunghyun but she was too late Seunghyun was already in the car and drove off. 
Hyunna entered the apartment and knocked on Minhwan's door, Seunghyun is right the one who will be most painfully hurt will be Minhwan since he is my best friend. 
"Minhwan open the door please" I knocked as hard as I could. After 5 minutes of knocking He finally opened his door. 
"Look Minhwan, I'm sorry truly I am I should told you about my scholarship but I was afraid on hurting you so I need to find the right time but I can't. I know that some universities in the States wanted you to attend their school and even the Stanford University but you turn them all down because you want to train in FNC and wanted to be a drummer. Minhwan I don't want you to study in a university just because I'm going there I wanted you to follow your dreams like me following my dreams. I want you to be happy, to be the guy you really want in the future, I'm sorry if I have been selfish." Hyunna hugged the crying Minhwan and he hugged back. After that Minhwan withdraw from the hug. 
"You know after I heard that you will be studying in the states I wanted to punch you in the face. I never thought that my best friend will leave me but now I heard your explanation that you are thinking of me I felt special. Thank you Hyunna, you are right if I knew that you will be studying abroad I will accept the scholarship without thinking if I will be happy or not. But Hyunna will I be happy when you’re not on my side anymore?" that left Hyunna thinking she never thought about the life in abroad being away from her family and friends. Her parents wanted her to take the scholarship and she did, she always wanted to be in the field if medicine. She sat on Minhwan's bed and she realizes that she will not be happy at her decision after all. 
Minhwan locked their apartment and gave the keys to the landlord. They will surely miss the place but It is time to go back to the province where they grew up and where they will be spending their summer vacation. This is the last summer vacation that Hyunna will spend with her family. 
While sitting at the bus Hyunna's phone suddenly rang. 
"Hello Hyunna its Jaejin"
"Oh Jaejin why did you called?" 
"Seunghyun was with you last night, Right?"
"Yes, but he left after we talk. Why did something happen to him?"
"Well his still not back" 
Author's Note
Where is SEUNGHYUN ?! 
You guys need to help me find him, did something happened to him ??
Where did you think he went ???
HUGS&&LOVES to all of you ^^
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Hi guys ! I've made an epilogue to my story 'I'm Tutoring a Rapper' I'll be posting it soon :) Wait for it ok ? ^^~


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minari_j72 #1
i read chapter 1 aaaaahh aahhhhh!!! still in the office continue later ~ ^^
EunSun #2
minhwanswaifu #3
Aaaahhhh omg
nic_kyu15 #4
please make a begging you.....ur making me cry...but its really good story...
nic_kyu15 #5
please make a begging you.....ur making me cry...but its really good story...
JulesinfiniteL #6
ooooh, I liked it!! Will there be a sequel? :)
waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! eonnie!!!!! goooooooood job!!! *throws confetti* but i wish there's a sequel!! hehe
why is it over WHYYYYY?? ahh well, good job I :') i'd be nice if this continued somehow haha.
ssweetdreamer101 #9
Wonderful sotry,,,made me cry to the end :) hope to read more :) <3
oh missed the previous chapter and now this was the last chapter?? NOOOO! :((<br />
chap25 : NOOOOOOO SEUNGHYUN WAKE UPPPPPPPPP~~ why no seat belt? u pabo!! :(((((((((<br />
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FINAL CHAP :<br />
aaaaaaaaaaaa she left!!!!!!!! :(((((((((but its ok...he will wait years!! but who cares he will wait!! :D :P <br />
and he asked her to..? marry him! OMG! he surly wants hyunna to be his for ever! :D btw i loved that goodbye phone call seunghyun's words somehow made me laugh....<br />
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u will write and Epilogue right? right? haha LOL~ <br />
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sory for all the nonsense i said during this fic..well that was only becuz i didnt want to leave without a comment..<br />
and this is my last comment? yup i guess ~ <br />
Goodbye kekek :)