Chapter 13 Mama is Back !

I'm Tutoring a Rapper


Hongki and Jonghun arrived at the airport 2 hours before their flight. They spent their times talking and reminicing the times they have spent in the Philippines. 
Their closeness have grew a lot because of this trip.hey took some pictures in the airport not caring if people are looking at them.
"Flight KR110201 Please board now to Gate F" The Flight Coordinator announce. Hongkii and Jonghun automatically stood up and went to the said gate.
While walking to Gate F Jonghun recieved at text message from Jaejin. 
Hyung ! Your Mom is here in the dorm come home safely.
Seunghyun and Hyunna was on the barn where Cows, Horses and Goats are kept. They will milk the cows and goats. Cows milk have the most sale in their market because of it's freshness, and goat Milk is for Hyunna's Mom to make it cheese (AN: I heard that goat milk is the best when making cheese. But I don't know if it's true. :D)
"Seunghyun-ah don't be afraid of Jinnie the goat, his not gonna bite you" Hyunna stated with her arms crossed to her chest wating for Seunghyun to milk the goat. It's been 30 minutes since Hyunna thought Seunghyun how to milk Jinnie.
"What if she bit me ?" Seunghyun asked looking up to Hyunna who was now being impatience in waiting. 
"Ughh! Seunghyun your hopeless. Stand away and watc again. After I milk Jinnie you will milk our cow Betty"
"Uhm. Auntie Jonghun Hyung and Honki Hyung is not here in the moment but they will arrive later" Jaejin said delivering the coffee he made for Jonghun's mom. 
"It's OK. I'll just wait. They're in the Philippines right? I saw Jonghun post a picture on his Twitter. Ah. This kid" Jonghun's Mom was sipping the coffee that Jaejin made. 
Jaejin know how scary and strict Jonghun's Mom he stood still. He kept glancing on  Jonghun's mom as she looked around their dorm. Hongki and Jaejin know
Jonghun and his family since childhood years. Jonghun's parents never spent time with him and always overseas so Jonghun grew up with their maids.
Jaejin was wondering on why did Jonghun's mom suddenly be back here in Korea when Jonghun's mom suddenly spoke up.
"I want to meet Jonghun's girlfriend"
While at the plane Jonghun is sweating hard. He never thought that his mom will be back in korea so sudden. The last time they talk was when Jonghun wanted a new electric guitar that was only sold in the US, He told his parents that hey will be having a band. His parents agreed to buy Jonghun the guitar but they made a deal that Jonghun should have a girlfriend. Which Jonghun lied to his parents, He said that he had a girlfriend so he will able to get the guitar he wanted.
Jonghun searched for a girlfriend but he suddenly lost interest in girls and only concentrated on music. Now he needs to have a faked girlfriend.Fast.
Author's Note
Ohh. So do you know now what my plan is ??
Ehh. If not then wait for my next update.
If Yes then wait for my next update too :D
ehh. Is this a JongKi fanfic too ? ....
But if you wanted it to be. 
I want to write what my readers wanted. ^^
Sooo. You guys know what to do, right ??
And since I'm in a good mood. . . 
COOKIES for Everyone ! :3 
Btw, While writing this fic I was listening to FT Island's new album 
(because yea my CD just arrived :p)
Oooo. This is a long Note now. Hehehe
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Hi guys ! I've made an epilogue to my story 'I'm Tutoring a Rapper' I'll be posting it soon :) Wait for it ok ? ^^~


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minari_j72 #1
i read chapter 1 aaaaahh aahhhhh!!! still in the office continue later ~ ^^
EunSun #2
minhwanswaifu #3
Aaaahhhh omg
nic_kyu15 #4
please make a begging you.....ur making me cry...but its really good story...
nic_kyu15 #5
please make a begging you.....ur making me cry...but its really good story...
JulesinfiniteL #6
ooooh, I liked it!! Will there be a sequel? :)
waaaaaaaaaaaah!!!! eonnie!!!!! goooooooood job!!! *throws confetti* but i wish there's a sequel!! hehe
why is it over WHYYYYY?? ahh well, good job I :') i'd be nice if this continued somehow haha.
ssweetdreamer101 #9
Wonderful sotry,,,made me cry to the end :) hope to read more :) <3
oh missed the previous chapter and now this was the last chapter?? NOOOO! :((<br />
chap25 : NOOOOOOO SEUNGHYUN WAKE UPPPPPPPPP~~ why no seat belt? u pabo!! :(((((((((<br />
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FINAL CHAP :<br />
aaaaaaaaaaaa she left!!!!!!!! :(((((((((but its ok...he will wait years!! but who cares he will wait!! :D :P <br />
and he asked her to..? marry him! OMG! he surly wants hyunna to be his for ever! :D btw i loved that goodbye phone call seunghyun's words somehow made me laugh....<br />
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u will write and Epilogue right? right? haha LOL~ <br />
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sory for all the nonsense i said during this fic..well that was only becuz i didnt want to leave without a comment..<br />
and this is my last comment? yup i guess ~ <br />
Goodbye kekek :)