CHAPTER ONE: "His Pain."

"It's Always You" Sequel to "Love Sick Fool~"




"By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you. Husband and Wife. You may kiss the bride." The priest said and Baekhyun slowly pull the veil out on his wife's face as he smiled sweetly and kissed her. Chanyeol just stood there. Frozen. While tears streaming down on his face. Smiling yet nearing to break down.  *I know you had already moved on and I'm happy for you. Just smile for me Baek. I don't want to see you cry again. Thankyou for everything. Saranghae.* Chanyeol thought as he wiped his tears using the back of his hand and exited the church. He felt broken. He walked and walked until he got into his car. He started the engine on and drove. His eyes were blurry. Blurry from crying to much. Yet, he managed to drive home without getting into an accident. Once he got home, he closed the door and walked directly to his room, the room he 'once' shared with Baekhyun. He laid his body on the bed. He felt empty. His other half is now gone. Completely gone. His hands touched the soft side of the bed, the side where Baekhyun always lay down to sleep. Tears are forming from his eyes again. He felt really pathetic right now. He harshly wiped his tears off his face but non-stop tears will fall again.




"Baekhyun-ah... It really hurts. It really hurts in here." Chanyeol said and sobbed as he pointed on his aching chest.






Since that day, Chanyeol became a mess. He got fired from the company he works because he's been absent for the past 6 months staight and he can't even submit the right paper work like he 'used' to. He has lost Baekhyun. and he had lost his job. Lucky for him he came from a wealthy family. Chanyeol's father offered him a job in their own company but it didn't last long, his father told him that he should rest for a bit.



"Chanyeol-ah, I know you're in pain right now so me and your mom decided that you should just rest." Chanyeol's father spoke to him. Chanyeol's eyes darkened. "Dad, I'm fine." Chanyeol protested. "No you're not. Look at you. You're a complete mess. Now Chanyeol, If you can't do the things I ask you to do in the company then can you atleast do the things I ask you as your father?" Chanyeol's father said. His voice were trembling. Chanyeol knew that he was not the only one affected by Baekhyun. His family, friends, all of the people whom he cared about if affected too. Chanyeol softened. "Ok. Father." Chanyeol replied. Emotionless. "Chanyeol, It really hurts us when we see you like this. I wish you could move on already, It's time for you to let go. Baekhyun already leaved you. The only thing you need to do is to accept and move-on." Chanyeol's father said. Chanyeol cried. "Then, how am I supposed to forget him?! He's my husband for Pete's sake! I've loved him, No, I LOVE him. I still love him Father. I can't imagine my life without him." Chanyeol cried. 





Chanyeol's father softened. It's his first time to see Chanyeol break down. The Confident, Full of Charisma, and Manliness Chanyeol turned into a soft, delicate, fragile, and broken Chanyeol. Chanyeol's father hugged his son. "You don't need to forget him son. All you need to do is to accept that he'll never come back to you. Accept the present but never forget the past. Let the happy moments be a 'Memory' and let the sad moments be a 'lesson.'" Chanyeol's father said to his son as he comforted him in his hug patting his back.




"I'll try Father. But please, give me time." Chanyeol pleaded.

"I'll give you alot of time my son." His Father replied.








Done the first Chapter :)

I'll be writing the next part tomorrow or later :)

Kekeke~ Stay tuned.



I Love You all! <3





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Ninjia #1
Hello i was just wondering if you would mind writing a fic about hunhan meeting behind the scenes after Luhan's ....incident.
Its just that i'm going a bit crazy with a lack of them interacting. Like yesterday whilst watching Runningman China, when Luhan's princess partner was revealed i just started rolling around on the floor yelling "IT'S NOT SEHUN , WHYYYYYY"
Luckily my parents had no idea what i was saying ...
Thankyou for listening to my rant
Chapter 1: next please thorrrrr
Please update~~
ilabya18 #4