Chapter 2

~Caught Between Two Worlds~

Daisuke : Then, why don't we start with introductions? *smiles* Then from left to right - Yabu-kun, onegaishimasu!
Yabu : Hai *smiles* Yabu Kota desu, 21 years old. Yoroshiku *bows*

And so the 10 boys introduced themselves from left to right.
Next to Yabu was Hikaru Yaotome - also 21 years old, Inoo Kei - 21 years old, Okamoto Keito - 18 years old, Yuto Nakajima - 18 years old, Takaki Yuya - 21 years old, Daiki Arioka - 20 years old, Morimoto Ryutaro - 16 years old, Chinen Yuri - 18 years old and lastly the boy who asked Misaki if she is alright - Yamada Ryosuke, 18 years old.
Daisuke : Very good! *smiles* I'm Daisuke Morimoto from the clan Daichi. So, Misaki, it's your turn. Douzo *smiles*
Misaki : A-Akiyama Misaki desu, 16 years old. *bows a little*

Daisuke : Well Misaki, from now on you will live here. This is your home now. As you know, you will sleep alone. Do you have any problem with that?
Misaki : No, I'm totally fine with it. *nods her head*

Daisuke : I see, good then. *smiles* Minna-san, I want you to make her feel comfortable, ok?
The Boys : Hai!
Misaki : Anoo~
Daisuke : What's the matter, Misaki?
Misaki : What about school? The house is quite far from it ...
Daisuke : Oh, don't worry about it! *smiles* Yamada-kun, Yuto-kun, Keito-kun, Chinen-kun and Ryutaro-kun will be attending the same school as yours, so you can go together. The driver will take you there every day and will take you back.
Misaki : That's a little too ..
Daisuke : Hmm? Nani? Is something bothering you?
Misaki : Well ... I usually go to school by bike and .. I don't go home straight away *looks at Daisuke*
Daisuke : Oh, your mom mentioned that you go by bike or by foot. *thinks* But it will be a little too far, so don't worry, the car will be waiting for you. *smiles*
Misaki : I'm still not sure about it~
Chinen : Why?
Misaki : Well suddenly being taken by a car .. Um, how can I explain it? ..
Daisuke : Well then, if you are not feeling comfortable with it, then you can go with a bike *smiles*
Misaki : Hontou?
Daisuke : Hai!
Misaki : Arigatou *smiles*
Ryutaro : I don't get it *crosses hands* Which girl doesn't want to be treated like a princess?
Misaki : Well I do!
Ryutaro : I can tell that! You are quite different.
Misaki : Shut up! You're noisy!
Ryutaro : Oi! Don't talk to me like that! I'm your aniki, you know!
Misaki : Like I care!!
Keito : Ma, ma, stop fighting, ok? *worried*

Hikaru : Althought you don't look so alike in appearance, you two are indeed twins.
Everyone in the room were still surprised by the sudden fight.
After the "meeting" they had dinner. Some of them went to their rooms and some of them stayed in the room. Misaki went to her room. She looked around and to her surprise it kinda resembled her own room.
Misaki(to herself) : It looks like my room! *surprised*
She put on her Snoopy pyjamas and went to bed. She hugged a little stuffed toy - a gift for her birthday from her friend Zara.
Misaki's thought : What's going on with me? I don't have neither a good nor a bad feeling about it ...
She pouted and sat on her bed. She looked through the window until she fall asleep.

~The next day~
Misaki woke up, brushed her teeth and put her uniform*. She didn't forget to put her necklace, rings and bracelets. After she tied her hair in a cute ponytail, leaving her bangs to fall down, she went to the others to have breakfast. When she entered she saw the five boys, who were going to attend the same school, already on the table. Chinen was tying Yamada's necktie, while the others were having breakfast.
Chinen : Seiously Yama-chan, it's about time you learn how to tie a necktie!
Yamada : Hai, hai! I promise!
Ryutaro : Tsk, you always say that but you never did!
Yamada : Shut up!
Yuto : Oh, ohayo Misaki-san! *smiles*

All of them turned to her and greeted her.
Misaki : Ohayo *smiles*
Misaki sat on the table and started to eat her breakfast.
Keito : Oh, you are wearing a lot of jewelries, Misaki-san!
Chinen : Ah, that's right! There are lots of them.
Misaki : There aren't that many ... By the way, can you stop calling me "Misaki-san"! It really annoys me!
Yamada : But we can't otherway! Since you are Daisuke-san's daughter. *smiles*
Misaki : But you don't call Ryutaro "Ryutaro-san", right?
Yuto : Well, now that you mention it.
Ryutaro : Jaa, we'll call you Misaki-chan, then? *looks at Misaki*
Misaki : Hai! *smiles*

While they were eating, Takaki came in. You could tell that he was still sleepy. His hair was messy and he looked like he could fall asleep straight away.
The boys : Ohayo!
Misaki : Ohayo *looks at him*
Takaki : Oh, ohayo *lazy voice*

He rubbed his hair, stretch his arms and sat down.
Yuto : You look like you haven't slept all night. Daijoubu?
Takaki : Dai-chan didn't fall asleep until 3:30 Am *drinks his coffee*
Misaki looked at the clock. It was 7:20 Am.
Keito : Eh? Nande?
Takaki : He was talking all night about you *looks at Misaki*

Misaki looked at him and continued eating.
Yamada : What do you mean?
Takaki : He was talking stuff like "How different she is", "How she doesn't like being treated like a princess" and so on.
Chinen : Oh, I see. He just got too excited, ne.
Takaki : I couldn't take it anymore! I went outside until he fall asleep.
Yuto : Don't worry! I'm sure it will fade soon - his excitement. *smiles*
Takaki : I hope so! *laughs a little*
Misaki : Thanks for the meal! *claps hands*
Yamada, Keito : Hayaii!! *shocked*
She stood up and picked up her bang.
Misaki : Jaa, I'm leaving first! *smiles and goes out*
Chinen : She is full with energy!
Ryutaro : I think she just wanted to leave as soon as possible. *continues eating*
Yamada : Nande?
Ryutaro : Well, being attacked so early in the morning, wouldn't you want to leave as soon as possible?
Yamada, Keito : Eh?
Ryutaro : Takaki-kun, why did you said such things?
Takaki : Huh? But it was true!
Chinen : You should have been more gentle with her. 

Takaki : I didn't do anything wrong!

~At school~
Girl : Mi-chaaaan!
Misaki : *turns around* Oh, Kazu-chan! *smiles* Ohayo!
Kazuko : Ohayo! *smiles*

They started walking into the school. Their classmate Zara joined them.
Kazuko : Ne, Mi-chan. Yesterday I went to your house to visit you, but your mom told me that you are living with your real dad from now on.
Zara : Eh? What does this mean, Mi-chan?
Misaki : Well, you know that I have a twin brother too, right?
Zara, Kazuko : Hai!
Misaki : In short, they came back in Tokyo and he - my real father - wants to spend a little time with me, so he asked my mom if I can live with him for a while.
Kazuko : I see..
Zara : For how long? Is it far away from school?
Misaki : I don't know how much will I stay with him. And yes, it's quite far from here!

Misaki knew that she was lying her friends, but she didn't have a choice.
Misaki's thought : I can't tell them the truth! Well, at least some of the things I told them are true ...
They went into the classroom and joined Hakufu and Natsu. The bell rang and everyone took their places - Misaki was sitting next to the window and in front of her was Kazuko(the third row,3rd and 4th place), Hakufu was sitting behind Natsu(the first row, the last places). Sensei Satomi came in and said to them to keep silence.
Sensei Satomi : Today we'll have a new student in our class. I want everyone of you to give him a warm welcome. Ne?
Class : Hai!

Misaki already knew who is going to be.
Sensei Satomi : You can come in now! *soft voice*
The door opened and a tall boy came into the classroom. It was Morimoto Ryutaro.
Hakufu(whispers) : He's good-looking, ne?
Natsu(whispers) : Hai!

Sensei Satomi : Will you introduce yourself first?
Ryutaro : Hai! *turns to class* Morimoto Ryutaro desu! *bows*

Sensei Satomi : Arigatou! *smiles* Then, take a seat and we will begin with attendance.
Ryutaro : Hai!

Ryutaro sat in the middle row, 4th place - next to Misaki.
Ryutaro : Yo! *smiles*
Misaki just smiled at him and turned back.
Kazuko(whispers) : Eh? You know him? From where?
Misaki : I'll tell you later! We're taking attendance now, turn around!!

~At 3B classroom~
Sensei Akira : So class, today I'll introduce you to your 4 new classmates!
Class : FOUR!?
Ren : Akira shock!

The whole class started laughing.
Sensei Akira : Oi Uchiyama-kun, that's my line! Don't use it without permission! *points at Ren and starts laughing*
Ren : Gomenasai sensei!
Sensei Akira : Hai!Hai! after we are done laughing, I'd like to introduce you to them. Come in!

The door opened and four boys came in.
Sensei Akira : Now, I'll let you introduce yourself! *smiles* Let's start from the one standing near the door.
Yuto : Nakajima Yuto desu! *bows*
Keito : Okamoto Keito desu! *bows*
Yamada : Yamada Ryosuke desu! *bows*
Chinen : Chinen Yuri desu! *bows*

After they introduced themselves, the whole class started to whisper. You could hear various words like "kakoii","kawaii","ikemen" and so on.
Sensei Akira : Jaa, take your seats, please.
The four boys : Hai!

The four of them sat at the back of the class, because those places were the only one left. Yuto and Keito sat on the last seat(Keito in the middle row, Yuto next to the window), Yamada and Chinen sat in front of them(Chinen in front of Yuto and Yamada in front of Keito). During the lesson, Yamari and Ema(Yamari was in front of Chinen and Ema was in front of Yamada) - close friends to Misaki - whispered.
Ema(whispering) : Ne, they sure are handsome, right?
Yamari(whispering) : Hai! I didn't think we'd have four new classmates..
Ema(whispering) : And all of them are boys!
Yamari(whispering) : *giggles* Yeah, wait until Mi-chan and the others hear about it! I heard in their class there's gonna be only one new student.
Ema(whispering) : Eh? Hontou? Jaa, let's go visit them in the break!
Yamari(whispering) : Hai!
Sensei Akira : Oi! Sato-chan and Jung-chan! Stop talking!
Yamari, Ema : Hai! Gomenasai!

~Break time~
Hakufu, Natsu, Kazuko, Zara : EH?! Aniki?!
Misaki : Oi! Don't say it that loud!
Misaki looked around to corridor. Some students looked at them, but turned around after few seconds.
Natsu : Gomen.
Hakufu : So, that is your twin brother?
Misaki nodded her head.
Kazuko : Eehh, you should have told us that he is going to be in our class! *pouts*
Zara : Are you hiding something else?
Misaki : I-
Ryutaro : Ne, Misaki-chan, do you know where Chinen and the others might be?
Misaki : I don't know.
Hakufu : Eh? Dare? *looks at Misaki*
Ryutaro : Oh, they are friends of mine. We are living together.
Natsu, Kazuko, Hakufu, Zara : Eh? *look at Ryutaro*
Ryutaro : Ah, hai! Together with other 5 friends of mine and with dad.
Netsu : All of them are male!
Ryutaro : H-hai!

Misaki wanted to punch Ryutaro really hard.
Misaki's thought : How would I possibly tell them that? Baka!
Misaki : You, come with me for a minute!
She pulled Ryutaro, leaving her surprised friends. On the way she saw Yamada, Keito, Yuto and Chinen.
Yuto : Oh! He--
Misaki : You come too!

They were shocked seeing her angry this early. Actually it was the first time seeing her so angry. Misaki went to the roof, still holding Ryutaro's arm. When they finally got there and she was sure that nobody was there she started scolding them.
Misaki : What do you think you are doing? *angry*
Ryutaro : I thought you already told your friends everything. *holding his anger*

Ryutaro didn't understand what he did to make her angry.
Yamada : What's going on here?
Misaki : He told them everything!

Yuto, Chinen, Yamada, Keito : Hai??
Misaki : Tsk! He told them that I'm living with you!
Yuto : So?
Chinen : That's the truth, right?
Keito : I don't know why are you so angry?
Misaki : Seriously guys!

She found a chair and sat on it to calm down a little. After few seconds she calmed down.
Misaki : I told them that I'm living with my real father and my brother and that I don't know for how long.
Keito : But you're going to live with us until you turn 20.
Misaki : I know! But I can't just go to them and say that from now on I'll be living with my father and brother, who are an yakuza plus other guys, who are yakuza too! How can I say that to them! My mom and her husband haven't told anyone about it!
Yamada : Ah, .. now that you say it ... it will be bad if we expose our background, ne? *looks at the others*

The other boys just nodded their heads. Ryutaro went next to Misaki, knelt down and hugged her.
Ryutaro : Gomen,ne Misaki-chan!
Misaki smiled and hugged him back.
Chinen : Such a lovely scene! *smiles* I'll take a picture, wait a second! *starts searching for his phone*
Ryutaro and Misaki suddenly let go and yelled at him.
Ryutaro, Misaki : Don't you even think about it!!
The four boys looked at them with shocked faces.
Chinen : Hidoii ...*pouts*
Everyone laughed at Chinen's expression. All six of them thought about a story to tell Misaki's friends. After that they went down to Misaki's classroom. For Misaki's surprise, her friends Yamari and Ema were there too. And it looked like they already knew. When they reached the group of girls, Misaki and Ryutaro told them that their father was a businessman and Ryutaro and his friends were working for him. Misaki told them that since the boys are from different cities, her real father took them in his house, so that they won't worry about renting an apartment and so on. Her friends believed the story and forgave Misaki for hiding it.
Yuto : Class will start soon,ne? Let's go. *looks at Ema and Yamari* You two are from our class, right? Let's go together to the classroom? *smiles*
The girls accepted and started walking. They made three steps when suddenly someone called Misaki's name. In front of them were two boys from the 3rd year - Sakurai Sho and Matsumoto Jun. They went to Misaki and her friends and started chatting. When Sakurai called Misaki's name, Yamari and Ema smiled to each other, giggled and continued walking. The four boys didn't understand why the girls behaved like this.


for the "uniform*" - I put a * on it cause I wanted to explain that the girls uniforms are like those in AKB48 - Oogoe Diamond -> only the skirt, socks and the shirt. :P The necktie is red ~ as for the boys uniforms - it's black with white shirt and red necktie. (:


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