Your Problem

Gay to straight

Author's PoV

He looked at you with his face on -as all people call it- his eyes never leaving yours. You gulped down "I was just bl-blurting things.... I was...I was just kidding a wh-while ago" you can't help but shake and fidget from his intense gaze. You looked away and tried to look at something other than his beautiful face, you immediately bowed down and blurted out a "I'm got to go,  BYE!" but he didn't allow you to move, he grabbed your wrisk

And pinned you on one of the nearest wall trapping you between him and the wall, he placed your hand above your own head and you can feel his hand reach yours making them intertwined each other. You where lookin at his adam's apple since his really tall for someone like you, you can't help your self to gulp again. He went nearer to you by taking a step closing the distance between your body and his,his face was leaning really close to yours. You looked away biting your lower lip making him smirk.

"you better stop what you are doing I might lose control" you still didn't look at him so he moved your face with his free hand holding it still caressing your now red cheeks with his thumb.

"I see red fits you well"  he leaned in only to run his nose on your soft cheeks you gulped down only to inhale his intoxicating scent that you learned to love from the day you learned to like him.

"hmm I can say you smell really nice" he moved his head only to place it between your neck and shoulder inhaling your scent and tickling you in the process. He kissed your neck but it surprised you that you didn't flinch and you 'enjoyed' it, he went up to your ear to blow hot air making you squizzed his hand tight and your legs to wobble. He placed his hand that was in your face behind the small of your back to support you and bring you to him making invisible circles.

"don't fall I might fall for you harder" he whispered into your ear when he saw you wobble, adding other meaning into what he said and giving the back of your ear a kiss. He pulled you closer to his body and leaned in only to stop few inches from your lips.

"I think your lips are lonely do they want to meet mine?" he asked you didn't need to answer because he already leaned in and pressed his soft like caramel lips onto your.

"hey,hey girl" your nose started to bleed and he panicked more.You fainted from your daydream Kris still holding your wrisk fell to his back not expecting the weight to fall for him (a/n; haha how ironic "fall for him") he got a view of your colar bone before he felt his friend twitch oh No! I don't like GIRLS!!  he screamed inside his head.


sorry for this chapter if you felt like

it was somewhat rated, it's just my hormones i have my period

XD I'm sorry in advance for the gramatically wrong sentences and

also for the spelling I didn't read it actually hehe sorry again

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blackbutterfly_ac #1
Chapter 8: Soo!! Kris had a bad past with girl(s), that turned him to gay.
Chapter 7: Wahaha XDD Kris is so cute >//<
Chapter 6: Oh! So Cute~ Mama's Boy~
PockyStyle #4
Chapter 5: Woah, so good story! The grammar destroyed to make this story perfect though, but I can live with that.
-Loyal subscriber since the very beginning
PockyStyle #5
Chapter 4: Hahahah funny with Himchan and bb cream lol
Chapter 4: Yeesss!!! Alabyu Krissuee!!!!
PockyStyle #7
Chapter 3: HAHAHAHAHH lol *wipes tears*
Chapter 3: aHAHAHAA!!! xDDDDD
OMG!! Ahahaha! *Rolls like a buffalo* XDD
Chapter 2: Haha!!Lollllll i'm literaly rolling like a buffalo because of this!!!!ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 2: Kyaaaa!! Kris heard what she says! Ayieee!! >//<
Please Update soon!! >3<