Chapter 1


*Hey guys! It's my first story so don't expect it to be anything special and  it's probably REALLY cliche but enjoy!*




“Just spin already!” You cried. Baekhyun let out a heavy sigh and spun the bottle, all thirteen eyes followed the bottle as it landed on you. As the bottle stopped, Baekhyun was silent for a few seconds and then shouted out, “I know!______  what is your dream confession?”


You sat there dumbfounded by the question but answered it truthfully. “I… Well, I guess my dream confession doesn’t really matter as long as it comes from the heart...” ‘and only if it was you’ “but if i really had to describe a scenario I would like it to be on a beach, just the two of us. As we are walking down the beach, he would pull out a small bouquet of babies breath and sing a song that he feels about you or something like that… um but I would want him to come and tell me straight out, but make it sweet you know, kind of give me something that I can keep and hold in my heart… hahaha I can’t believe I’m so cliche...” You stopped with your cheeks pink and head hung low. Baekhyun sat there silently chuckling at the sight.


As you slowly snapped out of your daze, you reached out for the bottle and spun it. The bottle stopped and pointed to Chen, you sat there thinking of a question to ask him. “Um… if you were a girl who would you date out of all of exo?” you asked. “Do I have to answer, none of them are worthy!” Chen whined,

“Just answer it!”

“Fine! Myself!”


You let out a sigh and a smile formed on your lips, “Goodness, Chen, your turn.” Chen grinned from ear to ear and grabbed the bottle. He spun it joyfully and sat back down, all eyes were on the bottle as it landed on Baekhyun. A sly grinned played on Chen’s mouth as he looked at Baekhyun.

“So Baek, do you like anyone? Don’t name names but describe who it is”

Baekhyun glared at Chen and let out a sigh.

“Yes I do,”

Upon hearing those word, your heart sank, you buried your face in your knees. Baekhyun glanced at you, upon that sight his heart ached a little. Sorry______ just a wait a little longer.

“I’ve been meaning to confess to her lately but I didn’t really know what to do but i think I’ll go out and tell her soon. She is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen and kind hearted person, and whenever I see her my heart races and I don’t know what to do.”


You could feel tears threatening to fall out of your eyes but you forced them back. To your relief Suho got up, “It’s getting late I think I need to leave, sorry guys.”

“Naw, its fine man I need to go to, I think my moms gonna be pissed if I don’t get home soon.”

“Sweet, Lay can you drive me home”

“Sure, bye Kris I’ll take Luhan home, we’ll be leaving first.”

Soon all the Exo members left leaving only you Kris and Baekhyun.

“I’ll be going now guys, bye Kris thank for having me over, bye Baek.”

“Bye_______, see you!”

You started walking off until you felt someone grab your wrist.

“And where do you think your going?” Baekhyun asked.

“Um? Home isn’t that obvious?”

“Not alone.”

You snickered



You two started walking home in the chilly autumn night, all you could hear was the rustling of the trees and the sound of the wind. Not many words were shared but it was a very comfortable and peaceful silence. While you were enjoying the serenity and peacefulness of your surroundings Baekhyun's voice snapped you back into reality.

“Hey, I’m planning to confess to that girl tomorrow.”

You felt your heart being pierced by thousands of needles and tears forming in your eyes. “Oh….” You said with a shaky voice.

“I’ve been waiting so long…” he looked up at the stars in the sky and grinned.

“I finally have the courage to go out and tell her I love her, I’ve been waiting so long for this day.” He paused.

“But I’m just worried at how she would react… I really hope she feels the same way I do…”

You felt a lump in your throat and pushed the words out of your mouth. You laughed dryly, “I’m sure she’ll like you too, and if she doesn’t it’s her loss.”

You started at him only to feel your heart ache even more, you glanced up and saw your house. “Oh, we’re here. See you!”

You dashed straight to your house not turning back. You felt your eyes burn and the lump in your throat grow larger each step.  

"_____, wai-" Before Baekhyun could finish you ran off.


The moment you entered your house you ran upstairs straight into your room and jumped on the bed. How many years have you liked him? You stuffed your face into your pillows and sobbed, your heart ached and your mind kept playing images of him and another girl. Your pillow was wet with tears and your cheeks were tear stained. You have cried yourself to sleep. I should have told him sooner.


The next morning you were greeted by the rays of sun that seeped through your window. You opened your eyes and sat up staring blankly into space until you heard your phone ring. You picked it up and to your surprise your were greeted by Baekhyun’s voice.


“Hey!______ can you go out with me today?”

“Hmm? Aren’t you going to tell that girl today though?” You could feel your heart drop deeper than it already was.

“Just come ok? I’ll be at your house in five minutes.”

“Wai-!” and with that he hung up.


You let out a sigh, but got up to get changed. You got ready and headed downstairs, you slumped in your chair and put a slice of bread in your mouth waiting for Baekhyun to arrive.

“OI!______ ARE YOU READY?” you heard someone yell.

You stepped opened your door and was greeted by a huge grin on Baekhyun’s face.


“Hey!” you said a little less enthusiastically, “Where are we going?”

“You’ll see.”

He gestured for you to get into his car and you did exactly that. The drive was very peaceful, but there was still something that was bugging you. Why is he hanging out with me today? Isn’t he going to confess to that person today? You brushed the thought off and just cherished this moment I’m going to miss these times.


You arrive at a beach and gasped at the beautiful sight. You’ve loved the beach since you were little you were basically born and raised on the beach. Whenever you were there you would forget all your worries and feel relaxed and free.


You two got out of the car and you dashed to the shore, you stopped before you reached the water and took in a deep breath of the ocean air. A soft smile played across your lips. Baekhyun’s eyes softened at the sight and let out a soft sigh.


“_______, Let’s go.”


The two of you walked along the beach and let the chilly autumn air and had simple conversations. All your worries were just washed away. It was funny how being on the beach just somehow made all your worries washed away. You snapped out of your trance when you heard a sweet voice.


“ Hey,_____.” You loved the way he said your name. Everything about him was just perfect to you.


“Hmm?” you hummed your reply.


You looked over and saw him hold a small bouquet of babies breath. Your eyes widened and your heart sped up. It was me? - SHINee Symptoms


He started singing one of your favourite songs but the lyrics meant something. They spoke about how he felt.


It’s interesting, no perhaps it’s a strange thing

It might be a sickness

All energy leaves me and I can’t even control my body

These ugly symptoms appeared after meeting you

I’m left alone on a dark night

My room is filled with thoughts of you

I can’t do anything, I’m sick all day thinking of you

Cannot find meaning behind your expressionless face

My breath stops


“______, I love you. You are the most perfect, most wonderful, most beautiful person I have ever met. You are the only one that can cure these symptoms. No words can describe my love for you.”

Your heart raced and your cheeks were flushed. Your head hung low, you were shocked. It was me… You looked back up staring into his eyes.





“Idiot, you should have told me sooner, do you know how heart broken I was last night. I didn’t know what to do when I found out that you liked someone else. I’ve loved you for so long, I’ve loved you since I’ve met your. You were perfect in my eyes and will always be. I love you.”


Upon hearing those words a grin appeared on Baekhyun’s face. You blushed and looked away. You were shocked to feel to firm arms grabbing your shoulders and pulling you to his chest. His embrace was warm and strong. He placed a light kiss on the top of your head and then leaned his chin on your head.


“ I love you so much.”


“ me too..”


You too stood in that position for a while. You wished time would just stop there. Baekhyun pulled out away from his chest and stared into your eyes. His hand swiftly moved from your shoulders to your face. He slowly leaned closer to your face until your noses brushed against each other, then stopped. Your heart was beating faster and faster, and your face was cherry red. Your shut your eyes in anticipation and felt his soft lips touch yours. At that moment it felt that time had stopped for you. You both pulled away from the kiss and looked down in embarrassment. You could feel the lingering of the kiss on your lips. Both of you looked up into each others eyes.


“Who would have though spin the bottle would lead me to my true love”

You both said in unison and chuckled, hand in hand both of you continued walking.

*Did you guys enjoy it? Yes I know its super cliche and all but I can't help it! I'm sorry hoped you like it!*

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Chapter 1: <3 love it ^^
So sweet <3 quite cheesy here haha
jannat #2
Chapter 1: greatttttt!!!
Chapter 1: OMO, i enjoyed so much..
That's sweet, romantic and perfect with baekhyun voice who always make us speechless.
Good job, oh NO i mean GREAT JOB authornim.. I really love it ❤️
Hello author-nim, i'll be waiting for your story..