chapter six

Inside of Me

A year later. 

"Come on, little Baekkie, you have class to attend," Ryeowook speaks through the intercom from the surveillance room next to Baekhyun's room. Baekhyun grunts as he rolls out from bed. Sure, they don't live outside and go to school with kids their age, but they still have to attend classes that are organized by Chil Hyun and the paranormal department staffs started from October last year. They will learn basic science, basic languages, and mathematics at year six to nine, while Chemistry, Physics, Biology and international languages at year ten to seventeen. Since Baekhyun is still eight, he only has to learn the basic subjects. While, Luhan has to learn more difficult subjects. 

They don't have that much of classes a week. They have no class Thursday and Friday, and of course weekends. And those days are heaven to them. They could play as much as they want as long as they wanted to. "Come on, Baekhyun, rise up," Chil Hyun speaks through the intercom and Baekhyun finally stands on his own. He scowls at hearing Chil Hyun's voice and walks to the bathroom to shower up. He groans as he remembers what class is today: Basic Science. 

Their classrooms aren't that far from their own rooms. Since it is risky to do classes outside, Chil Hyun decided to use rooms in the building. Luhan is waiting for Baekhyun in front of his room with Yunho next to him; in case anything happen. Luhan's head ended up leaning on Yunho's shoulder and sleeps. It is Monday and they were playing too hard yesterday; making them having not much of energy left. 

"What did you guys play yesterday that made you like this?" Chil Hyun asks as he carries Baekhyun in his arms. The little boy could just yawn and rubs his sleepy eyes. True, Baekhyun is eight-years-old and Chil Hyun still does carries him around in his arms. He is too precious, Chil Hyun thought. "Can I not go to class today?" Baekhyun looks at Chil Hyun with his adorable puppy eyes. "You want Luhan to go to class alone?" Chil Hyun asks him back and he groans; looking like he is about to burst to tears due to frustration. Chil Hyun could just chuckle at his respond.

As they arrived in front of the 'classroom', Chil Hyun puts Baekhyun down and placed a protective hand on the little boy's head, "Study well." He squats down to take a better look at the little Baekhyun, "Morning kiss and hug?" as he pouts his lips and Little Baekhyun pecks it. The little boy hugs Chil Hyun and walks in the class with Luhan hand-in-hand. "Sunbae, you and Baekhyun look like father and son. How cute!" Yunho says in awe. Chil Hyun smiles as he shrugs, "He's the only one I got." 

The doctors walk to cafeteria to get breakfast together. Just like Luhan and Baekhyun, the doctors couldn't go outside as they have to be in the same building with their patients. 'Prepare for the worst' is their principle. As they got their breakfast on their food tray, they settled down on a table. "Ah, I want to go outside and take a deep fresh air," Chil Hyun sighs while chewing his beef. Ryeowook nods and smile. He understands his senior. Everyone who works in the Paranormal department wants to go outside even for a while. 

Even though Baekhyun and Luhan are the only patients in the department, almost everyone who works in the department has to work together to watch over these two patients. A golden-haired doctor approaches the three of them with a clip file in his hand. "Oh, Teuk-ah, what's up?" Chil Hyun tells him to sit next to him as he shoves a spoon of rice in his mouth again. "I've been assigned as a doctor in charge for a new patient," Leeteuk says as he sits next to Chil Hyun while flipping the pages of the clip file. 

"New patient?" Yunho and Ryeowook exclaims. Chil Hyun sips his morning coffee while listening to the three of them getting excited about a new patient. "Yeah. Chief just got a call from his parents; telling him that this patient has supernatural forces inside of him," Teuk explains and Chil Hyun squints his eyes. Supernatural forces? "It says here that his parents were arguing and this patient turned berserk and started to throw things in a very strong force. There were cracks all around the house," Leeteuk continues and Chil Hyun widens his eyes. Cracks? Why does this reminds him of someone? 

He peeks at the clip file Leeteuk is holding and his eyes fixed at the picture of the patient. It is the boy. The big-eyed boy whom he met last year when he was going to the restroom at the park. "What's wrong, sunbae?" asks Leeteuk, or his real name Jongsu as he saw Chil Hyun's reaction. "This boy," Chil Hyun's voice trembles a little, "is our new patient?" Leeteuk nods. "What's wrong, hyung?" asks Ryeowook. "I've seen him last year," Chil Hyun says; tries not to talk too loud. 

"What do you mean?" Ryeowook frowns. "Remember when we were taking Luhan and Baekhyun outside for froyo and morning walk at the park?" he tries to remind Yunho and Ryeowook while Leeteuk looks dumbfounded. "I saw him behind the restroom. He was being bullied by a group of kids, they keep on teasing him by saying he's weird and that he has no friends. When I went back into the restroom, there were a loud bang and a slight earthquake and so I went back out," Chil Hyun tells. 

"The bullies were laying on the ground helplessly, except for this boy. On the ground where the boy was standing, there were cracks. Trees' branches nearby nearly broke and metal fences next to them were all bend," Chil Hyun continues his trails, "When I tried to approach him, he ran away." Out of blue, Teuk's beeper's beeps; telling him that he needs to go to the big-eyed boy's ward. The golden-haired doctor runs off and Chil Hyun follows him behind, leaving the two other doctors in confusion. "Aish, that hyung!" Ryeowook groans as he follows them, and Yunho joins too. 

On their way to the new patient's ward, Chil Hyun bumped into Luhan and Baekhyun who are outside of the room. "Hyung!" Baekhyun calls out and Chil Hyun stopped running. "W-Why aren't you inside? Wh-Where's Boa?" Chil Hyun asks as he gasps for air. "Noona has urgent business to handle. She just went out a minute ago," Baekhyun explains and he sees Ryeowook running his way towards them, "Hyung, what happened?" The two little kids look so confused by the sudden situation. "Ryeowook, can you look over them? Baekhyun, stay with Ryeowook!" warns Chil Hyun and he runs to Do Kyungsoo's ward; 0112. Ryeowook could just sighs. 

"Noona went back home?" Ryeowook asks and the two nodded. Yunho finally stopped running as he arrived at the group of three. "Hyung, what is happening?" Luhan asks Yunho who is gasping for air. "Ah, there is a new patien–," Yunho says but Ryeowook slaps his arms, "Sunbae!" And Yunho knows that he is in trouble if Chil Hyun knows he told the kids about the new patient. "There is a new kid?!" Baekhyun asks with his face glows in excitement. Ryeowook immediately grabs his hand, "Let's go back to your room now, Baekkie, how about that? Luhan can tag along too." 

But, Baekhyun protests, "Can I see the new kid?" Yunho is already holding Luhan's hand, unlike Baekhyun, Luhan didn't turn aggressive. "Baekhyun, please, you know Chil Hyun-hyung won't allow you to be there," Ryeowook tries to drag him to his ward. "Just this once!" Baekhyun tries his best to pull away his hand from Ryeowook's grip, but no, the doctor won't loosen his grip. Luhan and Yunho don't know what to do. "Don't make me do this," Baekhyun warns and he fixes his eyes to Ryeowook's grip. 

Ryeowook suddenly feels like his arm and hand are on fire. "Ah!" he lets go of Baekhyun because the pain is killing him. Baekhyun runs the fastest he can to the direction where Chil Hyun ran to. When Ryeowook take a look of his hand which was holding Baekhyun, it was burnt as if his hand was placed on a stove on purpose. "Oh my God, Wookie, are you okay?" Yunho asks when he saw his severe injury. Ryeowook could just hiss in pain. Baekhyun must've did something with his power. 

Meanwhile, Teuk and Chil Hyun are in Do Kyungsoo's ward. Both of his parents are present and their faces are filled with terror. "Do take him away," the father whispers at Teuk as he is the doctor in charge of Do Kyungsoo while Heechul is his assistant. "Can we talk outside, Mr. and Mrs. Do," Leeteuk says as he leads the parents outside. It would be painful for Kyungsoo to hear their conversation. Kyungsoo is in his new room; sitting on the sofa while his eyes are fixed to the carpet floor. 

"Hello," Chil Hyun approaches Kyungsoo. The fragile little boy flinched a bit because he recognizes that face. "Remember me?" he squats down to take a better look at the boy. "Don't be scared of me. I don't eat people," he smiles as he offers his hand to have a little handshake, "My name is Dr. Ahn Chil Hyun but you can call me hyung." Kyungsoo is thinking whether should he shakes his hand or not. His small hand shakes Chil Hyun's and the doctor smiles. "Don't worry, we will take a good care of you here," he assures. "Wait a minute, Baekhyun!" he could hear Teuk's voice from outside. 

The door is opened wide and Chil Hyun and Kyungsoo look over. "Baekhyun?" Chil Hyun frowns and Baekhyun freezes in front of the door. Leeteuk looks at Chil Hyun with a worry look because he knows that he will scold the little boy in any minute from now. "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to stay with Ryeowook?!" Chil Hyun stands up and approaches Baekhyun. His phone rings and it is Yunho calling him. Without any hellos, he answered the call, "Where is Kim Ryeowook?! I am sure that I told him to look over Baekhyun but why is he here?!" 

Chil Hyun's voice scares Baekhyun and also, Kyungsoo. He made an eye contact with the new kid and Kyungsoo tries to look at other objects. He wants to avoid any eye contacts with everyone. "Baekhyun did what?!" And Baekhyun runs off before Chil Hyun does anything harsh to him. "Byun Baekhyun, come back here!!" shouts Chil Hyun as he ends the call. Baekhyun rushes himself to the treatment room because he knows Ryeowook and the others are there. And he is right, the nurse is treating Ryeowook's injury. He barges in with a pale face. 

"Baekhyun! Why are you so pale?" Yunho asks as he watches the little boy hides behind Ryeowook. Chil Hyun's shouting could be heard from outside; approaching the room. "Byun Baekhyun!" he scolds as he gets in the treatment room; startling everyone in the room. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do it!" Baekhyun starts to sob. "Hyung, it's okay, I am sure he didn't do it on purpose," Ryeowook says as the nurse continues to treat his injury. "Baekhyun, this is going too far," Chil Hyun's frown gets deeper. 

The boy starts to cry in terror, "I'm sorry," he hugs Ryeowook's arm and the doctor can feel his sleeve is getting wet. He is crying so loud that Chil Hyun feels bad for making him cry. Yunho sighs at the situation. "It's okay, Baekhyun. It doesn't hurt that much. It will heal soon. Hyung, it's okay," Ryeowook assures the both of them. It is the first time for Chil Hyun to burst out in anger that he would chase Baekhyun and made the boy cry out loud. Baekhyun was scared. So scared. He felt like there was a ghost chasing behind him; when it was just Chil Hyun chasing him. And it is also the first time Baekhyun uses his powers on someone. 

Chil Hyun sighs as he squats down, "Come on, Baekhyun. Let's go back to your room." The boy lets go of Ryeowook's arm but still cries out loud. The crying boy walks to Chil Hyun and cries in his arms. Chil Hyun carries the boy in his arms while patting Baekhyun's back. "Yunho, bring Luhan back to his room soon too," says Chil Hyun and Yunho nods. And the two walk out from the room. "Are you sure you're okay?" Yunho asks. "Yeah. I'm fine," Ryeowook smiles but then hiss in pain when the nurse dabs some iodine on his injury. 

Baekhyun's crying echoes through the corridor and other doctors and staffs would glance at them. "I'm sorry for chasing and shouting at you," Chil Hyun coaxed the little boy in his arms, "Did I scare you a lot?" Baekhyun nods; still won't stop crying. "I didn't mean to do it," Baekhyun's voice is trembling. The doctor could only sighs, "Alright. Don't do it next time, okay?" Chil Hyun warns softly and Baekhyun nods. "I'll let you see the new boy when the time has come, okay? Now, stop crying," Chil Hyun pats the little boy's head and kisses it. 

It's almost seven, and there is still no issue about the new kid. Maybe, he is calmer and knows how to control his power better than the others; especially Baekhyun. Ryeowook's left hand is now wrapped with gauze. The pain is still there but he tries to ignore it. He bought two cans of coffees and a can of orange juice for him, Chil Hyun and Baekhyun. Even though Baekhyun hurt him, Ryeowook never thinks it's his fault. Baekhyun is still a kid, anyway. He walks inside the surveillance room of Baekhyun's ward but Chil Hyun isn't there but he is inside in Baekhyun's room instead. He must've been coaxing the little boy since this morning. 

When Ryeowook walks in Baekhyun's room, they are watching cartoons on the television. "Wookie!" Chil Hyun waves as he yawns. "Hyung," Baekhyun looks over at him with a pair of puppy eyes. "What's with the face?" he sits next to Baekhyun and hands him the orange juice he bought for him. Chil Hyun closes his eyes; trying to get some nap after a long hours of watching (boring) cartoons. Baekhyun noticed how Ryeowook's hand is wrapped in gauze, "I'm sorry." He looks at the doctor and Ryeowook notices the little one's eyes got teary immediately. 

"Nooooooooooo," Ryeowook hugs him tight. "Stop saying that or I will cry tooooo," Ryeowook says. "I'm fine, Baekhyun, don't worry, okay?" he rocks the boy from side to side in his arms. "Don't hate me," Baekhyun sobs and that touched Ryeowook deeply. The little one had once said, 'Kris will always end up hurting them. And the people I hurt will always end up hating me.' It must've been hard for a little boy to own an entity who is taking almost 60% of his body. "Hyung," Ryeowook pokes the sleepy Chil Hyun; making him flustered as he woke up, "Should we eat dinner with the new boy?" And the three of them look at each other. 

At ward 0112, Leeteuk is having a little chat with Kyungsoo. Well, it's not like the little boy talks that much. Teuk is just trying to get to know him better. "Don't worry, Kyungsoo.  You're not alone here. You saw the boy who suddenly showed up earlier this morning? He'll be one of your friend, his name is Baekhyun; eight-year-old, and he loves to have friends. And there is another one who is ten-year-old named Luhan," he pats the boy's head. Kyungsoo could just give him a fake smile. 

Teuk's smartphone vibrates and he reads the message which just came in. He flashes a smile at Kyungsoo, "Guess what? We're gonna eat dinner with your new friends! Come on." And he drags the little boy out. Kyungsoo can't deny that he is scared to face the whole new life starting from now. His parents wanted him gone and so they sent him here. Would his 'new friends' like him or would they bully him like those kids back then in his previous school? 

"Oh! Teuk-ah!" Chil Hyun calls out as soon as he saw Leeteuk and Kyungsoo coming in the cafeteria. Baekhyun tries to stand on his toes to look at his new-friend-to-be. As soon as Teuk and Kyungsoo arrived at their table, Baekhyun looks deeply at Kyungsoo. He has big eyes; making him looked like he is always cautious at everything. "Stop looking at him like that, Baek, you'll scare him away," Luhan says and the doctors laugh. "Why don't you introduce yourself?" Leeteuk asks softly at Kyungsoo as he fixes the boy's hair. "It's okay, Luhan and Baekhyun are nice," Ryeowook says and the two boys smile widely at the newcomer. 

"I...I'm Kyungsoo," the boy stutters and Baekhyun hugs him immediately. "B-Baek, stop hugging people you just met so suddenly," Luhan sighs and the doctors chuckle. "Aigoo, what to do," Chil Hyun chuckles. "I'm going to call you Kyunggie and from now on, we're friends," says Baekhyun while still hugging the newcomer. And Kyungsoo is sure that these two boys won't treat him and bully him like those kids at his previous school. Kyungsoo is sure that these two boys will be by his side whenever he needs them. Kyungsoo felt like he is reincarnated into someone new and starting a new life.



which jongin will join these three 

Chanyeol? you'll see ;) ohohohoho


sorry for any grammar mistakes 


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Chapter 10: My gosh! I loved this fic, please continue to update this story. I do really like it.
Oh wow I finished Beyond: Two Souls too! Such a great game :)) so I was wandering around in the Thriller tag section and I found this
Will check it out in a few... :))
purpledye #3
Please update yes u must be suprised someone is still waiting for an update its nearly 2015 so please update dont make this a permanant hiatus pleaseeee update
Chapter 9: All I can say is; Amazing.
I love this FF so much. ㅠㅡㅠ
Everytime I see your Update I could cry.
I wish you good luck with your Korean studies :3
Hwaiting Author-nim~
hehcrazyelf #5
Chapter 6: Update soon :3
hehcrazyelf #6
Chapter 4: Gets ready for baekyeol feels
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this! D: the idea is very lovely!! I really, really like it D:
Are there any pairings in this?