chapter four

Inside of Me

It has been three years Baekhyun lived in the department. He had been through numerous tests, experiments alone. And for three years, Ji Eun and Minhyuk didn't even visit the little boy who is now seven-years-old. Baekhyun didn't expect for them to come but it would be nice and he would be happy if they did.

"Baekkie," Ryeowook calls out. "Come on, let's eat lunch with Chil Hyun-hyung." Baekhyun, who was watching the television in his mini living room, gets up from his chair and follows Ryeowook to the cafeteria. "Hyung!" Ryeowook calls out as he drags the little Baekhyun to a round table when they arrived at the cafeteria. "Hi, Baekhyun. How are you today?" Chil Hyun asks with a smile. "Good," Baekhyun replied bluntly with his stoic expression.

Chil Hyun got him a bowl of jajjangmyun since Baekhyun had been bugging Chil Hyun about how bad he wanted to eat jajjangmyun. Chil Hyun opposed his request because he claimed that jajjangmyun is not healthy and it has so many oil and fats. But, he had decided to give it a chance. And Baekhyun is happy with what he got.

"Hyung," Ryeowook calls out as he puts down his pair of chopsticks, "I heard there will be a new patient coming here today." Baekhyun looked up to the two doctors while consuming his long-desired jajjangmyun. "You heard it right. His name is Luhan and he's nine," says Chil Hyun as he chews his melon bread. "Nine?" Baekhyun speaks out, making the two doctors bewildered. "Can he be my friend, then?" Baekhyun asks with a pair of sparkling eyes.

Ever since the day he entered the department, he had been the only patient. Apparently, because he was the only one who didn't know how to control his supernatural power. And now that he heard that another kid near his age is coming to the department, he gets all excited. He had been waiting for too long to have a friend. He can't wait to stop being alone.

Chil Hyun and Ryeowook look at each other. "Baekhyun, look," Chil Hyun speaks out but then, a sudden loud scream was heard from outside of the cafeteria. The two doctor rush out to see what is happening, Baekhyun follows behind; curious. "Let me go!!" Baekhyun could hear a voice of a little boy. He had to peek between Chil Hyun and Ryeowook's legs to see what happened. "I don't want to be here! Send me back home!" he finally gets to see the owner of the voice.

A doe-eyed boy, few inches taller than him, is being hold tightly by two security guards. The boy is being stubborn as he tries his best to flee from the guards who are trying to drag him to a room. It is weird. The guards are huge and they look strong while the boy looks so thin and light. So then, why is it so hard to drag the boy away? Baekhyun wonders. "Let me go!!" shouts the boy and the vase nearby suddenly floats and hit the wall hard, breaking it into pieces.

The doctors are all flustered and panicked. Baekhyun is shocked to see that. That boy has powers. Like him. He takes a step forward to look at the boy clearer. "Baekhyun, come back!" Chil Hyun calls out nervously but Baekhyun didn't hear. He is too fascinated to see that there is actually someone else has supernatural powers too, like him. "I don't like it here! Send! Me! Back! Home!" he shouts angrilly and another vase floats and hit the wall.

"My God, Baekhyun! Come back here, I said!" Chil Hyun calls out. Baekhyun and the boy had an eye contact as Baekhyun slowly approaches him. The doctors are all calling Baekhyun to step away because seems that this boy is dangerous. But to Baekhyun, no one is a lot more dangerous than Kris himself. "Who are you?!" the boy asks while the guards are still trying their best to drag him away. "Don't come near me! GO AWAY!" he shouts and another vase flies towards Baekhyun.

But, fortunately, Kris shields the little Baekhyun, making all the doctors and Chil Hyun himself shocked. This is the first time Chil Hyun and Ryeowook saw something like that from Kris. After all these years, Chil Hyun thought Kris is a villian. A bad spirit. But he guess that Kris finally accepted the truth that he shares the same body with Baekhyun and if Baekhyun dies, he will eventually die too.

The boy, too, is shocked as he finally gives up being strong and let the guards take him away. Baekhyun watches as the boy disappears from his vision. Out of blue, Chil Hyun carries the boy in his arms, "What were you thinking, Byun Baekhyun? You could've die just now!" Baekhyun looked at him with a pair of innocent eyes, "He has supernatural powers, hyung. Who is he?" Chil Hyun and Ryeowook couldn't answer little Baekhyun's question.

The doe-eyed boy was the boy the two doctors had been talking about. He is Luhan. A Chinese-Korean nine-year-old boy who has a telekinetic ability, making him to be able to moves any objects with only controlling them with his mind. But, why is he here? Is he in the same situation as Baekhyun? Is he having difficulities of controlling his ability? Baekhyun wonders that night.

He is in his bedroom, playing with mini cars and trucks. "Kris," he whispered, only to receive a hiss from Kris. "Can you help me? Chil Hyun-hyung and Ryeowook-hyung are talking about the boy, I'm sure. Can you help me eavesdrop?" Baekhyun tries to hide his moving lips and facial expression from the security camera as Ryeowook is supervising him from the surveillance room next to his mini room.

"Come on. Just a little while. I just wanted to know his room number," Baekhyun pleads softly and Kris went trough the walls to eavesdrop the two doctors. Like what Baekhyun predict, they are talking about the boy. "What does he have, hyung? His abilities looked scary just now," Ryeowook said. Baekhyun scoffs hearing that. He, then again, thinks that Kris is the scariest entity and ability ever in the whole wide world.

"Luhan has telekinetic. He control objects around him with just his mind," Chil Hyun answers as he went through a clip file of the boy, which happens to be the Luhan they were talking about. "Kris, look at the file," Baekhyun whispered and he could see Luhan's information written there. 'DEPARTMENT OF
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY' Doctor in charge: Jung Yunho, MD. Name: Lu Han. Age (during registeration): 9 years-old. Ward: 0420. Nationality: Chinese-Korean. Height: 125cm. Weight: 23kg. And that is all he can see as Chil Hyun's hand is blocking his view.

"He got submitted here because apparently, he nearly killed one of his classmates because of his telekinetic abilities," Chil Hyun explains. "His parents sent them here, with no regrets." Ryeowook's expression turns gloomy, "Just like Baekhyun." Baekhyun's face turns gloomy, too. He doesn't want to remember his foster parents, because, then, he will feel sad.

Chil Hyun sighs as he puts down the clip file on the table, "Exactly." They turned silent for a while, the ambience gets heavy. Chil Hyun gets up from his seat, "Whatever the case is, do not let Baekhyun go near Luhan. Luhan is yet still dangerous. You saw what happened this morning, and I don't want that to happen again to my boy," he warned. Ryeowook watches him walking to the door. "I'm going to grab a cup of coffee. I'll be at my office if you need me." And Chil Hyun disappears from his sight.

"Thank you, Kris," Baekhyun says when Kris gets back to him. Baekhyun frowns when he remembered what Chil Hyun told Ryeowook to not let him go near Luhan. Claiming that Luhan is dangerous and he could hurt him. But still, no one could hurt him unless it's Kris himself. Baekhyun is the most dangerous one and that's that.

Baekhyun decided to pretend sleeping while facing away from the security camera. While hugging his stuffed toy, he closed his eyes. "Sleeping already? Good night, Baekhyun," Ryeowook says softly. It's good for Ryeowook too because now he gets the chance to rest. He had been taking care of Baekhyun since morning and he is tired. He sighs as he places his head on the table.

An hour after that, Baekhyun told Kris to check out whether Ryeowook is still sleeping or awake. "Just for this once," Baekhyun pleads with a pair of sparkling eyes and Kris goes through the walls and checks on the young doctor who is apparently sleeping soundly with his head on the table. "Okay, Kris. Thank you," says Baekhyun as he gets off from his bed and tiptoes towards the door. He could feel his body gets heavier the nearer he gets to the door. "Come on, Kris, just this once. Unlock the door for me, please?" Baekhyun pleads again.

There's this thing about Kris. Although people sees him as a villain or sometimes a bad entity and spirit, he doesn't like it when Baekhyun tells him to do dirty jobs such as eavesdropping and unlocking unwanted doors. The door is unlocked, thanks to Kris's ability. Little Baekhyun tiptoes his way out from his mini room to the surveillance room where Ryeowook is sleeping soundly. He needs to go through the surveillance room before he can get out to the corridor.

Kris unlocked the door to the corridor and Baekhyun sneakily went outside. The corridor is dark since it is almost midnight and most doctors went home or some of them at their offices. Now, he needs to search room 0420. Baekhyun found the room but there are two security cameras there and he can't be seen. And so, again, Kris help the boy by breaking it into pieces. "Kris, unlock the door," Baekhyun whispers nervously.

The door is unlocked and Baekhyun slowly walked inside. There are no doctors in the surveillance room, that only makes things easier for him to go through. He is scared, to be honest. He is scared to make a contact with someone around his age. Strange. Luhan is no where to be seen, until he turns around, only to see Luhan pointing at Baekhyun with a wodden building block. "Who are you? Why are you here?" Luhan asks while trembling. Apparently, Luhan is still shocked by what he saw this morning. How can a boy blocked his attack when he wasn't really doing anything?

"I...I'm Baekhyun," he says, "I'm good." Baekhyun takes step by step closer to him, only making the boy trembles even more. "Don't come near me. You could've hurt. Stay away from me!" Luhan shouts. He has tears in his eyes. "It's okay. I won't hurt you. I'm a friend," Baekhyun says as he gets closer and holds Luhan's hand, assuring him that he's not one of the bad guys. Baekhyun smiles at the boy and Luhan stopped sobbing. Looking at Baekhyun's smile made him feel like he is not alone and he will be protected, by this midget.

"We're friends," Baekhyun grins and giggles after that. He is just too happy. Too happy to have a friend. A friend that might understand him as he has supernatural abilities too. The door to Luhan's room suddenly harshly opened, only to find Chil Hyun with a panic expression and sleepy-looking Ryeowook behind him. "For heaven's sake, Baekhyun!" Chil Hyun gasped as he carries little Baekhyun in his arm harshly. "You are not allowed to go out from the room! You are not allowed to be here!" Chil Hyun scolds.

Little Baekhyun frowns, "No! Let me down!" And Chil Hyun puts the frowning midget down. "You are not allowed to go out from the room without me and you know that!" Baekhyun frowns harder. "O-Oh my God, what happened here?" a tall doctor, slightly taller than Chil Hyun came in with a flustered face when he saw Baekhyun and Chil Hyun. The nametag on his white coat says 'Yunho'. He must be the doctor who is in charge of Luhan.

"Dr. Jung, what do you think you're doing?! Where in the world were you?! How could you just left your surveillance table just like that?! You know how dangerous it is for Luhan to be left alone?! He could have done anything towards Baekhyun!" Chil Hyun scolds Yunho, only to receive a tiny slap at his right leg from Baekhyun's tiny hand. "Luhan is not dangerous!" he shouts with his tiny voice.

"Luhan is a friend! He's Baekhyun's friend! And he is not dangerous!" Baekhyun shouts at Chil Hyun, making the three doctors turned silent. Luhan is stunned of what he witnesses. Is Baekhyun backing him up?









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Chapter 10: My gosh! I loved this fic, please continue to update this story. I do really like it.
Oh wow I finished Beyond: Two Souls too! Such a great game :)) so I was wandering around in the Thriller tag section and I found this
Will check it out in a few... :))
purpledye #3
Please update yes u must be suprised someone is still waiting for an update its nearly 2015 so please update dont make this a permanant hiatus pleaseeee update
Chapter 9: All I can say is; Amazing.
I love this FF so much. ㅠㅡㅠ
Everytime I see your Update I could cry.
I wish you good luck with your Korean studies :3
Hwaiting Author-nim~
hehcrazyelf #5
Chapter 6: Update soon :3
hehcrazyelf #6
Chapter 4: Gets ready for baekyeol feels
Chapter 7: Please don't abandon this! D: the idea is very lovely!! I really, really like it D:
Are there any pairings in this?