
Passers-by to Lovers

Seungyeon’s POV

“Ahnyeonghasehyo Seungyeon noona. It’s has been a long time.” Key greeted with a smile as I sat down.

“Ahnyeong!” I smiled, it was Key. “I was busy with some work. Anyway, can I have one cup of cappunccino and one cheesecake please?”

“Neh, coming soon.” It was Key.

I was at the same spot again, looking out of the window, into deep thoughts.

It has been two weeks?

I frowned, today, especially today, is the day where I want to just stay here for the whole day.

When I was here, I can just feel his presence. It was as if he was watching me whenever I was here.

But today, I can feel his presence even more.


Jinki’s POV

I have been working here for one whole week, but not even once had I seen her.

As days past, my disappointment increases. Is this fate? Fate just doesn’t want us to meet.

As I was busy cleaning the tables at another corner, Key suddenly comes up to me.

“Hyung! I have something to tell you.” He said excitedly.

“Waeyo?” I was still busy clearing the cups and the plates.

“She’s here!”

I looked up, my eyes glowed, and my heart turned bright red, almost to the colour of pink.

She’s here, she’s here! I didn’t let my efforts go to a waste after all!

“She ordered a cup of cappuccino and a cheesecake. I think it is better if you bring it to her.” Key continued.

“Chinja?!” I beamed in excitement.

But even before Key could reply, I rushed off to the counter and took her orders.



Omo, she’s just there.

She’s looking out of the window again, with her head resting on her hands.

Slowly, I took a step nearer, my heart starts to pound faster and faster, louder and louder with each step I took. I couldn’t control my heart; it was as if my heart has gone out of place.

“Miss, this is your cappuccino and cheesecake.” I plucked up my courage and tried to be as natural as possible.

It was as if I was watching a romantic love movie, as she turn her head towards me, her short hair swings to the other side, her red lips, was so tender and sweet and it slowly curls up and form into the most lovely and sweet smile I had ever seen. Her eyes, too, slowly forming into the shape of a crescent. I was stunned, it was as if time has stop and everything has turned into slow motion, I couldn’t control my heart, nervous-ness took over me as I stood there, looking like a fool.

Seungyeon’s POV

“Miss, this is your cappuccino and cheesecake.” This is not Key, it was a voice that is so sweet that anyone would smile when they heard.

I turned around, just to see this familiar person.

It was him! Stunned at first, but slowly, I returned to my composure and gave him a smile. “Thanks.” I bowed my head.

“Aren’t you…” I asked slowly.

“The one that stared at me?” he asked slowly.

“Neh. Sorry for the other time, it must be weird.” I played with my fingers in embarrassment.



It was a long silence.

“Hmmm… aren’t you going to put them down?” I asked as I saw him still carrying them.

“Oh, sorry sorry.” He immediately put down the plates. “Enjoy.” Then he left.

What a weird person. But, he is so good looking, and that smile…….

Slowly, I smiled and turn to look at his back view.

“What am I thinking?” I scolded myself as I knock my head lightly.

Jinki’s POV



“WOW! You actually like her that much?” Key looked at me as I touched my face that is burning red.

“BOH?! Wh….at… li…ke like?” I opened my eyes big as I flustered.

“Aish! Don’t be shy.” He smirked.

“Anni. I don’t like her” I denied. “Just… just, somehow my heart starts beating off crazily when I see her.” Slowly, I looked up at her again.

“Hyung. Are you crazy? You just confessed just now.” He laughed off.

“BOH?! When did I? Didn’t I say that I don’t like her?” I opened my mouth big as I said nervously.

“Omo, you are beyond hope. Hyung, have you been in love before?” he rolled his eyes as I shook my head.

“Even if you have never been in love before, you should know what that feeling is!” he put down the cloth that he was holding as he faced me seriously.

“You love her. Hyung, accept this fact.”

Stunned, I was stunned.

“But, how would you know what that feeling feels like?” I asked curiously.

“When you are in love, your heart will start beating crazily, the more you want to be calm, the faster it will beat. When you are around her, you will feel as if your whole face and ears are turning red. When she is not around, you will be missing her like crazy. Even when you are very focused, her face will suddenly appear in your mind and you will lose all your focus.” He explained. “Get it now?”

For this instance, I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know what to reply.

Am I that dense that I have to hear from other people that I am in love?

If love is really what he just said, then from the moment I see her, I had fallen in love with her?

Then it would be love at first sight?

So, what those drama television shows can really appear in reality?

I don’t believe all those things in the past, but…

What can I say? I happened on me!

So, this is love, this is love.

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miggykcy #1
Chapter 48: I love the way Jonghyun text message to Onew....Heeeee
miggykcy #2
Chapter 47: Wow!!! You are back. OnYeon so lovely together ^^
Karakarakara #3
Chapter 45: I will always support Onyeon and I started loving them because of this story
Chapter 44: Hey, I'm a new reader to your story and I really do like it alot :) Keep up the great work!
KaiserKawaii #5
Chapter 44: AH!!!! Hurry up!
eltonljh #6
Chapter 43: Hey i have to agree that it's harder for men to forgive someone when they are hurt by others,well at least for me.But how would you know that from a female point of view :O. Anyway i found this story years ago when i searched for Seungyeon and when i clicked on views,this fanfic was(currently still)the top of the list :)
cinta88 #7
will you update?i want know what happen to my onyeon....plizz update
miggykcy #8
Chapter 43: Sorry for the late replying! Actually, i once read this story for a long time read it for two chapters, then left it behind never read it again until the pass three years, i came back with it again and saw that the chapters is more than 20 chapters already. I gave up T^T, but since I'm a BIG FAN of Kara and Shinee couples so i decide to read it again. You Know what you gave me an insomnia, I spent all night to read all the story, I'm really stuck with this story.
I will keep waiting and supporting you ^^
eltonljh #9
Chapter 37: I've never realised how epic Seungyeon coming back to her senses was :P
eltonljh #10
Chapter 42: It's sad to think that the story might end soon :(....Good luck to you :D