
Passers-by to Lovers

Hey people!

this is my first post in this entire week.

im so sorry, i was very busy for this entire week cos this week is the week that my exam has start!!!!

well, this whole week is like a marathon to me. i was really damn tired and was studying the entire time.

so, here's chapter 6 of this fic!


Seungyeon’s POV

“Omo. I feel like dying.” I stood up from the chair and simply lie on the cold floor.

“It feels so good!” I stretched my body as I feel the cold floor against my back.

“Yah, don’t do that! Behave like a girl will you?” it was Gyuri, she was always fixing her hair as she looked into her mirror. “Oh my, my dark circles! What happen to the goddess? Nicole, you are surely trying to kill us! You actually asked us to help you in your project after we had graduated!”

“Well, since you guys like the elites among the graduates, of course I would want you to help me.” Nicole answered. “Ah, the mirror is going to crack any moment soooooon~” Nicole as she joins me together on the floor.

“Aish, Nicole! We helped you and yet you said that!” she raised her hand and tried to hit Nicole.

“Biannae noona. Forgive me.” as she aeygo.

“Alright, since you are such a sweetie pie, I will forgive you this time. But, Nicole, Seungyeon, don’t you think even with dark circles, I still look gorgeous?” she asked.

“Neh, neh.” Both Nicole and I giggled.

I closed my eyes as it has been days that I didn’t have a good rest.

As soon as I close my eyes, the person that I had missed for 3 years did not come to my mind; instead it was that guy, the guy with such a sweet smile that warms my heart up for the first time in the whole 3 years.

What has gotten into me? Surely, I was so guilty. Had I forgotten about him? Is it true that they say that time will heal anyone’s wound; time will help you to forget someone?

 I didn’t want to believe that, but, why did I keep on thinking of him? Though in my heart, there is always a position where he is still in, but, somehow did another come inside and also occupy a corner of my heart?

I don’t know.

“Hey, lets’ go down! I will ask my chef to cook us something delicious!” I suggested, trying to get rid of what is on my mind.

“Chinca?! SURE! ;D” they said in unison as we headed down.


Jinki’s POV

“Hey, Sica, just ignore what my mum says just now ok?” I said, afraid what my mum said will frighten her.

“Yeah, it’s alright.” Jessica smiles “but, seriously, don’t you think what your mum said is right?”

“HUH?” I asked in shocked, what did she just say?

“Well, both of us are single, so… why not?”

I looked at her; she looks very serious as I raised my one of my eyebrow.

“HA! I had forgotten that you are in drama and theaters, I almost got fooled!” I laughed off as I remembered that she is a top scholar.

There was a long silence before she replied, “haha, you are no fun”


Jessica’s POV.

“Hey, Sica, just ignore what my mum says just now ok?”

“Yeah, it’s alright.” I was smiling crazily in my heart; I can’t believe that Jinki’s parents actually accepted me. I was damn hell happy! It felt like man had first arrived on moon, it felt like there are billions of fireworks in the sky, it felt like… like… Oh man, I’m going crazy.

“But, seriously, don’t you think what your mum said is right?” I tried to test him, wanting to know his feelings about me.

“HUH?” that was what I got from him.

“Well, both of us are single, so… why not?” I looked away, pretending that it was nothing big, but there was one big word to describe the feeling I have now, ‘nervous’.

Then he suddenly stopped and looked at me, as I looked back, trying to be serious and let him think about us.

“HA! I had almost forgotten that you are in drama and theaters, I almost got fooled!” as he laughed off.




I was speechless; I can’t believe that he thought that all of what I said just now was a joke.

Tears started forming in my eyes.  I know what this means

I know exactly what this means.

It means that he had no feelings for me, he don’t look at me as a woman, he only treat me as the little girl from ten years ago, the little girl that who would always follow behind him no matter where he goes.

But, to me, he’s a man, a man that I love, a man that I would want him to love me back.

My heart, aches, aches so much that it was as if there were someone inside punching the inner walls of my heart.

 “Haha, you are no fun” I managed to forced out a laugh as I looked away again- for, I didn’t want him to know what I just said is true, all the truth that comes deep within my heart.


OHMAN! My story is progressing really very slowly. Zzz.

But pls bear with it as I want to be it more descriptive.

alright, i've to go now. TC everyone! ciao~

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miggykcy #1
Chapter 48: I love the way Jonghyun text message to Onew....Heeeee
miggykcy #2
Chapter 47: Wow!!! You are back. OnYeon so lovely together ^^
Karakarakara #3
Chapter 45: I will always support Onyeon and I started loving them because of this story
Chapter 44: Hey, I'm a new reader to your story and I really do like it alot :) Keep up the great work!
KaiserKawaii 12 streak #5
Chapter 44: AH!!!! Hurry up!
eltonljh #6
Chapter 43: Hey i have to agree that it's harder for men to forgive someone when they are hurt by others,well at least for me.But how would you know that from a female point of view :O. Anyway i found this story years ago when i searched for Seungyeon and when i clicked on views,this fanfic was(currently still)the top of the list :)
cinta88 #7
will you update?i want know what happen to my onyeon....plizz update
miggykcy #8
Chapter 43: Sorry for the late replying! Actually, i once read this story for a long time read it for two chapters, then left it behind never read it again until the pass three years, i came back with it again and saw that the chapters is more than 20 chapters already. I gave up T^T, but since I'm a BIG FAN of Kara and Shinee couples so i decide to read it again. You Know what you gave me an insomnia, I spent all night to read all the story, I'm really stuck with this story.
I will keep waiting and supporting you ^^
eltonljh #9
Chapter 37: I've never realised how epic Seungyeon coming back to her senses was :P
eltonljh #10
Chapter 42: It's sad to think that the story might end soon :(....Good luck to you :D