Letters to Baekhyun

From us, To you

It’s been 5 days.

5 days of making up lame excuses.

5 days of covering up.

5 days of sadness for the whole group.

It’s been 5 days since Baekhyun left, and most of them are running out of excuses.

During the 1st day of his absence, Suho told the managers that Baekhyun had an emergency at home, so he had to leave as soon as possible.

They thought that would be enough to stall their managers, but at the 3rd day, Baekhyun was needed for a performance and they were asked to call Baekhyun at once and tell him to get back.

But no one knew where Baekhyun was. The boy’s phone was unreachable and even Baekhyun’s closest friends are clueless to where the boy might have gone.

Kris told the managers that Baekhyun was needed back at home for a family problem. This time, it was the managers who tried to reach Baekhyun, but just like the others, there was no answer.

On that day, they performed without Baekhyun, and everyone felt so incomplete, especially Chanyeol. But like the always say

The show must go on.


It’s about 11 am and the boys were given a free day. But even though it’s a free day, they decided to look for Baekhyun again.

Most of them would contact Baekhyun’s closest friends, his family and even other idols that might have ideas to where he could’ve gone.

“I called up Himchan.” Suho said.

“And?” Kris cocked an eyebrow. Suho just shook his head.

“Kyungsoo, did you try calling Hyungsik already?” Chanyeol shouted.

“No luck Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo said.

“I’ll go look for him again.” Tao said.

“I’m coming too!” Yixing said as he took his coat.

“Maybe I should go with them, just in case anything happens.” Kris stood up. “Call me if you guys have any updates okay?” The three left.

“Where on earth would Baekhyun be?” Luhan said as he groaned in his seat.

“Out of the country?” Sehun said.

“I don’t think so. I mean, even with his disguise, he could still be recognized, especially with the sasaengs around.” Minseok answered.

They all sighed after the word sasaeng.

They partly blame these kinds of fans. They weren’t given any privacy, and EXO would be afraid to even go out at night because of them.

“I guess you’re right.” Sehun said in defeat.

“Okay, let’s take this one step at a time again.” Suho said. “We’ve already checked Himchan, Hyungsik, Minki, and Chunji.”

“Does Baekhyun have a close friend that we don’t know about?” Jongdae asked. The others shook their heads, but Chanyeol suddenly had an idea.

“Wait, there’s another person we haven’t asked yet.” Chanyeol stood up. “I’ll be right back okay?” Chanyeol took his coat and rushed out.

“Wait! Chanyeol! Ugh, Jongin, go with him.” Suho said as Jongin followed.


‘This feels nice.’ Baekhyun said as he enjoyed the breeze. It was so peaceful at that place that he loved it so much.

No sasaengs.

No schedules and performances.

No stress.

Baekhyun’s enjoyment would be perfect if he had Chanyeol with him. He missed his gigantic boyfriend, and until now, the guilt of leaving without permission was still eating him up.

“Are they going okay? Is Chanyeol okay? Does SM know about his disappearance? Are they looking for him?”

All these questions are playing around in Baekhyun’s mind, wondering if he would even get an answer.

‘I miss you Yeol.’

Baekhyun took a deep breath and decided to continue his walk.


“Please Sungjong” Chanyeol begged. “I know you know where Baekhyun went.”

“Why would you ask me of all people Chanyeol?” Sungjong said, not making direct eye contact with the other.

“Besides Kyungsoo, you’re also Baekhyun’s best friend.” Chanyeol stated.

“Then why not ask Kyungsoo?”

“Because, he’s part of EXO. And Kyungsoo would’ve stopped him if he knew.” Chanyeol said, insisting that Sungjong knew where Baekhyun was.

“Are you sure about this Yeol?” Jongin asked, a bit sceptical. Chanyeol nodded.

“Why not tell them the truth Jongie?” Myungsoo asked, receiving a death glare from the other. “What? It’s hard to lie babe, especially when you do it.” Myungsoo chuckled.

“Kim Myungsoo, I swear if you don’t get out of here, I’ll kill you.” Sungjong said, but Myungsoo just chuckled.

“You are too cute.” Myungsoo pinched Sungjong’s cheeks.

“So you do know where Baekhyun is.” Sungjong bit his bottom lip. “Please Sungjong, tell me.” Chanyeol begged. Sungjong took a deep breath.

“Fine, I know where he is. He dropped by our dorm before he left.”

“Where is he?” Jongin asked.

“Before I tell you, it’s best you know why he decided to leave first.”

“He was tired of being an idol right?” Jongin answered.

“That, and he was feeling down the day before he left.” Sungjong sighed. “You left him letters. You left him a letter for not waking him up right?”  Chanyeol nodded.

“He was tired so I didn’t want to disturb his sleep.”

“You know Baekhyun, he’s very sensitive and shallow. He would’ve wanted you to wake him up and give him a good bye kiss.” Jongin nodded.

“That’s sounds like Baekhyun hyung alright.” Jongin said.

“Baekhyun has been going through a lot lately. He always told me how he wanted to run away and ignore everything. I never thought he’d really do it.” Sungjong sighed.

“Baekhyun has a lot on his mind right now, and I guess the pressure got to him.” Myungsoo added.

Chanyeol suddenly felt guilty. Maybe if he had answered Baekhyun’s call to him, he might have chosen not to leave.

“Can you please tell me where he is?” Chanyeol asked, hoping to get the whereabouts of his boyfriend.

“He’s in Jeju.” Sungjong said. “He’s living in a small house there. That’s the only thing I can say.”

“He’s staying at Jongie’s grandma’s house.” Myungsoo said, earning a death glare from Sungjong.

“Wow Myungsoo, why not tell them the address too?” Sungjong rolled his eyes. “What the hell are you doing?!?”  

“I gave them the address.” Myungsoo grinned. “You told me to give it to them.” Sungjong glared at the other.

“Kim Myungsoo, I swear...”

“You guys can go. I’ll handle this.” Myungsoo said. Chanyeol and Jongin stood up, giving a bow before they walked out.

“What did you do that for?” Sungjong shouted.

“Jongie, let them handle their own problems. I know you’re just being a good friend towards Baekhyun, but you should also think what’s best for everyone.” Sungjong sighed.

“Well, I guess you’re right.” Sungjong pouted. “I just hope everything turns out well.”

“I think things would be fine Jongie.” Myungsoo smiled.

‘I hope so.’


Chanyeol was already at a plane to Jeju. He made sure to fix everything, so all of them decided to tell the managers the whole situation and with luck, they understood and decided to help Chanyeol.

‘I’m coming Baek.’ Chanyeol held tighter on the small piece of paper he was holding.


Baekhyun hummed as he enjoyed the breeze by the beach. He had his earphones plugged to his ears.

It was ironic actually. Baekhyun wanted peace, but now that he got it, he was actually missing the life he got used to. Baekhyun let out a small laugh as he found himself to be very stupid and ironic.

‘I wonder how they’re doing.’

Baekhyun smiled and decided to stand up, for he was getting hungry. He fixed himself before leaving.

As he rode his bik towards to the nearest eatery, he noticed a couple being all sweet and cuddly with each other.

Baekhyun sighed yet again. Not only that he was missing his old life, but he was also missing Chanyeol. His Chanyeol, his gigantic wall.

He missed how Chanyeol would always make everything okay, how he would make Baekhyun feel special in every way, and how Chanyeol would always make him smile.

But because of Baekhyun’s decision, he had to endure the pain without Chanyeol or anyone.


The last time Baekhyun ate this much was during his middle school years. He couldn’t believe that he ate three pancakes, ordered 3 plates of beef, ate 4 slices of cakes and drank 3 glasses of strawberry smoothies.

Baekhyun stood up and paid afterwards. He went out and noticed that it was already around 4 pm in the afternoon.  How long did he eat? He lost track of time. He rode his bike back to the house because it was starting to get cold already.

Baekhyun stopped in front of the house. He closed the gate and properly placed the bike at the side. As he walked towards the door, he noticed a pink note sticking by the door.

Hey sonny, I have to be somewhere. Don’t wait up for me. Have fun! ;)

  • Granny Lee

Baekhyun cocked an eyebrow.

‘What does she mean by have fun?’ Baekhyun folded the paper and went inside. He was about to turn on the lights when he noticed a trail of rose petals on the floor.

‘What the?’ Baekhyun slowly followed the trail. As he entered the living room, he noticed a piece of paper by the vase. He took the paper and noticed his name on it.

You left without saying a word. You should’ve told us what you’re been going through so we could’ve talked about it as a family, but on my part, I’m sorry. Because as the leader, I have a very big responsibility of making sure that everyone is okay. I know I’ve been lacking, but I’m trying my best to keep everyone safe and happy. Please come back Baek, we miss you.


Baekhyun doesn’t know how to react to this. The guilt was coming back to him again.

“Is anyone here?” Baekhyun said out loud. He sighed and continued to follow the trail. As he stopped by the fire place, he saw another letter with his name on it. He took the letter and opened it.

You know I’m not really good at being all greasy and expressing my feelings so, here goes nothing. You need to come back Baek, we need you, we miss you, and EXO is not complete without you. If you need someone to talk to, I’m here for you Baek. Chanyeol’s your wall, but I can be a giant oak tree if you want me too. So please come back.

Yi Fan

Baekhyun was unconsciously smiling. Kris’ message was a little awkward yet cute at the same time. He continued to walk until he was already at the dining area.

Baekhyun noticed three letters on the table. He went to the first letter and opened it.

 You left without even saying good bye Baekhyun. That was a very bad thing to do. I hate you! Well not really. We miss you Baek! All of us. You could’ve told us about your plan you know, so we could’ve all ran away. I know what you feel. After being called chubby by the fans, I started going on that stupid diet. It was really hard for me but I had to do it because of being an idol. So if you think I’m mad, don’t. I’m not angry at you, I totally understand you. Please, come back to us!


The tears were slowly streaming down Baekhyun’s face. These unfamiliar tears suddenly appeared. He realized that he wasn’t the only one experiencing problems, and he felt bad for giving up when the others had bigger problems to face and hide from the others.

Baekhyun continued to the next letter. He took it in his hands and opened it.

You left without warning Baekhyun, and I hate you for that. But of course, you wouldn’t tell us, because you knew all of us would stop you. But I’m still angry with you Baekhyun. What you did was immature Baek, but I understand you. Things are never easy, especially when you’re an idol. It’s hard for me you know, because of the langu. Unlike the others, I’m actually having a hard time with my Korean. I sometimes feel so alone, and I guess that’s what you felt. I’m sorry if no one was there when you needed someone to lean on. With this little idea your boyfriend thought of, I hope you come back to us. I’ll be waiting.


Baekhyun sighed. Yixing’s words were very direct and striking. He was starting to regret his decision and with the letters he had been reading, most of them were missing him.

Baekhyun went to the last letter in the table. As he slowly scanned the letter, he realized who wrote the letter.

I hate you Byun Baekhyun! Seriously! How can you not tell your bestest friend that you would run away?!? I could’ve accompanied you! We could’ve run away together. Instead, you left without even giving me a hint. Sheesh, so much for being your best friend. I’m not really angry Baek. I can never be angry with you. It’s like you’re a twin brother I never had. You understand me so easily, and likewise. I tried following your advice and well, me and Jongin are finally dating! Thank you so much for everything Baek. Please don’t feel left out or anything, because we ALL love you. Please come back! We miss you, I miss you.

PS I’m sorry for not cooking for you! If you come back, I promise to cook for you forever.

Baekhyun smiled at Kyungsoo’s cuteness. He was lucky to have Kyungsoo as one of his closest friends. He continued walking and found a trail leading to another letter on top of a small drawer. He took it to his hands and started to read its contents.

Hey there Baekhyun! I don’t really care about the gap we had before. You’re very kind and helpful, that’s why even with the language barrier, I still made sure that we would get very close because I really like you as a friend. Thank you for giving me compliments but actually, I admire you too. Your voice is just so heavenly Baek, and the way you smile, it’s just so charming that you make me want to smile too. If you want, I could teach you football Baek and let’s practice dancing more, okay? Please come back Baek!

Lu Han

Baekhyun found himself smiling the whole time. Luhan’s message was so heart warming that he wanted to go back just to give the cute Luhan a hug. Baekhyun  followed the trail again as it lead to another room. He went passed through the opened sliding door and realized that this was Granny Lee’s bedroom.

The small boy noticed another familiar letter by the bed and took it in his hands. He sat on the bed and started reading it.

Hey there the one that ran away. It’s me, the panda. It was weird Baek, but I did look for you. I don’t know how you realized that but I did.  I wonder how you knew, are you psychic or something? Anyways, I’m sort of angry at you Baek, and I guess you know why. I won’t judge you though, it’s still your call. I’m just glad that you’re safe. Please take care of yourself okay? If we get the chance, I’ll teach you some of my Wushu moves. If you want to come back, then it’s fine, but if not, it’s also okay for me. I respect your decision Baek, that’s how much I respect you.


Baekhyun loved how Tao would respect and understand his decisions. He also loved how Tao would understand him no matter what he did. He feels sorry for leaving a friend like him. But as Tao said, it would always be Baekhyun’s decision. 

Baekhyun stood up and decided to follow the trail again. He was about to exit the room when he noticed another letter sticking out the drawer.

Whoever made this was losing space and was running out of ideas to where to place them.

How could you leave like that hyung? How can you just leave US like that? I thought we’re a family? You should’ve told us that you were leaving hyung. I don’t care about the number of lines I have, so never blame yourself for anything. I’m lacking hyung, that’s why. So please, please come back. We need you hyung. Please.


Sehun was always a mature person, even though he was the youngest. But after reading the letter he made for Baekhyun, the latter realized that Sehun still had those tendencies of being a real maknae. He could see that Sehun was crying as he wrote his letter, because some of the words are smudged with tears.


Baekhyun walked out of the room and continued to follow the trail. As he walked to the direction of the trail, he started counting the number of people left.

‘There’s Jongdae, Jongin and Chanyeol.’ Baekhyun heaved his shoulders.

‘I wonder who prepared all of this.’ Baekhyun thought. He actually wanted to run around the house and find the person, but he guessed following the trail would lead him to the person.

‘And right on cue, another letter.’ Baekhyun stopped and took the letter.

I’ve always thought of being the best. I always wanted to be the best, and when I got the chance to prove myself, I felt great about myself. So much that I even made you my rival. Weird right? It was childish and stupid. But honestly, I was competitive because I’ve always felt inferior next to you. I always wanted to beat you, but now, I realize it was foolish of me to think so. We should work together, but all I’ve been doing is being a rude, insecure person. If you ever come back, I hope you do, let’s continue making good music okay?


Baekhyun froze as he read the letter. He never realized how Jongdae felt. But with this letter, he also realized how much people respect him and actually care for him.

Baekhyun walked as he noticed that the trail was leading to Granny Lee’s backyard. He guessed that the person was there, waiting for him. As he reached the last door, he noticed another letter taped to it.

You gave up hyung, just like that. How could you? You could’ve at least dragged me and Kyungsoo to your plan, so we could’ve been together, also with Chanyeol. By the way, me and Kyungsoo are dating now. And it’s all thanks to you. I miss you hyung, I miss how you would try to give me strength every time I was giving up and I guess you’re one of the reasons why I never did run away. Your encouragement keeps me going and that’s all I need. Knowing that someone is actually not giving up on me, when I was starting to give up on myself. I don’t hate you hyung, because like the others, I understand you. I hope you come home to us hyung, come back to your home.

Jongin (Bad boy)

Tears were starting to well up again as Baekhyun chuckled at Jongin’s letter. If Chanyeol was his wall, he considers Jongin as his shield.

Before going through the door, Baekhyun took a deep breath. He was having an idea who the person would be. He was excited, nervous and happy at the same time. He held on the handle and slid the door open. He walked past the door and followed the trail once more. The trail end was a big pile of rose petals, but, to Baekhyun’s disappointment, no one was there.

Baekhyun’s tears streamed down his pale face. He was expecting Chanyeol to be there, standing in front of him, waiting for him, but no, he was welcomed by petals.

‘I hate this.’ Baekhyun covered his face with both hands and started to cry.

“I miss you Chanyeol.” Baekhyun said as he cried.

Baekhyun was about to leave when he suddenly felt a pair of arms slither around his petite waist.

“That’s all I needed to hear Baek.” The low, husky and familiar voice said. The person buried his face in Baekhyun’s neck.

“I thought a ghost did this.” Baekhyun said as a set of fresh tears streamed down his face.

The person he missed the most was here.

The person he needed was hugging him.

His wall was there again.

“Aren’t you going to give me a letter?” Baekhyun asked.

“I was, but you know I’m not good with writing. So I decided to give you this.” Baekhyun faced Chanyeol.

“Where?” Baekhyun asked, looking for the thing Chanyeol was going to give him.

“This.” Chanyeol leaned in until his lips met with Baekhyun’s.

Baekhyun closed his eyes as he drowned in Chanyeol’s lips. Oh how he missed his gigantic boyfriend. Chanyeol broke the kiss and wiped the tears from Baekhyun’s cheeks.

“I love you Baekhyun. When you left, everyone felt so incomplete. I felt so dead. How could you leave like that Baek?”

“I’m sorry” Baekhyun looked away but Chanyeol cupped Baekhyun’s face with his gigantic hands.

“No, I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not being there in your time of need. I love you Baek, so please, please come back to us. We need you, I need you. The life we chose will never be easy Baek, it can even get harder.” Chanyeol took Baekhyun’s hands. “But knowing that you’re next to me keeps me going Baek, so please, let’s go home.”

Baekhyun smiled and kissed Chanyeol this time.

“How can I resist you Chanyeol? Besides, even if I don’t agree with you, you’ll still carry me out of here you gigantic wall.” Baekhyun let out a small giggle.

“You know me so well Baek.” Chanyeol was about to kiss Baekhyun again when he suddenly remembered something. “I almost forgot, someone wants to talk to you.”

Chanyeol took out his phone and pressed his screen. He handed the phone over to Baekhyun. The latter carefully took the phone and placed it next to his ear.


“Hello son.”


“Yes, it’s me. I heard you left without permission Baekhyun.”

“Yes, well, I was feeling a bit down. I guess I just needed a break.”

“I see.  Baekhyun” Baekhyun hummed. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry for being a very insensitive mother. I was just angry with what happened.”

“I understand mom.”

“I know you do, and I thank you for that Baek. I never knew you were feeling that much pressure. I wish I could be there and hug you right now, but I know Chanyeol would give you much more.” Baekhyun blushed. “Anyways, I love you son. Whatever your decision would be, I’ll support you all the way. I love you.”

“Thanks mom, I love you more.” With that, the conversation ended.

Baekhyun handed the phone back to Chanyeol as he started to cry again. Chanyeol gave Baekhyun a big hug as Baekhyun continued to cry in his arms.

“I love you Yeol, and thank you, for this, for everything.”

“I love you more Baekhyun. Come on, let’s go inside or else we’ll both catch a cold.”

“Do you want to get going Yeol?” Chanyeol smiled and shook his head.

“Nah, let’s leave tomorrow morning. I’ll turn off my phone to we won’t get any interruptions. This feels nice.”

“I love you Yeol.”

“I love you more Baek.”




So here it is! I hope you guys liked it, even though it's not that okay. Leave your comments!!! It actually took me 3 days to finish this because I kept deleting some parts. Thank youuuu!

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So this is the sequel. :3 I didn't see it. :3
Chapter 1: I can't believe I just saw this sequel. Lol. So much for waiting for it. Haha! Anyway, I love the sequel. I feel so happy seeing all the letters the members wrote to Baek. So sweet! And Chanyeol is the sweetest. As expected of a boyfriend :3
Andreagoon27 #3
Chapter 1: Such a sweet ending.
Perfect story
Chapter 1: Oooh it was cute! :DDD
Chapter 1: Oh gosh thank you so much for the sequel!! I was feeling so depressed after the first one ;_; AUTHOR-NIM JJANG!!