Junnie, Adobo is the best

Heads Or Tails

“Alright…We’ll see you again right?” Taemin asks hesitantly.

“Sure, I don’t start school for a while so I’m free.” Something tells me a lot more went on than what Key had told me about this previous friend of theirs.

“Well we’ll keep in touch.”

“Me too?” I say slowly. “Taemin you alright?”

“Noona, promise to come back?” He asks me quietly. “You won’t just leave us.”

“Taemin I promise I’ll be back.” I whisper pulling him into a hug. “I promise.”

“Taemin! Jessica are you coming?!” Onew yells. “We’re starting!”

“Noona has to go see…”

“Junnie.” I finish the sentence for him. “He’s pretty worked up about it, I should get going.”

“Junnie?” Key and Jonghyun say together. “A guy?”

“Yeah, we’re really close, I should head out, but I had a lot of fun and we can hang out after I spend some time with Junnie.”

“I’ll take you down to the lobby!” Minho volunteers standing up. “I can help with your bags.”

“Me too!” Taemin cheers getting up. “Hyungs?”

“Naw, it’s too risky, we’ll wait up here.” Key says nonchalantly. “Be careful.”

“Kay.” Minho and Taemin says while dragging me to their door, getting their shoes on and my bags.

“They’re jealous.” Minho chuckles.

Confused though and a bit in a daze with them dragging me out into the hall. “Why? Junnie is my cousin.”

“It didn’t sound like that.” Minho says happily. “But it is fun to mess with hyungs.”

“So…You’re not going to tell them that Junnie is my six year old cousin?” I ask them laughing as we ride down in the elevator. “That’s a bit mean.”

“Naw, just a little well deserved…” Taemin pauses, pursing his lips. “Prank.”

“What about Onew?”

“He’s just along for the ride.” Minho says while shrugging his shoulders. “He may or may not care that Junnie is part of your family.”

Giggling I shake my head. “When will you tell them?”

“When you introduce us all.” Taemin says shrugging his shoulders. “It doesn’t really matter to us.” Taemin seems a little huffed up about me leaving, but more than eager to get a shot in at their hyungs.

“Well, you know it shouldn’t be too bad.”


-SHINee’s Dorm-


“Can you believe it?!” Key says upset. “A boyfriend.”

“She never said that’s what Junnie is.” Onew interjects.

“You heard how she talked about him!” Jonghyun whines. “What else could Junnie be?”

“A really close friend?” Onew asks tilting his head, he had to admit, he likes Jessica and the possibly of her having a boyfriend is disappointing.

“Well I say that we figure out who this Junnie is.” Jonghyun pouts, he too set on the idea that Jessica isn’t to be shared with the rest of Korea. “I mean she’s our friend!”

“Why should we care?” Key asks looking out the window.

“Oh, don’t play coy we all know you like her too!” Jonghyun says pointing at him accusingly. “Now are we going to find out who this ‘Junnie’ is?”

“We don’t even know his last name.” Key says dejectedly. “Besides it’s not like we can control her life.”

“She’s here for school.” Onew points out. “Maybe he goes to the same one.”

“How might we find out all this?!” Key says glaring at the two, now plotting friends, “It’s not like we can just march out into Seoul.”

“No, but we can sneak out.” Jonghyun says happily. “Something exciting, Key that’s what we’ve all been waiting for.” The plotting boy smirks happily. “We got ourselves some excitement now, wake up and smell the coffee.”

The other two gave uneven glances to the other as they listen to their friend.




“Heads I tell them, Tails I play along.” I say waiting for the taxi, flipping it up in the air I watch it clatter onto the tile.

“Tails!” Taemin cheers. “Play along!”

“Maknae you’re too excited about that.” Minho says sighing looking at the coin.

“Well I haven’t gotten a tails in a while.” I mutter picking it up. “But we’re not going to let this get out of hand right?”

“Right!” Taemin says happily. “Jessica what’s the worst that could happen anyways?”

“You’re talking about Jonghyun.” Minho reminds him. “He can get a little out of hand. Jessica we won’t, but it’d be on the safe side that you don’t mention Junnie too much in front of the others.”

“Right.” I say twirling around. “Oh, well the Taxi is here…I’ll see you guys later right?”

“Right. Noona, I’ll text you!”

“Me too.” Minho says pulling Taemin away from the door.

“Bye guys.” I say laughing. “Text me soon though.”

“We will! Bye Jessica!”

Waving to them I roll my bags out to the taxi, with his helps I manage to get them in the trunk. “Thank-you.”

“No problem. You’re heading home?”

“Something like that.” I mutter happily, looks like this new start is a bit more exciting than what I was anticipating.


Dropping my off in front of the house Junnie runs out to me. “JESSICA!”

“JUNNIE!” I scream picking him up to twirl him around. “How’s my favorite little man?”

“I’m so happy to see you!” He says hugging my tightly. “Umma, Appa Jessica is here!”

Setting him down I hug my Auntie and Uncle. “It’s good to see you!”

“You too!” They say hugging me tightly. “Your parents just called.”

“Already?” I ask them rolling my suitcases in while Junnie runs in ahead of me.

“Your room is right next to mine!” He says happily. “Jessicaaaaa!” He whines pulling me along.

“Junnie you’re so excited.”

Grinning at me he opens a door for me. “You’re my most favoritest person in the world!”

“What about you parents?” I ask him sitting on the bed prepared for me. “I mean should you love your parents?”

“I love them, but I love you the most!” He giggles hugging me. “I missed you a lot since we last visited!”

“Aw, I missed you too.” I whisper ruffling his hair. “Come on let’s get to that park.”

“YAY!” He screams happily. “Umma! Umma! Umma!”

“Junnie we already told you, you need to calm down.” Auntie says sighing. “Jessica you can rest.”

“Naw, I don’t mind. Besides I missed the little guy too.” I say getting a jacket on. “Besides it looks like you and Uncle Jae could use a break, he must have been driving you crazy.”

“Just a little!” Uncle Jae calls. “Honey where’s the peppers?!”

“Aish. This man thinks he can cook for the world.” She mutters. “I better go help him, just be back soon alright?”

“Sure thing Auntie May. Junnie you ready?!”

“Since I heard you were in Korea!” He responds running down the hall. “Hurry Jessica!”

Chuckling I grab a pair of tennis shoes, “Ball of energy.”

“He gets like this only around you.” Auntie explains smiling happily. “He really likes the idea of you being close.”

“Me too.” I whisper following him down the hall. “I have my cell phone!” I call as Junnie and I step outside.

“Jessica where were you?’ He asks holding my hand, skipping along. “You’ve been in Korea all morning and you only came home a few minutes ago.”

“I made some friends.” I tell him happily. “They’re really interesting.”

Junnie is quite, a little unsettling but when he talks he’s sad. “More than me?”

“Never, you’re my most favoritest person in the world.” I tell him kneeling down to his eye level. “Forever.”


“I promise.” I tell him kissing his head. “Come on let’s go play on the swings.”

Happily he lets go of my head to jump on a swing. “Noona come push me!” He says happily trying to swing.

Jogging over to him I begin to gently push him. “Say Junnie what do you know about quarters?”

“Quarters?” He asks confused. “What are those?”

“A form of currency in America.”

“Nothing.” He answers happily. “Why?”

“They’re great for flipping.” I whisper as he swings happily, “I’m going to swing too.”

“Noona you aren’t going to stay with me forever are you?” He asks me quietly. “Umma and Appa says you’re here for school.”

“I’m here also to see my family.” I tell him happily. “Junnie you know that.”

“I do, but you’ll have to move out.”

“I will, but I’ll visit you a lot, and Auntie May and Uncle Jae.” I tell him happily. “I’ll still be around.”

“Would you flip it?” He asks me quietly. “Umma says you do that a lot.”

Sighing I pull out my quarter. “Heads I visit, Tails I don’t.” I tell him. “But Junnie when I move out I’m always going to want to visit.”

“Neh.” He says watching as I flip the coin up, “I want heads.”

“Me too.” I tell him watching it fall onto the wood chips. “Looks like its heads.”

“Really?!” he asks excitedly. “Noona you’ll come and visit?”

“A coin couldn’t keep me away.” I tell him hugging him. “Junnie, you silly boy.”

“Appa says boys are supposed to be silly.” He says a little arrogantly. “Appa is silly.”

“You both are.” I says giggling. “That’s a reason why I love you.”

“I love you too Noona!” He says wrapping his small around my neck. “Let’s go slide!”


For a while Junnie and I just ran around the playground, then he started to play with some other kids, it was at this point I took a break and just watched him.


“Junnie?” A woman calls. “Where are you parents?”

“I’m here with my NOONA!” He says angrily. “JESSICA!”

Running over to him I see a worried woman holding him, Junnie never liked when adults did that. “Excuse me, Miss?”

“Who are you?”

“I’m Jessica, Junnie’s cousin.” I tell her slowly. “I’m here for school; I’m staying with the Kim family.” I explain to her. “I brought Junnie here to play.”

“LET GO!” Junnie scream unhappily. “Jessica!” He continues to whine

“Would you mind letting him go? It’s time we head home anways.” I tell press taking Junnie’s hand. “Please?”

“Sorry.” She whispers letting go. “I’m their neighbor, Miss Kio.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you; we’ll see you around then.” I say bowing, picking Junnie up and carrying him on my hip we leans on my shoulder.

“I don’t like her.” He mutters. “She’s really mean.”

“Shh, we’ll be home soon.” I whisper to him as we walk the way we came. “Supper is probably almost ready.”

“Neh, let’s hurry I’m hungry.”

Giggling I begin to walk until we make it there, opening the door my nose is met with the sweet aroma of adobo, I’m not sure why I hadn’t recognize the smell sooner but there it is clear as day

“Auntie May?” I call hesitantly; I haven’t had adobo in a long time, and let me tell you when my aunts and uncles make it: it’s the best think ever. “I am I wrong at what I smell?”

“No, your mother told us you haven’t had it for a while.” She calls sticking her head out. “You do want it right?”

“Are you kidding? I’d eat the whole pot!” I say putting Junnie down.

“What’s the big deal it’s just adobo.” He whines. “Nothing special.”

Auntie May chuckles. “Junnie you just earned a lecture from your cousin.”


“Junnie, adobo is a big deal.” I tell him slowly. “It is the most amazing dish known to man.” I continue to tell him. “It is ALWAYS a big deal.”

“Umma,” Junnie says shifting his eyes to Auntie May, “Jessica is getting weird.”

“Getting? Sweetie where have you been the past six years, your cousin has been strange her entire life!” She calls from the kitchen.

“Thanks!” I call a little defeated. “Auntie you sure are nice.”

“I try my dear!”

Laughing I smile at Junnie, “You go play; dinner will be in a little while.” I tell him walking down the hall.

“What are you going to do?”

“Unpack; I’ll be here for a couple of months.” I tell him happily. “I don’t plan on living out of my suitcase for those two months.” I pulling one of them up.

ping the bag I reveal part of my wardrobe, by the door is a box of hangers. “They think of everything.” I mutter happily. I begin to unpack, hanging the bulk of the contents, shirts, dresses, pants placing my shoes at the foot of the closet.

“My, you work quickly.” My uncle says chuckling. “Something on your mind?”

“Sorta.” I mumble. “It’s about my friends.”

“Oh, your new friends?”


“Want to talk about it?” He asks me. “You know when we still lived in America with your parents you never liked going out to make friends.”

“I can believe that.” I chuckle. “I haven’t always been the social butterfly.” I joke. “Still though I can’t help but feel they’re keeping something from me, something that I should know.”

“Well you just met them right?”


“Maybe it’ll take some time till they decide to tell you, after all you don’t just poor out every secret to someone you just met.”

“Unless the quarter says.” I say giving him a sly look.

“Ha, I guess Junnie over heard.”

“Yeah, I don’t rely on it for everything.”

“It’s strange that you do though.” He says sighing. “Jessica you’re bright, but sometime that quarter has gotten you into trouble…”

“I know, but I put that behind me, I’m moving forward its part of the reason I decided to move to Korea.”

“Well we’re glad to have you, just remember that.”

“Why would I forget?”

He chuckles. “You’re still worried and I know a personal cure.”

“Adobo.” We say together, happily we walk into the kitchen taking our seats at the table enjoying adobo and rice, a meal I grew up loving, and still do, I bonded with family and friends over this delicacy.


I added the adobo maily because that's what I'm having for dinner. I love it. (: he-he-he...

Well I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and that the text is at a more readable color, last chapter I mean, and that you guys are enjoying this, comments are welcomed... :D

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flattummy #1
i found it!!
i haveread this before! but i forgot the title! :DD
I have to say, I just keep re-reading this. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...Well, you get the idea! :D

FACT: You did not just read all of that. ;)
Loved it! :)
Glad they're together. Thought she was going to end up with another member.
Sunako #4
This is a really good story, a bit fast paced at parts, but very well written and it has a solid plotline. I enjoyed the dynamics of your OC and how she would go with the flow and see where fate took her, and when she developed into a more mature young woman it was a great transition. Thanks for writing such a wonderful story (that I am about to re-read because I enjoyed it so much).
Adorable! I love the simple, yet complex theme of fate by flipping a coin. :)
RiCa1826 #6
Omo...this story was so great :DDDD<br />
<br />
Ehehe, Adobo is my favorite too :]
iloveKEYandJiNYOUNG #7
wow adobo is my favorite too ^.^
KoreanKitKat #8
love this story! it's cute and normal in a good way :)
Sunshinegrave #9
@achel12<br />
My mom makes it for us some times, that and I'm half Filipino xD<br />
It really is one of my favorite meals :3
why do you know ADOBO??? I'm just curious..