Jonghyun That's Dangerous

Heads Or Tails


Getting off the plane I look around at my surroundings, thanking my parents for forcing us to speak Korean, write in Korean, and read Korean while we were at the house or just out with the family, if my mother hadn’t been so insistent on it I’d be totally lost. ‘Thank-you so much Umma.’ I think looking up at the ceiling. Pushing my carry-on back onto my shoulder I shovel through the airport looking for the baggage claim. Looking about, completely turned around I try to spot someone who was on the flight, but sadly I couldn’t find a single person. Groaning in frustration I look around for someone that works in this madness, I mean it’s hard to even take a couple of steps without almost bumping into someone.

“Are you lost?” A guy asks walking up to me, nodding my head in complete distress, he chuckles, furthering my grief. “What are you looking for?”

“The baggage claim for flight KE6221.” I tell him reading the number off my ticket stub.

A smile comes over his face. “KE6221?”

“Yes.” I tell him getting a little aggravated. “Do you know where to go?”

“Nope, but that’s the flight I was on with my friends. My friend should actually be coming around here soon to get us all there.” He says smiling at me.

Rolling my eyes, I fold my arms. “Sure.”

“No really!” He says holding me from walking away. “Look there he is.”

“Jjong who is this?” A guy asks making a funny face. “You can’t pick up strangers.”

This ‘Jjong’ grunts at the new comer. “I know; she’s lost like me.” He says brightly.

“YAH!” I tell him harshly. “Don’t say it like a blessing!” I whine wanting to just disappear into the tiled floor. “’Jjong’s’ friend do you know where the baggage claim for flight KE6221?” I ask him getting more irritated by Jjong.

Chuckling he nods his head. “We’re on our way right now. Jjong where are the others?”

Jjong shrugs his shoulders. “They said they were going to the bathroom.”

“Pabo.” He mutters rubbing his forehead. “How do you expect us to get out of here without being spotted?”

What an odd thing to say, why would they be worried about being spotted?

“Dunno.” Jjong says coolly. “Chill Kibum, look here they come.” He says looking in some direction.

“Look, could you just point me in the way?” I ask the friend desperately. “It’d be saving my mind.” I tell him shrugging Jjong’s hand off. “Please.”

“No need we’re going now.” He says turning on heel.

“Don’t feel so bad. Kibum talks like that to us” He says pointing to another guy. “And he’s younger.” Somehow that didn’t make me feel any better, if anything it made me feel even worse. Quietly I keep a safe distance between me and Jjong, and closer to Kibum. This isn’t quite hoe I thought my first moments in Korea, completely and utterly unpromising, hanging my head I manage to follow Kibum through the mess, finally making it to the baggage claim, it being nearly deserted now. “I suppose this IS preferable.” I mutter looking at the remaining bags.

I just need my two and I can ditch these guys.

“Hyung, who is she?” Another guy asks.

“Ask Jjong, he’s the one who found her.”

“YAH!” He calls a little upset. “She was lost and she was going the same way right?”

“Hyung that’s dangerous.” The same boy says shaking his head.

Grabbing my bright red suitcase, waiting patiently for my other one I stare at the conveyer belt. “Hurry, please.” I mutter.

“Is that one yours?” Kibum asks me gently while pointing.

Seeing my suitcase with Jjong, I glare at him. “YAH! That’s mine!” I yell as he begins to put it on a cart, with what I assume is their luggage.

“Aish.” Kibum says. “We’ll give you a ride; at least I think that’s what Jjong is planning.” Kibum says pulling my along by my waist.  “Don’t worry we won’t hurt you, although I’m sure you’d be more than happy to hurt Jjong.”

“Neh.” I say simply. “Kibum can I ask you something?”

“Shoot.” He says hanging his head down, “I’m going to rest my head on you, wrap your around me when we get out alright?”

“Why?’ I ask him looking around nervously.

“Just do it, we’ll explain when we get in the car.” He says resting his face so that it’s facing into my neck, trusting Kibum I wrap my arm around him after switching my luggage into my other hand. “Good, go ahead and ask.”

“Why are you worried about being spotted? Are you guys criminals?” I ask in a hushed tone, I’m not sure if I’m excited or terrified, but Kibum is the best person I’ve met since being in Korea, given he’s the only real person I’ve ever met.

“No,” He chuckles. “I’ll tell you in the car, it’ll make more sense. You smell nice.”

Blushing I look down. “A-a-ah thanks.”

I hadn’t realized it but his hot breath fanning over the skin on my neck really was relaxing. “Kay, now, I’m gonna lead us through people, do not say my name.” He says pulling me towards a waiting car. “They better get you bag.” He mutters.

Gulping, feeling my heart race I allow Kibum to lead my towards the car, somehow trusting him seems right, at least for now.

“At least Minho has a brain.” He mutters quietly. “Give him your bag and get in. Quickly.” Doing as he says I hand my bag to Minho who smiles at me before quickly putting it in the back, following Kibum into the car a man turns around to look at me.

“Who is she?” He asks. “Jonghyun how many times do I have to tell you?!”

“YAH! Why are you asking me?” He yells back offended, I take it this isn’t the first time he’s done something like this.

“Cause you’re obviously guilty.” Another guy says shamelessly.

“Aish…always me.”

“It was you.” Kibum says as Minho gets in. “We’re all here? Taemin?”





“HYUNG.” He says distressed. “Onew-HYUNG.”


“Neh.” Onew says deflated. “Is it too much to ask you to call me Hyung?”


“Neh.” Jjong answers happily again, he bounces back fast.

“Go.” Key commands leaning back in his seat.

Staring at him expectantly I wait. “Well?”

“Well what?” Kibum asks. “Oh right.” He says sitting up.

“I’m Kibum, you can call me Key.”

“What kind of lame- nickname is Key?” I ask him in a monotone.

“YAH! Almighty Key is a GREA nickname!” He says heated. “Anyways we’re SHINee.”

“SHINee?” I ask tilting my head. “What’s that?”

“WAE?!” They all say upset.

“Noona, you don’t know SHINee? You don’t like us?” Taemin, I think, asks me sadly.

Stalled for words I look at Kibum again. “What is SHINee?”

“We’re a boy band, a very popular boy band.” He explains nonchalantly. “You could have been torn to shreds for being with me.”

“Or me.” Jonghyun adds in.

“Or me.” The others chorus, shamelessly.
Furrowing my brow I ask one last question. “One of those K-Pop bands?”

“Neh, you’re Korean have you been living under a rock?” Jonghyun asks me tracing circles on the window. “I mean you’d have to be.”

“Or I’ve been living in America since I was born.” I tell him matter-of-factly. “I’ve never listened to K-pop.”

“Taemin let her see your iPod.” Kibum demands unhappily. “You’ll like us.”

“Or I won’t.” I mumble a little upset. “Anyways can I get dropped off?”

“Aniyo.” Everyone says happily.

“Manager-Hyung can we get something to eat?” Minho asks leaning against the wall.

Kibum suddenly plucks the earphones in pressing play, I’ll admit the song is good, really good, glancing at the screen, ‘Lucifer’, pulling it out I turn to Taemin.

“You guys are good.” I tell him smiling.

His face brightens immediately. “Noona I’m glad you like us.”

I nod my head turning to Key who nodding at me, high and mightily. “I see why you have ‘Almighty’ in your nickname.”

“Good.” He chides me.

“I’m dropping you guys all off at the dorm then I’ll pick up some food.” Their manager says. “Umm…Young lady?”

“Neh?” I ask spinning around to face him while he talks.

He chuckles, nodding his head knowingly it seems. “Could I get your name?”

“Oh…” The others all say together. “What is your name?”

Shaking my head dismissively I bow to their manager the best I can. “Jessica.”

“Last name?” Kibum asks me.

Glancing at him I decide why not. “Kim.”

“Mine too.” Kibum says happily.

“Me too!” Jonghyun says excitedly.

I turn to look at Taemin pleadingly. “Noona want to sit here?” He asks me pointing to the open seat between him and Minho.

Nodding my head I quickly maneuver so that I’m not sitting by Minho and Taemin. “So in SHINee what do you do?” I ask Taemin curiously. “My little sister is more into K-Pop than me.”

He smiles at me happily. “I’m the dancer, I sing, but not as well as Jonghyun-Hyung.”



“Taemin is our dancing machine.” Onew says popping his head to look back at me. “He’s really good.”

Glancing at Taemin I smile. “I’d love to see you dance.”

“I have the Lucifer dance on my iPod.” He says snatching it form Key, “Here” Handing me a headphone, placing the other in his ear, scrolling through videos he presses play.

Stunned I keep my eye on Taemin dancing, he really is good. “Amazing.” I mutter awe-struck. “You’re better than anyone I’ve ever seen.”

“Noona!” Taemin cheers happily hugging me. “Thank-you.”

Smiling I hug Taemin back. “Who’s singing?”

“Jonghyun.” Taemin says happily. “This is Minho rapping.”

“Oh…I like your voice.” I tell Minho happily. “It’s really good.”

“Thank-you.” He says happily, looking back out the window, they all seem close.

“This is Key-Hyung rapping.”

“OH…Amazing.” I says aloud. “Are you singing?”


“You’re good too. This is Onew right?”

“Yup, and now Jonghyun.”

“Aish…You guys are amazing. I shouldn’t have doubted you.” I say happily.

“We’re here!” Onew says happily. “I can’t wait to jump into my bed!” He says excitedly. “HURRY!”

Glancing at Taemin, him now just as excited. ‘When will I get to go to my new home?’ I silently question.

Parking we all empty the car, Jonghyun taking my hand leads me into the lobby ahead of everyone else, finally getting a good look at them all I realize they really are handsome. Looking down at my hand I try to pull it out of Jonghyun’s hand. “You’re holding it too tight.” I whine.

“You were too cozy with Key.” He says back immediately. “Jessica?”

“Neh?” I ask slightly irritated as I’m pulled inside the elevator.

“Do you like Key?”

“No more than I like you.” I mutter. “You’re both pushy.”

This must have made him happy because he loosened his grip. “Thank-you.” I whisper holding his hand back.

“Come on we’re almost there!” He says as we walk out into the long hallway of doors. “Jessica?”


Stopping he punches in a code, and opening the door he smiles at me. “Where are you staying in Korea?”

“Well I’m gonna have to check in with my family’s friends eventually, but I left a day early.” I say rubbing the quarter in my pocket. “But after that I’ll have to get a job soon, and then find an apartment while going to school.” I finish nervously.

“So you’ll be living here?”


“YAH!” Key yells slamming the door open, glaring at Jonghyun, him dropping my hand. “WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK THAT WAS?!”

“What?” He asks shamelessly. “What did I do?”

“Kim Jonghyun help get you damn bags.” Key says dropping one. “Jessica are you hungry?”

Scared to answer I just smile. “Just tired really, I can wait to eat.”

“Well here let me show you someplace where you can rest until manager brings back some food, is chicken alright?” He asks me pushing me father into the apartment, my shoes coming off.

“N-neh.” I say smiling. “I could just go.” I try, “I have to…” Key gives me a look, no wonder why the others didn’t seem to argue with him, he’s scary. “I can stay.” I whisper looking away from his intense gaze.

“AH, wonderful.” He says happily showing me to the couch. “Taemin will keep you company for a little bit. Onew, Minho and I have some things to do quickly, Jonghyun will be busy.” He says.

I nod my head obediently. “Thank-you Key.” Smiling he leaves me alone, taking out the quarter I flip it.


Heads I stay, Tails I disappear


As the quarter flips in the air over and over I watch as it clatters onto the floor, staring at the outcome a small smile comes to my face. “Well I guess that’s it then.” I whisper picking it up.


Chapter one, I like a lot of the little parts, and I'll work on giving Onew more lines / more in general. :/

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flattummy #1
i found it!!
i haveread this before! but i forgot the title! :DD
I have to say, I just keep re-reading this. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and...Well, you get the idea! :D

FACT: You did not just read all of that. ;)
Loved it! :)
Glad they're together. Thought she was going to end up with another member.
Sunako #4
This is a really good story, a bit fast paced at parts, but very well written and it has a solid plotline. I enjoyed the dynamics of your OC and how she would go with the flow and see where fate took her, and when she developed into a more mature young woman it was a great transition. Thanks for writing such a wonderful story (that I am about to re-read because I enjoyed it so much).
Adorable! I love the simple, yet complex theme of fate by flipping a coin. :)
RiCa1826 #6
Omo...this story was so great :DDDD<br />
<br />
Ehehe, Adobo is my favorite too :]
iloveKEYandJiNYOUNG #7
wow adobo is my favorite too ^.^
KoreanKitKat #8
love this story! it's cute and normal in a good way :)
Sunshinegrave #9
@achel12<br />
My mom makes it for us some times, that and I'm half Filipino xD<br />
It really is one of my favorite meals :3
why do you know ADOBO??? I'm just curious..