A Bet and A Nerd

Bets and Nerds


Hey there! I just want to tell you guys that I have a new story. It's a remake of this story but will focus more on TY and TF :) Hope you spare a glance!


A Bet and A Nerd



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whoo! wait for me my dear zombies! kidding, i love you guys.. :*


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Great story
Chapter 12: hihihi I missed this fic & yulsic
this is my nth time reading this fic ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 57: Nice story... I like it... ^^
1134 streak #4
Chapter 41: Lol fathers, gramps and fiance hahaha....
1134 streak #5
Chapter 7: This is one of my fave stories glad that I remembered the title again and decided to re-read it and it still makes me laugh hard after all these years ^_^
Chapter 58: i like this story so far.. thanks for this author! :)
Chapter 41: Oh my i cant stop laughing especially the cause she's a mushroom part
Beetlebee #8
Chapter 41: I'm reading this past my bedtime and I'm supposed to be quiet.. but this story is too funny XD !! I'm really having a hard time holding my laughter
Gizmo25 #9
Chapter 41: Omg this is so funny !!
kimyulsic #10
Chapter 2: It is cute to see my uname under yuri's pv. Haha!