Wedding Day

Bets and Nerds

The Wedding


Tiffany, Jessica and Yoona sat there with wide smiles plastered over their faces. Their wedding day, the most memorable day for them. After what seemed to be an unending list of antagonists, finally, they'll have their happy ever after story, just like in every fairytale.


"I'm very nervous and very excited at the same time unnies!" Yoona happily clapped her hands and giggled like a little girl.


Jessica nodded her head like a little kid, "Me too! Finally, no more antagonnists, right Tiff?" She nudged the girl beside her who was looking at their invitations.


"Right.. And, most of all we'll get to spen the rest of our lives with the byuns, I mean, our princes." Tiffany giggled as she looked at the other two girls inside the room.


Suddenly, a knock on the door was heard and in came the mothers with the fathers.


"Hello girlss, you ready?" Mrs. Jung asked with a smile, then, she sat beside her daughter and caressed her hair. Tiffany looked at them with twinkling eyes, she smiled, but a sad kind of smile. She remembered her mother.


I wish you were here mom. She smiled lightly.


Mr. Hwang looked at his daughter and sighed, he knows his daughter his missing her mother again. He carefully sat beside her and her hair.

"Smile Stephanie.. It's your wedding day, Taeyeon will panic if he sees you like this, his heart will fail him." Mr. Hwang threatened, it was meant to be a joke but Tiffany didn't find it funny. She glared at her father and Mr. Hwang immediately raised his hands in a mock surrender.


"Sorry." He muttered. The Ims and Jungs laughed.


"I miss mom." Tiffany stated..


"I know, I know. I miss her too, i'm sure she's watching over you from above so smile and enjoy this day." Mr. Hwang gave his daughter an assuring smile.


Tiffany finally smiled..












Taeyeon, Yuri and Seohyun stood near the altar waiting for the girls. With them are Siwon, Mr. Kim, Kyuhyun and Seong-hyun. The first row of the seats were occupied by the monkey boys and Eunhyuk with Sunny and Sooyoung.


Everything is set, or atleast that's what they thought.


"Hey Seo, why are you fidgeting?" Yuri asked with furrowed eyebrows. True, Seohyun has been fidgeting for the last 15 minutes and the wedding hadn't even been started. Seohyun sighed.


"Nothing hyung, i'm just nervous, I guess" He said with an uneasy tone.


Taeyeon chuckled, "Don't worry Seo, you'll be fine.."


"I wish." Seohyun muttered. Whatever happened to Donghae?


Everybody stood up as the church door opened, revealing the girls in their beautiful wedding dresses. The father's were walking them down the aisle. When they arrived, the fathers gave their daughter's hand to the grooms and smiled.


"Take care of her Seohyun."


"I trust you Yul, Don't even think about hurting her."


Mr. Hwang narrowed his eyes at Taeyeon, Taeyeon smiled awkwardly. His father-in-law was acting dumb infront of the guests.


"I'll give you tips for the honeymoon after the wedding." Mr. Hwang whispered but was still heard by Tiffany. She blushed, the honeymoon.


"Dad! Stop it." She slapped her father's arm playfully. Taeyeon chuckled.


"What? Don't you want to experience a memorable hone--" Mr. Hwang was cut off.


"Come on Hwang.. You're taking too long." Mr. Jung shook his head as he stuffed a towel over Mr. Hwang's mouth.


"Dear family and friends, on behalf of Kim Taeyeon, Tiffany Hwang, Jessica Jung, Kwon Yuri, Im Yoona and Seo Joohyun, I welcome all of you for this marriage celebration. We are here today to encourage, celebrate and support the covenant of these six people, Kim Taeyeon, Tiffany Hwang, Jessica Jung, Kwon Yuri, Im Yoona and Seo Joohyun beloved to us, now make and to share in the joy of Taeyeon, Tiffany, Jessica, Yuri, Yoona and Joohyun are feeling as they pledge their love and commitment to each other. We rejoice and celebrate in the ways life has led them to each other and got them to the place where they now stand"




"Do you, take Tiffany Hwang, Jessica Jung and Im Yoona to be your lawful wedded wives to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live."


"We do." Taeyeon, Yuri and Seohyun answered in unison. Afterwards, they grinned.


"Do you, take Kim Taeyeon, Kwon Yuri and Seo Joohyun to be your awful wedded husbands to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live."


Yuri faked a cough, noticing the little mistake.. "It's LAWFUL, father, not AWFUL" He nodded his head as he emphasized the words. The father smiled and nodded his head.


The girls giggled.


"Do you, take Kim Taeyeon, Kwon Yuri and Seo Joohyun to be your lawful wedded husbands to have and behold from this day on, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live."


"We do." Tiffany, Jessica and Yoona answered in unison.


The priest furrowed his eyebrows, "Are you sure?"


Taeyeon, Yuri and Seohyun stood there with wide eyes.


"Yes.." The girls answered.


"Are you really really sure about this?" The priest pushed the question further.




"Okay. By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husbands and wives. You may now kiss the bride."


Taeyeon, Yuri and Seohyun grinned as they faced their wives


Tiffany, Jessica and Yoona smiled back.


The guys slowly leaned in to capture their lips.


After a couple of minutes, they were still at it.


"Okay, I think that's enough." Mr. Hwang lost his patience and removed Taeyeon's face from his daughter's. "Come on Stephanie. I'm really hungry."


Taeyeon stood there dumbfounded.


The other pairs just laughed at him.


"It's party time!" Baekhyun and Tao shouted in unison.


Yuri just smiled and took Jessica's hand, "Let's go Kwon Jessica." He winked which caused the blonde to blush like a little school girl.


Seohyun on the other hand carried Yoona and smiled, "Let's go too, Seo Yoona."


"Yah! Yah! Don't leave me here" Taeyeon tried to stop them because his wife wasn't there, thanks to Mr. Hwang by the way.


"Go and find Mrs. Kim, TaeTae. We have some business to do." Seohyun smirked and wiggled his eyebrows like a ert man.


"Yeah, we'll be inside the bathroom if you need us." Yuri stuck his tongue out and laughed.


Taeyeon pouted.. What about me?

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whoo! wait for me my dear zombies! kidding, i love you guys.. :*


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Great story
Chapter 12: hihihi I missed this fic & yulsic
this is my nth time reading this fic ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 57: Nice story... I like it... ^^
1134 streak #4
Chapter 41: Lol fathers, gramps and fiance hahaha....
1134 streak #5
Chapter 7: This is one of my fave stories glad that I remembered the title again and decided to re-read it and it still makes me laugh hard after all these years ^_^
Chapter 58: i like this story so far.. thanks for this author! :)
Chapter 41: Oh my i cant stop laughing especially the cause she's a mushroom part
Beetlebee #8
Chapter 41: I'm reading this past my bedtime and I'm supposed to be quiet.. but this story is too funny XD !! I'm really having a hard time holding my laughter
Gizmo25 #9
Chapter 41: Omg this is so funny !!
kimyulsic #10
Chapter 2: It is cute to see my uname under yuri's pv. Haha!