Chapter 5

Bigbang Horror Story
It's amazing how TOP can speak without his mouth moving so much.
Because the next thing he says is, "Daesung" but you don't see his mouth move. That's right...Daesung is still upstairs, alone. The last time anyone was left alone, they died.
His movement is frantic. TOP's body moves quickly as he races back up the stairs.
"Wait!" You shout out but it's too late. TOP's already upstairs. You don't want to go up there with him but you don't want to be in this room with the mannequin Jiyong.
So you quickly slip into the studio room beside that one and close the door behind you. You slowly become aware of what situation you are in. This is a murder building. Almost everyone in this building seems to be dead. Except for Daesung and TOP.
Swallowing your thick saliva, you step backwards away from the door.
You don't really know what to do now. You can't call the're just all alone, with the exception of few.
The clock ticks dangerously slow, every time the second hand moves, your eye twitches. The dim light in the room casts an empty shadow and this emptiness is beginning to become a bit scary. Your nerves are going out of control and your brain? Might as well be dead. Like everyone else here.
Your heart races as if it were winning...but your body is frozen. What are you waiting for? Oh know exactly why you are waiting.
Your throat runs dry and you eyes begin to blur.
          And then the door slowly opens. Just as if you were waiting.
TOP, out of breath, is staggering towards you. 
You gulp hard and with a feigned confidence you ask, "...where's Daesung oppa?"
TOP shakes his head and you realize that you see something in his bloody hand. A red dripping wet knife wrapped around his shaking long slim fingers. In the other? The crumpled up comic book page.
        "He's.." TOP says breathlessly, "...dead. Stabbed." 
You stagger backwards away from him again. That knife in his hand looks a but too dangerous. But then again..WHY DOES HE HAVE A KNIFE?
        "What are you doing?" You say, your eyes are wide and your heart is pumping blood in ridiculous speed.
TOP's raven black strands of hair are slightly covering his eyes. His eyes that are filled with dark undoubtable madness. It's frightening to see someone of his nature to be in this state.
He steps forward with haphazard breathing, his knife strangely pointed at you.
A step back.
He steps forward.
One more step back.
Another forward.
All you are thinking now...Will he kill you? The clock has stopped ticking as if it has now had it's last breath. The room turns black with coldness and your thoughts go awry. You didn't come here to die tonight. Not by him. His dark vicious shadow grows larger behind him.
"I-I know...It's-" TOP says with his deep voice sputtering out and then stops with a deadly gasp. It's as if everything is now over.
You look down at his stomach where it is now bleeding profusely, blood spurting out like a fountain. And in the middle of his bleeding, a sparkling sharp tip of a silver knife.
His shadow has killed him.
Back stabber.
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binguTOP90 #1
Chapter 6: i FINALLY manage to read this..and dayuuum!! that was some sick plot twist Yebin!!
Stella112 #2
Kyaaa !! This story is ... Perfect *thumbs up* jjang!
young88 #3
Chapter 6: This story is really amazing...
Chapter 6: Ah~ shouldn't have read the comments >.< haha but this story is sooo awesome!
foreverexotic03 #5
Such a great story!:) Fighting!;)
SavedByZero #6
Chapter 6: good story, authornim I was a great psycho to kill them more than Michael Myers of Leatherface :D
Chapter 6: I think I'm sick. Mentally sick.
Chapter 6: omo this was really good I got so scared my heart was beating so fast :D jal isseo!!
Chapter 6: OMG excellent work, you should make a sequel C:
Chapter 6: I really liked this story, I wish it was longer!