Chapter 2

Bigbang Horror Story
Chapter 2
          The forest fire begins. 
           "Holy ." Daesung curses underneath his breath.
Youngbae takes a step backwards from the elevator and puts his hand on his forehead.
           "J-Jay...?" Seungri stutters as he steps towards the destroyed body in shock.
          Jay. The dead girl's name was Jay. She was a trainee here at Yg entertainment. You remember because she made it in the audition when you tried out last year. You heard that she was supposed to debut soon in two years. Such talent and beauty that YG specially admired.
The creme de la creme.
Or should you say now... The crime de la crime.
          "Someone call the police!!" Seungri yelled out.
          The others snap out of shock and fidget in their pockets. You do so as well...but something's wrong.
Your phone isn't in your pocket. And same with the others.
         "It's...gone." Jiyong whispers thinly as he shakes his head in confusion.
          "No one has their phones?" TOP asks in an unusual calmness.
          So no one has their phones. But how? Who took all the cellphones?
          "W-Who could have done this to y-you? This...t-this..." Seungri sobs heavily into his shaking hands.
          Youngbae goes down to pull Seungri away from the body and out of the elevator. The elevator dings again and the door closes slowly until not even a millimeter of her body is seen.
You stagger backwards at the eeriness. 
         "What the hell is going on...where's my phone? Where's everyone else?!" Daesung begins to yell almost uncontrollably. It's obvious that he is frightened out of his mind. But then again, who isn't?
         You can't help but look at Jiyong. His body is frozen like a stick in the mud and his eyes are intensely focused at a random spot on the ground. A trembling hand goes into his hair and his fingers grab at his locks.
         He was with her. Just about thirty minutes ago. He was kissing her. You saw him with the girl....the girl who is now forever sleeping  on the elevator floor.
A shudder goes through your body when you sense a strange feeling inside as you look at him.
         "What are we going to do?" You say in a moment of panic.
         Top takes in a sharp breath and the air goes still. "We have to get out of here."
         A moment of silence, then you all sprint down for the stairs. Except for Seungri and Youngbae. You stop for a second to see how Seungri is doing. He's in a horrible wreck. Youngbae crouches down next to Seungri.
          "Seungri we have to get out of here!" Youngbae yells at him shifting his body away from you. Out of fear, you slightly touch Youngbae's shoulder. You notice something peculiar under where you touch, it's wet. You lift your fingers to see what it is...blood.  
          Seungri shakes his head and curls up in a ball. "I-I can't just...leave her here." His sobs break his words into pieces.
         Youngbae pauses and turns to you. "Jay was his...girlfriend."
         How horrible must it be for him that he saw his love lying in front of him in cold blood. But also how strange it is that Jiyong was kissing this girl...You fight back the thoughts and pull Seungri up. "Oppa please, we have to go. We can't just stay here!"
         "Seungri-ya let's go." Youngbae says pulling him towards the stairs exit. A single light in the hallway cracks and shuts off.
You scream out of fear and regain yourself.
The three of you run down the stairs, Youngbae dragging Seungri with him. You finally reach the lowest floor where there are the dance studios.
          "Seungri you just stay here." Youngbae says frantically at the confused a Seungri as he lets sit down. He looks so out of it.
           Youngbae turns to you "You should go up to the main floor and see if the others found an exit. There's an emergency exit here so I'll go check it out." He says.
           You look back down at Seungri who has his head in trembling hands. Poor oppa. 
           Without a hesitation, you sprint up a few more flight of stairs to the main floor. You walk into the cafeteria room...bad idea.
The cafeteria has lost it's usual warmth and has now become ice cold. The fridge is open and ghastly coldness creeps out. There is some condensation on the ceiling, releasing tension filled drops of water every 5 seconds.
         You slowly are lured into the kitchen. On the counter there is a sharp knife with its blade stuck into the surface...along with drips of Hollywood quality red blood. More saturated than fake blood.
You look over the counter and what you see makes you squirm.
Three bodies lying on the red stained vinyl floor. The cafeteria ladies. Arms cut, dismantled from their body like loose parts. Blood spurting in an upwards direction every time the dying muscle pulsates. It's a gruesome sight.
You feel your blood pump but for some reason you don't feel that surprised from the stabbed bodies. Must be because of the shock from the girl's body.
Shaking your head, you quickly move on and run away from the cafeteria. As you go further down the hallway, grunts and yells of the boys grow louder. Daesung, TOP and Jiyong are forcefully pushing and hitting at the main door. There is a huge chain lock around the sliding door so that it will not budge. It's locked from the inside yet they can't open it. 
              Daesung grunts loudly as he tries to push the door open with his strength but fails. 
             Jiyong sees you, "The doors won't budge. We tried everything." 
             "Whoever did this must have locked us inside." Daesung says frustratedly. 
              "In...side?" You say with an attenuated whisper. Your breath clouds up the clear door, blocking the outside view.
              TOP steps out of the shadow and looks down at the ground with a slight frown. The light from outside crafts his face with a shadow which makes his eyes shiny in the light. The coldness seeps through the walls and down your spine, making it difficult to even swallow your saliva curdling in. You feel someone or something watching over your shoulder, breathing its chilling air down your back, erecting every nerve in your body. 
His cat like lips open in all stillness and a deep voice rumbles out. "That means...'whoever' is inside with us."
           As soon as TOP's lips closes at his last word, a blood curdling scream creates a clean streak across your red tinted mind.
The scream is coming from downstairs...the dance studios.
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binguTOP90 #1
Chapter 6: i FINALLY manage to read this..and dayuuum!! that was some sick plot twist Yebin!!
Stella112 #2
Kyaaa !! This story is ... Perfect *thumbs up* jjang!
young88 #3
Chapter 6: This story is really amazing...
Chapter 6: Ah~ shouldn't have read the comments >.< haha but this story is sooo awesome!
foreverexotic03 #5
Such a great story!:) Fighting!;)
SavedByZero #6
Chapter 6: good story, authornim I was a great psycho to kill them more than Michael Myers of Leatherface :D
Chapter 6: I think I'm sick. Mentally sick.
Chapter 6: omo this was really good I got so scared my heart was beating so fast :D jal isseo!!
Chapter 6: OMG excellent work, you should make a sequel C:
Chapter 6: I really liked this story, I wish it was longer!