
The Vampire Diaries of Kim Heechul

"So, Baby Kyu," I was sitting cross legged on the desk in front of him, twirling my hair casually. The freshman were all looking at me like I was some alien creature. I ignored them. They were below my notice, anyways. "How would you like the bunny to be your slave for a month?"

                I would love that more than anything else in the world. "Depends," He answered, visibly trying to maintain his composure. "What's in it for you?"

                "I was thinking I'd trade you. I'll let you blackmail Sungmin into being your slave, and you give me the information to blackmail Hankyung into being mine."

                "Why do you need it? He's already whipped." Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, and I smacked his forehead lightly.

                "Yah. I told you we weren't dating. And I already asked him to act all nerdy and ugly, and he refused." I sighed. Actually, it hadn't gone quite like that.

                We'd been hanging out in my room, me updating my twitter and blogging a little, and him pouring into a Korean Chinese dictionary. But the thing was, when I'd get home, I'd change into a comfy T-shirt. The one I was wearing yesterday had been my favorite since I was thirteen, and was threadbare with holes in it, but still the most comfortable thing in the world. I didn't bother wearing pants or anything, just wearing my Minnie Mouse boxers with it. I'd take out my contacts, and put on my big nerd glasses, and then I'd get my hair out of my face with a headband. So I didn't really look like the most appealing person in the world, and that was okay. Nobody looked cool in their lounging around the house clothes.

                Except for Hankyung. Stupid Hankyung wore this black tank top that emphasized his muscles, and these long sweats that made him look like a manly college student or something. And he had these really nice glasses, too. Like, I knew mine made me look like a nerd or something. I knew it. But his made him look like some sort of y business man. It wasn't fair. He looked like some sort of model or something, just lounging around the house. So I told him.

                "Yah, Hankyung." He jumped, looking up from his dictionary quickly like he was caught doing something bad. I rolled my eyes. "Could you please stop looking so attractive? It's really not fair, you know."

                He just smiled, thinking, He thinks I'm attractive, and, This is coming from the guy wearing the see through shirt. And those boxers. Those tight—No. Hankyung, look back at your dictionary. Ignore him. It is not socially acceptable to—

                "I'm at home. There's nothing wrong with wearing boxers at home." I said defensively. So, maybe I did have a guest over, but…whatever. It wasn't socially unacceptable to wear boxers. Or maybe he was going to say something about the Minnie Mouse pattern on them? Because they came in a set. There were Mickey Mouse ones too, I just didn't happen to be wearing them. Aish. I should've just let him finish his thought. Now I was getting self-conscious over nothing.

               Because now his thoughts were just plain weird. I honestly didn't see why everyone liked him so much. That's right, Hangeng. It is completely normal. Just focus on your dictionary. Just—He just his lips. No. Old people. Just think of old people. Wrinkly skin, missing teeth, saggy—I jumped out of his head again as I was assailed with disgusting mental images. Ew. Really. Who thought of that in their spare time? I turned back to my computer, determined to stay out of his head for the rest of the night.

                So, anyways, he'd never actually agreed to look uncool. So I figured I'd blackmail him into it. After all, blackmail was what I did best. And then I needed something from Kyuhyun in return for Sungmin's slavery, so I figured it was the perfect plot.

                "So, are you going to do It, or not? Because I can always just make Sungmin my slave."

                "I'll do it. Just give me a little time, okay? If I'm getting information about him, it'll be in Chinese, and I'm not amazing at the language."

                "You can speak Chinese?" I asked, a little impressed.

                "Yeah, well, I've taken a few classes." He answered modestly.

                "Well, the sooner you get the information, the sooner you get Sungmin. Just think of it that way." I looked at the clock. "Crap. The bell's gonna ring. Later, loser." I waved, walking out of the door and to my first class.

                Hangeng was there, people crowded around him like always. I took my seat in front of him, eyebrows drawn together in a scowl. "Yah. Quit hanging around him like a pack of velociraptors or something." what? Velociraptors hunted in packs."He's not interested."

                "Looks like somebody's jealous," Somebody said, and the group giggled, sitting down. I cursed.

                "We aren't going out! How many times do I have to say this?" I spat, frustrated. Hankyung stood, leaning close to me, putting his arm around my shoulder.

                "No hear them." He murmured, and I understood what he meant without having to read his mind. Don't listen to them. I calmed down, and he slowly and gently pulled me with him as he sat, so we were both sitting in our respective seats, but his arm was still on my shoulder.

                "Psh. Sure they're not going out. Look at them." I tensed up, but it was Hankyung that spoke.

                "Shut up." He commanded. "He doesn't like it."

                Well, of course when he actually spoke to those people he sounded cool and totally non-idiotic. And here I was, waiting for the day when Hankyung finally opened his mouth and they all realized how uncool he was. How silly I was. Hankyung would always be cool to them, no matter what. Because he was Han-freaking-kyung and could do no wrong.

                "Aish." I slammed my head on the desk, giving up.


                "Why isn't anyone treating me like a hero?" I asked, as I sat down next to Yunho in my second class. "I stood up to the evil intruders. Shouldn't I be, like, praised, or something?"

                "As students, we reserve the right to be unimpressed by you standing up to a couple psycho nerds." He answered with a smirk.

                "Well, I didn't see anyone else doing it." I scoffed. Hankyung stayed silent, thinking,

                If only they knew how dangerous those 'psycho nerds' were, they wouldn't be so unimpressed.

                "So, um, who were they, anyways? Did the police find anything out?" I asked. Yunho just shrugged.

                "No. My dad was the one interrogating them, and he didn't really find anything out. They just kind of answered whatever they felt like answering.  They looked pretty sorry about it, apparently, as if they didn't know they were bombing a school." Yunho's dad was a police officer, so he knew stuff like this.

                "That's what they were like with me, too! And I was like, yo, pay attention next time."

                Well, obviously they knew it was a school. They just expected a monster to be in there. Hankyung thought, and I froze. I had to ask him what he meant, but…he didn't even know I could read minds.

                "So, umm…were they after anything? They were looking at this strange compass." I asked, making it look like I was asking Yunho.

                The L'thirim. Hankyung thought. But it wasn't working. It should have led them right to a monster, but it was broken. Why? It's never been broken before.

                "Who knows? Oh, but I totally stole the compass." He smiled, pulling it out of his bag. "Isn't it cool?" He held it out. It was golden, with designs carved in the sides. The dial had a skull on it, and kept switching between pointing at Hankyung and I.

                "I can't believe you stole from a police station."

                "I'll give it back. I just thought it was cool looking." Yunho answered defensively.

                Why is it? But…the dial always points to monsters. Why, then….Heechul…it can't be…He's so innocent and nice. There's no way. No way. He's lived with humans his whole life. He's not like the ones I've seen, animalistic and bloodthirsty. He's…normal. Why is it pointing at him, though?

                "Why is it pointing at you?" I asked Hankyung. "Are you hiding something from us or something?"

                He knows. No. It can't be…I thought it was strange, the way that couple was willing to be a host family so suddenly. And the parents…they're too young to have a kid, even if they adopted…I should've known. It was a trap all along. What do I do? How do I answer him? I should pretend like I don't suspect anything, but… His mind was racing a mile a minute.

                "Well?" I pressed. Why would anybody need to trap him? Were there more monsters like me? Was he a vampire, too? But he had eaten real food. Was there a trick to that I didn't know? I was desperate for answers. Being adopted by humans, and living with them my whole life I didn't even know if there were any others like me. Now, though. Now…

                "I no understand." That's it. I'll just pretend like I don't understand, and then I'll leave the moment he turns his back. I'll drive to the nearest airport and go to…Japan. No, too close to China. My family will be able to find me. Maybe South America. Brazil. I'll have to learn Portuguese, but it'll be worth it.

                "Yah, don't pretend like you don't understand. The dial is pointing at you, and it's pointing at me.  Why?" I asked, irritated that this was going nowhere. "Are you…are you a vampire?"


                "I mean, I'm a vampire." I said. Yunho, of course, had been looking at us strangely this whole time, but now, his eyes bugged out, and he opened his mouth but no sound came out. I ignored him, focusing on Hankyung. "I never met any others like me before…are you really…?" I asked him, hope in my eyes.

                Adorable. He is so cute, and unsure…totally unlike all the other vampires I've met…maybe I can trust him. He doesn't look like he could hurt anyone.

                "Yes, I am. I'm a…how do you say…a vampire." He answered, and I felt my heart soar. I smiled widely, hugging him tightly and kissing him on the cheek.

                "That's amazing! Wow, I totally didn't even expect it! You could eat food and everything, too. How do you do it? It always makes me sick. How long have you known you were a vampire? What powers do you have? I don't seem to have almost any. In all the books I read, vampires have super strength and speed and all that, but the only thing I have is my face." And mind reading, but I held off on telling him that, in case he had a freak out and thought I was invasive or something.

                "Hee, calm down. You're going to crush him." Yunho said, and I finally released Hangeng from the hug, embarrassed. Yunho had stopped eating, and his hand was gripping his fork as if it was a murder weapon.

                "So I'm a little excited. Sue me." I stuck my tongue out at him, and he relaxed.

                "Yah. Just because he's a vampire, doesn't make him your automatic best friend. Didn't you say you hated him?"

                "Well…" I looked guiltily at Hankyung, who looked saddened by the statement. "…I don't hate him, I just thought it was annoying everybody thought he was all cool and everything."

                "Just making sure you don’t freak him out. I'm going to go talk to Jaejoong. See ya later." Then Yunho stalked across the cafeteria to Jaejoong, who was smiling and laughing with Changmin. He grabbed Jaejoong, drawing him away from everybody. Ah. So that was it. He was jealous.

                I turned back to Hankyung. "So, how many other vampires are there?"

                "Um…very little, very little." I thought they were all gone. I haven't seen one before in my life, and I've seen a lot of monsters.

                "Oh." I was disappointed. "That's lame."

                "Mm…" He made a noncommittal noise.

                "Well, it's okay, it just makes us more unique, right?" Then I thought, Can you hear me? He just smiled at me, obviously unable to read my mind. I frowned, but then decided it was maybe for the best that my thoughts weren't made public to the world. I was kind of strange. "What powers do you have?" I asked out loud.

                "Oh…umm…" Most vampires have some sort of psionic ability…usually hypnotism. That's probably Heechul's...he doesn't know what other vampires' abilities would be, though…"I can strong. I am fast, more than train…I fly like bird."

                "No way!! Can I fly, too?" I asked excitedly. Dude. How was I missing out on this my whole life? It would depend on what animal you can turn into. He looks so cute, though. Why is he so beautiful.

                "It's because I'm a vampire." I answered jokingly.

                "Ah, but…no…you can no fly." He protested, confused.

                "I get it, I get it." I smiled at him again, giving him a big hug, nuzzling his neck and taking in his scent. He better not be trying to my blood right now. Hankyung thought, and I giggled.

                "Don't worry. I'm not going to eat you. After all, we're comrades." I grinned up at him, showing him my fist, as if to say, 'fighting!' "I just…want to be close to you right now. I'm happy." And I really, really liked hugging him. He wrapped his arms tightly around me, and I relaxed in his arms.

All the while, he was thinking,

I'm a horrible person.


He's not a vampire. Not even a little bit. I'll let you keep guessing for a little while though, because it's fun. >:) kekekeke

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Chapter 6: It's kinda late, so I'll stop reading for now, I guess... ^^' I found this story because of a friend's recommendation :D

So far I really like the characters and the way they have developed on this short path so far, though there are many questions still open. I really like Heechul's personality, though! Especially his sassiness when he describes the bad guys (or hunters, if we're gonna go after the chapter title)! It was absolutely hilarious :D

I noticed that something is a tad bit messed up with the paragraphs, though. Some start right at the beginning of the line, others don't (maybe also some kind of mistake that happens when you copy and paste data into AFF?). Just thought I'd let you know~

I hope I'll be able to keep on reading soon because I'm really curious how things continue and why no one seems to realize that Heechul always answers to Hangeng's thoughts while Hangeng hardly ever actually speaks up (not to forget that I would assume Hangeng to think in Chinese due to the language barrier? So Heechul must be kinda fluent in Chinese?)

Not to forget: YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS!!!! (I laughed so hard when I saw you include that)
OMG this is still my all time fave! I remember reading this a few years ago and just had to come back to it because for some reason i suddenly remembered kyuhyun down the phone to heechul after finding out he's a vampire XD I still love it to this day. Absolutely incredible! I can't get over how awesome and funny and amazing this story is. Vampire heechul will always be my favourite heechul. I love this story so much! <3 xoxoxo
immamel #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: this is how it end. I love it, could'n hold my laugh as I read it. That was great when I find kyuhyun being the one who always talk too much, either do heechul but yeah he always be the one who witnessed all of those grossy little things that hancul did.
Yomaster #4
Chapter 8: Alvin simon and theadore the chipmuks as the viĺlians thats so cute
Zinnia27 #5
Chapter 38: Om my!! This story was really fun..heechul's twilight fantasy..and his interatcion with zhoumi..!! Hilarious^^
Chapter 27: Can we talk how your story is one of the best I have ever read~ I stayed up till 3am reading up to the 27th chapter...even though it was a school night (but I don't regret not reading it), I value this story more than my sleep xD
Keep up the great work, Unni!!
Chapter 38: Just finished this story...I cried, I laughed and I died of cuteness. Multiple times (But strangely I'm still alive...)
I loved the characters, Heechul was just the perfect diva and Hangeng...well, I liked him as a dragon (and damn, I wanna have Yunho as my best friend!). It was exciting and funny to read so yeah....and the SHIPS, the ships though!
I. LOVE. Hanchul. (And Yunjae??? Two of my OTPs!! (but I also like Sibum, Kyumin and Eunhae)) And I love supernatural fics!
So, this was just great to read.
If you write another supernatural story (preferred with Hanchul or Yunjae *wink* wink*) you have to tell me! I'm gonna read it immediately!
Okay, I think I fawned yeah, to summarize all of this blabbering: I really enjoyed this story.
xoxo PepperCookie
Chapter 38: Lol hahahahh! I never read hanchul before!! BUt this is amazing! I love it!
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 38: Lol! This was the best Hanchul story ever!!
nakita #10
Chapter 8: i's was hangeng....tease.....