
The Vampire Diaries of Kim Heechul

                "Hankyung…" Alvin said, looking shell shocked. "You…" He sprang forward, gripping Hankyung by his lapels. Sohee and I let him, but hovered near them, trying to position ourselves in the best way so that if Alvin struck out, we'd be ready to stop him.

                Or, she would stop him. I would use the opportunity to give Alvin a much needed slap. You know, for justice and all that jazz.

                But, no, instead, Alvin had to keep talking. "You left us for that? You…stupid. Stupid!" Alvin wrapped himself around Hankyung. "As if I would care about something like that."

                Wait…what? All of us just stared. Alvin, meanwhile was still blabbering, out of his fat, slobbery lips. "I mean, how long have we been friends, Hankyung? We were friends long before we even joined the Jjokthaiceowhih. And we'll still be friends, whether you're dragon, or a human, or an alien. I love you, Geng."

                Okay no. That was it. I was not going to sit by and let Alvin just sit there and steal Hankyung away from me while I did nothing. No. I grabbed Alvin's hair, pulling him back.

                "Get out, freak! Hankyung doesn't even want the friendship of someone that can't even dress himself." I spat, feeling the anger boil up inside of me.

                "Heechul!" Hankyung was looking at me, a stricken expression on his face. Alvin, for one, didn't look hurt by my words. Instead, he just smirked.

                "Oh, and he wants to be with a vain, ego-centric princess instead? I don't think so."

                "At least I have friends. You've just got your dumb little minons."

                "News flash, they are friends. And I got them without having to resort to blackmail and mind control. I wish I could say the same for you."

                "I didn't, FYI. And just so you know, your little crush on Hankyung is unrequited, so you might as well give up now. Sorry, but he doesn't go for acne-scarred bowl cut wearing losers like yourself."

                "You think that offends me, but I've long since given up vanity. Unlike yourself, obviously. I wonder, how much time do you waste in a day on your appearance?"

                "Thanks, but it probably isn't as much time as you spend in prison. And obsessing over boys that'll never like you, because they're disgusted by your ugly, froggy face."

                "My face is not—!"

                "Heechul!" Hankyung finally cut in, looking angry. "How you dare? Alvin friend! Why you mean?" He scolded, thinking, How could he be so awful to my friend? After everything I told him. He's just…He's unbelievable. I thought he at least had some level of humanity.

                I felt tears sting my eyes at his thoughts, and I yelled to distract from the embarrassing fact that I was about to cry. "How could I? Me? He was just as bad here, Hankyung! Why are you only attacking me?!"

                Because you're the one that started it. You in where you didn't belong. "You were bad one!" He shouted back, and I reeled back, stung.

                "Fine! You know what? I didn't even want to be your friend, anyways! You're the one that followed me around. So if you think I'm just 'butting in', then I'll gladly right out. See ya, Hankyung. It was fun." I spun around, storming off without one glance behind me.

                I ended up on some random sidewalk, walking in the direction of my house. A car pulled up beside me, and I was disappointed to see that it wasn't Hankyung's. It was Yunho's.

                "Hey, Hee, do you need a ride?" He called out of his window. I turned, and he saw the tears in my eyes. Immediately, he parked the car, walking out and giving me a warm hug. I allowed myself to hug him back, hot tears wetting his shirt. "What happened?" He asked.

                "Hankyung…he…he…" I hiccupped, trying to get the words without choking on them.

                "Shhh…You don't have to say it." Yunho murmured, running his hands through my hair. He let me snuggle in his embrace a few moments more, before finally pulling away. "You know what, Heechul? It's Friday. Let's screw Hankyung, go to Toronto, and have the time of our lives. Just the two of us. We'll get cookies and cream chocolate milk, go shopping, like you like, maybe see that new movie that's out. And we can forget all about that jerk Hankyung and his bad Korean. How does that sound?"

                "…Good." I mumbled, wiping at my eyes. How did Yunho always know exactly what to do? He led me into the car, and we drove in silence for twenty minutes, before I finally had recovered enough to begin ranting about Hankyung.

                "He really thought that! Like, I know sometimes people think mean thoughts they don't mean. I get it. Same thing with saying things you don't mean. But he meant it, Yunho. He really just saw me as an outsider—and a monster! Fter all the time we've spent together!" I ranted angrily.

                "Well, it was only a week." Yunho amended, eyes on the road, but still giving me his full attention.

                "Was it really? Wow. It feels like longer. Anyways. You know what I mean. It was rude."

                "Completely. Honestly, though, who would choose Alvin over you? You're the most beautiful person I've ever seen!"

                "I know! That's what I'm saying!" I said, "Oh, look, let's stop for gas. I'll pay for snacks."

                We stopped, and as Yunho filled up the tank, I went into the store, grabbing some soda, juice, chips for Yunho, and Bubblicious Bubblegum. As I was at the register, I checked my phone. Three missed calls from Hankyung. I didn't even listen to the voicemail, thinking it served him right. Meanwhile, I called home.

                "Oh, Eomma."

                "Heechul. Where are you? Hankyung is a nervous wreck. His eyes keep turning red and then black again. It's weird."

                "Oh, I'm just with Yunho. We were going to spend the night together, I just wanted to make sure that was okay."

                "It is. I'll tell Hankyung. Really, why is he so worried? Is there something you haven't been telling me?"

                "He was a jerk, that's all. Said I was an outsider. So I'm not talking to him right now. Or ever again. Serves him right, choosing that ugly fat lipped freak over me."


                "No, I'm not going to listen to your relationship advice right now. I'm going to spend the night with Yunho. That's all I wanted to say." Then I hung up the phone before he could argue with me, or tell me I was being immature.

                I was being immature. I knew that. I shouldn't hold Hankyung's thoughts against him. I shouldn't feel like I had to compare myself to Alvin. But I did. I couldn't help but be hurt when Hankyung called me an outsider, or hugged someone else that wasn't me.

                I met Yunho outside, throwing the bag of chips to him. "Here. I got your favorite."

                "Thanks!" He grinned, and we got back in the car. I found a Wonder Girls CD by my seat, so I put it in.

                "Wow, what is this doing here?" I asked, when I found it. "I didn't know you liked them."

                "I don't. It was on sale, though, and I know you like them, so…"

                "You mean I can have it?!" I exclaimed, smiling at him. "Thanks! They're my favorite. I know every single dance."

                "I know, Hee. How many times have you made me watch your stupid dances?"

                "What? You don't like them?"

                "No, they're cute. I was just finding something to complain about, that's all." Yunho corrected himself right away, before I could even begin to feel hurt. I grinned at him.

                "Kekekeke. Good, because I memorized a new one. I'm showing you, as soon as we get there."

                "Noooo! The torture!" Yunho mocked, grinning back.


                It took us an hour and a half to get into the city. When we got there, the first thing we did was get movie tickets for some horror movie I thought looked neat.

                "Why do you always watch these things? You always get scared to death, and then I'm the one stuck sleeping with you because you're afraid of the monster under your bed."

                "I like getting scared. It's exhilarating." I answered. "Besides, don't act like you don't like it."

                "I don't. You always kick me off the bed, and steal all the covers. Who'd enjoy that?"

                "Dang it, Yunho, can't you at least pretend to be the perfect boyfriend? For like, five minutes?"

                "You want me to be your boyfriend?" Yunho looked shocked, and I realized he took it a little more seriously than I did. I shrugged.

                "Just for today. Let's act like a boyfriend and girlfriend, and see how many people we can fool." I grinned at the idea. "I can dress up like a girl, and everything, and we can see how many people think we're going out. It'll be fun!"

                So, we did. I wasn't about to wear a dress or something stupid, but we found a pink sweater and purse at a thrift store, so I wore those, storing souveniers in the purse as we went along.

                "I like this." I said, as I stuffed yet another bottle of chocolate milk inside the purse. "It's just so convenient. I mean, if I didn't have it, I'd just be carrying them around in some ugly plastic bag. That's so tacky."

                "No, you'd just make me carry the ugly plastic bag." Yunho said, grinning at me. I lightly slapped his shoulder.

                "Yah. Be nice." I scolded, but then turned back to my purse, admiring my reflection in the shop window. I gave a little twirl.

                "Look, it just accessorizes so nicely. Doesn't it look good?" I turned back to Yunho for affirmation.

               "Yes, you look beautiful." He said, looking at me a couple seconds too long, eyes lingering on my face. I just grinned, tilting my head back and forth, using my aegyo voice.

                "Oppa, aren't I cute? Puing puing!" I made the little gesture with my hands, and Yunho just watched me, that same expression on his face.

                "Heechul, I…" Just then, though, my phone rang. I checked it.

                "Ah. It's my parents. I have to take this." I brought the phone to my ear. "Hello?"

                "Heechul, is there any reason why you neglected to tell us that Hankung is a dragon?"

                "Huh? How did you know?"

                "I don't know, Heechul. Maybe he went crazy and destroyed our kitchen!!" Eomma shouted, exasperated.


                "And then flew off to who knows where! Heechul, what am I supposed to do?! There's a dragon on the loose now, and I'm not exactly dragon hunting material, now am I?"

                "What about Alvin? He could probably help you."

                "Who is Alvin?!"

                "Hankyung's monster hunter boyfriend. He wasn't there? Why…" I trailed off, curious. "Anyways, Hankyung probably went to him. Don't worry. I'm sure everything's fine."

                "No, it's not. Come home right now, so we can talk this over."

                "I can't."

                "Why not?"

                "I'm in Toronto right now."

                "WHAT?! I thought you said you were with Yunho?!"

                "I am. We're in Toronto."

                "Heechul. Get Yunho to drive you hoe. We are going to talk about this. I never said you could go to Toronto without my permission."

                "Fine! Fine, I'll tell him. But you're being really immature about this whole thing, I hope you know that. I'm seventeen I can go on a trip if I want." I shot back, hanging up the phone. I turned to Yunho. "Sorry, that was my dad. He wants me to come home right away. Apparently Hankyungs's missing."

                "Oh." Yunho looked disappointed. "Okay, then. We can go. Let's go to the car. Are you in a lot of trouble?"

                 "I don't know. Eomma sounded mad, but that's probably mostly because of Hankyung." I sighed, running my hands through my hair. "Why does he have to ruin everything?"

                "It's all right. If you want, we could go one last place before we leave. I'm sure, as long as it doesn't take too long…"

                "What's the point? Let's just go, already." My mood dark, we began walking back to where Yunho had parked the car. He rested his arm on my shoulder in comfort, but I just kept walking.

                Aish, stupid Hankyung. Why did he have to ruin my day?

                We sat in silence as we drove home, and suddenly I felt tiredness hit me like a wall. I looked at the clock, but it was only seven. Why was I so tired? Then I remembered that I'd gotten up early this morning, and sighed. That was Hankyung's fault, too.

                "I'm tired, do you have a blanket or anything?" I asked Yunho.

                "Huh? Oh, I don't know. There might be one in the back." He said, and I unbuckled my seatbelt to look for it, climbing over the seats. Eventually I found one, and I curled up in it, using my backpack as a pillow.

                "Wake me up when we get there." I remembered telling Yunho, before finally nodding off.


                I woke up to the door in my room slamming open. I moaned loudly, burying my face into the covers. I didn't really know what was going on, and I didn't care. Whatever it was was interrupting my beauty sleep.

                Suddenly, though, I felt hands on me, and the weight of someone's body leaning on me. That was definitely not normal. I opened my eyes, trying to see what was going on. The arms constricted me even more.

                "Wó de." A familiar voice said, and I stilled.


                What was he doing in my bed? Why was he roaming his hands all over my body?

                Actually, what was I doing here? Last I remembered, I was in Yunho's car. "What are you—Ugh! Gross! What are you doing?!" I exclaimed, when Hankyung started me.

                "Wó de. Wó de."

                "No, Ew, stop me!" I pushed at his face, but he just my hand. "This is disgusting! You going all red eyes does not give you an excuse to do whatever you want. Let go of me!"

                Amazingly, Hankyung did let go, staring at me with his red eyes.

                "Now, go over there." I pointed to his bed. He obediently walked over to sit on his bed, eyes still glaring at me intensely.

                "Wó de." He growled in protest.

                "Whatever. Just…Go to sleep or something, okay? I'm not in the mood to deal with your crap right now." I glared at him, before lying back on my bed, and turning my back to him.

               Immediately he was on top of me again, breathing on my neck and growling as his hands ran up and down my sides. "Wó de." He growled again and again, and I kicked away from him.

                "No! Stop! Go away!" I protested, and he growled at me, glaring.

                "Wó de."

                "Okay, I'm yours, whatever. Go away."

                "Wó de." He grabbed my cheeks, and for the first time I really looked into his eyes. They were red, sure, but they were deep, full of tenderness and intensity. He was serious. For whatever reason, this was something that really mattered to him.

                "Yours." I answered, rubbing his shoulder. "Yours."

                If I thought his eyes were intense before, I was wrong. They burned, now, and he pushed me onto the bed.

                "Omo! What are you doing?!" I cried, but his stare silenced me. I felt my heart beat strongly in my chest, and I felt like my stomach might explode at any moment. This situation…he wasn't going to…

               As if able to hear my thoughts, he began clawing at my clothing, ripping myy shirt to shreds in an effort to take it off.

                "W-wait, Hankyung! Shouldn't we…shouldn't we kiss first or something? This is all out of order!" I protested, and he paused, looking at me. He moved his face to mine, kissing my nose, before moving back to my chest. He lay his lips in the middle of my chest, right above where my heart sat beating heavily in my chest.

                "H-Hankyung…" I felt myself shudder. This was…I wasn't ready for this. I wasn't…and yet…this was Hankyung. I didn’t want to stop him. Not when it felt so good. But I had too. He was just in his red eyed form. He wasn't going to remember any of this when he woke up. I opened my mouth to protest, just as he bit down. Hard.

                "Yeowwww!!" I squawked. "What the—I'm the vampire, Hankyung, not you! I'm the one who should—ngh." My mind went blank as he lapped at the blood, and kissing it better. "D-don't…"

                But then, I felt a surge in my heart, a sudden energy. My tongue seemed to grow bigger in my mouth, and I opened my jaw, stretching it. I had to…I had to bite something. But the place was…I found myself clawing at Hankyung, trying to find the place to bite. Where was it? Where—

                Oh. There. Mind hazy, I looked at that spot on his lower back. It was so perfect. My eyes focused on that spot, and I found myself biting down at it. The blood was sweet, and a little salty, but I didn't drink. Instead, I just the wound, making sure he wasn't hurt too badly.

                Feeling suddenly tired, then, I passed out, world going black.

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Chapter 6: It's kinda late, so I'll stop reading for now, I guess... ^^' I found this story because of a friend's recommendation :D

So far I really like the characters and the way they have developed on this short path so far, though there are many questions still open. I really like Heechul's personality, though! Especially his sassiness when he describes the bad guys (or hunters, if we're gonna go after the chapter title)! It was absolutely hilarious :D

I noticed that something is a tad bit messed up with the paragraphs, though. Some start right at the beginning of the line, others don't (maybe also some kind of mistake that happens when you copy and paste data into AFF?). Just thought I'd let you know~

I hope I'll be able to keep on reading soon because I'm really curious how things continue and why no one seems to realize that Heechul always answers to Hangeng's thoughts while Hangeng hardly ever actually speaks up (not to forget that I would assume Hangeng to think in Chinese due to the language barrier? So Heechul must be kinda fluent in Chinese?)

Not to forget: YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS!!!! (I laughed so hard when I saw you include that)
OMG this is still my all time fave! I remember reading this a few years ago and just had to come back to it because for some reason i suddenly remembered kyuhyun down the phone to heechul after finding out he's a vampire XD I still love it to this day. Absolutely incredible! I can't get over how awesome and funny and amazing this story is. Vampire heechul will always be my favourite heechul. I love this story so much! <3 xoxoxo
immamel #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: this is how it end. I love it, could'n hold my laugh as I read it. That was great when I find kyuhyun being the one who always talk too much, either do heechul but yeah he always be the one who witnessed all of those grossy little things that hancul did.
Yomaster #4
Chapter 8: Alvin simon and theadore the chipmuks as the viĺlians thats so cute
Zinnia27 #5
Chapter 38: Om my!! This story was really fun..heechul's twilight fantasy..and his interatcion with zhoumi..!! Hilarious^^
Chapter 27: Can we talk how your story is one of the best I have ever read~ I stayed up till 3am reading up to the 27th chapter...even though it was a school night (but I don't regret not reading it), I value this story more than my sleep xD
Keep up the great work, Unni!!
Chapter 38: Just finished this story...I cried, I laughed and I died of cuteness. Multiple times (But strangely I'm still alive...)
I loved the characters, Heechul was just the perfect diva and Hangeng...well, I liked him as a dragon (and damn, I wanna have Yunho as my best friend!). It was exciting and funny to read so yeah....and the SHIPS, the ships though!
I. LOVE. Hanchul. (And Yunjae??? Two of my OTPs!! (but I also like Sibum, Kyumin and Eunhae)) And I love supernatural fics!
So, this was just great to read.
If you write another supernatural story (preferred with Hanchul or Yunjae *wink* wink*) you have to tell me! I'm gonna read it immediately!
Okay, I think I fawned enough...so yeah, to summarize all of this blabbering: I really enjoyed this story.
xoxo PepperCookie
Chapter 38: Lol hahahahh! I never read hanchul before!! BUt this is amazing! I love it!
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 38: Lol! This was the best Hanchul story ever!!
nakita #10
Chapter 8: i thought...it's was hangeng....tease.....