
The Vampire Diaries of Kim Heechul

                Hankyung came to almost immediately, eyes changing from red to brown rapidly. He looked at me, holding him intimately, and then at Siwon, who was lying on the floor.

                He looked confused and a little bit horrified. "What? What? What?" He kept repeating, dropping his hands from Siwon's collar, and looking at them as if they'd just grown there and he had no idea what to do with them.

                "Well, um, you freaked out." I explained, swinging my arms around my body awkwardly, trying to figure out what to do with them, so that I looked totally cool and unconcerned. As if I hadn't totally just been wrapping him in some sort of passionate embrace. It wasn't working. Luckily, though, Hankyung was too preoccupied in his own trouble to worry about me maybe backhugging him and declaring my love for him. I really, really hoped he didn't hear that.

                Because I didn't love him. No, sir, not one bit. Well. Okay. Maybe I had weird feelings for him, but they weren't love, and I really didn't want to think about them right now. Right now, I wanted to focus on how Hankyung had just gone crazy, and was probably not entirely human. That seemed like a safe route to take.

                Well, comparatively.

                Meanwhile, Hankyung had completely frozen at my announcement, and was trying to apologize, melt into a puddle, run away, ask what exactly happened, fix Siwon up, and apologize again at the same time. Instead, he just moved frantically around uselessly, opening and closing his mouth without sound.

                But apparently, there was a God in this world, because Siwon took that opportunity to pass out, which, looking at the deep dent his body had made in the lockers, I was surprised he hadn't done earlier.

                "Ah! 120. We call 120." Hankyung began exclaiming, and I looked at him like he'd lost it again, until I read his mind and realized 120 was just like the Chinese 911. I banged on the door to the drama classroom, poking my head in.

                Kibum was reading his book.


                "Kibummie, we need your phone. Call 911."

                "Oh, I already did. Dude. Your boyfriend is stronger than he looks. Did you see that dent?" He seemed surprisingly nonchalant about the whole thing.

                "Kibum. He's not my boyfriend."

                "Psh. You did not just say that. He was pulling you into his chest like some possessive lover, and you were all like, 'Omo~ Omo~'" He mocked, imitating my voice in an irritating falsetto.

                "I was trying to get away! He was just too strong, that’s all. Now, are you going to help me or not?"

                "You see, I would, but I'm at this really good part in my book. All these dignitaries keep giving Rand invitations to their parties, and he doesn't know what to do with them, so he's just throwing them away, but then it gets to the point where—"

                "Kibum, somebody is passed out here, and you're just going to read your little book."

                "I called 911." He argued.

                "Yeah, and you're going with him to the hospital. I need to take care of Hankyung right now. He's having a conniption fit or something."

                "Do I have to?"

                "Listen, I will give you a choice." I rolled my eyes. "A. You calm down Hankyung. Even though you're a stranger to him. It will take your unerring concentration, and understanding of what exactly just happened. You will not be allowed to make jokes about this situation, as it will only make him more upset. Or, B. You can take Siwon to the hospital. You will probably get out of school, and get to read your book in the ambulance. The teachers will probably talk to the EMT's about Siwon's medical conditions. All you will need to do is act like a concerned friend, until you're at the hospital. Then you can read your little book for as long as you want, and nobody will judge you, because you'll just be waiting for him to wake up. And there's nothing wrong with reading a book while you wait for anything."

                "Fine, Fine, Option B."Kibum waved his hands in a surrendering motion, stuffing his book into his bag and going out to check on Siwon. When we exited the classroom, we saw Hankyung trying to look after Siwon, hands fluttering everywhere, as he muttered to himself in Chinese.

                "What is he doing?" Kibum asked, looking Hankyung up and down. "He's not still in crazy mode, is he?"

                "He's trying to remember the first aid he learned in middle school. And he's not crazy. He's just…" I struggled for words.

                "A vampire?" Kibum guessed, and I couldn't help it. I laughed.  The sound brought Hankyung out of his panicked frenzy, and he turned back to me, scowling.

                Is this funny to him, or something? Does he not even realize the gravity of this situation? He wondered, and I walked over to him, rubbing circles on his back to calm him down.

                "Look, Hankyung, Kibum already called the paramedics. They're on their way. Now, let's ditch school, get some ice cream, and you can tell me exactly what just happened." Hankyung tried to protest, but I gave him a look, and he shut up quickly. Waving goodbye to Kibum, we picked up our bags, and I led him out the door without security cameras. When we were out, I took as deep breath.

                "Ahh, this is nice. We should ditch school more often. It's kind of exciting, you know?" I began walking to the car at a quick pace, hoping Hankyung wouldn't be able to sense my nervousness.

                "Heechul-ah." He called out, and suddenly, his arms were wrapped around me again. Considering how he'd jst gone crazy and almost killed Siwon, I should've been scared. I should've lashed out, getting away from him as fast as possible. But, no. His arms didn't feel that way. They were warm, radiating heat and warmth and comfort.

                I'm so, so sorry. He thought. I should have told him. I should have. But I didn't and now, I've ruined everything. He's never going to be able to look at me again without fear. No, that's not even the worst of it. What if I hurt him, like I did to Siwon? He doesn't look like he's in pain, but…

                "You don't have to worry about me, I'm fine. The only thing you did to me was hug me a lot and say, 'Wó de, wó de' a lot. What does that even mean?" I asked, and his cheeks got bright red.

                Mine. He answered in his head, "Nothing," he answered aloud. I felt myself blush, and my chest seem to constrict around my heart. I looked away, getting into the car, trying to shake away this feeling. I accidentally slammed the door too hard, and Hankyung looked at me sadly.

                "I'm sorry." He said, obviously thinking I was still angry.

                "Whatever. Just shut up and drive us someplace where we can talk." I answered, blushing.

                Ah. He must be really mad. Hankyung thought.

                "I'm not mad!" I snapped at him, then turned away, trying to calm down. "I just…you surprised me, okay? And…I don't even know what to think of you anymore. I just told you that I was getting turned around by all your changes, and now you go and change again. I want the truth, Hankyung. And it's really frustrating that I don't have it."

                "I'm sorry." He murmured again, and the car was silent until we finally got to our destination, a secluded park near my house. "Is this okay?" He asked, and I nodded, getting out of the car and walking over to the swing set.

                "So?" I asked, sitting down. "Are you going to tell me?" I dug my toes into the mulch.

                "Yes." He murmured, and then was silent, for the longest time. In this case, I decided not to read his mind, thinking it would be better if I just listened to what he had to say.

                "I rich family." He started, struggling with the words. "Then I go school. Very fear. No friends. I no servants play people."

                "Hankyung, I don't understand a word you're saying." I interrupted. If he was going to keep at this, I was just going to read his mind.

                "Sorry." He apologized. "My Korean not good."

                "Yeah, I think we established that." I frowned, kicking some dirt at him affectionately.

                "Well, well, well, what have we here?" I looked up to see freaking Alvin and the Chipmunks coming up the path towards us. I flipped them off, but they seemed unfazed.

                I was right to have followed them. Alvin thought, and I got a little angrier, knowing he'd invaded our privacy like that.

                "Shouldn't you be in jail or something?" I spat back, hackles rising.

                "Please. Prison walls cannot hold a member of the Jjokthaiceowhih." He snorted, turning his nose up haughtily.

                "That sounds made up." I answered, enjoying the way his face turned from grey to red at that statement.

                "It is not! We are the greatest monster hunting institution the world has ever seen! We eat little vampires like you for breakfast. So, do not insult us, for there will be very dire consequences."

                 "But I can insult you, right? Because I've been dying to ever since I saw your ugly faces. There's just so much material there, you know?"

                "Heechul." Hankyung rested his hand on my shoulder. "Don't."

                I closed my mouth, giving him a look that said, Well, if you don't want me insulting them, you'd better do it yourself. Although, I wondered how much of it actually got through to him.

                He turned to Alvin and said something in Chinese. What are you doing here? He thought, so I figured that was it.

                Alvin responded back in Chinese, and I took up using my mind-hearing ears over my real ones.

                We were looking for you. How could you just run off like that?

                Well what else was I supposed to do? I'm sorry. There were other circumstances.

                I was so worried about you. Like what? What could have possibly happened that you couldn't tell your best friend?

                I found out I was a monster. Nothing happened. You wouldn't understand.

                It was really confusing to listen to this, because I was pretty sure they weren't voicing all of their thoughts. Like, I was almost positive from Alvin's reaction, that Hankyung hadn't told him he was monster. But it all sounded the same to me.

                You don't even realize that you're being controlled. Fine. Just know where you can turn if you're feeling down.

                Thank you, Alvin, for understanding. And I'm sorry.

                Alvin didn't answer, but he thought, I love you. I'll save you, I promise.

                "Yah, vampire!" He said in Korean, and I turned to him. "You're not allowed to touch him until I say so, ya hear?"

                "Yeah, we'll teach you not to mess with the Jjokthaiceowhih." Simon added, looking smug. Theodore just nodded.

                Ah, I really love these guys, Hankyung thought, smiling fondly, and I frowned. Oh no. They were not going to make me into the bad guy here. The evil vampire that hypnotized Hankyung for whatever reason and forced him to go to school in some nowhere town.  Because, if they were going to treat me like that, I was going to act like it.

                "But I already have touched him." I purred slyly, turning to Alvin. Hankyung didn't look fazed, probably not seeing the double meaning.

                Alvin, however, choked on his own spit. Which is possible, apparently. "W-what?"

                "You didn't think I would have such a specimen under my control and not allow myself a little taste, did you?" I answered, channeling my inner creep. Hankyung was beginning to look confused. I slid over to him, sitting on his lap, and wrapping my arms around his neck slowly. Hankyung looked at me, really confused, now.

                "You-you-you—" Alvin spluttered, and I whispered to Hankyung, so that he couldn't hear,

                "I'll explain later, okay?" Not sure how I'd do that, but right now I was more focused on proving to Alvin that Hankyung was mine. Hankyung's arms tightened around me, as I brought my lips closer to his, slowly, slowly. When I was still a safe distance away, though, I paused, wondering if this was really a good idea. But then Hankyung moved his own face forward, and our lips brushed the tiniest bit, sending electricity through me.

                But before we could even really kiss, Alvin threw himself at us, grabbing me back by the hair. I cried out in pain, trying to twist my body so I could get out of his grip, or at least retaliate somehow. But then I was free, and Hankyung was on top of Alvin, grabbing his coat collar and snarling at him. He brought his fist back, knocking Alvin in the jaw. The pasty faced boy reeled back, falling into his minions, blood welling up where Hankyung had hit. Hankyung immediately turned back to me.

                His eyes were red. Again.

                He walked back to me, my hair and my face, murmuring Chinese to me. I found myself blushing, unable to stop him when he pulled me close to him and laid a kiss on my forehead.

                "What did you do to him? Why are his eyes like that?!" Simon wailed, and I thought fast.

                "Just a little mind control. Why? Does it bother you to have your friend turn against you?" I lied, and Hankyung said something in Chinese, pushing me behind him and snapping something at them. I really wanted to know what he'd said, because Alvin looked like he'd just been punched in the gut.

                "B-but…it's me…your best friend." Alvin sobbed in response, wiping at his face.

                Hankyung just ignored him, walking up to the group and pushing away, growling more things at them. They tried to argue with him in Chinese, but he just got angrier, hissing and snapping at them, pushing them farther away from me.

                I can't just let him do this. I can't let him be controlled. Alvin was thinking, trying to fight back against Hankyung, who swatted the smaller boy's hands away as if they were annoying flies. Hankyung was really hot like this. When he was all power, and anger, and protecting me from stupid morons who thought they could mess with a vampire. I guess, I can try that. The fail safe. True love's…He shot his head forward, trying to kiss Hankyung, but he'd used too much force, so their mouths crushed together for about two seconds, before he was thrown to the ground.

                Now he was madder than ever, and all the Chinese was gone, replaced with animalistic snarling that was kind of a universal language for "I want to kill you." He clawed at Alvin's face, murder in his eyes. He looked back at me frantically, and we made eye contact for a split second before he was back at Alvin, punching him and kicking him as the other nerds tried to pull him away.

                If we want to stop Hankyung, we need to take out the vampire first. Theodore thought, and I snapped my attention to him. He released his hold on AHnkyung's arm, running over to where I stood, lunging in my direction. I dodged, but as he lay on the ground, he pulled my ankle out from under me, and I went down hard.

                "Aish!" I cursed, rubbing my back in pain. Hankyung was back at my side, then, taking Theodore, and throwing him as hard as he could, into one of the nearby trees. Then Hankyung turned to me, saying more things in Chinese, and I mumbled. "I can't understand a word you're saying."

                He just continued on searching me for injuries and saying things in a language I didn't understand. Distracted, I watched as the Chipmunks retreated, broken and bloody, from the scene. Before they left, though, Alvin couldn't help but yell out some sort of loud, obnoxious threat about how he'd make me pay for this.

                Hankyung turned his head sharply at this, and growled so low that the ground trembled. The Chipmunks squeaked and disappeared, and Hankyung turned back to me, pulling me into his arms, and rocking us back and forth gently. I wasn't sure what to do to get him back to normal, so I just kind of laid in his arms until he became normal again.

                "Wait. What? Where my friends? Why we here? What did?" He asked, pulling away from me, when he finally had regained his senses. I sighed, massaging my temples.

                "How much do you remember?" I asked.

                Well, we were on the swing. And you were saying weird things that sounded kind of wicked to Alvin. And then you leaned in and said you would explain later…omo. No. I couldn't have. He wouldn't…

                I looked at him in anticipation

                Did he kiss me or something, and then I passed out? I wouldn't have done something that embarrassing, would I? I mean, sure it would be a shock, but to pass out from it—

                "Alvin lunged at us before anything happened. Then you demoned out and beat up the geek squad, and got all worried and possessive over me, so we ended up like this. Honestly, Hankyung, if you don't explain everything to me in the next ten minutes, Imma throw something. Because I cannot take another one of your freak outs without some sort of warning next time."

                "Ah. My Korean not very good." He started, "Let me just show you."

                He stood up, looking around to make sure the park was empty. Then he glowed bright white and changed.

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Chapter 6: It's kinda late, so I'll stop reading for now, I guess... ^^' I found this story because of a friend's recommendation :D

So far I really like the characters and the way they have developed on this short path so far, though there are many questions still open. I really like Heechul's personality, though! Especially his sassiness when he describes the bad guys (or hunters, if we're gonna go after the chapter title)! It was absolutely hilarious :D

I noticed that something is a tad bit messed up with the paragraphs, though. Some start right at the beginning of the line, others don't (maybe also some kind of mistake that happens when you copy and paste data into AFF?). Just thought I'd let you know~

I hope I'll be able to keep on reading soon because I'm really curious how things continue and why no one seems to realize that Heechul always answers to Hangeng's thoughts while Hangeng hardly ever actually speaks up (not to forget that I would assume Hangeng to think in Chinese due to the language barrier? So Heechul must be kinda fluent in Chinese?)

Not to forget: YOU'RE SO GORGEOUS!!!! (I laughed so hard when I saw you include that)
OMG this is still my all time fave! I remember reading this a few years ago and just had to come back to it because for some reason i suddenly remembered kyuhyun down the phone to heechul after finding out he's a vampire XD I still love it to this day. Absolutely incredible! I can't get over how awesome and funny and amazing this story is. Vampire heechul will always be my favourite heechul. I love this story so much! <3 xoxoxo
immamel #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 38: this is how it end. I love it, could'n hold my laugh as I read it. That was great when I find kyuhyun being the one who always talk too much, either do heechul but yeah he always be the one who witnessed all of those grossy little things that hancul did.
Yomaster #4
Chapter 8: Alvin simon and theadore the chipmuks as the viĺlians thats so cute
Zinnia27 #5
Chapter 38: Om my!! This story was really fun..heechul's twilight fantasy..and his interatcion with zhoumi..!! Hilarious^^
Chapter 27: Can we talk how your story is one of the best I have ever read~ I stayed up till 3am reading up to the 27th chapter...even though it was a school night (but I don't regret not reading it), I value this story more than my sleep xD
Keep up the great work, Unni!!
Chapter 38: Just finished this story...I cried, I laughed and I died of cuteness. Multiple times (But strangely I'm still alive...)
I loved the characters, Heechul was just the perfect diva and Hangeng...well, I liked him as a dragon (and damn, I wanna have Yunho as my best friend!). It was exciting and funny to read so yeah....and the SHIPS, the ships though!
I. LOVE. Hanchul. (And Yunjae??? Two of my OTPs!! (but I also like Sibum, Kyumin and Eunhae)) And I love supernatural fics!
So, this was just great to read.
If you write another supernatural story (preferred with Hanchul or Yunjae *wink* wink*) you have to tell me! I'm gonna read it immediately!
Okay, I think I fawned enough...so yeah, to summarize all of this blabbering: I really enjoyed this story.
xoxo PepperCookie
Chapter 38: Lol hahahahh! I never read hanchul before!! BUt this is amazing! I love it!
FreezingLove #9
Chapter 38: Lol! This was the best Hanchul story ever!!
nakita #10
Chapter 8: i thought...it's was hangeng....tease.....