Ch.7 What are You Doing Here?

Silence's Bus Seat

Chapter 7
Why are You Always There?

          Soon Bok hung her head low, her nose pointed down in her plate.  Although she had utensils in hand, she hadn’t yet to actually pick anything up, she just moved the meal around the plate. Her appetite had been spoiled ages ago, she hardly even wanted to smell aromas of food because she had such a strong urge to throw up.  Seriously, she felt especially sick since she had entered that cramped car with the sprit she eventually called her ‘friend’.

         Honestly. Jimin was really pushing all of her buttons.  Somehow, with much triumphs and multiple flukes, the main antagonist of Soon Bok’s life had become someone she associated with on a regular basis, she actually greeted him first on certain occasions, but this was ridiculous. She had felt that this was a reach in their un-communicated contract.  Sure, she had visited his home more than a couple of times, and walking around together wasn’t a big deal anymore, but this, this was strictly inappropriate.

      Sure, the boy hadn’t necessarily planned to enter her home (unlike last Halloween) and she gives him credit for doing so, but he could’ve declined her mother’s offer to stay over for dinner, matter of fact, he should have declined her mother’s offer.  He had seen the rotten facial expression Soon Bok was giving him as her mother began to speak.  “It’s not every day that we have someone over for dinner, especially one of Soon Boks classmates!”  Soon Bok thought she made it very clear she didn’t want anyone in her sanctuary.  Her mother obviously didn’t care about her daughters wishes because there he was with his dumb crutches, sitting right in front of her, laughing and chatting it up with her mother.  She felt absolutely disgusted.

 “Oh, I’m glad you came over, I think I made a bit too much this time.”  Her mother smiled.

“Thank you for inviting me, I hope I’m not intruding.”

Soon Bok audibly scoffed at his remark.  Of course he was intruding!  He was practically breaking into her home, she felt as she should file a report.

Her scoff earned her all the attention of everyone in the room.  She cleared and tried her best to act natural and ignore all the questioning eyes, although it was quite difficult to ignore Jimins.  It was obvious he was enjoying himself, because he busted out in a giggle fit.

“So,” her father said interrupting the awkward moment that Soon Bok just caused “your one of Pinkie-Poo’s friends, huh?”

Soon Bok choked at the mention of her childhood nickname.  Her father dubbed her pinkie because she used to have an outrageous obsession with the color pink when she was little.

Hearing this, Jimin almost spurted out his drink.  “Excuse me?  Pinky Poo?”

“Oh,” Her mother smiled “That’s her nickname, she really used to be into the color pink,  she even tried to dye her hair pink once with acrylic paint.”

“Are you serious?” Jimin gasped. “I thought her favorite color would’ve been gray.”

“Shut-up.” Soon Bok glared, stabbing at the mountain of food in her plate. “That’s none of your business anyway, go home.”

Her father sighed.  “Isn’t my daughter just the loveliest thing, so nice.” He shook his head. “So friendly to others.”

Unlike herself, Soon Boks parents were very social people, they just loved talking to anyone who would listen, and Jimin would definitely listen, and listen he did.  Her parent’s talked about anything and everything that had to deal with Soon Bok.  Her mother was excited because it had been a while since there was guests over for dinner and she just enjoyed the fact that her daughter had been her daughters friend, and a male friend at that.  Her father, however, just enjoyed embarrassing people, it was his favorite pass time.

“Well,” Soon Bok crossed her arms “would you look at the time, it’s late o’clock, time for someone to get going.”

Soon Bok’s mother frowned at the thought.  “Aw, Come on it’s only been about an hour, the suns still out, I’m sure Jimin wouldn’t mind staying for desert, would you honey?

Before he could answer, Soon Bok stood up.  “Nope, he can’t.  It’s late and it’s a school night which means that he has homework.  Lot’s of homework.”

“Then why don’t you two just do it together,” Her father said over his second helping of dinner “your in the same grade anyway, might as well do it together.”

Soon Bok shot a daggering glare at her father.  Why couldn’t he just mind his own business for once, she made it quite clear that she did not appreciate the appearance of the crippled boy anyway.

“Well, I think-“  Before Jimin could even state his mind, Soon Boks mother had made up some excuse for herself and Soon Boks father to leave suddenly. 

“Sorry,” Her mother frowned.  “I just remembered that I had forgotten to pick up a few things for the desert I was making.”

Soon Bok squinted “But you already made deser-“

“Nope, I had forgot something.” She denied and picked up her coat from the coat hanger near the kitchen. “Come on, dear.”

“I’m still eating.” Her father said, oblivious to his wifes plan “Just go and come back.”

He mother gawked at the sight of her husband carelessly stuffing his face.  With much protest, she swiped the plate up from the table and wastefully dumped he rest of his second meal in the trash.  “And now, your not.” She growled. “So come on.”

Sighing, her father got up and grabbed his coat and hat from the hanger and sullenly followed his wife out the door. “

“Don’t you leave!” Her mother called. “I’m baking something special, I’ll be very disappointed if I come back and you’re not here, It’ll only be a minute you two.”

With that, the two teens were left in the house alone.

“What just happened?” Jimin questioned.

With another scoff, Soon Bok just groaned. “You’re an idiot, that’s what happened.”


There was literal silence between the two.  No words were said sense her mother had dragged her father out on a quest for unneeded groceries.  The only sounds in the entire house was the sound of the clock on the kitchen wall ticking ever second, the disturbing sound her cat was making as it peered at Jimin from under the coffee table.

            Besides the creepy cat, Jimin was getting pretty bored, and if there was one thing he hated, it was being bored, as well as insults about his height and disgusting smells, as well as a long list of other things, but right now, but as of now being bored was his biggest problem.  He looked around the room and finally laid his eyes upon his favorite source of entertainment.

“What are you doing?” Jimin leaned over on the couch, inching closer to her end.

“Homework.” She declared abruptly. She was absolutely fed up with him being there and did not want to further the conversation with him any longer.

Jimin pouted. “You’re actually doing homework?”

She blatantly ignored him and took out a notebook from her backpack along with a mechanical pencil decorated with anime characters he didn’t recognize. Without much thought, he leaned in a bit closer to get a better look.

“Who is that?” He was ignored.

“Is it from an anime?” He was ignored again.

“Do you watch anime?”

Finally dropping her pencil, she swung her head around to face him. “Jimin?” She questioned.

“Yeah?”  He answered.

“Do you ever shut-up?” She asked rhetorically before she continued on with her work.

Pouting at the sudden insult, Jimin exhaled and produced a noise that sounded close to a whimpering puppy whom longed for attention.

Soon Bok once again turned to the boy with an irked look on her face. “Stop it.”

“I can’t help it!” He threw up his hands. “I’m bored.”

“Then how about you actually do your homework then, stupid.”

With much thought, he shrugged and took out his own notebook and set it on the coffee table beside hers.  ping multiple parts of his back pack and loudly scrambling the stuff around his heavily loaded back pack, he then realized that he couldn’t do his homework without a pencil, which he could not seem to find.

“Uh, Soon Bok-“

“Shh!” She hushed.

Frowning, he then decided to borrow one from her polka doted backpack.  While searching through her things, he discovered that she was surprisingly organized. Everything had a place, but nothing was particularly interesting.  Well, that was until he swiped up a book that didn’t look school related and was hidden at the very bottom of her bag.

“Whats this?” He mumbled under his breathe. “My Boyfriend is a Kawaii Vampire Wolf Samurai Prince?”

Her attention snapped over to him. “What are you doing?”

A smirk grew on his face, it was as if he had hit a jackpot. Telling by the look on her face, he had found something he shouldn’t have and he was intending to hold on to this chance as if it were a winning lottery ticket.

Schooching away from her he continued to read the cover. “Yagi-sama’s number one selling romantic series! A cute and romantic tale about forbidden love-“

“Put it down!” She screamed.  Her cat hissed and ran out the room do to the amount of noise the two of them were suddenly making.  She was yelling over Jimins laughing, trying to pry the book from his hands.  The crutches that had been propped up on his side of the couch was knocked over by Jimins stretching arms.  While he lightly shoved her off and scooched further away from her, he decided to read a passage from her beloved book.

“Himeo-san,” He read dramatically with fake authority in his voice “I can give you all the money in the world, why would you want to turn into a hideous monster like me?”

She let out a shriek of embarrassment, and lunged at him again in a desperate attempt to grab the book from him. With the exception of her mother, nobody knew Soon Bok read cheesy romantic manga’s, even Lina and Sohee didn’t know.  They thought she just read violent and more serious types of manga, not anything related to kawaii vampires.  She had an image to maintain, she must’ve dropped her book in her bag on accident.

“Give it back!” She wailed over his laughter. “Stop!”

“You’re not a monster, Samurai Hiroomi-chan!” He read with a high pitched voice in an attempted to mimick the female character in her book. “And your money means nothing!”

“GIVE IT BACK!” She tried to swipe the book again. “It’s not funny.”

He continued his reading while laughing. “I don’t need your money! What I need is, is…” he took a dramatic pause and lowered the book from his face to look her in the eyes “…your love!”

Her face turned beat red. As his laughter grew louder, her embarrassment grew unbearable. In a fit of rage, she shoved him off the couch. “Stupid! Why don’t you just go home! !” She barked with her eyes tightly shut.

Not hearing a reply, she peeked one eye opened and saw that he was still on the floor, but with a painful frown on his face.

“Oh !” She swore. She sparsely swore in her lifetime, but today was an exception.  As she muttered an apology, she bent down to grab Jimins arm and pulled him back on the couch.

“S-sorry..” she almost whispered.

“You shouldn’t have gone through my things though! I mean I know I went through your bag, but this was totally different!” She began ranting in response to the silent wave of awkwardness. “I mean, I was carrying your bag, I just wanted to see what made it so heavy! The book isn’t even mine, ok it’s mine but I didn’t mean for it to be in my bag! You shouldn’t have been in my bag in the first place!”

As she went on talking, Jimin just sat there and listened as a warm smile swept across his face.  He really didn’t care about book at all, he could not have cared any less that she read cheesy books. He just loved to pick on her.  Also, he found her really cute when she was embarrassed.

“You know,” He interrupted while staring dreamingly at her “you’re really strong.”

Her eyebrows rose as she choked in surprised. “What?”

He chuckled while shaking his head “Nothing.”.

Suddenly, he smirked as a devilish thought came to mind. Leaning over a bit, he decided to invade the blushing girls personal space. “But you know what?” He said grinning.

Instead of answering, her eyes just widened as he creeped closer and closer to her. She felt paralyzed, like he had casted some sort of spells with those devious eyes of his which trapped her in place. Her breath hitched as she saw his eyes travel from hers to her lips, she bit them simultaneously.

“You’re really cute.” He stated only an inch away from her face before exiting her space bubble.

She audible exhaled when he faced foreword instead of being in her face. She could still feel her heart racing. He giggled at her reaction, proud to had made her all stern up, but he wasn’t done yet.

“Oh, and also…” He also without looking at her “I owe you something..”

She batted her eyes in confusion, but before she could even open to say anything sarcastic and rude, her heart almost exploded.  She felt as if she lost her mind.  His eyes closed and his lips swiftly planted on hers.  It was an extremely short kiss, but regardless of the time, she swore her soul almost left her body.

Shifting back into his original spot on the couch, Jimin smiled.  “I just needed to return that.”

She was too much in awe to even reply, she was still unmoved with her eyes practically bulging out of their sockets and partially ventilated, she physically started to shake.

Just then the front door swung open and her noisy parents stumbled in, both holding cups filled with soft beverages. Her father was holding a half emptied bucket of popcorn in his other and her mother was shaking her cup around.

“That movie was just alright to me.” Her father griped. “But I still think at least one of them should’ve lived at the end. Especially that kid, he didn’t deserve to die.”

“Well, I liked it.” Her mother shrugged as she began to hang up both of their coats.  “Oh, darn it, I forgot that we were supposed to be going to the grocery store.”

If Soon Bok wasn’t in a state of utter shock she would’ve told her mother that she was an terrible actress, but her heart didn’t allow to move at all, so she remained silent.

“Did you kids have fun?” Her father said as he threw a couple pieces of popcorn into his mouth. “Because I didn’t.”

Jimin chuckled as he picked up his backpack and crutches. “Yeah, it was as fun as homework could be.  But I think I better get going.”

“Aw,” Her mother whined. “But I didn’t even get to make any desert, are you sure?”

He chuckled as he got up from his seat. “Oh, don’t worry, I had enough sweets for today anyway, I’ll be on my way. Thanks for having me.”

Eventually, Soon Bok heard the door closing but she was still sitting on the couch, in the same spot, thinking about what just took place that day. Her heartbeat seemed to be calming down, but couldn’t close all the way.

“Oh,” Her father picked up a notebook beside the table. “It looks like Jimin left his notebook, why don’t you take it too him?”


Stomping her feet against the pavement, it seems like the footprints left behind her would engulf everything into flames.  She felt a sudden burst of rage, she was going to end his life once and for good. She couldn’t tell if everything around her had red tint to it or if it was just the fire in her eyes.

Reaching the front of the house, she walked right up to the front door and knocked on it as if she had intentions to break it open.  Of course, just the idiot she wanted to see answered the door, but only on one foot.

“Oh, Silence—

“Where are your crutches?” She growled.  Even though she was pissed at him, she couldn’t help but to be concerned as well.

“Oh, they’re over there I just—”

“Here!” She tossed his stupid notebook right at his stupid head.  If he hadn’t ducked at the right moment, he probably could have ended up with a bruised nosed. “You left your dumb notebook!”

“Whoa!” He protested as she gripped the collar of his shirt.  “What are you—”

Ignoring his whines, she looked into the house and saw that nobody was in there.  Strengthening her grip on his collar, she pulled him forward. He gasped, his eyes widened.  Jimin could’ve sworn he never saw such rage coming out of anyone, it was scarier than when Jin found out someone turned off the stove while he was cooking.

“Wait! I—”

“Shut-up!” She growled before harshly pressing her lips against his. Breaking away, she let go of his shirt and he fell backward, landing on his . “Don’t return things that were given to you, !”

With that, she stomped away, ignoring the greetings of V and Jungkook who seemed to be returning home from somewhere.

“Wonder what got her in a bad mood” Taehyung asked as they walked up to the doorway. Jungkook shrugged in response.  Both of them came to a halt when they came across Jimin sitting on the floor.

“Get off the floor.” Jungkook said as he stepped over the wide eyed boy and made his way to his room with V following suit.

Still sitting on the floor, Jimin contemplated if she had just kissed him. He pinched himself, assuring himself he wasn’t dreaming.  He pressed his hand against his chest and the way his heart was beating told him he certainly was not dead.  However, there wasn’t a way he could test whether or not she had bitten his lip, or if that was just his hormonal imagination. Either way, he could not stop smiling.


♦ A/N ♦
Thank-You so much for reading! (and hopefully subscribing!)
quick update! Woo!
this chapter was ..0_0…
I made up that manga btw
Also I didn’t spellcheck this…

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First off, I’m back from college. Secondly, I might actually finish this. I might adapt it into a webtoon. If I do, I’ll be sure to mention that.


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YoungForever06 #1
Chapter 10: Please continue, though the last time you did was about 4 years ago, it's still a great story.
shiningsulli #2
Chapter 10: this is so cuutee ~ update soon pleasee
Chanbeakhunhan #3
Chapter 10: Awwwwwww please update soon please!!!!!!! It's a great story
saranghaejaejoong1 #4
Chapter 1: This was updated 4 years ago so this will probably be discontinued
Chapter 3:
Chapter 10: Ohmygod confess already! A new reader here omg I love this story.
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 10: Omg, I can't even anymore~! ///
Park_So_Min #8
Chapter 6: thats why i love you jhope~~