
Troubles of More Than One Kind

“I dunno,” Tarian says, chewing on the end of her straw. It’s break-time on Wednesday, and she and Eunji have convened by the drink machine in the hallway.

Eunji pouts. “Come on, Tarian. I really feel bad for what happened the other day. I can’t believe I didn’t know Jungshin had a girlfriend. I never would’ve encouraged her. I want to apologize.”

“I don’t know that we have to go out dancing for you to apologize,” Tarian points out. “It’s the middle of the week. I’m not even sure Daeho will let us go out.”

“Since when have you listened to what he had to say?” Eunji says. “Come on. We won’t stay out late. Just a girls night. Me, you, and Naeun.”

Tarian gives in with a sigh. “Fine. I’ll ask Naeun. But I seriously doubt she’ll agree to go out.”

But when she calls her sister during the lunch hour to relay Eunji’s plan, Naeun is surprisingly okay with it.

“That sounds like fun,” she admits. “At least then I won’t be stuck at home, thinking about what an idiot I’ve been.”

“You’re not an idiot,” Tarian assures her half-heartedly, unable to get out of going dancing on a Wednesday night.

So that night, Naeun and Tarian meet up with Eunji at the subway station and the three of them head to their usual club. Because it’s the middle of the week, the bouncer at the door is a guy they’ve never seen before, and he’s more than a little suspicious of Naeun – who honestly doesn’t look anywhere near old enough to be inside. But in the end he decides not to care, and he lets them inside.

It’s not too crowded so they find a table near the dance floor and order some snacks and a bottle of soju to share. One bottle turns into five before too long and Tarian, who is way more trashed than she’d intended to get when she has to wake up early and go to school, is soon dragged out onto the dance floor with her best friend and her half-sister.

She’s mostly lost herself in the music – some dubstep remix that’s more pounding bass than any real tune – when she hears something that makes her heart drop all the way to her toes.


She groans, turning to face none other than Junhong, Jongup, Yongjae, and even Daehyun. “What are you guys doing here? Stalking me again?”

“Don’t flatter yourself,” Daehyun practically spits, arms crossed over his shoulder.

“What’s a goody-two-shoes like you doing out on a school night?” Youngjae asks with a grin, reaching out to play with a strand of her hair.

“I’m not a goody-two-shoes,” Tarian snaps, pulling out of his grasp. “And what I choose to do on any night is none of your business.”

“Says the girl dating that snob, Yonghwa,” Daehyun says.

“Hey!” Eunji snaps, making her step-brother jump. “Who Tarian does or does not date is none of your goddamn business, so leave us alone already!”        

Naeun is both shocked and impressed by how forcefully Eunji could talk to them. “Unnie, don’t!”

“Please. This sleeps in my house,” Eunji said with a wave of her hand. “And he and his friends are seriously reaching stalker status.”

Jongup, however, had spotted Naeun and wasn’t paying attention to Eunji’s threats anymore. “Who is this?”

Tarian immediately stepped in front of her sister. “Oh no. You keep your grubby little hands to yourself, Moon Jongup. Stay away from my little sister or else.”

This is your sister?” Jongup is apparently really skilled at ignoring threats. “You must be Naeun, then. I’m Jongup. Tarian and I are in the same class. It’s really nice to finally meet you.” And he extends his hand in an almost gentlemanly manner.

Naeun stares at the outstretched hand for a second and then looks at Tarian as if for guidance, unsure of what to do.

“Don’t shake his hand, Naeun,” Tarian says sternly. “In fact, don’t have anything to do with him or any of his lame friends. They’ll just use you and then toss you aside like you don’t even matter.” Now where had that come from?

Naeun does as she’s told, though she does shoot Jongup a rather shy, apologetic sort of smile.

“Buzz off,” Eunji says. “We’re trying to have a good time here and you idiots are ruining it.”

Perhaps it’s because they’re fairly used to listening to Eunji or maybe it’s because of Tarian’s unexpected outburst, but the boys take the hint and sidle off into the crowd.

Tarian is suddenly in an exceptionally foul mood and she doesn’t like it one bit. “I’m going to get a drink,” she mutters. And, since Naeun and Eunji can tell just how she’s feeling, they don’t try to stop her or offer to go with her.

It’s while she’s at the bar, waiting for her beer, when none other than Bang Yongguk appears beside her. She doesn’t even have to glance up to know it’s him; his familiar scent and warmth beside her is more than enough for her to recognize him.

“ off,” she says, pointedly not looking at him.

“What’s your problem?” Yongguk demands, sounding just as annoyed as she is. “Jongup really likes your sister. Stop being a ing blocker.”

Now she does turn to face him, absolutely livid. “You know what? No. I will not stop blocking Jongup when he tries to hit on my sister. You know why? Because all you s are the same. If you think I’m going to let him use my sister and then have him break her heart and toss her aside, you’ve got another thing coming. He will not date Naeun. Over my dead body.”

“Jongup’s not like that,” Yongguk says sharply.

“Oh, you mean he’s not an utter douche canoe like you?” she spits out, practically grabbing the beer from the startled bartender. “Do us all a favor and leave me and my sister alone.”

Yongguk grabs her wrist before she can get too far. “Jongup is a good guy,” he says, but he seems to have lost a little bit of the steam he’d approached her with.

She sneers and snatches her hand away. “Yeah, sure. Now off.”

This time when she tries to make an escape, he doesn’t follow her.

After her encounter with the B.A.P. boys, Tarian decides she doesn’t want to go clubbing again any time soon. In fact, she doesn’t want to put herself in any situation where she might accidentally run into them. So when Naeun suggests that they have a night in on Saturday, just the two of them, Tarian doesn’t hesitate to agree.

Daeho is on a date – Naeun had squealed for ages when he’d told his daughters where he would be – so the two girls have the apartment to themselves. They order a pizza and curl up on the sofa in the living room to watch some comedy movies Tarian had borrowed from Eunji.

They’re halfway through the first movie when the doorbell rings.

Tarian looks at Naeun. “Did you invite someone over?” she asks.

“No,” Naeun shakes her head. “Did you?”

“Definitely not,” Tarian says, getting up to check the video. She grimaces when she sees it’s none other than Junhong, Jongup, and Youngjae. “Those ers,” she grumbles. “How did they find out where I live? They really are stalkers. I might have to get a restraining order.”

“A restraining order probably won’t do much good,” Naeun admits. “The police around here don’t really want to deal with the B.A.P. Why don’t you just invite them in?”

Tarian stares at her half-sister like she’s an alien and has suddenly grown a third arm. “Are you ing insane?”

Naeun blushes. “I mean, they’re not going to go away, right? And I don’t particularly fancy the idea of them camping out in front of our door. What if people see? And even worse – what if they break in?”

“So it’s a better idea to just invite them in?” Tarian repeats incredulously.

Naeun blushes again but goes to open the door.

Tarian stops her before the lock can click open. “You know Daeho will murder both of us if he finds out you let those jerks in here.”

“Then we’d better make sure he doesn’t find out,” Naeun says airily.

The elder stares open-mouthed for a second. “Okay, who are you and what have you done with my little sister?”

Naeun giggles nervously, verging on hysterical. “I guess my sister is a bad influence on me.” And then she opens the door.

“Jeez, we thought you’d never let us in,” Youngjae says expansively. “We’ve been out here for ages.”

“And look!” Junhong beams, holding up an armload of still cold soju bottles. “We brought the good time with us!”

“Come on in,” Naeun says politely.

“ off,” Tarian says at the same time.

Of course they ignore Tarian and follow Naeun into the house, Jongup presenting Naeun with a red rose and a blush. Tarian has to fight back the urge to gag. 

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 36: Apink ❤️❤️ APINK ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 36: Ahhh I'm so sad it's already over TT TT
A lot of things are left open to interpretation, but I understand you have your reasons for it. Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 36: -throws confetti and shoot fireworks- OMG FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! -run in circles excited-
THANK YOU TARIAN! GOSH! Someone needed to clear out that relationship!
Now that I think... Zico kinda acted like the cupid without knowing, because if was not for him, Tarian wouldn't have get everything out of her chest and he wouldn't have told her about Yongguk. So... Thank you too Zico!! lol xD

...Now... The big question is (not really big, but it will forever bugs me xD): Does Jongup really have a crush on Naeun and will he really pursue her??? lol -run- Not that I think that her father would be very happy (I think even Tarian would't be, although she kinda can't say anything really xD, because she's just protective like that ), but I will forever wonder if that was real or if Jongup was just annoying Tarian. lol
Archon #4
Chapter 35: Love me some angry jealous Yongguk. So much so that I kinda wish Tarian was still with Yonghwa to get some friction going on hahaha
Chapter 35: I facepalmed after a long time when Tarian went with Zico, but fortunately he was a good guy xD (well, not exactly good... but he was harmless xD lol)
I really think it's amusing that Himchan ended offering to be Tarian's date to the dance and this just makes me think that maybe in a less complicated world those two would have a more sibling-like relationship xD
Yongguk is jealous tho!!!!!!!!! xD Guy, really, just accept her and stop all this drama! lol

Also, about last chapter: ashdahsduahdkajf HOLY MOTHER! That conversation between the two Yongs made my jaw hit the groud. Yongguk you freaking stubborn jerk!!!!! Yonghwa just said "Make Tarian happy" (well, with other words, but whatever) and you still acts like a grumpy emo???!!! If you don't get your sh*t together I will lock you and her in a room without anything in it until you revolve this mess!!!! o.ó
Btw, your wedding?! OMG congratulations!!!!!!!
Chapter 33: Omg this is seriously just getting more amusing. I overcame the freaking out phase -thanks God!- and now I'm the one watching in the sidelines with a cup of whatever in my hands. xD hahahahahaha
But I'm also proud that Tarian is acting civilized towards Yongguk. At least to me it's showing she's maturing at least a little xD hahaha And her reaction towards Chaerin, I really couldn't have asked for more than that. -claps hands-
Now, the big question is: Tarian will or will not bites Jongup's head off when he shows up at her door to take Naeun to the prom? xD hahahahahahahahaha -run-
Chapter 32: Yonghwa is so nice that it hurts ;w; Also, Jongup is turning so cheesy that it also hurts. ;w; Boy, for now you're being cute and nice do Naeun, but be sure that will not be only Tarian after your head if you hurt her. :) -evil aura-
Well, at least Tarian is beginning to understand herself. XD hahahahaha
Chapter 31: P.S: Just now I saw that on last chapter's comment I said "I'm okay with anyone Naeun end dating. Just not Junhong. Or Jongup. Because this would be chaotic!"
Chapter 31: Oooooooookaaaaayyyyyy what just happened here?! O.o
Jongup suddenly had fallen in love with Naeun at first sight?? Because I think it's a little extreme to say just twenty minutes after he puts his eyes on her that he " really likes Naeun". o.O' And I totally understand Tarian. xD I would also go on angry mama bear mode if one f them tried to hit on MY sister. xD hahahahahaha
And who is this cool-with-everything-alien what she had done to Naeun???? xD hahahahahahaha Naeun was a good influence on Tarian, but Tarian was a bad influence on Naeun. This is crazy. xD Seriouslly, I don't think this will end well... (But I had to admit that Jongup giving Naeun a rose and blushing was indeed cute x3)
Oh yeah... B.A.P IS COMING BACK!!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 30: Tarian is back! \o/
Seems that for some time she had settled all the worries at the back of her mind and is just enjoying the company of the ones she missed.
It's so cute to see how Tarian and Naeun got close! x3 I really think that there is no better older sister to Naeun than Tarian xD hahahaha She's tough where Naeun's is soft, so they make a good duo. x3
I'm sad for Naeun. :( -hugs her- But maybe it's for the better? Jungshin is not a player, but if I remember right, he was more into y girls and not cute girls like Naeun. The bright side, things ended so soon that Naeun hadn't the chance to get real hurt. Maybe she can end up with Jonghyun? -run- xD sorry. But he seems more like the "cute girl type".
I'm happy with however Naeun end -or not end- with. Just doesn't make her date Zelo. Or Jongup. This would be CHAOTIC! xD hahahaha No, seriously, don't do that to my heart. ;-; I will freak out and I don't know if this will be on the good side or the bad side.