
Troubles of More Than One Kind

“Are you sure you can find your way home again?” Eunji asks. It’s the following afternoon and Tarian is packing up her things to go back home.

She gives her friend a flat look. “I got myself here, didn’t I? I’m not that directionally challenged.”

Eunji chuckles, playing with a pink stuffed teddy bear. “Okay, okay. I just worry about you. That blonde hair and those blue eyes stand out a mile. Don’t want you to attract any unwanted attention.”

“All attention is unwanted,” Tarian retorts, slinging her overnight bag over her shoulder. “Especially from that no-good brother of yours.”

“Step-brother,” Eunji corrects. “I’ve learned to ignore his bad attitude most of the time.”

Tarian gives her a brief smile as Eunji walks her to the front door, where she puts on her shoes. “Easier said than done. See you at school tomorrow.”

It’s a nice day. So nice, in fact, that Tarian decides to walk all of the way home. It’s not that much further than the trek she makes to and from school every day, and she figures she could use the extra exercise. Physical education classes aren’t mandatory here like they were back in her old school.

She realizes that it’s a mistake the second she turns the corner and sees Himchan, chatting to a girl in the shortest miniskirt ever made who can’t be more than fourteen or fifteen. She turns on her heel to go back the way she came, to catch the bus and bypass the oily ert completely, but he looks up and catches sight of her.

“Oi! Love!” he shouts, leaving behind the startled adolescent girl to chase after Tarian. She picks up her speed – almost running – but Himchan’s long legs easily catch up with her. He grabs her arm and drags her to a stop. “Where are you going in such a hurry?”

“Away from you,” Tarian answers in annoyance, jerking her arm free.

The slight doesn’t seem to bother the overly-confident Himchan in the least. “So you’re friends with Daehyunnie’s sister, huh? Guess that means we’ll be seeing a lot of you are the Jung’s house now.”

“No, you definitely will not be,” Tarian snaps. “Eunji and I are only going to hang out at my place from now on.”

“Guess I better figure out where you live then,” Himchan jokes.

She rolls her eyes. “If you so much as come within ten meters of my house, I’ll call the ing cops on you.”

Himchan chuckles, the way he always does when she mentions the police. “Good luck with that, love.” He easily falls into step beside her. “So where are you heading? For real?”

“Home,” Tarian mutters, feeling that it’s pretty obvious considering she’s just come from a sleepover at Eunji and Daehyun’s house. Then, against her better judgment, she says, “And where are you going? To desecrate a cemetery or graffiti a shopping mall or something like that?”

Himchan chuckles. “Nah, not today. Cemeteries gives me the creeps and we don’t stoop so low as to graffiti buildings.”

“Just how low do you and your little friends stoop then?” Tarian can’t stop herself from asking.

He smirks, looking down at her with something that she might mistake for admiration if she didn’t already know that he’s incapable of anything similar to human emotions. “Wouldn’t you like to know,” he teases.

She opens to retort but stops suddenly when a guy wearing ripped jeans and a beanie appears in front of him. “Himchan,” the boy purrs in an altogether unpleasant tone, smiling and showing perfect white teeth. “Just the man I was looking for.”

“Not today,” Himchan says. His tone is light, relaxed, joking even; only the sudden tenseness of his body, pressed close against Tarian’s, gives away how serious this sudden and unexpected situation is. He throws an arm around Tarian’s shoulder and flashes a cheeky grin. “Can’t you see I’m on a date?”

“We’re not-” Tarian begins, but she may as well be invisible for all the attention they’re paying to what she says.

The boy in the beanie, who’s tall and lean, gives her a lewd onceover, his lips in an almost obscene manner. “What a pretty little thing,” the boy says. “I didn’t know you were into foreign chicks.” He chuckles darkly and reaches out to curl a lock of Tarian’s blonde hair around his finger. “So do the curtains match the drapes?”

Himchan easily pulls Tarian out of the boy’s grasp with a wicked grin. “Wouldn’t you like to know? Unfortunately, it’s time for us to be going.”

The boy cuts off their escape path with an arm. “Don’t even think about it, Himchan. We’ve got some unfinished business.”

Himchan’s arms tighten around Tarian’s shoulders, locking her in place directly in front of him. “You wouldn’t hurt this pretty girl now, would you?”

The boy’s lip pulls up in a sneer. “You’ll be able to her just as well with a broken nose.” And he pulls back his fist and throws a punch as hard as he can.

Using Himchan’s hold around her for leverage, Tarian leans back and kicks her feet up. She catches the boy’s punch with the sole of her combat boot head on. It sends an agonizing jolt up her leg, but it hurts a hell of a lot less than it would’ve if she’d taken the hit on the nose.

The boy jumps back, shaking his hand in pain. Those combat boots are pretty sturdy, after all. Himchan, surprised, loosens his hold on Tarian enough that she can step away.

“You were using me as a human shield?” she shrieks, pulling back her fist and throwing a punch of her own. Himchan manages to block it, but just barely. He still stumbles back with the force of it. “You’re the lowest of the low! off and don’t come near me again!” And she storms off.

She’s still fuming by the time she reaches her father’s apartment, letting herself in and slamming the front door behind her. Naeun appears from the kitchen, wearing a floral-print apron and brandishing a wooden spoon. “How was your sleepover, unnie?” she begins, but then she sees Tarian’s smoldering expression and stops short. “Not too good, I take it.”

“I don’t want to talk about it right now,” Tarian snaps. And then she storms into her bedroom and slams that door too. 

Sorry it took me so long to update. Things have been reaaaaalllly busy lately.

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 36: Apink ❤️❤️ APINK ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 36: Ahhh I'm so sad it's already over TT TT
A lot of things are left open to interpretation, but I understand you have your reasons for it. Thank you for the wonderful story, author-nim ^^
Chapter 36: -throws confetti and shoot fireworks- OMG FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! -run in circles excited-
THANK YOU TARIAN! GOSH! Someone needed to clear out that relationship!
Now that I think... Zico kinda acted like the cupid without knowing, because if was not for him, Tarian wouldn't have get everything out of her chest and he wouldn't have told her about Yongguk. So... Thank you too Zico!! lol xD

...Now... The big question is (not really big, but it will forever bugs me xD): Does Jongup really have a crush on Naeun and will he really pursue her??? lol -run- Not that I think that her father would be very happy (I think even Tarian would't be, although she kinda can't say anything really xD, because she's just protective like that ), but I will forever wonder if that was real or if Jongup was just annoying Tarian. lol
Archon #4
Chapter 35: Love me some angry jealous Yongguk. So much so that I kinda wish Tarian was still with Yonghwa to get some friction going on hahaha
Chapter 35: I facepalmed after a long time when Tarian went with Zico, but fortunately he was a good guy xD (well, not exactly good... but he was harmless xD lol)
I really think it's amusing that Himchan ended offering to be Tarian's date to the dance and this just makes me think that maybe in a less complicated world those two would have a more sibling-like relationship xD
Yongguk is jealous tho!!!!!!!!! xD Guy, really, just accept her and stop all this drama! lol

Also, about last chapter: ashdahsduahdkajf HOLY MOTHER! That conversation between the two Yongs made my jaw hit the groud. Yongguk you freaking stubborn jerk!!!!! Yonghwa just said "Make Tarian happy" (well, with other words, but whatever) and you still acts like a grumpy emo???!!! If you don't get your sh*t together I will lock you and her in a room without anything in it until you revolve this mess!!!! o.ó
Btw, your wedding?! OMG congratulations!!!!!!!
Chapter 33: Omg this is seriously just getting more amusing. I overcame the freaking out phase -thanks God!- and now I'm the one watching in the sidelines with a cup of whatever in my hands. xD hahahahahaha
But I'm also proud that Tarian is acting civilized towards Yongguk. At least to me it's showing she's maturing at least a little xD hahaha And her reaction towards Chaerin, I really couldn't have asked for more than that. -claps hands-
Now, the big question is: Tarian will or will not bites Jongup's head off when he shows up at her door to take Naeun to the prom? xD hahahahahahahahaha -run-
Chapter 32: Yonghwa is so nice that it hurts ;w; Also, Jongup is turning so cheesy that it also hurts. ;w; Boy, for now you're being cute and nice do Naeun, but be sure that will not be only Tarian after your head if you hurt her. :) -evil aura-
Well, at least Tarian is beginning to understand herself. XD hahahahaha
Chapter 31: P.S: Just now I saw that on last chapter's comment I said "I'm okay with anyone Naeun end dating. Just not Junhong. Or Jongup. Because this would be chaotic!"
Chapter 31: Oooooooookaaaaayyyyyy what just happened here?! O.o
Jongup suddenly had fallen in love with Naeun at first sight?? Because I think it's a little extreme to say just twenty minutes after he puts his eyes on her that he " really likes Naeun". o.O' And I totally understand Tarian. xD I would also go on angry mama bear mode if one f them tried to hit on MY sister. xD hahahahahaha
And who is this cool-with-everything-alien what she had done to Naeun???? xD hahahahahahaha Naeun was a good influence on Tarian, but Tarian was a bad influence on Naeun. This is crazy. xD Seriouslly, I don't think this will end well... (But I had to admit that Jongup giving Naeun a rose and blushing was indeed cute x3)
Oh yeah... B.A.P IS COMING BACK!!!!! <3 <3
Chapter 30: Tarian is back! \o/
Seems that for some time she had settled all the worries at the back of her mind and is just enjoying the company of the ones she missed.
It's so cute to see how Tarian and Naeun got close! x3 I really think that there is no better older sister to Naeun than Tarian xD hahahaha She's tough where Naeun's is soft, so they make a good duo. x3
I'm sad for Naeun. :( -hugs her- But maybe it's for the better? Jungshin is not a player, but if I remember right, he was more into y girls and not cute girls like Naeun. The bright side, things ended so soon that Naeun hadn't the chance to get real hurt. Maybe she can end up with Jonghyun? -run- xD sorry. But he seems more like the "cute girl type".
I'm happy with however Naeun end -or not end- with. Just doesn't make her date Zelo. Or Jongup. This would be CHAOTIC! xD hahahaha No, seriously, don't do that to my heart. ;-; I will freak out and I don't know if this will be on the good side or the bad side.