

Kris woke up as the sunlight passed through the big window of his bright room. He took a quick glance on the view outside and buried his head again back on the soft pillows.

It's just another plain day...

Kris looked on the side and watched the view again outside. He watched the blue sky above. When suddenly his phone rang. He reached out his arm to get his phone on the side table of his bed. Soon when it was on his hands he saw the name of the caller.


Kris picked it up. "Hello?"

Kyungsoo sobbed, "Kris... Please go my house.."

Kris noticed that his best friend was crying. In situations like this, he knew why he was crying. It was all because of Kyungsoo's boyfriend, Kim Jongin. He wondered why Kyungsoo chose him. Of all the people, why does it have to be him?

Jongin is serious on his studies and sometimes he never pays attention to Kyungsoo. It's like Kyungsoo was just an accessory to him. He doesn't make him feel special, only when he has time. But mostly, Kyungsoo doesn't feel Jongin loves him. Even the word 'I love you', he only heard it once from Jongin.

"What's wrong Kyungsoo?"

Kyungsoo sniffed, "He cheated on me! I saw him yesterday... Making out with someone behind our school."

That bastard..

"I'm coming over at your house.. Please wait for me."

Kyungsoo wasn't able to answer back as he ended the call and placed the phone on the floor. Kyungsoo was sitting down while leaning on the wall. He kept on crying.

He thought he needed to give Jongin tsome time. But why does he have to cheat on him? He never payed attention to him. Only at the first place, he did. But afterwards its like Kyungsoo was an air to him.

Kyungsoo clenched his fists. "Why?" Tears simultaneously fell down on his face.

Meanwhile, Kris immediately took a shower and dressed up. He left the house and headed to Kyungsoo's place.

Kris knocked on the door and rung the doorbell. Surprisingly, Kyungsoo was fast enough to open the door. He saw him crying.

"Kris.." The smaller man sobbed and wrapped his arms around the blonde's waist.

Kris stepped inside as he too wrapped an arm around Kyungsoo's shoulders and he shut the door close.

Kyungsoo was crying hard. Right now, he needed comfort. He didn't know what to do. Now he knew the truth from Jongin. That he didn't even love him truly.

Kris patted the smaller man's back softly. He hated to see Kyungsoo like this. He knew Jongin was cheating on him. But he didn't want to break Kyungsoo's heart. All he know is that if he tells the truth, Kyungsoo will only defend Jongin, that's because he loved him so much.

"I'm sorry Kyungsoo." Kris placed a small kiss on the younger man's hair.

Kyungsoo looked at the man towering him, "Why?" He sniffed.

"I didn't want to tell you that I know Jongin was cheating on you. I didn't want to hurt you.. Because I thought you won't even believe me."

Kyungsoo shook his head as he looked unto Kris' eyes, "That doesn't matter anymore Kris. I found it out by myself.. It's best that I discovered it with my own eyes.. Thank you for worrying about me." He buried his head on Kris' chest.

Will you notice me now, Do Kyungsoo?

Kris felt that Kyungsoo was still crying, "Please stop crying.." He bit his lip and looked away. "Do you still love him?" He asked.

"No more... I had enough... I'm like a fool when I was with him. I didn't feel happy with him.. I was nothing.." Kyungsoo shut his eyes feeling the warmth embrace given to him.

Because you deserve better

"Thank you for staying by my side.." Kris didn't respond anything.

I can't leave you alone.

"Will you ever leave me?"

Kris removed his arms around Kyungsoo. He held his face and make him look at him. Never.

"Whatever happens, I"ll stay by your side. I'm here for you. Don't frown... Always smile. That's the best thing you could do for me."

Kyungsoo started to tear up again. I should've picked Kris instead of Jongin...But if I tell him my feelings.. Will he like me back?

"Hey hey... I told you to smile.. Don't cry.." Kris removed Kyungsoo's tears with his thumb.

I thought Jongin can make me happy and we were fated. But I was wrong.. my bestfriend makes me happier than anyone could.. But I don't want to ruin our friendship.. I don't want Kris to leave me...

Kyungsoo forced a smile.

"See. You can smile.."

Just don't come back with that Jongin.... It hurts me a lot when you're with him..

"Kris...." Kyungsoo said.


"Help me end up my relationship with him.."
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gidi1315 #1
Chapter 1: i want more oh my god >"<
what will happen
i love krisoo ^_^
Chapter 1: I'm interested, I always like krisoo and i think i am going to like this story.
Chapter 1: Ughh kai is jerk . Krisoo hwaitingggggg !! ♥♥
icarus_fly #4
I'm curious with this story. ..krisoo is love plus I really love mario v's gallery.. author-nim pls update...