One Love

One Love

It's a beautiful morning because said Eun Mi because she will see again Chin Ho his childhood friend and her love.

She is done in wearing her uniform and she is almost finish eating her breakfast.

She starts walking on the street when she saw Chin Ho, She is immediately go in Chin Ho

"Annyeong Haseyo!" Eun Mi said

Chin Ho just look at Eun Mi

Eun Mi took a deep breath and she was walking slowly 

when chin ho pull her hand and they run fast

"what the hell are you doing!?" Eun Mi shout

"Just shut up your mouth! just run fast because were getteing be late" Chin Ho said

And they run fast as they can but Eunmi was so happy in waht happen..


They in the school..

"Eun Mi!" Daeyeon shouts

"Oh! Hello Daeyeon" Eun mi said

"I Miss You so much, How's vacation?" Daeyeon said

"Nothing happens" Eun mi said 

"That's ok. coz for sure you will be happy this school year."  Daeyeon said


"Why?" Eun mi asked

" Oh! come on Kim Chin Ho will study here"  Daeyeon said with her meaningful smile

Eun Mi Laugh 

"Come on now ,let's go to our room" Eun Mi said


They on the way to there room

When they are inside the room Eun Mi and Hae ra shock in what they see because there crush 

Hae ra immediately put her bag beside Tae Hyun

While Eun Mi seats beside  Daeyeon but Chin ho said to her he is the first one there so the only seat remaining there is in the left chair beside Tae Hyun..

"How unlucky am i!" Eun Mi whispered

"Annyeong!" Tae hyun said to Eun Mi

"Annyeong!" Eun Mi reply 

while on the other side Chin Ho seems to be in attracted in the charmrisma of  Daeyeon ...


The bell ring!


Hae ra walk towards to Eun mi

" I Hate that Chin ho! everytime i look on my right side he was looking at me!"  Daeyeon said

"Really!?" Eun Mi shock in what she hear

"Don't be sad, i will never get inlove with that guy because my heart already own by Tae hyun I really really like him"  Daeyeon said

"Because Tae Hyun is our school Heart throb" Eun Mi said 

"Definitely YES!" Daeyeon a said

"Ok! Just remember that Chinho is mine and Taehyun is yours" Eun mi said

"Ok!"  Daeyeon said

"I gonna go! BYe and take care" Eun mi said


Eun Mi start to walk so she will arrive at there home early

on her way Tae Hyun saw her..


"Hi!" Tae Hyun said

Eun mi look to the face of Tae Hyun and said "hi"

"You Know it seem to be destiny" Tae Hyun said

"Huh!? what are you saying?" Eun mi said while walking fast as she can

"Think about it you are my classmate and my seatmate too" Tae hyun said

"So?!" Eun mi said

"So we are meant for each other" Tae hyun said


Eun mi stop on walking and face Tae hyun and said " Oh! we are meant for each other!, so you need to take this!" and kick the left leg of Tae Hyun


"Stop embarassing my day! TAEHYUN I DON'T LIKE YOU!!!" eun mi shout

"Remember this day Eunmi coz from now on i will do everything for just you will be mine" Taehyun said

" Blah blah blah.... Talk to the hand!" Eunmi said and leave TAehyun



Hope you like it :D

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Park_Ha-Neul #1
I love this story....this story happen in my real life....