Not now

School first

"Come on guys you're going to be late for your schedule!" Vixx's manager said not wanting to be late. 

Vixx is getting ready to perform their new song. And because of their comeback they have a packed schedule full of variety shows and performances. 

"Are we all ready?" N said when everyone gathered at the door ready to leave.

"Wait where's Hyuk?" Hongbin said searching around sure that he wasn't in the room.

"He was just here a second ago..." Ravi said while walking towards their room. He opened the door and Hyuk was in there all ready but with his school books out. The rest of the members went into the room and saw their maknae diligently studying, not even aware that his hyungs had entered the room.

"Hyukkie we need to go now." N said trying to sound as understanding as possible even though he was worried that they were going to be late.

"Oh sorry hyungs I was just trying to get some studying done. I'll put my books away and be out in a minute." Hyuk's hyungs left and he sighed. *I have no time to study....and I can't fail..what can I do?*

After they left the room Ken said "Hey guys I'm kind of worried for Hyuk. He seems like he is really serious about studying and nervous about his exam. And I feel bad that he can't enjoy his school life because he's in Vixx"

"Yeah, school does come first" Leo said trying to add to what Ken was saying.

"So what should we do? Should we let him take the day off so he can study?" Ravi said offering an idea

"Hmm yeah I guess that would be the best thing to do. I'll go tell him. You guys wait for me in the car since we're running late." N said hurriedly. 

The rest of the members went outside to the car and N went to Hyuk's room to tel him to stay home. "Hyuk, the rest of the members and I agreed that you should take the day off and study for your exam. I'll tell the manager so you don't have to worry about that. Study really hard and ace that exam, okay?"

"Thanks hyung!! I'll study hard!" Hyuk said thankfully

N left the room and joined the rest of the members in the car telling the manager about Hyuk statying while the sped off to their schedule.

"Okay where should I start?" Hyuk said looking at his pile of books.

He picked up a book and started studying determined to get a good grade on his exam. He was a bit disappointed that he couldn't go with the rest of the members but he was also thankful that his hyungs were willing to help him out. He continued studying and before he knew it, it was night time.

Vixx entered the dorm tired from their schedule and glad to be home. "I'll go check to see how Hyuk is doing" Ken said. "Yeah, I'll come too" N said following Ken. They opened Hyuk's door and saw him laying on the floor studying so hard that he didn't even notice them come in. They left as quietly as they came in and planned a surprise for Hyuk. They got the other members and they all left the dorm to go to the store to buy Hyuk a cake for studying so hard. They bought the cake and entered the dorm excited to see Hyuk's reaction to them being such good hyungs. They opened the door to the room that Hyuk was in and brought the cake with them.

"Hyuk~~ Look what we got for you!" Hongbin said wanting to make the maknae happy. Hyuk didn't even look up and continued his studying. "Come on Hyuk take a break" Ken said shaking Hyuk to get his attention.

Hyuk didn't even give them a glance but said "Not now hyungs, I'm studying!" 

"YAH! Ungrateful maknae. Aigoo" N nagged while chopping playfully at Hyuk's neck and he continued to nag until Hyuk finally gave in.


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Chapter 1: Awwwws!! :)
Chapter 1: This was adorable haha~ I love the end with N~ :)