Chapter 45: Number One and Number Two

Clash Academy


D.O marched to your side. "Congratulations Min Na!" He said as he offered a handshake. You couldn't still believe on what you had read at the bulletin board.

D.O could observe how you were still stupefied as you again stood in front of the board, staring what was posted. He smiled as he watched you.

Two Moon Academy

Candidates for the TOP PERFORMING STUDENTS of the year


The students began to leave the place as they went back to their own respective classrooms. However, some of the students patted your back and congratulated you. The guys also did the same. But as much as how Chanyeol wanted to say how happy he was for you, he couldn't. He was not yet still ready to talk to you.

You kept searching around for Suho because you also wanted to congratulate him but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Kyungsoo-ah, have you seen Suho?" You asked.

"He was here a while ago, he was actually beside me. That's strange, he was gone." He replied as he scratched his head.

"Where did that guy go?" You said.

"Don't worry about him. Maybe he went ahead to the classroom. Come on maybe he was already there." He said as you nodded and the two of you went back to your room.

As you arrived at your room, Suho was still not around. The whole class period, he never appeared. It was so bizarre of him, he never cut classes, only today.

You started to wonder why. You thought maybe he felt suddenly sick so he decided to go home.

"Or maybe he felt bad for not being the number one?" You thought.


The Kim family were silently having their dinner. Director Kim and Mrs. Kim sat side by side while Jun Myeon and his older brother, Jun Min on the opposite side of the table.

Director Kim had been keenly observing his youngest son while eating who looked like he was just playing the food on his plate. Suho actually don't have the appetite to eat.

Director Kim stopped eating as he sighed. "Jun Myeon, if you don't feel like eating, you may now leave the table." He said as he broke the silence.

"I'm so sorry dad." He apologized.

He couldn't control anymore his anger. Director Kim slammed both of his fist at the table as Mrs. Kim and Jun Min almost choked their foods in shocked. Suho was already expecting his dad making this scene. He knew his dad well.

"What is really wrong with you Jun Myeon? You are disappointing me twice in a row! First, you were not chosen as the Supreme Student Officer AND now, you only landed as number two on the top performing student list?! What a disgrace!" Director Kim said.

"But honey, we should at least be happy for him. He was still on the top 5." Mrs. Kim muttered as he was gently rubbing his husband's shoulder. She looked on Suho and gave him a comforting smile.

Suho just forced a smile because his father's words truly hurt him inside.

"Yeah Dad, Mom is right." Jun Min added.

Director Kim smirked. "Really? Being number one gets what is best while number two gets what is only left. It doesn't sounds good to me. Your Jun Min hyung had always been a consistent number one. Look at him now! Remember Jun Myeon, you are carrying our name. Don't ever do something to put it into shame. Arraso?!" He shouted.

Suho hissed. He couldn't take anymore his father's insult. He stood up and bowed. "I'm so sorry father. I'll leave the table now." He said as he turned his back and walked out of the dining room.

"You come back here! We are not yet done!" His father shouted. He was about to follow Suho but Mrs. Kim just stopped his husband from doing so.

Suho locked his self in his room. He slumped his self at the floor and cried.


You tried contacting Suho's phone but it was always out of reach. You were worried about him since he was absent for two days. You tried asking D.O but he has also no idea because Suho was not also answering his calls.

You were then thinking maybe he was suffering from sickness. Since it's weekend, you decided to visit him at his house. However, you don't want to come empty-handed so you cooked food for him.

You were all set to go when your phone was ringing. It was an unknown number but you still answered it.

"Hello?" You said.

Hearing your voice made him smile. "Hey Min-Na ah, this is me Suho. Where are you?" He asked.

"Suho! Finally you called! I'm here at our house. I'm about to leave because I'm going to visit you because I'm thinking you were sick since you were absent for two days. How are you? Are you okay? I'm totally worried about you!" You concernly asked.

He was glad to hear that you were worried for him. "I'm okay. Meet me at your gate, I'll picked you up. I'll be there in a minute." He said then he already hung up the phone.

"What is wrong with him?" You muttered.

You just followed what he said as you bid goodbye to your parents. You waited for him at your gate still bringing with you the food you had prepared for him.

He was right, you already spotted his black convertible Maserati approaching.

It halted. The window at the driver's seat rolled down.

He smiled as he saw you. "Hopped in." He said.

You nodded as you walked through the other side and opened the car door as you hopped inside. You put the seatbelt on then Suho started to drive.

The ride was filled with a silent atmosphere. You were looking at him and you could see in his face that there was something wrong, he was gloomy. You wanted to ask what was bothering him but then you thought it would be better to ask it later.

"Is that for me?" He asked, finally breaking the silence. He was referring to the paper bag on your lap.

"Ah yes. I cooked something, I thought you were sick. But since you look fine, I think you do not need this anymore." You replied.

He frowned. "That was unfair." He muttered.

You chuckled. "Just kidding!" You exclaimed.

He smiled. "Good. I actually bought some foods too. We will be having a picnic today." He said as he pointed some bag of groceries at the back seat.

"Really? So where are we going?" You asked as you felt excited all of a sudden.

"You'll see until we got there." He said.


As the two of you hopped down the car, you looked around and was amazed. A breathe of fresh air touches your skin. The whole place was perfect, vast green and trees everywhere.

"Welcome to our villa!" Suho exclaimed.

"Wow! Your family own this? Amazing!" You said.

"Ah yeah but actually this villa was given to me by my father so technically I own this villa." Suho shyly said.

"You surely a one lucky son!" You said.

Suho just forced a smile. "Not really." He thought.

You looked again at him, he seemed not to be happy with what you had said. He was definitely troubled.

"Let's go, we should enjoy this day!" He said as he turned his back and began to unload the bags of groceries at the back seat. You offered some help to carry the bags.

The two of you walked side by side as he led you under a big shade of maple tree. He laid the blanket on the grass as both of you sat there. You both took out the food you had brought and began eating. Both of you enjoyed eating while you conversed about random things. Even just for a while, Suho somehow forgot his problems and merely being with you now made him happy as well.

When the two of you were already full, you both quietly stared at the sky and sighed. You again remembered Chanyeol while Suho remembered his father -- your own conflicts. Then suddenly Suho stood.

"Come on, let's tour this place. You want to take a stroll?" He asked.

You nodded. He offered his hand as he helped you stood. He led you to the villa's garage, there were two parked bicycles.

He rode on the bicycle while you remain standing, not making any move.

He noticed you only watching him. "Hey! What are you doing? You said you wanted to take a stroll right? Take the bike." He said.

You pursed your lips and sighed. "I don't know how to ride a bicycle." You muttered.

"What?" He blurted as he started laughing.

You face palm. You knew he would laugh at you. You were so embarrassed that your face started to flush red.

"Ya! Suho! Stop laughing at me! I know, I'm so wimpy!" You whined.

"Okay, I will stop." He said trying to control his laughter. Then he sighed, as he uttered, "Well, you could sit here at the back ride." He said shyly as he patted the seat at the back of his bicycle.

"But I'm afraid to fall." You said as you carefully sat.

"Of course you will surely fall if you don't hold on tight." He replied.

"How?" You asked.

He could feel his cheeks blushing now. "You need to wrap your arms around my waist." He sheepishly grin.

"Oh. Okay." You replied as your face turned into crimson on what he had said. You could feel your hands trembling as you slowly put your arms around his waist.

Suho could feel shivers running in his body with your close contact, his heart now banging on his chest. He shook his head.

"Hold tight okay?" He assured.

"I will." You said as you tighten your hug and it seemed like Suho could feel his heart beat faster than ever.

He then hold on to the clutch tightly as he began to pedal.

You both could feel the cold wind as it brushes your skin and hair. You looked around and saw how truly beautiful the place was and very serene. You passed across the bridge, where there was a small pond underneath. There were plantation of lavenders, fruit bearing trees and cherry blossoms. It was like living in paradise.

Though Suho could not see your face, he could feel that you were enjoying. He was glad that he brought you here. Then he spotted a bench under one of the cherry blossoms.

"Wanted to go there?" He asked as he pointed to the bench.

"Sure." You replied.

He pedaled as you reached there. He halted as you carefully went down the bicycle. You sat at the bench while Suho parked the bike beside the tree.

He sat beside you.

"This place was wonderful. I like here." You said.

"I'm glad you like here. This villa was so important to me. Every time I have problems, I go here by myself. There were a lot of memories here you know, I almost spent my childhood here. That is why I love going back in this place." He said.

You smiled. This place was truly special for him. But you still wonder what's bothering him.

"You said, you go here every time you have problems. Can you tell me what is it? I will tell mine too." You said.

He sighed. He thought that it might be better for him to spill out his problem. He trust you anyway. "I was absent for two days because I run away from home. My dad and I had a fight that night when the candidate list was posted. He was disappointed at me. I just couldn't get him. He wanted me always to be the best and he always have high expectations for me. He wanted me to be the person that he wants me to be but I can't. I'm so tired to please him, I'm so tired to be his son." He said as he looked down. He was trying to hold the tears from falling in his eyes.

You could feel how he was so down. You gently patted his back to comfort him. "Don't say that. No matter what happens, he is still your father and you will always be his son. Our parents want the best for us because they love us. Yes, sometimes we couldn't understand them but in the end we should still respect them. We should never take away that because we owe our life to them. So if I were you I would go home and apologize to him. There's no point in running away Suho." You said.

He knew he was wrong and you were right. "I know. I was truly wrong." He replied as he sighed. You looked at him and you could see that he was regretting what he had done to his father. He was staring from afar, probably thinking. You averted your stare from him and also began to looked from afar.

Then suddenly, Suho placed his head on your shoulder. "Thank you Min Na." He muttered.

You could feel your heart thumping with him so close like this. You just smiled as you gently patted his knee. "Your always welcome." You said.

"Your turn. Now will you tell me what's your problem?" He asked still his head leaning on your shoulder.

You took a deep breath and spoke, "One time, Chanyeol asked me to hang out out with him at Myeondong. And on that night, Chanyeol confessed his feelings for me. He told me that he loves me more than just a friend."

He raised his head as he was shocked that Chanyeol already confessed. Suho knew his hunches was right. He knew Chanyeol has hidden feelings for you. He could observe from the way he stare and smile at you.

"But I told him, we are bestfriends and it would just stay the way it is. I know I was so bad for rejecting him. I was such a mean person, I hurt my bestfriend. And everyday I am thinking of him. I miss him. I miss his company. I miss my best friend. Now I don't know if we could be the way we are before. It's just so complicated." You said as tears were running down from your eyes.

He couldn't stand seeing you cry. He threw his arm around you. "Don't worry okay? I know you and Chanyeol will be okay. I know Chanyeol maybe having a hard time moving on but I know one day he'll realize that the friendship you had couldn't just be thrown easily. Right?" He said.

You pulled away and wiped your tears. "Yes. I'll be patient enough to wait for my best friend to comeback. I will wait for that day." You said as you smiled.

He ruffled your hair. "That's the spirit. Never lose hope." He encouraged.

"So can we now go back to the maple tree?" He asked.

You nodded.

He stood and offered his hand. You hold his hand and stood. He got the bike as he rode while you sat at the back. You hugged his waist tightly as he started to pedal.

You leaned your head on his back and smiled.


As you arrived at the maple tree, it started to get dark already. Suho did not want yet to go home, he wanted to seize the moment of being with you. Both of you were sitting at the blanket which you had used for your picnic earlier.

"Ever tried stargazing before?" He asked.

"Ah when I was a kid, when we were still at the province. But when we moved at the city, I was not able to do it anymore." You replied.

"Good. Now you will be able to do it again. We just have to wait some few minutes for the stars to appear." He said as he smiled.

Then you both lie side by side. Suho put his arms behind his head. You both stared up in the evening sky which was now starting to get bright as the stars were appearing one by one. There were only few of them but later on they were numerous, crowding the night sky. The moon was full appearing in the sky luminously.

Suho craned his head at your side, he saw your eyes sparkle at the sight of the stars. He could feel his heart beating like a drum. He couldn't stop his self from falling for you more. Then he began to spoke a poem he just instantly composed in his mind.

A girl at my side
She was such a beautiful sight
More than the stars in the night
I want to hold her tight
But one question in my mind
Can she be mine?

You looked at him and was startled. "Suho." You muttered.

You rose and sat. He also did the same. Your eyes were still filled with surprise, wondering if the girl he was truly referring was you.

Suho held your hand and looked into your eyes. "I don't want to add to your burden but I can't stop myself anymore. Every time you're near, my heart beats fast and just thinking about you makes me smile. I don't know when or how this strange feeling started. Min Na, I think I am falling in love with you." He said.

You don't know what to say because honestly, you don't know if you are also feeling the same way for him. You were still confuse. You don't know if you should tell him that you like him too but you were left speechless. Suho leaned his face closer as his forehead touches yours. You both close your eyes.

"I don't want to know if you are feeling the same way. I don't want to rush things. But one thing I ask of you, please give me a chance to prove that I really love you. That what I'm feeling for you is not mere infatuation but real. I love you." He whispered.

He pulled away as he looked at you. His face was still close to yours as your eyes were locked on his as you smiled. You thought that Suho was worth giving a chance.

He held your face in between his hands. Now he was leaning closer to you, you closed your eyes. His lips were trembling as it was just centimeters away from yours. You gulped. Your emotions panicking because this might be your first kiss on your lips.

Suho wanting to really kiss your lips but his lips landed on your forehead. He laid a gentle kiss.

You sighed because honestly you were not ready for it. You promised your self that you are saving your first kiss for your future husband.

"I don't think I have the right to steal your first kiss." He said.

"How did you know I haven't.. Oh nothing.." You mumbled as your face now flushing red like a tomato.

He smiled. "But I am hoping I will be your first. If you are giving me the chance Min Na?" He asked.

"You deserve a chance Suho." You replied.

Upon hearing your words, he felt like he was in cloud nine. He held your hand again. "I will not waste my chance." He replied as he hugged you tightly.

"I love you. I want to protect you. I want to be your guardian angel." He whispered in your ear.

Then you both pulled away as both smiled.

"Thank you Suho. I just don't know really what to say for now. I'm not yet sure if what I'm feeling for you.." He put a finger on your lips before you could finish your sentence.

"Shh. Just like what I said, I don't want to rush you. Please don't be pressured. Arraso?" He said.

You nodded.

"Now let's go back and stargaze." He said.

Now he laid again, but this time his head was on your lap as you gently his hair. He closed his eyes.

You were admiring how beautiful his face was. Though you were confused on what you're  truly feeling for him, one thing you are for sure -- Suho was special in your heart.

"Suho, my angel." You whispered.

He opened his eyes as he heard your voice. He smiled as he brush his fingers on your face.

"Saranghae Min Na." He said.

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Please do read my EXO Fan Fic entitled CLASH ACADEMY.


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Stumbled upon this story from scrolling AFF subscriptions. Reminisced the old time of reading the stories from this website in the middle of the night. Typical teenager i was.
I don't understand why other readers saying that you are plagiarizing the story on wattpad after you said you ARE THE SAME author both on wattpad and on asianfanfics. I know this comment is not too important but i think i should tell you about my feelings reading all those comments saying that you are plagiarizing even if you already said that you are the same person both on wattpad and Asianfanfics. Don't let it bother you and i support for your story. Hwaiting! :D
Chapter 60: oh my god the feels are on maximum levels right now... if this was a kdrama I would totally watch it.. I keep laughing all the time... and bonus one of my biases gets the lady~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ [12 hearts for EXO]
Exotic_Boice #4
Chapter 50: are you the real author for this story??
xoxold #5
You stole the story from the REAL GuardMeJunMyeon!!!!!
Chapter 50: Ok just wait!
I read on watt pad as well and The REAL GuardMeJunmyeon said that she uploaded the ending to aff.
Ur plagiarizing
And the sad thing is the real author was noted for plagiarism of her own story because you copied it! So sadly I can't report you, believe me if I could've I would've.
xoxolabunit #7
You are not the true GuardMeJunMyeon you plagiarize everything to the TRUE GuardMeJunMyeon
xoxolabunit #8
You stole the story you are not the true author of this story
Eipoant #9
Chapter 46: Update ~~~~ pretty please ^_^
Chapter 46: update...please...(curious)