Chapter 43: Confession of a Friend

Clash Academy

Witnessing you sobbing in Kai's arms yesterday, there was nothing he could feel but jealousy. It hurts inside of him, he had never felt like this before. It might be because he was truly in love with you. He knew it well, no one had made him like this.

D.O observed Suho's silence ever since morning. He knew when something was bothering him. Even when all of them were happy chattering in the cafeteria, Suho was just silent. It was already dismissal time and he couldn't take seeing his friend slash seatmate like that. They were walking side by side on their way to where their respective cars were parked.

"Jun Myeon are you okay?" D.O finally bothered to ask. He seemed not to be listening. He then snapped his fingers in front of his face and shouted, "YA!"

Suho almost jolted in surprise as he halted from walking and looked at D.O. It was then he went back to his senses and realized that D.O had been talking to him.

"I'm sorry Kyungsoo-ah. Yes I'm fine." He replied as he forced a smile. He was trying to hide the sadness in his heart.

"No you're not. As far as what you are behaving today, I can conclude that something is bothering you. Tell me, what is it?" D.O asked.

D.O truly knew him well. He sighed. Suho was thinking if he should confess to D.O about his feelings for you but then he realized what's the point of keeping it anyway.

"D.O, I think I am falling in love with Min Na." Suho confessed.

D.O's eyes got bigger than usual, truly startled with his friend's words.

"Since when did you start to have feelings for her?" D.O asked stil surprised.

"I don't know when, it just came to me unexpected. All I know is that she is the only one who could make my heart beat go crazy and just thinking about her makes me happy." He replied as he looked down. He could feel his face turning into crimson, starting to get a little bit embarrassed of his sudden confession.

D.O smiled. He patted Suho's shoulder. "So, you're in love huh? That is truly a problem. When are you planing to tell your feelings for her?" D.O inquired.

Suho didn't yet thought about that. He think he was not yet ready. "I still don't know yet." Suho said.


Chanyeol offered to drive you home. While he was driving, he was gathering all the courage to ask you to go out with him tomorrow. After what he had seen yesterday, he knew that Suho and Kai was his competitors in winning your heart and he should make a move before it's too late. As you reached home, Chanyeol was gentle man enough to opened the car door for you. He followed behind until you reached your front gate.

"Thanks again Channie!" You said as you flashed a beam.

Now he was panicking inside, he didn't know how to spill it out. He sighed as he gather his thoughts and took the courage to ask. "Ahm Minnie-ah are you free tomorrow?"

"Ah yes I am. Why?" You asked in return.

That was a relief for him. "Can we go out tomorrow? Just the two of us?" His voice slightly squeaked at the end.

"Sure!" You answered without hesitation.

Chanyeol was so happy. He was trying to suppress the warm fuzzes he was feeling inside.

"Good! So I'll pick you tomorrow by ten in the morning?" He said as he couldn't help smiling.

"Okay!" You replied.

"See you tomorrow! Bye Minnie!" He said as he waved goodbye and hopped inside his car.

"Bye!" You exclaimed as you watched his car went away.

Driving on his way home, Chanyeol couldn't help but be excited for tomorrow. He knew there's no more room for being a dumb anymore. But one thing he's afraid of and that's to be rejected.

He shook his head. "I'm setting my hopes high." Chanyeol thought.


Saturday morning! You woke up and it was already past nine o'clock in the morning. Cho Na didn't wake you up early because she knew it's weekend so you usually wake up late. You jumped out from your bed and looked at your alarm clock, you have thirty minutes to prepare. You immediately rushed to the bathroom. After that you brushed your teeth and changed your clothes. You just wore jeans and a plain white shirt as you folded the sleeves. You slipped on  your favorite sneakers and your sling bag. You took a last glimpse on the mirror and you're good to go!

You heard Cho Na shouting downstairs calling your name, probably Chanyeol had arrived. As soon as Chanyeol saw you coming down from the stairs, he immediately stood from the sofa and flashed a smile. He was glad you wore something casual. He actually woke up early because he couldn't sleep the whole night and he was getting frustrated a while ago what to wear. He ended up just wearing a shirt, jacket with a hoodie, black denim pants, sneakers and a cap.

"Good morning Minnie!" He greeted.

"So let's go?" You asked.

Chanyeol nodded as you bidded goodbye to your parents and to Cho Na. Your father told Chanyeol that you should be home before nine in the evening.

As you went out of your house, you were looking for Chanyeol's car but there's none.

"You did not bring your car?" You asked.

"Ah yeah. I thought that it would be fun if we commute. Let's take a cab?" He offered.

"That's no fun Channie. Let's take the subway instead!" You giddily said.

"Okay sure!" He agreed. He thought it would be a nice idea since he never took the subway in his entire life.

The two of you decided to take a walk to the subway since it was not far from your house. There were a lot of people. As you were waiting for the train, you stood side by side.

"You know what Minnie, this is my first time to ride the train." Chanyeol said.

"Really? Well then it's good that we took the subway instead of the cab!" You exclaimed.

He nodded.

"So it's a big honor for me, to have your first train ride." You said as you winked.

You both chuckled.

Then suddenly the train came, you immediately held Chanyeol's hand tightly. It surprised him as you dragged him along with you squeezing your way inside to a bunch of passengers. There were a lot of people so the two of you were standing and still your hand holding his. Chanyeol couldn't help but blushed.

"So what are we going to do today?" You asked.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" He suggested.

"Sure! I love that. But can we eat first?" You replied.

"Okay." He said.

The whole ride, you both talked about school stuff. However, deep inside Chanyeol's thought he was thinking on how and when was the perfect timing for him to confess.

It was already the station where you would stop by. As the door opened, Chanyeol put his arm around your shoulder protecting you from the rush people passing by.

You arrived at Myeongdong. The two of you decided to ate at a typical Korean restaurant for lunch. You ordered samgyupsal, dokbukki and kimbap. It was all Chanyeol's treat. Though you were insisting to pay half of it, he refused too. Thinking on how you could pay him back, you decided to treat him an ice cream.

Both of you decided to take a stroll on the busy streets of Myeongdong while you were your ice creams. He had chocolate ice cream while you had strawberry ice cream, of course your favorite. You were walking side by side and Chanyeol could feel your hand brushing into his free hand. As you were holding your ice cream with your left while he hold his with his right hand.

He was trying to control his self but he had been really longing to hold hands with you while walking. Why was it he couldn't do it just like how natural for you to hold his hand at the subway a while ago? He was getting frustrated now so he just decided to put his hand inside his pocket.

After strolling, you both headed to Lotte Cinema. Chanyeol asked you what movie you would like to watch and you chose the romantic flick. Though, he was greatly allergic watching such kind of film, he had no choice. He wanted you to be happy spending this day with him.

Inside the theater, Chanyeol was a bit annoyed with the couple sitting beside him whom at any minute would probably be making out. He could not concentrate watching the film because of them or probably he was not just interested at all.

He looked at you and he could see that you were totally into the movie. He again saw your hands resting on the armchair, his thoughts again urging them to hold it. His hands starting to get sweaty and all as he was slowly reaching out for your hand. But you lifted your hand as you wiped the tears from your eyes.

"I'm almost close to it!" Chanyeol inner voice said. He then just shifted his frustration by eating the popcorn to death.

You observed that Chanyeol had been eating his popcorn like a voracious monster. You slightly poked his chest. "Hey! Take it slow with the popcorn. You may end up vomiting everything." You whispered.

He just nodded as you shifted back your attention to the film.

Chanyeol sighed. "Minnie, do I like you this much that I'm doing crazy things for the sake of love?" He thought.

Finally, after almost two hours the movie had ended. Chanyeol noticed that you were so carried away with the film because you were still wiping the tears from your eyes.

"The movie truly got you huh?" He said as he patted your shoulder.

You sniff your nose. "Yeah. The guy was too dumb you know! He should have told her that he loves her so much. He was regretting that much after she was gone. I hate the ending! It was so sad!" You said.

Chanyeol was stricken with what you said because the guy was SO him. He gulped. He was thinking if it would be the right time to confess.

"Channie! Let's go there!" You shouted as his thoughts were shrugged off. You dragged him with the crowd of people watching a dance street parade. You both squeezed yourself to take a look.

Chanyeol watched you as you enjoy the parade. The smile on your face was truly captivating him, his heart now racing. He now began to ponder if you would still stay this way after he confess his feelings for you. He was hoping he would have a chance. He sighed as he looked back on the parade.


After the parade you both had a food trip. As you hopped on one food cart to another along the streets. Chanyeol had a lot of first time, he had never eaten street foods. However, he was always game for everything which made you glad. You ate 'till your stomachs couldn't contain it anymore.

You were both so full. You and Chanyeol couldn't help but laughed to each other as you both settled in a bench at the park.

"Aww I think I'm gonna die now." Chanyeol whimpered as he rubbed his tummy.

You chuckled. "You did eat a lot like there was no tomorrow!" You said in between your laughs.

"Don't blame me, blame those mouthwatering egg rolls!" He exclaimed.

Then, the evening sky brighten up as there were fireworks. You both looked up in the sky. It was truly amazing.

"Wow! Beautiful!" You exclaimed.

Chanyeol who averted his gaze on you. "Indeed beautiful." He muttered as he was describing you not the fireworks.

You looked at Chanyeol and smiled.

He now thought he's going crazy with you this close next to him, his heartbeat speeding. He couldn't take it anymore. He held both of your hands. You were a bit surprise with his gesture.

He looked at you straight in the eye, his lips trembling, he couldn't utter the words he was longing to say.

"Channie?" You said.

He sighed. He knew this was a fight or flight moment. However, he now chose to fight, he chose to fight his dumbness, he chose to be courageous and he chose to spill out what does his heart truly says.

"I love you Minnie." He had finally said it! It was like a thorn was pricked out of his throat.

You smiled. "Of course I love you too Channie! We are best friends right?" You replied.

He pulled away. "Best friends?" He repeated.

"Yes! Best friends love each other right?" You said.

Best friends. It was like his whole world was torn down. He couldn't move, he was still trying to absorbed everything.

You shook both of his arms. "Ya! Channie! Park Chanyeol!" You shouted.

It was then he was back to his senses. It was then he realized that your words -- it hurts him.

"Chanyeol are you okay? Please answer me?" You were starting to get worried.

Chanyeol cupped your face and looked again in your eyes. His eyes they were like desperate and he was not yet giving up. "But Minnie, I love you more than just best friends. I want you to see me as more than a friend. I love you ever since we were young. I love you Min Na! Do you understand me? I really really love you."

You were completely shocked with what he had confessed. The feeling was like you had been poured out by a bucket of ice cold water in your head. You pulled away as you stood. You were about to go away but Chanyeol caught your hand.

"Please don't go. Just answer me, do you feel the same way?" Chanyeol asked.

"Chanyeol we are best friends. I can't go beyond that." You voice almost shaky. You wanted to cry.

"Why? Is it because you like someone else? Was it Suho hyung.. or.. Kai?" He blurted.

You were confused on what was he saying. "Oh please it's not that Chanyeol! Stop dropping names." You said as tears began to flow from your eyes.

Chanyeol was trying to hold back his tears. "But why can't you love me?" He answered back. It was like he was begging.

"Because we are bestfriends. Do you understand? And it will just stay that way. I'm so sorry Channie." You said as you yanked away from his grip and ran away.

And he was there left standing. The tears that he was trying to hold on just fell from his eyes. It hurts him to the extreme.

It broke him into pieces as your words kept repeating in his head.

"We are bestfriends.. and it will just stay that way."

It hurts to know that the girl he had been looking for all this time, the girl he love, rejected him and all she left was his heart -- broken.


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Please do read my EXO Fan Fic entitled CLASH ACADEMY.


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Stumbled upon this story from scrolling AFF subscriptions. Reminisced the old time of reading the stories from this website in the middle of the night. Typical teenager i was.
I don't understand why other readers saying that you are plagiarizing the story on wattpad after you said you ARE THE SAME author both on wattpad and on asianfanfics. I know this comment is not too important but i think i should tell you about my feelings reading all those comments saying that you are plagiarizing even if you already said that you are the same person both on wattpad and Asianfanfics. Don't let it bother you and i support for your story. Hwaiting! :D
Chapter 60: oh my god the feels are on maximum levels right now... if this was a kdrama I would totally watch it.. I keep laughing all the time... and bonus one of my biases gets the lady~~~ ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ [12 hearts for EXO]
Exotic_Boice #4
Chapter 50: are you the real author for this story??
xoxold #5
You stole the story from the REAL GuardMeJunMyeon!!!!!
Chapter 50: Ok just wait!
I read on watt pad as well and The REAL GuardMeJunmyeon said that she uploaded the ending to aff.
Ur plagiarizing
And the sad thing is the real author was noted for plagiarism of her own story because you copied it! So sadly I can't report you, believe me if I could've I would've.
xoxolabunit #7
You are not the true GuardMeJunMyeon you plagiarize everything to the TRUE GuardMeJunMyeon
xoxolabunit #8
You stole the story you are not the true author of this story
Eipoant #9
Chapter 46: Update ~~~~ pretty please ^_^
Chapter 46: update...please...(curious)