Destined To Meet You

Destined To Meet You

“Yonghwa Hyung~ please accompany me..” Said Jonghyun. He suddenly came to me and wailed. What happened to him?

“What? Another blind date?” I said casually while playing with my ipad.

“No.” He shook his head.

“Then what?”

“Kyuhyun sunbae ask me to join him with his club.”

“So? Why you ask me to accompany you? Just go!”

“I’m not really know Kyuhyun sunbae and it must be awkward if i come alone.”

“Wait a sec! I don’t understand. You don’t really know Kyuhyun sunbae? So why he ask you to join him?” I left my iPad then turned a full attention to him.

“Me, myself don’t know! He suddenly come to my class and tell me that i must come to the cafe near our school then he left.”

“Uh uh.. so just go alone.” I said and played with my iPad again.



“Please?” He pleaded.

Oh that pretty boy!


So i ended up accompany Jonghyun to meet Kyuhyun Sunbae. Everybody in school knew Cho Kyuhyun, the most popular boy as known as the leader of the famous club Kyuline. I didn’t really care about what were they doing but the news about their activity always came to my ears. They just a bunch of pretty boys who always boasted their flawlessness, no more. The member was Shim Changmin from the third grade, Choi Minho from first grade and apparently they would recruited Jonghyun as the fourth member.

Jonghyun was my childhood friend, both of us were from Busan. We stayed together in Seoul for about one year. He was one year younger than me and we went to same school, Namsan Highschool. He was on the first grade and i was on the second grade. We were so close, just like brother. He would tell me everything hapenned in his life to me. Yes, everything. His family, his problem in school, his love life, himself... yes he was rather narcissistic person. I would know if he gained his weight or got a pimple on his . Because of that, many girls came to me only to ask about him. Yeah, he was popular... how couldn’t he? Jonghyun with a tall figure, fair skin and adorable personality. That was a combination which could make any girl murdered each other only to get him. That was why so many love letter addressed to him, so many blind date invitation came to him. He was scared because of the girls boldness but he couldn’t deny it, so he always asked me to accompany him to every blind date. I was doomed and dead boring but i was his hyung and he needed me.

So, we had arrived in front of the cafe where Kyuline usually gathered. Jonghyun stared at me anxiously and i tapped his shoulder, tried to comfort him. He just stood there motionlessly, so finaly i was the one who opened the door and dragged him in.

“Anyeong haseyo.” I greeted three handsome boys in front of me.

“Who are you?” Asked Kyuhyun arrogantly. That brat! He could make me sick just the second i met him.

“I am Jung Yonghwa, Jonghyun’s hyung. I heard that you invite him so i ask him if i can join him to meet you all.”

Jonghyun stared at me in disbelieve. I just nodded at him.

“Ye-yes.” Jonghyun said quitely.

“But i only need Jonghyun.” Said Kyuhyun.

“Suit yourself. I’ll make myself comfortable.”

I sat on their desk and ordered iced americano. Jonghyun sat beside me quitely.

“So, Jonghyun-ah! I want you to join Kyuline. I see that you are suitable for our image.” Said Kyuhyun directly.

“Ne?” Said Jonghyun surprised.

I laughed silently. Suitable for their image? What image? Ridiculous!

“Uhmm...” Jonghyun just hummed. He was speechless.

“Great! You’ve recruited! Welcome to our club!” Said Kyuhyun happily.

“What?” Jonghyun shocked.

“What? You don’t like it?” Said Kyuhyun with a sharp glare.

“Of course he don’t like it. Even the blind one could tell.” I said annoyed. Who did he think he was? Stupid guy who didn’t have any sense and just know how to force people.

“Hyung...” Jonghyun said slowly.

“I don’t care! I want him in my club!” Said Kyuhyun firmly.

“What for?” I asked him daringly. I didn’t care and i wasn’t scare of him!

“I just want it!” Kyuhyun began to shout.

“Pft! Child like..” I said mockingly.

“Mworago? You stupid bastard!” He stood up and intent to punch me...


I heard a girl voice and it stopped Kyuhyun attempt to punch me. I turned my attention to the source of the voice and there... i thought i saw a fallen goddess. Her figure was tall and slim, she had a long wavy hair and a fair complection but the most beautiful part of her was her eyes.  Her round sparkling brown eyes captured my heart. Was it possible to be in love at the first sight?

“Joohyun-ah!” Kyuhyun called her.

“Oppa! Why are you being so rude? Lowered your hand! I don’t want you to violence that boy!” She shouted and angry. Even when she angry, she still beautiful.

“Okay! Everything for my girl...” Kyuhyun said.

What? His girl? Wait, wait... this beautiful girl was his girl? Crap! How could this rude bastard had a godess as his girlfriend?  The goddess named Joohyun then stared at me and approached me and it gave me a shock!

“I am sorry.” She bowed.

“For what?” I asked confusedly.

“For Kyuhyun Oppa rudeness. I am sorry, he not really intend to hit you...” She said politely.

I almost punched Kyuhyun on the face. That disgusting bastard! So he called himself as a man? He let his girlfriend said sorry for the mistake he did! Unbelievable!

“Okay! Just tell him to act like a man!” I said then dragged Jonghyun with me to leave that place.

“What did you say?!” Kyuhyun approached me and he really punched me. Damn! It really hurt!

“Oppa!” Joohyun shouted at him. Changmin and Minho also held Kyuhyun, prevented him to punch me again.

I spitted my blood on the floor. I glared at him and a sly smile played on my lips. “Well, well, well... so the flower boy know how to fight? Wow! I’m surprised.” I .

“No! please, don’t make it worse!” Joohyun held my hand and pleaded to me. Her touch brought an electricity all over my body. Her eyes looked straight at mine. Damn! She even prettier upclose.

“Fine!” Then i left them. Jonghyun followed me hurriedly.




“Hyung.. mianhe..” Said Jonghyun when we had arrived in our apartement.

“No. I am the one who must say sorry...” I said as i put a medicine on my wound.

“Hyung try to help me. I must say no from the start, so Kyuhyun sunbae won’t punch you.”

“There’s no use to find whose fault right know. It has hapenned... and i am so dizzy right know. Go to your room and sleep, tomorrow we have go to school.”

Jonghyun looked at me intently as if he had something to say. I could tell, since i knew him so well.

“What?” I asked.

“You know.. i discover something back then.” He said.


“That girl.. Joohyun? You like her,  right?” He looked at me playfully.

“What?” I dropped the medicine to the floor.

“Haha! I’m right!” He laughed triumphantly.

“Uhuh! Mr. Know it all!”

“Stop teasing me, Hyung! I know your feeling...”

“Which is...?”

“You’ve fallen in love with her...”

I smacked his head.

“Aw! It hurts!” He rubbed his head, “Do you think that i don’t know you? You are wrong!”

“How can you say that?”

“Hyung! You always accompany me to my blind date, right? Everytime we meet a girl, you always not interested.. No matter how beautiful they are. Your reaction to a girl is always the same, always flat. I almost think that you are a gay...”

“Mwo?” I glared at him, “and you think that i like you?”

He nodded.

“Aish! You little rascal!” I smacked his head again.

“It hurts, Hyung!”

“That’s your punishment!” I hit his head lightly, “So, you think that i like that girl after you see my reaction towards her?”

“Ding ding ding! Right!”

“Is that really obvious?” I asked him in curiousity.

“It’s obvious for me, who know you for these years...”

“What do you think?”

“She is beautiful and she has already owned.. so just give up, Hyung!”

“Ya! That’s the way you give an opinion?”

“I just being honest.. you know.”

“Yes. I completely know. But, seriously! How could Joohyun-ssi want to be his girlfriend? What so good of him? That lucky bastard!” I huffed.

“Haha! It’s so rare to see hyung like this.” He laughed.

“Because it’s also rare to find a girl like Joohyun-ssi....”




Okay. So Joohyun-ssi was a student in our Junior high school and now she was on the third grade. Namsan School was a big comlpex which had an elementary school, junior high school and senior high school. The junior high school building was next to senior high school building.

I never realized this before. After i met her in the cafe, i often noticed her waited in front of our gate to meet Kyuhyun after school. It made me waited for her too.. i always sat on my class and watched her from afar... she was beautiful, indeed. I laughed to myself, i was really pathetic. I fell in love with someone that i couldn’t have.




It was the usual afternoon when i sat in my class only to see her. She as usual stood in front of the gate to wait Kyuhyun then Kyuhyun would appeared after ten minutes or so, but not this time. I counted myself and it was already twenty minutes. That rascal! How could he made his girlfriend waited him this long?

“Hyung! Let’s go home now...” Said Jonghyun who already bored waiting for me. Since we always went home together, he must waited for me and forced to join my recent ritual.

“Just go home first...” I said.

“Hyung! You should say that twenty minutes earlier!” He said angrily then left the classroom.

I shrugged then looked again outside the window. I saw Jonghyun passed her. I thought that she didn’t notice him because she didn’t looked at Jonghyun. She only looked blankly at the building, still waiting. Where the hell that brat was? I just couldn’t endure this. I grabbed my bag then left the classroom.

I walked to her. Closer and closer... I wonder if she still remember me? The man that her boyfriend punched. Surprisingly, she looked at me and seemed recognised me.

“Ah!” She gasped.

“Anyeong haseyo...” I greeted her.

“Anyeong haseyo.” She greeted me back.

“You still remember me?”

“Ne?... of course..” She said awkwardly, “I feel so so sorry.. It make me so guilty.”

“What? Why? Your boyfriend is the one who punch me not you..” Her words made me angry. She was too good for him! Was Kyuhyun saved a nation in his past life so he deserved to get her? What kind of crap was this?

“But still..” She looked at me worriedly.

“Gwenchanha.. It isn’t your fault.” I said.

“Thank you..”

“For what?” I asked cluelessly.

“Aniyo...” She shook her head shyly.

“By the way, what are you doing here? Waiting for Kyuhyun?” Yes of course. I asked her for the sake of formality. I perfectly knew what she was doing here.

“Yes..” She answered shyly.

“What a good girlfriend. I envy him...” I just said my thought honestly. Haha, where was my dignity? Stupid Jung Yonghwa!

“Ne?” She blushed.

“Haha! I’m just kidding..” I said, tried not to scare her. “It almost six pm.. are you sure you still want to wait him?”

“Uhmm...” She looked unsure.

“It’s getting dark. Have you called him?”

“Ne. But he isn’t answer...”

If that stupid boy appeared now, i swore i would punch him till he couldn’t walk. How dare he let her waited for him?

“Just try to call him again.” I suggested.

She nodded and dialed her phone. She waited for the answer but she only sighed.


She shook her head.

“Maybe i’ll look for him in his classroom.” She bowed to me and left.

“No! Wait! It has already dark!”

“It’s okay. You can go home.” She took a glace at me and continued to walk.

I wasn’t listen to her. I followed behind her, instead. The school was scary at night, she was a girl, a girl that i like to be exact. I wouldn’t leave her alone. She walked to Kyuhyun’s classroom without hesitation. She opened it but no one was there.

“Maybe he is in his club’s room?” She hummed.

“What club?” I blurted.

“Ne? His club, Kyuline.” She answered, “Why you haven’t gone home?”

I didn’t answered and just followed her. I just heard that he had his own room for his stupid club. Ah! I remeber that his father was one of the donator for this school, got a personal room was the easy matter for him. The fact made me sick! I hate those rich family who acted arrogantly, as if they owned the world. Pft! For God sake, they just owned this school.

I was drowned on my own thought that i didn’t realize that we had arrived in front of the big oak door. So this was the room. Fancy. Joohyun opened the door and she stood still, frozen. I peeked throught the door she opened and the sight really shocked me! There, Kyuhyun was kissing with the girl. I knew the girl, she was Victoria the most popular and beautiful girl in school. I looked at Joohyun who still silent, her eyes wide opened, but she didn’t cry. It really hurt me. Silently, i dragged her and brought her away from that place. She didn’t refuse and just followed me.

I held her hand and just walked. To where? I didn’t know. All i wanted to do was bring her away from school, away from Kyuhyun. I felt her hand tighten, tried to stopped me. and when i turned to her, my heart sank.. she finaly cried. Her body trembled then fell to ground. She cried and cried, hugged herself as if she prevented her body to not broke. I bent in front of her and looked at her. What should i do? What should i do? I saw my surrounding frantically and it just came on my mind. I picked a wild flower on the road then gave it to her. She saw it and looked up to me.

“What.. what are you doing?” She said between her sob.

“Please stop crying..” I held the flower in front of her. Actually, it made me shy. I was a Busan namja! Cheessy wasn’t my style but i didn’t know why.. i just did this unknowingly.

She took it from me and smile weakly. “This is beautiful thanks...”

“I think you should stand up or car will hit us..” I said awkwardly.

“Ne? Omo! I don’t realize that i sit on the middle of the road! Mianhe.” She stood up and patted her skirt. Her eyes was puffy but she didn’t cry anymore.

“Where’s your house?” I asked.

“Ne?” She was surprised. She should be.. i was a weird stranger who asked where her house was nonchalantly.

“Don’t get me wrong. I’m afraid i have taken you far away from your house. It’s dark and it’s dangerous for girl to walk alone and you have through a.. a terrible thing.”

She looked at her sorrounding, “I even don’t know where it is..”

“I am so sorry. Just tell your address, i’ll walk you home..” I offered her sincerely.

At first, she looked hesitate but she didn’t have a choice. She nodded. My heart fluttered. Was it wrong if i felt happy? It was ironic, her misery brought a happines for me. this was my chance and i would never let it went away from my grasp.

She told me her address and gladly i knew the area. We walked in the awkward silent. No one of us dared to talk.

“Mind to tell your mind?” Finaly i spoke.

“Why?” She asked.

“Usually, people talk about the thing that bother their mind and they will feel better.”

“I can’t” She said.

“Because i m stranger, right?”

She remained silent. Maybe it mean ‘yes’.

“Should i introduce myself first? My name is Jung Yonghwa. I am the student of Namsan senior Highschool, i am on the second grade.” I paused, “and i swear i am not a bad person.”

She chukled.

“Do you trust me that i am a good person?” I smiled at her.

“The person whom is punched by Kyuhyun Oppa always a good person.” She looked at me. Oh my God! Safe me from those beautiful eyes!

“What? Did you praise me? Or insult your boy....” I stopped. I mentally smacked my head. It wasn’t wise decision to talk about Kyuhyun and mention him as her boyfriend.

“He isn’t my boyfriend anymore, sorry.” She said. She could predict that i would say the word “boyfriend”.

“I m sorry...” I said regretfully.

“It’s okay..” She said sadly.

In the situation like this, all i wanted to do was hug her and comforted her. What a crazy idea! But what could i do? She looked so damn sad. She was not crying anymore but her expression told it all. She was broken.

“My house is nearby. I can walk alone...” She said.


“No. I am fine. Thank you... for everything.” She said and smiled at me.

“You are welcome.” I said, “It’s okay for you to walk alone?”


“Okay. Be safe...” I said.

She bowed to me and left. I waited for a couple a minutes and decided to followed her silently, assured myself that she went home safely.




I packed my bag and got ready to go home. I took a glance outside the window. There was no girl in front the gate anymore. Joohyun wasn’t there anymore. Half of my heart felt dissapointed because i can’t see her again, but on the other hand i felt glad that she had moved on, or at least she tried to move on from Kyuhyun.

I decided to go home because Jonghyun started to nag that he was tired and wanted to sleep. When i walked out of my classroom, i saw them. Kyuhyun and Victoria in the corner of seclude corridor, making out. I felt my anger boiled. I stopped my step.

“Wae, Hyung?” Asked Jonghyun.

“Ani. I leave something in my classroom. You go first...”

“I’ll wait.” Said Jonghyun.

“No. You just go home.” I said firmly.

Johyun just shrugged and left me. I knew that Jonghyun knew there was something wrong, but he knew me so well so he didn’t ask anything. Jonghyun left me alone and i turned to Kyuhyun and Victoria were.

When i got nearer from them, they didn’t notice me. Too concentrated to what they were doing, maybe? The way Kyuhyun kissed Victoria made me sick and disgusted. All i could remember was Joohyun’s tears. Her useless tears for this useless boy.

“Get a new girlfriend i see...” I stood near from them. Laid my body on the wall.

Kyuhyun stopped kissing Victoria because of my intrusion. “Who are you?” He asked annoyed.

“You don’t have to know..” I answered casually.

“So what’s the problem....?” He paused, “Ah! I remember you! you are that little brat in the cafe.”

“Glad that you remember me.” I said sarcastically.

“It’s bad for me to remember you. So just get out of my sight!” He shouted.

“No, before i do this.” In one swift move, i succesfully approached him and punched him right on his face.

“Ya! What are you doing?!” He held his swollen face. Victoria who watched us screamed histerically. Maybe she was shocked because i ruined her boyfriend’s pretty face.

I wasn’t feeling to tell my reason to him. It would waste my energy. So i just left him there who cursed loudly at me.




I was on my classroom before the class started when suddenly Kyuhyun and his Kyuline mates came and approached me. Kyuhyun kicked my desk madly, i looked at him lazyly.

“What?” I said annoyed.

“What an arrogant bastard! Take him!” He said to Minho and Changmin. Those two pretty boys dragged me from my desk.

“Let go of me!” I barked at Minho and Changmin, “What do you want?” I looked intently at Kyuhyun.

“Just want to play with you!” He smirked evilly. I knew that he wanted to revenge of me because of the incident yesterday.

“Alright, let’s play, then...” I answered then went out of the class. He and his gang followed.

I walked to the field behind the school beside the Junior highschool building. Today there were no sport lesson, so the field was empty. There were no window which was faced the field but this field still could be seen from Junior Highschool building, it mean that would be less witness. I brought them into a very suitable place. I didn’t even know the boundary between too brave and suicide. I didn’t even think what danger had awaited me. All i could feel was anger to him which was trigered by my fondness of his ex girlfriend, Joohyun-ssi.

“Well...?” I started the conversation.

“Just cut the crap!” He shouted.

Kyuhyun approached me and landed his fist on my face. I lost my balance and fell into the ground. In no time, Minho and Changmin joined him to punch me. Three was to much for me, i even couldn’t see clearly. All i could see was a blur view of three of them and feel a never ending pain which stung all over my body.

There was a point that they finally stopped. I gained my energy to stood up. I saw them through my swollen eyes. The satisfied smirk plastered on Kyuhyun’s face and it made me sick and angry. With a swift move, i punch him as hard as i can and as i expected, Minho and Changmin started to move and hit me again. I lost my strength and fell completely on the ground.

“Don’t try to make a trouble with me again!” Said Kyuhyun coldly then they left laughing coldly.

Sh*t! I felt so weak. I am less like a man. Pathetic... yes i am so pathetic. Acted like a hero without consider the consequence. Tsk! Stupid teenager’s hormone! What you got from this, Yonghwa? What? You just got pain, shame and a new enemies. Damn!




“Hyung! Thank God that you awake!” Said Jonghyun beside me.

“Where am i?” I said. My head was spinning and i felt ache all over my body.

“Clinic. Thank God! I thought you almost...” His word hanging.

“Almost die?” I guessed, “No, Jonghyun-ah. I am still young and i’ll live for 100 years!”

“Hyung.. just rest..” Said Jonghyun.

I nodded and when i was about closed my eyes, i saw her... the girl named Joohyun behind Jonghyun. Was i got hit that bad? Was i got hit in the head? Even i could see her here. My imagination was really solid that i could be mistaken as a reality. Jonghyun realized that my gaze fixed at one point and he knew where my eyes laid at.

“She is the one who find you...” Jonghyun said, answered my unspoken question.

“What? How?” I asked confusedly.

“I saw you from my classroom’s windows. I am sorry i didn’t notice you earlier, i was studying that moment and only focused on my teacher, and when i finally looked out the window you’ve already fainted and fell on the ground.. i am  so sorry Yonghwa-ssi....” She said frantically, her eyes was glisted by tears.

“It’s okay.. that’s not your fault, besides i am still alive.” I said, tried to comfort her.

“But you are hurt and injured... badly... because of Kyuhyun Oppa.”

“No. it’s okay.. It’s a common think if we, boys, have a fight..” Heard Kyuhyun’s name mentioned by her made me sick. Was she still love him?

“I am sorry...” She said that again.

“It’s okay. Better if you go to your classroom.” I said.

“O-okay...” She bowed and left me and Jonghyun.




I hadn’t fully recovered yet, so i just laid on my bed in my apartement. It was late afternoon, Jonghyun should be home right now, but he hadn’t up yet. I was so hungry but i was too weak and lazy to move my and made some food. Jonghyun! You better came home now!! I was about to call him but suddenly the door was opened. It seemed that Jonghyun was here... finally...

“Hyung, i am home!” He said.

“Ya! Why you take so long? I am so hu...” My words was hanging in the air. I was shocked! Really... Jonghyun didn’t come home alone, he was with her...

“An-anyeong haseyo..” Joohyun bowed to me.

“Anyeong haseyo..” I said stiffly.

“I-i just want to know your condition...” She said shyly.

“Actually, i am confused... i just don’t understand why you worry about me..” I said. Sorry if i was little harsh, but seriously.. i didn’t understand her.

“I am worried about you..... i am afraid that you are injured badly.” She said softly.

But why? Is it because of guilt? Because the one who beat me was your ex-boyfriend? All those question was clouded on my mind but fortunately i had enough sanity to not shout that out. And i just said, “Oh. Thanks.. i am okay now.”

“Oh.. i am glad.” She said.

“Err... I’ll go upstairs and change my clothes..” Said Jonghyun awkwardly. He was there but i was kind of ignore him because of Joohyun’s presence.

“Okay.” I said.

“N-ne..” Said Joohyun. She looked kind of panic when Jonghyun left us alone. Her face were all red and her finger kept clenching her skirt.

“Please take a seat.” I said, broke the uncomfortable silent. She nodded and sat then i sat beside her. I could hear her sharp breath when i got closer to her. What happen to her? If she scared of me why she came here? “Uhmm.. have you eaten lunch?” I asked her randomly.

“Not yet..”

“Oh! Just eat with us.”

“Ne? But i am afraid that i am bothering you..”

“Gwenchanha! Why you so tense?” I patted her shoulder lightly. I knew i pushed my luck too much. This little skinship might be freak her out but contrary it gave a good response. Joohyun looked more relax and she could smiled at me.

“Am i? Mianhaeyo... “

“Why you say sorry?”

“Aniyo..” She played her hair and flipped it, made me could sensed her perfume. Sweet.. was it strawberry?

“Ah.. never mind. Let’s eat!!”

“Yah!” Jonghyun popped from the stairs, “Don’t eat without me!!!!”

Aigoo.. Jonghyun-ah.. If it was all about food, he could resist it! I was jokingly said that i would eat his food and he stormed and grabbed his food made all of us laughed including Joohyun.




Finally i was fully recovered from my injury. I could go to school and did my daily routine again. I was so happy and i tried to not bother about Kyuhyun and his stupid gang. When i stepped on the front gate, i met him. What a great first day school. Damn! I just looked at him sharply as i walked pass him. Kyuhyun only glared at me. I didn’t know what on his mind but surprisingly he did nothing. He just walked by then dissapeared to his class.

I little bit confused but it finally answered when someone told me that Head Master called me. The Head Master knew the case between me and Kyuhyun. He didn’t punish me neither Kyuline. Well, how could Head Master punished the son of the biggest donator? Maybe Kyuhyun just being warned. Okay, the case was why Head Master knew about this? How? I remembered no one knew this except Jonghyun and Joohyun.. Wait, did these two report this to Head Master?

“Jonghyun-ah!” I called him while we were on our lunch break.


“Do you tell about what happen between me and Kyuhyun?”

Jonghyun tilted his head, “Hmm... no.”

“You are not lying, right?”

“Nope. Ah! I was too busy to check on you and keep you alive! I didn’t think to report this! But hey! Why i didn’t report this earlier? Aigoo... i am so stupid!” Jonghyun blabbering more to himself than to me.

“No, no, no... actually i don’t want you to report this matter and make the problem bigger!”

“What’s big? It’s solved right? Look! Kyuhyun don’t bother at you again.”

“But that’s not the case!”

“The case is about your stupid pride, Hyung! Just let it go, okay? Just study and graduate next year!”

“Yah!” I couldn’t help to smack his head, “You dare to tell me what i have to do and don’t? Who do you think you are?”

“Your dongsaeng!”

“Aigoo! You! But wait.. if you don’t report this, could it be....”

“Seo Joohyun.” Jonghyun ended my words.

“Right! But why?”

“I am not her so i can’t answer that question. You ask her..” Said Jonghyun.

So after the school ended, i intent to go to Junior high school building to find her. But seems i didn’t have to do that, Joohyun already waited in the front gate. Jonghyun already went home first because he knew i would meet Joohyun, so here.. i stood in front of her. just the two of us.

“Hi..” Said Joohyun shyly.

“Hi. What are you doing here?” I asked blatantly.

“Well, i....”

“You report my problem with Kyuline to my Head master, right?” I asked to the point.

She gasped in surprise and her cheek blushed. So it was a yes.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because that is the right thing to do...”

“Do you think that is right? Why you do that before you tell me? Who do you think you are? You don’t know me.. you can’t understand me!!” I snapped. My pride was too big.

Joohyun stood there. Her face was even redder. Her eyes was glistening with tears. She was nearly crying. Darn! What have you done, Pabo Jung Yonghwa? Your little stupid pride had ruin your relationship with the one who you like.

“I never thought that you can be this selfish! I think you are a good person. I think you are different with Kyuhyun oppa! But you are the same!” Joohyun shouted at me. Every single words that she uttered jabbed my heart hard. I hurt her.. i hurt her... badly.

Joohyun turned her body and run from me. I caught her hand hard as she whimpered.

“Joohyun-ah, please! Don’t go!”

“I hate you!”

“No!” I shouted in fustration. No she couldn’t hate me! She must not hate me! “But i love you! please...” I unconsciously confessed and Joohyun stopped struggling.

“What?” She asked, flabbergasted.

“No. I don’t want to hear that you hate me. Even you don’t love me too but please don’t hate me.” I confessed helplessly.

“But why you yell at me? Condemn me? Insult me!”

“I didn’t mean that.... i am sorry.....” I said silently as i held her hands tight. “Please don’t go....”

Joohyun looked at me. Her gaze was indescribable. It was sharp, sad and longing? “The thing that i hate the most is........” She paused and little bit hesitante to continue, “I don’t want to go...” She sobbed. Tears were streaming down her cheek, “Even after you yell at me.. i don’t wan’t to go away from you.”

I was shocked. What did it mean? “What? What do you mean?”

“I think i like you.” She said, “At first i thought that it was because of guilt. But guilt must not make me happy and glad when i see you okay when i came to your apartment. I realize that isn’t guilt. That”

I was so shocked. Joohyun said that she love me? I just stared at her in awe. 

“Please say something..” She said softly as she bent her face low.

I touched her chin and lifted her face, “You know that i love you too. So, just stay with me.” I smiled at her.

“Yes.” She said softly. She smiled at me and held my hand.

 “But i am sorry. I shouted at you earlier and you already know the worst trait i have..”

“Yes... stupid high pride.”


“Jonghyun Oppa tell me..”

“That kid!”

“That’s a good thing he tell me beforehand.”

Then silence. Hand still entwined.

“So are we together now?”

“I think....”

Yonghwa sighed in satisfaction, “Well, should i send you home, Nae Jagiya?” I asked playfully.

Joohyun chuckled sweetly then held my hands tighter.




Today was our first date as a couple. I felt so giddy as i waited her in front of the gate of Lotte World. I shoved my hands in my pocket and saw around to check her arrival. In the distance, i saw her running towards me. Her long hair waved behind her as the wind blew. The bright smile plastered on her face. I couldn’t help to smiled at her as well.

“I am sorry! Am i late?” She asked as she approached me.

“No. Actually we ‘ve arrived earlier than our actual appointment.” I said. I looked at her. She was beautiful.. even beautiful than when i first saw her in the cafe. Her brown hair fell loosely on her shoulder. She wore white blouse and blue skirt. That was simple yet stunning in my eyes.

“Waeyo?” She asked.

“Nope. I just thinking...”

“Thinking of what?”

“Thinking of you..”

“Eyy! Why so chessy, Oppa?” She laughed sweetly.

‘Oppa’ heard her called me Oppa was just too overwhelming. I was her Oppa now. “But it’s true. You look beautiful today.”

“Aigoo.. Kajja! Let’s we get in!” Joohyun held my hands and dragged me to the entrance. I bet she was shy, because she bent her face down and i could see her pink cheek. Cute!

That was a usual date for a usual couple. We took a ride like Spinning Cup, Roller Coaster, Merry Go Round and many more. Joohyun seemed really enjoy this. She laughed when we spun the tea cup wildly.

“Omo~~ Oppa! I am so dizzy!” She hitted me to make me stop spinning the cup steering wheel.

I just laughed at her i didn’t listen to her and kept spinning the wheel.

“Oppa! Jinjja!! You make me sick! I feel i want to throw up.” Said Joohyun as he held her stomach.

“Mianhe. But it’s fun, isn’t it?” I said.

“What fun? Aigoo. Can we sit for a minute?”


We sat on the nearest bench under the tree. Joohyun sat there and leaned her back on the bench. I sat beside her as i looked intently at her.

“Are you okay?” I asked then she shook her head, “Wait here, okay? I’ll buy you a drink.” I patted her thigh lightly before i stood up.

Less than ten minutes. I bought her lemonade to lessen her nausea. I offered a cup to her. She mouthed a ‘thank you’ before sipped that sour liquid. She closed her eyes as her tongue savoured the sourness. For a second i gulped and suddenly felt hot. Ah! Stupid teenage hormone. Why suddenly i felt so turn on by only looked at her her lips? I looked away as Joohyun drank her lemonade.

“Gomawo..” She said.

I turned to her again, “Better?” I said as i brushed her hair lovingly.

“Yes, thank you.” She answered softly.

I moved closer to her. The desire to hug her was too big. I couldn’t held it anymore. Oh well, i was her boyfriend right? So i lifted my hands and pulled her to my embrace.

She gasped in surprised, “Oppa!”

I hugged her lovingly as i her hair. She was tense at first but later her body relaxed and she hugged me back. She sneak her hands on my waist and held me there. She snuggled her nose to my chest.


My heart went crazy! Felt her hot breath on my chest really made me insane. I was really sure that she could heard my heartbeats. Her body shook. Yes, she laughed.

“Why are you laughing?” I asked.

“Why your heart beats so fast?” She asked me back.

“You know why...” I answered.

“It’s because the spinning cup? I don’t know you afraid of that ride too.” Joohyun chuckled teasingly.

“Aigoo, Seo Joohyun... You are such a teaser.” I said as touched her arm and it slowly. “For your information, i’m not scare of those ride! Even i can ride Gyro Drop twice!”

“Jeongmal?” Joohyun released her hug and looked at me.


“Okay! Let’s make a bet!”

“What bet?”

“You must ride it twice! If not.... you must grant my wish.”

“If i can ride it twice, you are the one who must grant my wish!”

“Call!” She said.

“Okay, let’s go!”


We were in front of the Gyro Drop right now. The shape was like a high tower with a moving seat. The seat would lifted up then it would be dropped in a very high speed. It really scare...yes it was.

“Ride it!” Joohyun pointed that.

“Only me? You must ride it too!”

“Nope. The bet is only you that must ride this twice! Not me!” She laughed

“You such a tricky little kid!” I glared at her.

“Palli! The ride will start soon. I’ll wait here.” She laughed like a little kid who got a lot of candies. I was little bit pissed. She manipulated me. Aigoo! My sneaky little girlfriend.

“Okay! Just see! I can’t ride it twice and i will make a great wish!”


Now i was on my seat in Gyro Drop. She watched me with amused smile. She sent me a really big heart sign with her hands. Tsk! I knew she was teasing me.

“Oppa, fighting!” She shouted.

Then the seat lifted up in a very high speed. I gasped in surprised. When the seat went downward, i could help to scream loudly. Man! This was scary! But as the ride moved up and down i getting used to this and the ride became less scary. I could see Joohyun now. She waved at me and smiled brightly. Although she tricked me but i felt so happy when i saw those smile. Ah! I was just love her too much.

The ride had stopped. She looked at me and thought that i would got down and gave in. No little Missy.. i wouldn’t. As the people got down i remained still on my seat. She looked at me with her big eyes. She was little bit surprised. I sent her a V sign as a cue that i could do it. I saw her shook her head bfore the ride went on again.


“So! I can ride it twice! You must grant my wish.” I said as i held her shoulder.

“Okay. You win. What’s your wish?”

“Hmm...... let’s ride Ferris Wheel while i think about my wish.”

“Oppa, why don’t you tell me now?”

“I don’t have one right know. Kajja!” I pushed her to walk to the Ferris wheel.

We were in queue for ten minutes then we got in to the Ferris Wheel. The Ferris Wheel moved up and up as it spun in a slow pace. The sun started to set, creating a wonderful view from up here.

“It’s beautiful.” Joohyun commented on the sun set.

“Yes it is.” I said while i was looking at her. “very beautiful.”

“So, Oppa... what’s your wish?” She smiled.

“My wish is...”


“I want to kiss you..”


“I want to kiss you.” I repeated my wish.

Joohyun didn’t answered. I moved to sit beside her. It made the ride unbalanced and shook a bit. She gasped and unconsciously hugged me. She looked at me shyly as she looked away, but she still hug me. There was no distance between us. I reached her cheek with my hands as i it lovingly.

“Joohyun-ah, sarang hae..” I whispered before i leaned to her face and brushed my lips on her. She was tense but she didn’t refuse so i deepen the kiss. I pressed my lips harder on her as i tilted my head to make the position more comfortable.

She sighed and relaxed. Her hands sneak to my neck and held me there. She tilted her head and kissed me back. Oh wow! It made me even hyper and i kissed her even more.

This was our first kiss and it happened on our first date. Perfect. We both mutual, it showed how we kissed intensely. We tilted our head right and left, tried to gain more and more of each other. Our lips meshed, our saliva mixed and our hands tangled on each other body.

I her hands and i moved downward to glide my hands along her legs. I pushed her skirt up as my hand touched her legs until it rolled up on her thigh. I brushed her thigh and enjoy her smoothness. She sighed in appreciation as she kissed me harder. She touched my chest and roamed her soft hands there.

We both broke our kiss and panted hard. We were still stuck together. Her hands still on my chest and mine still laid on her thigh. We both looked at each other. The Ferris Wheel moved down ward and as it moved up again, we kissed again.

The kiss more intense than before. Now i probed my tongue inside of . She moaned softly as she open for  me. I and bit her lips as she mine too. Oh gosh! Feeling her this way made me wanted to explode! We broke our kiss again. She pecked my lips before leaned her head on my chest.

The Ferris Wheel ride came to and end. The ride stopped and the sky was getting dark. We got down from the ride hand in hand with a giddy smile plastered on our face. After those kiss, we would never be the same again. We love each other even more.

This was the end of our first date. But this wasn’t the end of us. Every day would be a new beginning for our relationship. After today and after another day, i would always love her. No matter how long.. i would live forever with her. Maybe i was too young but my heart had already choosed her. It was a wonderful destiny which made our way clashed. After i met her, i would never let her go. I need her. I love her. I would make sure, this girl named Seo Joohyun would never cease from my sight for the rest of my existence.




Hi! this is meluvyuya!

i m so happy coz i can come and watch BMJKT!

they're trully awsome! ah~ i saw the yong of the yongseo! cnblue jjang!

and so many gogu moment! gold basket ball, hyun senorita mask, yongseo banner everywhere.. ahh so so happy!

well, this is all from me. see you around.

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Chapter 1: High school yongseo is <3
Ironcatnguyen #2
Chapter 1: A great short fic! Sweet sweet sweet!
pipipink #3
Chapter 1: Ohhh,,, so sweet ,,, hopefully they are happy ever after,,,
nuninuraini #4
Chapter 1: aaakkkkh are you from indo..? hahahah glad to know it.. newbie nih jadi gugomalovers hahahahah... mau ngabisin semua ceritaa disini hahaha..
Chapter 1: nice one..
nikenpalupii #6
Chapter 1: Kyaaaa melaaaa~ this is cute >.< i can imagine YongSeo in uniform.. omg.. and naughty YongSeo teenagers version hahaha HOT firstkiss in their FIRSTDATE! yah yah yah! Yonghwa yah good job! lol naughty authornim :p

Thanks for this mel..too bad we didn't meet on BMJKT huhuu..

*baru baca ini ditengah kemacetan jalan pulang* need more oneshot pleaseeeeee~ *greedyreader*

kk ^^

chuu ~
Chapter 1: ckckckck.... anak muda jaman sekarang.... #geleng2 kpala kyak org tua.. lolol

wooww... really long and great oneshot mel... like it.. kkkkk.
thanks mel.. waiting for more
*just finished read this now*
Ay_yongseo #8
Chapter 1: yah jung yonghwa msh skolah udah kissing?? but i like it~~cicip boleh g?? kkkk
thanks for update ceu..msh trbyang Bm jkarta..when i can move on??
Ay_yongseo #9
Chapter 1: yah jung yonghwa msh skolah udah kissing?? but i like it~~cicip boleh g?? kkkk
thanks for update ceu..msh trbyang Bm jkarta..when i can move on??
Chapter 1: astaga. . jungyong.. masih cekola udah main kissing2an aja pas first date.. tu tangan mendarat di paha pula XDD
suka ceu... suka ceu...