✻ War Is Back ✻ Apply Now ✻




 war is back    
1500 ~ South korea is under siege. trust no-one
1502 ~ neaerly half the population is dead or fatally injured
1503 ~ kingdoms have been built
1505 ~ war is back
1516 ~ a treaty for no war is signed, lasting for a hundred years
1500's ~ Life is as peaceful as possible
1600 ~ seven beautiful girls are born, each in a different kingdom...some rich, some poor, some royal, some not
1616 ~ on their sixteenth birthday, the treaty is expired and war is back... things will never be the same for those girls again...escpecially because of love...

►layout credit



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★ plotlines

application form



{PLease follow the rules}

subscribe if you want to stay updated
one application per person
face claim is an idol please! it makes my life easier... 
if you aren't selected, please stay... You'll probably have a minor role like a love rival or...an evil general?
there is a passowrd...just to see if you read the rules ^__^
don't bash anyone. If you want, you can bash me
this is my first fanfic and is an apply one, so please tell me if i should fix anything!
I have school, so updates may be slow... 
love interest is bangtan boys!
thankyou very much!! and have fun!!



random stuff
 who is your bias in a pink?
 a pink rank for vocals?
★ dance rank? 
 rap rank?
 beauty rank? (soz...I'm just really obsessed with A Pink...and no, I'm not a lesbian)



 i may be looking for a co-author
(i don't own anything, including the layout. the only thing i own is the storyline which i got inspiration for in class today...)



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echo-of-the-sea #1
agree with koala-bear ! its taken me ages to find an apply fic that I was interested in!
interesting ! please update when you can ! ^__^