Min-Gi Adventures: Just Before Shock


What happens when you put Min and Gi together in an auditorium full of incredibly silent people (seriously, why the are they so quiet?) and expect them not to disturb anyone? Well, (of course) they’re going to try to be sweet little angels and not disturb anyone (geotjimal). But seriously, why is graduation such a long drawn out process? Min and Gi are too excited about Korea to just sit around and wait on something as trivial as diplomas. They have calls to make, auditions to confirm, bags to pack, interviews to attend(awkward situations to suffer through), and new relationships to make(koreans to on). They still need to tell their best guy friends that they are leaving for Korea. They’ve avoided the delicate topic of leaving up to now because they were worried about their reactions. They have scheduled dance auditions for YG, JYP, and TS Entertainment for the week after they arrive in Korea. They also have the perfect back up plan (starring the fabulous ideas of Gi) that includes some interesting job options just in case they don’t make it into a company. Love motels will be their temporary home, as they can’t really afford to put a downpayment on a Korean apartment. They managed to save up enough money to enjoy first class for their airplane ride. *eyebrow wiggle* We will see how that goes.


First chaptered fic in a series of many. Min and Gi are beginning their adventure and setting off to Korea! Are you as excited as they are? Probably not, because they’re pretty ing excited.



Text Guideline

Text Messages : [Italicized; Underlined; Light Blue; RGB 109, 158, 235]

Thoughts/Memories : ;Italicized; Gray; RGB 67, 67, 67;

English Spoken : “Bold; Purple; RGB 104, 0, 121; #680079”

Korean Spoken : “Bold; Red; RGB 153, 0, 0”

Japanese Spoken : “Bold; Yellow; RGB 255, 153, 0”

Spanish Spoken : “Bold; Green; RGB 56, 118, 29”

Song Lyrics : “Italicized; Bold; Blue; RGB 0, 0, 225”


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