
from shadow to light

i didn't expected me to write the second chapter that fast...

but well... i feel under pressure XD because some of you know where i live and will come and kick my if i don't write fast enough XD

however~^^ i guess you saw the music-link i gave you the chapter before. well i decided to give you music that reminds me of this story~ it won't be every chapter but once in a while you'll get a link^^

the next one is planned in the 3. or 4. chapter, cause in this one it is to early^^

Enjoy! cx


*Hyojin’s POV*


It was monday again.
I just arrived at the nurse room, when my mom came out and nearly ran into me.
“Oh my love! It’s really great to see you again!” She beamed at me and pulled me into a tight hug which i returned.
“Hey, mom.” “I’m sorry dear, but i have to work longer today. But if you want to, you can help me, so i’ll be able to take my break earlier then.” She smiled apologetically at me and i nodded. “Sure, i’ll help. What should i do?” “Great!” She clapped her hands like a little girl and started dragging me along.
That’s what i love about her. Her childish behavior with her still serious attitude.
“Oh, it’s not that much. I have to look after two patients, but since you’ll help me, you can take one of them. You only have to feed him and keep him some company until i’m ready!”
“Oh… uh, okay.” I was a bit unsure, because i never was alone with the patients before when i helped her. She always had an eye on me and this would be my first time helping her, without her being around.
While i was thinking about this my mom was smiling like crazy and continued dragging me.
After some minutes of walking she stopped, took a tablet from the food cart and handed it to me. “There. That’s all you need. And don’t forget to be nice!” with this words she opened a door and pushed me inside. I just stood there feeling a bit shocked by her sudden actions and stared at the already closed door. Then  i heaved a sigh and turned around.
Oh, …

*Jiho’s POV*


I was lying in my bed and staring out of the window.
But what am i talking about? I always do that since there is nothing else to do when you can’t move.
When i looked out, i could see the sky. It’s not that much but still enough to show me what i can’t have anymore. I won’t ever be able to just stand up and take a walk outside. I sighed at that thought and closed my eyes. I wanted to sleep a bit, but i couldn’t.
The face of the girl that was here a week ago appeared immediately in my head. Damn… Why does this happen? I sighed again and opened my eyes. There went my plan of sleeping. I looked out of the window again, but my mind trailed back to that girl. I still couldn’t understand why she was in my room and why in the world did she wake me. She should have cared a flying about me.
But i still could see that worry in her eyes, when she asked me if i was alright. That was something i wasn’t used to anymore and i kind of missed it.
That someone was worried about me. All the people in this building weren’t paying attention at me and when they did, they did it only because of their job. And every time they looked at me, i hated it. Because there was pity in their eyes. And pity was something i wanted to see the last, so i prefered the loneliness.
But that girl, she didn’t pity me. She was curious and worried. Maybe that’s why i keep thinking of her. She is the only normal person here.
My thoughts were cut off with the sound of the door to my room opening and closing. That must be the food. It’s already lunchtime.
I continued to stare out of the window and was planning to ignore the nurse, but since i couldn’t hear a single sound i grew a bit annoyed. Is she staring at me or what? I turned my head and had to blink a few times. The person standing in front of my bed was really staring at me, but it wasn’t a nurse like i expected it to be. It was the girl from one week ago.
She stood with a tray of food in her hand and stared at me in disbelieve and shock. Why is she staring at me like that? I mean, i’m not an alien or something. I cleared my throat and she blinked. “Could you not stare at me like this?” I was quiet annoyed, because she didn’t say a single world since she came into this room.
She blinked again. “Uh… em…” Then suddenly she frowned and shoot angry stares towards the door while growling “Just wait, when i get out of here.” That girl really GROWLED!!! I couldn’t believe my ears.
After that she turned her head back to me and sighed lightly. Then she smiled and greeted me.“Hello Jiho. I’m Hyojin and i’m helping out today.” She is helping out? Who in hell is she? Doesn’t she has better things to do? And why did she growl?
Since i didn’t answered her, the smile slipped off her face and she just placed the tray on the table next to my bed. “I’m going to feed you today.” “No need for that.” I shoot her a glare. But she just shrugged and sat down next to my bed.
“Fine. Then eat by yourself.” She gave me a challenging smile and motioned at the food. I growled in my mind. How dare she?!  I gave her the coldest look i was capable of and looked past her. “I’m not hungry.” She only wheezed in return.
“Yeah, sure, and i’m the easter bunny.” I’m blinked a bit, quiet surprised by such an answer.
She took a fork off the tray and held a piece of meat in front of my mouth, but i simply ignored her. I could tell that she was annoyed by the way she looked at me. Then she suddenly spoke up. “Look, I really have better stuff to do, but since my mom asked me for help, i’m doing this. So please stop being an and open your mouth.” ? No one, silmply NO ONE talks to me like this!  “Who do you think you-“ I was cut off by her, because she stuffed the meat in my mouth. “Mh..!” I swallowed. “How ca-“ But i was cut off by more food being shoved into my mouth. “See? It’s not that bad.” She smiled at me and it seemed like she mean it. I swallowed and glared at her, but she smiled it off. Instead she just held a piece of carrot in front of me.
I sighed but gave me beaten for now, because i really was hungry. So i opened my mouth and let her feed me. This girl is a pain in the .
But i kind of liked it. I was used that the people around me tried to please me, they weren’t opponents for my character.
But she was. She didn’t hold back to tell me that i’m an . I knew that people think that of me because of my cold attitude.
Even before i had the accident i was a cold person. People were afraid to make me angry and avoided me. But i still had some friends or at least i thought of them as friends. Seemed like they weren’t since they just left me behind and forgot me.
Because of that and of the fact that i’m stuck here i got even colder. I knew the nurses were always trying to avoid to work with me because they were afraid of me. It’s not like i can’t move. To be honest i found this thought pretty amusing. How can someone be afraid of a guy who can’t move? But well… after all there are strange people out there.
While I was thinking of this I caught myself staring at Hyojin while she was getting me something to drink. Hmm… Hyojin… She introduced herself on her last visit, but i didn’t really remember it. Maybe i should ask her why she was in my room last week. Wait, no, i can’t ask that. I NEVER ask stupid stuff like this. That’s why i’m called Zico.  
Suddenly i realized that i never introduced myself, but she still knew the name my parents gave me. One of the nurses must have told her. But hell, who cares? I won’t see her after this anyways. She’ll go out of  this room, back into her perfect life. While i’m stuck here until they find something that can help me or until i die. But the second is the most likely what will happen i guess.
“Here. Drink something.” My thoughts were interrupted by her. She held a glass of water with a straw in it in front of me. I sighed and took a few sips while looking at her.
Her brown hair was shoulder long. Her face looked like the face of a doll and her big eyes even strengthened this impression. They were the same color as her hair, but somehow they looked really warm and gently. I would have never expected to get called an by someone with such warm eyes.
“Thank you.” She blinked. It seemed like she didn’t expected me to thank her and to be honest, i was really surprised myself. I never said ‘thank you’ to anyone. I couldn’t even remember to ever say it.
“You’re welcome.” She smiled and i felt warm at that sight. I looked away. Aish… You’re over reacting Zico. It’s just because she’s the only normal person around here. Don’t behave like a little high school student. You definitely were away from civilization for too long. I shook my head in disbelief about myself.  
“Soooo… How are you, Jiho?” She was still smiling. “Zico.” She blinked. “Ehh..?”
“My name. I prefer to be called Zico.” I didn’t know, why i told her that. Maybe because i would trow a tantrum if she called me Jiho again.
Jiho was the name my parents gave me. And since they were dead i tried to avoid this name. Bad enough that the doctors and nurses were calling me Jiho. “Oh, okay. Zico then. So, how are you feeling?”  This girl really doesn’t give up. “Normal.” “And what does normal mean for you?” Is she kidding me? I was annoyed by these questions, but still answered with a growl. “When you feel the same every day.” She smiled. “I see, and how do you feel every day?”





haha, well that was the second chapter.

sooo... they meet again~^^ and our dear Hyojin is driving zico crazy hehehehe... XD

tbh, i first didn't know how to do this second meeting... but i think i managed it quiet well~^^

well, however, how did you guys find it? cx leave a comment!^^

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lol, have fun
Chapter 4: ahh, never mind. take your time
Chapter 3: hyojin gonna ask zico out sooner. very good~
Chapter 2: I see, Zico will going crazy because of Hyojin~ Nice nice. Love it.
Chapter 1: wait, I think I know this author, of course I know /laugh/
Woo Jiho, yeah, I like this man. nice one. I will wait for your update~
I will anticipate the next chapter!~^^
Your story is awesome!!!o u o
Keep it up person I dont know at all e u e