Leaving a Note

Leaving a Note

Sehun was never good with goodbyes. He avoided them as much as possible. Whenever he had to leave his parents, he would quickly embrace them, kiss his mother’s head and leave without another word. He knew they understood his feelings but it made him upset not being able to spend as much time with his family as he wanted. What made him feel better was knowing he had 11 friends who were now like brothers to him and Minyoung, his girlfriend of almost three years.

Sehun hated saying goodbye to Minyoung but it was better than leaving secretly; he learned the hard way.
It was about a year and a half ago when EXO had to promote in China for their comeback. Sehun wasn’t sure how long he would be away exactly but he had an idea when their managers had them pack more clothes than usual. It was going to be a while and he didn’t know how to tell Minyoung. She had just returned from a trip with her best friend and he was planning on staying with her until he had to leave. He had no idea he had to leave so soon.

Sehun sat on the couch impatiently tapping his foot. His phone had been ringing none stop and he couldn’t get himself to answer it so he would just read the angry messages from his manager and friends.

“Suho Hyung:
Sehun, I know it must be hard to leave Minyoung but I’m sure she will understand. We’re leaving soon and we need to know where you are. Are you okay?
-8:22 P.M.”

Sehun sighed in frustration as he read Suho’s message and quickly replied.

“I’m okay hyung. Thanks. I’ll be there soon.”

He was about to shove the phone back in his jacket when he received another message.

“Suho Hyung:
The managers are getting impatient and the members are worried as well. They’re upset that you only replied to me. Sehun I know it’s important to you but please hurry up and say your goodbyes. Oh and if Minyoung is reading this… Please don’t hurt me~”

Sehun smiled a bit reading the message. ‘If only she was even here’. Thinking about having to say goodbye after merely spending a day with her made Sehun feel that it’s better for him to just leave her a note. Doing it in person would just be harder on the both of them.
Glancing at the clock, Sehun stood up and looked around for a pen and paper. He smiled seeing the custom made note pad on her desk. It was a picture of them on their “lazy date” which consisted of ordering food and watching movies at home.

“I’m sorry I had to leave so soon. I will call you as soon as I land in China. I love you!” he placed the note on the kitchen counter for her to see and with that he left to go back to his dorm.


Sehun frowned at his phone for the fifth time. He was worried and felt a little panicked that something might have happened to Minyoung, resulting in her not answering his calls. His thoughts were interrupted when she sent him a message.

I cannot believe that you just left without even saying bye to me... TO CHINA! Are you serious?! I refuse to talk to you Oh Sehun. You could have asked me to meet you somewhere but no, you leave and decide that A NOTE would suffice. I am so angry with you.
-11:00 P.M.”

He sighed and was about to call her again when another message came.

And you have poor handwriting you jerk!
-11:01 P.M.”

He chuckled and prepared himself for her loud voice but instead there was silence. Taking his phone away from his ears, he checked to make sure that she picked up and she did.

“Hello?” he heard a sigh and smiled.

“I’m sharing a hotel room with Lay hyung,” Lay lazily waved at him from his bed “he says hi by the way.”

He was about to continue until she spoke, “Yes. They all sent me a message to let me know that their plane is about depart to China which made me wonder why my own boyfriend couldn’t text me as well.”

“My phone died when I got to the airport I’m sorry. And they sent you a message?!” He asked in disbelief.

“Yup. All of them.” There was no way.

“All of them? Kris and Tao too?” He suddenly sat up on his bed.

“Yes even Kris and Tao. Actually Tao was the first to send me a message.” He suddenly felt bad for not even sending her a message when all s managed to.

She knew he felt guilty and she smiled. She wanted to comfort him but she reminded herself that he needed to learn his lesson on properly saying goodbye to her.

“Sehun, am I not important enough that you just left me with a poorly written note?” It took him a while to reply, not wanting to say something that would upset her.

“It’s not like that. And you know I have trouble parting ways. Especially with you.” He whispered the last part but she heard it and it made her heart race.

“I was honestly really angry and right now I’m still upset. I would have been fine if I saw you but hearing your voice now knowing I won’t see you for a while just makes it worse.” She was being honest. She had learned to get used to him leaving. She had to. It was his job. At first it was hard not knowing when they’ll see each other again but she also discovered that when the day does come that they meet again, she becomes more excited and ecstatic to see him. It was one of the things that made their relationship stronger.

Sehun was thinking of what to say. This was the first time he had left without seeing her even for a second. He thought it would be fine but hearing what she felt made him miss her.

“Oh Sehun, I want you to think about what you did. In the meantime I’ll be at home waiting for my prince to return.” She said dramatically

“Baby-“ He smiled knowing she had forgiven him but what she said next proved him wrong.

“Until then, I refuse to talk to you. You hit a sensitive spot Sehunnie.” Her tone was serious and he knew that she called him by that nickname to annoy him.

“Minyoung..” he whined and she cut him off.

“Be safe. I’ll be looking out for you on TV!” with that she hung up leaving Sehun looking at his phone in disbelief.

I love you
-11:24 P.M.”

He sighed and replied back, apologizing again.


The day Sehun returned to Seoul, he immediately headed to her apartment with the help of his manager who scolded him after hearing that he had left without saying goodbye to her.
He knocked on the door only to be met by Minjung, Minyoung’s sister. His eyes widened in surprise as he asked why she was there.

“What do you mean? Minyoung asked me to take care of her place while she’s gone.” She replied as she let him in.

“Gone? Where did she go?” He was starting to panic again. Did she leave without telling him? Was she really mad at him?

Just as she was about to reply Minyoung came walking out of her room while fixing her shirt.
“The stain wouldn’t come off” She pouted, looking down at her shirt. She didn’t know that they had another guest.

Sehun on the other hand tried hard to hold back the urge of pouncing on her for Minjung was still there. She finally looked up and saw Sehun. She gasped then looked at her sister who was laughing loudly.

“My goodness you should have seen his face! He looked like he was about to cry.” Minjung grabbed her purse from the coffee table and headed to the door.

“I’ll be leaving now. Make sure to text me the details.” She winked at Minyoung before saying goodbye to Sehun and leaving.

Sehun couldn’t even respond to her as he just stared at Minyoung, taking her in. He had waited so long to see her and he had missed her dearly. There were even nights when he was close to tears when he would read messages that she purposely sent in the middle of the night knowing he’s sleeping and wouldn’t respond. Not talking to her was horrible and he was sure to never leave without saying goodbye again.

Sehun bit his lips, taking a small step towards her. He was afraid that she was still mad and would run away if he approached her too fast but her next action surprised him.

Minyoung ran towards him and jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck while her legs made their way around his waist. Luckily, Sehun reacted fast enough and caught her and was able to maintain his balance. She buried her face in his neck and just inhaled his scent. She missed him so much. He pulled away to look at her face. She was grinning from ear to ear and he couldn’t help but to smile just as much as he brushed some hair away from her face.

“I missed you so much.” Without waiting for her reply, he leaned in for a heated kiss.
He walked over to the sofa and laid them both down without breaking contact. His hand roamed all over her body. He wanted to make sure that she was real, that the moment was real. She broke the kiss and observed his face. He propped himself up on his elbows as he laid on top of her amused at her expression. She combed her fingers through his hair and smiled.

“My handsome prince.” She said and pecked his lips. He became embarrassed and hid his face in her neck.

“Baby, don’t do that again.” He whispered, leaving a trail of kisses from her neck to . He frowned while looking at her.

“I’m sorry but I was really hurt that you just left me a note.” She pouted which made him kiss her again.

“Yes but not talking to me doesn’t make it better!” He stared into her eyes to let her know that he was being serious.

“If you do that again I will come back and punish you.” His words made her shiver and she hugged him tightly.

“Fine. But you better not leave like that again.” She pushed him a bit to give him a stern look wanting to make sure that he doesn’t do it again. He nodded and kissed her cheek.

The two cuddle on the couch in silence. She would ask about his trip here and there but Sehun was getting sleepy so she would just comb his hair with her fingers to let him fall asleep. His head was on her chest and he held her tightly and protectively, afraid she would disappear.
Her phone rang from the coffee table and she carefully reached for it, not wanting to wake up Sehun.

“Lay Oppa:
Minyoung we’re back! Well you probably already know that since Sehun immediately went to go see you as soon as we landed. How are you? Did you give Sehun a beating? Hehe don’t hurt him too much we still need him. Let’s have lunch soon okay? :)
-5:30 P.M.”

Minyoung smiled and looked down at Sehun. He looked so peaceful. She kissed his forehead before placing her phone back on the coffee table and drifting to sleep.


“Where are you?” Sehun asked slightly irritated. They were supposed to meet at Minyoung’s place until she messaged him telling him that she couldn’t meet him anymore.

Wherever Minyoung was, it was crowded. He could tell from the noise and the way she spoke louder for him to hear.

“I’m at work. Something came up and I have to go on a business trip.” She sounded like she was walking.

Sehun ran his fingers through his hair and sighed in frustration.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” His voice was slightly louder as well.

He heard her say sorry and the noise suddenly decreased.

“I left you a note.” With that she hung up. It took him a while to process what she said. He couldn’t believe what he just heard. A note? He started looking around the room when he found a familiar piece of paper taped to his mirror. Lay walked in and saw Sehun staring at the paper in confusion. He wanted to leave unnoticed but Sehun was too quick.

“Hyung, was Minyoung here?” Lay looked at him as if he didn’t understand what he was saying, so Sehun waved around the note in his hand.

“This note hyung. How did it get here? Did Minyoung come here?” Lay immediately shook his head and turned around to leave but Sehun stopped him.

“You are a bad liar. How did this get here?” Sehun frowned, he was getting really annoyed and at the same time he was wondering where his girlfriend was.

“I put it there because she asked me to.” Lay said not making eye contact with him.

Sehun looked at the paper again. It was for sure Minyoung’s hand writing which meant she must have given him the note.

“Did she give this to you?” Lay’s eyes widened and he didn’t answer. He started to panic, not wanting to lie to Sehun and at the same time not wanting to fail Minyoung. So he slowly nodded.

“She gave it to me earlier when we had lunch.” Lay suddenly felt the need to escape so he shoved Sehun away and ran out the dorm.

Sehun looked after him and he was now even more frustrated. When did she have the time to eat with him but not tell me she’s leaving? With a heavy heart he crumpled the note and shoved it into his pocket. He sighed before heading out the dorm.


Sehun and the rest of the members safely made their way through the fans at the airport. While boarding the plane Sehun kept asking to check the other members’ tickets to see who he was sitting with but none of them were in his section. Sehun frowned and made his way to his seat and sat by the window. He put his earphones in and was searching for music when a voice made him look up.

“I want the window seat.” She demanded and crossed her arms. Sehun stared at her in surprise. Not believing his eyes, he poked her stomach and jumped when she slapped it away.

“Get up!” she whined and he did as he was told. She made herself comfortable and looked out the window smiling. Sehun scoffed at the way she acted so normal.

“Is there something you want to tell me?” He said in her ear making her gasp in surprise.

“I’m on this flight.” She showed him her ticket for proof, “see.” He raised an eyebrow and grabbed her hand.

“Where are you really going?” she pouted at his tone.

“I’m going to assist my boyfriend and give him support but I’m about to change my mind because he is unhappy about it.” She reached to unbuckle her seatbelt but he quickly grabbed both of her hands and kissed her knuckles.

“And how are you going to do that?” she looked over his shoulder and smiled at his manager. Sehun understood and bowed towards him to thank him.

“This is going to be the best flight I’ve ever been on.” He said before kissing her cheek. Minyoung smiled and held his hand while he tried to get comfortable in his seat. He was about to fall asleep when his eyes suddenly shot open and he tugged on Minyoung.

She looked at him, confused.
“Did you have lunch with Lay today?” He asked, jealousy in his voice. Her eyes widened and she smiled.

“Babe, we all had lunch together today. Everyone except you.” She kissed him feeling apologetic that she had to lie to him earlier.

“So that’s why nobody wanted to get food with me when I returned.” Sehun frowned making her giggle.

“I’m sorry but I wanted to surprise you and they decided to help me.” Sehun gave the sleeping members a glare but Minyoung tapped him and gestured for him to lay his head on her shoulder. He suddenly smiled and leaned his head on her. She sighed and he looked up at her. It made him happy that she would do things like this for her. She continued to surprise him and he was thankful for her accepting his work even if it meant they had to spend some time apart.

Minyoung felt him staring so she turned his head to him. They smiled at each other and he leaned forward to kiss her. He whispered in her ear before leaning back in his seat and going to sleep.


“You better prepare for your punishment.”

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Chapter 1: Kyaa~~~ so sweet !!!!