The Exo Files


Lee Soojin is the only daughter of the South Korean president Lee Taehyun. She’s the nations “Little Sister” and is just starting her sophomore year at the prestigious Seoul University. She gets good grades and has never taken a risk in her life. With a sudden appearance of the mysterious Kai, her life turns out more twisted and complicated that she ever thought it would be. Kai and his 5 handsome friends claim to be aliens from the far away planet Exo some galaxies away. Suddenly, they abduct Soojin from her happy pristine life and tell her that her father is involved in something evil. What on Earth are they talking about? Worse, could it be true?

What exactly is her father involved with?

Find out in The Exo Files


“Your father isn’t the man you think he is. He’s involved in something heinous. He’s kidnapped our friends and we need them back and you’re going to help us.”

“Oh really? And what if I don’t?”

“If you dont you’ll never see him, your friend Myungsoo, or your home ever again.”


Author's Note: This is my first fanfic here on aff! Yes, it is an alien story based off of Exo's debut. I'm currently working on the first few chapters and I hope to post the first one soon. If anyone could make me a poster featuring all of exo that would be much appreciated. Please enjoy and anticipate updates soon! ^_^


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