Let it begin.

XOXO (액소액소)
[Amber's POV]
That day when I went back to the dorm I had stormed in and grabbed my notebook for my second class and stormed back out with Jinri asking what had happened. I didn't answer her and knew she would be asking questions tonight but for the moment I wanted to be alone with my thoughts. I still had an hour and a half left so I walked to the cafeteria and sat at a table in the far corner. 
I tried to focus on looking over my notes in case the professor decided to give us a pop quiz, but it was really hard focusing on one thing when my mind was filled with some many questions over a matter that isn't even my problem. Why do I have to be such a...? Ugh! Nosy Amber! Look at what you've gotten yourself into. Now, Jongin is going to think you're nosy and stupid and just...
“What do I do?” I muttered to myself and dropped my head onto the table before pulling it up as I rubbed the pain on my forehead away.
“Probably not that.” Someone said.
I jumped and looked to my left to see a guy with a grin on his face. The guy looked really familiar as if I had seen him before. “Do I know you?”
The guy flipped his blonde hair and as soon as I saw his eyes I knew who he was. “Remember me now?” He asked as he saw my surprised face.
“Aiden!” I sprung up from my seat and hugged him around his shoulders. “Dude, it's been forever since I've seen you!”
He laughed and patted one of my hands around the front of his chest, “It has, huh? Your sister told me you've been asking for me a lot.” 
I widened my eyes and slowly let go of him and sat in the chair in front of him, “Maybe.”
He chuckled and I looked up through my hair fringe to see him smiling at me, “Also heard you had a pretty big crush on me too.”
I'm going to kill Jackie when she visits! “Maybe.”
“I think it's pretty cute. If you weren't so young then I would've dated you but sadly you weren't legal yet.” He sighed and clicked his tongue. 
I blushed and hid my face in my arms, “Shut up!”
“Ah by the way, I like that you speak Korean so well.”
I picked my head and up and stared at the table in surprise, “Oh. We've been speaking in Korean this whole time haven't we?”
He nodded and I gave him a bright smile which he returned. 
“So, now that you're here you get to call me oppa.” He said.
I once again blushed, “Or I can call you ahjussi.”
“Yah! You little-” he started.
“I'm kidding, oppa.” I said and patted his hand that was on the table.
“Did you jus-?” He laughed and smiled wide. “Amber Liu has called me oppa. Who knew you were so obedient?”
“Stop. You're the only one I'm going to call that. Got it?”
He saluted me and then we started to laugh again.
Not a minute later and we started talking about all the years that passed by since my sister had been his host for the six weeks he stayed in California with her and my family and me. Aiden's name was actually Kim Kibum and we sometimes called him Key. He told me of how he had finished his major in creative writing and was currently working on a script for a video game that was in the works. He told me about this guy he has a crush on but won't tell me his name but that he was one of the most handsome professors around the school. I had asked why he was here and he said he was waiting for a friend who was a student here. By then I had to go to my class but gave him my number so we could keep contact.
I walked right out my class and started walking towards the library. My phone buzzed in my pocket and I pulled it out to see a text from Aiden and opened it.
‘Amber, meet me at the library. I want you to meet my friend.’ It chimed again and I read the new text, ‘He's kind of cute. And kind of the type you go for. Well almost.’
I sighed and laughed at the memory of the time I tried to tell him I liked him but it ended up being about what kind of guy I like. He would talk a lot of some guy he met before he went to America and how much he hoped to meet him again. 
What if that guy is the same one he's crushing on now?
I walked the rest of the way to the library with a skip in my step at the thought of Aiden finally finding his one true love. It's almost like a fairy tale story except this is reality and fairy tales are fake.
I sat in front of the two. I stared at Aiden with an incredulous look.
I sighed and covered my face as I started to laugh, “Are you serious?” I said in English.
“Be nice, Amber!” He replied back in English.
I shrugged and looked over to the one beside him who kept looking at me with an amused smirk, “Hey, Taemin.” I said to him.
Aiden's eyes widened and he kept looking between me and Taemin and glared at the poor guy, “Yah! You already know her? Dammit, you player!” He whacked the other on the back of his head.
“Ow! What the hell, hyung!?” Taemin glared at Aiden and I held in my laughter. “Minho hyung introduced us.”
Aiden narrowed his eyes, “I'm going to kill him.”
“Aiden! Stop it. What are you my bodygaurd?” I said and patted his hand on the table. “Taemin hasn't flirted with me. And I don't think he even would. Have you seen me?”
“Can you stop calling me Aiden? We're in Korea, call me Kibum.” Then he sighed, “Also stop saying things like that. I told you when you were young and I'm telling you now, any guy would be lucky to have a girl like you. You're beautiful, ok? And don't you forget it!”
I waved him, “Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, I know.”
“I mean it, Amber.”
“You are pretty Amber. I would date you but I don't think you'd go for someone like me.” Both of us turned to Taemin who was looking directly at me.
I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and smiled a little, “Thanks.” I smiled at Kibum too. “Thank you, oppa.”
“Why don't you call me oppa?” Taemin said with a pout.
“We're the same age. Isn't oppa meant for men older than me? Not for boys.”
I laughed.
We spent most of the time in the library until it was time for Taemin to go to his night class.
[Sehun's POV]
“You know Kim Kibum?”
“Duh. He has this huge crush on my brother. Why wouldn't I know him?”
“Damn. He's known to write scripts for the greatest movies in Korea.”
“Oh yeah. You would know that since you're obsessed with him, Junmyeon hyung.”
“Shut up.”
“Mom is being mean, Daddy.”
I laughed as I watched Junmyeon whack the giant and the rest of them discussing Junmyeon's obsession with everything about Kim Kibum. Well, he's not obsessed but he really admires him since high school. If Kibum wasn't already head over heels in love with Taemin's oblivious brother then Junmyeon would be all over Kibum. 
“He tried introducing me to Amber too. I didn't even know they knew each other.”
I perked up as I heard Amber's name and payed close attention as I tried to read the chapter assigned to us for homework.
“Amber and Kibum hyung know each other? How?”
“Kibum went on this exchange program once and spent six weeks with her family.”
“Wow. That's how he knows English so well then.”
“Also he told me Amber used to have a crush on him. He told me about the times she would follow him around when they went on trips. It's cute. Can you imagine a young Amber following behind him with hearts in her eyes?”
I frowned at the thought of Amber still liking him but remember that Kibum likes guys so it's not like he was much of a threat.
“She doesn't seem to like him now though.”
“How do you know?”
“Well for starters she knows about his crush on my brother except she doesn't know it's my brother. And she looks up to him like a brother and calls him oppa in a non-cutesy way.”
“Ya never know.”
I almost had the urge to whack Jongin but settled for glaring at him from across the table. Taemin noticed and chuckled.
“Dude, calm down. He's kidding. I asked Amber if she still liked Kibum hyung and she said no, so no worries.” Taemin patted my back and I smiled at him.
“Unless she likes someone else then you're screwed.”
I glared over at Baekhyun who just shrugged with a smirk on his face.
Sometimes I want to strangle my friends. Being the youngest is difficult.
[Luhan's POV]
I tried not to eavesdrop but when they talk so loud it's kind of hard not too. They couldn't see me since I was wearing a hoodie and had my head bowed as I stared at my worn out shoes. I need to buy new ones soon. 
“Unless she likes someone else then you're screwed.” I knew that was Baekhyun by the sound of his voice. He was always the loud one along with Jongdae when we all would get together before. 
“Stop teasing the magnae Baek. He's already stressed out enough with his inability to talk with her.” Junmyeon, always the mother hen protecting her babies.
“Come on she doesn't look like the type to go for pretty boys. She looks like a tough girl. I mean, she freaking told Jongin off yesterday.”
Wait, what?
“You said you weren't going to bring that up again.” I knew that voice and his cold tone made me feel chills down my spine.
“You deserved it anyway.” Was that Kyungsoo?
“Shut up. I bet Jinri was the one to tell her. My sister did a good thing ditching her. The girl talks too much.”
“Yah! Jinri is great girl. You leave her out of this!” Of course Taemin would stand up for her. Jinri is his best friend's girlfriend. “Do you think no one would find out about this feud going on? Half of the people that graduated from our school go here. So stop pointing fingers. So Amber talks to Luhan, it's not a big deal. She's old enough to make her own decisions Jongin.”
Wow. But Amber hasn't really talked to me lately.
“Hyung is right. Amber is right.” Sehun? I picked my head up a little to hear better.
“Why is any of this our problem? Why did any of this have to happen? Why couldn't you just listen to Luhan like a civilized person? Why Jongin? Why did I have to lose a friend because of you?” 
Sehun, I'm sorry.
“Sehun I-”
“No. I'm tired of you keeping secrets. I'm tired of acting like I hate them when I don't but I have to because you do. I'm sick of it, Kim Jongin.” 
“Sehun, he has reasons-”
“You too! You've kept his secret. You've hidden the reason why he hates him and I bet it's stupid just like we all are. I'm the idiot who took his side because I didn't want to lose him as a friend but now... I don't even know who he is anymore.” 
There was a silence before there was a sound of feet stomping away and then Jongin screamed and another sound of stomping growing quieter. I took my cue to leave and continued down the sidewalk until I bumped into someone again. 
I scrambled to help the person up and froze when I saw her face. She smiled and then frowned when she saw my face and I immediately looked down to hide my face, cursing my stupidity to forgetting the huge black eye I had at the moment.
I felt a warm hand on my the side of my face and slowly looked up through my fringe at her and wished I hadn't. She looked upset.
“Who did this?”
I pursed my lips and looked back down at my feet.
“Luhan, who did this?”
I shrugged. “I don't know.” I lied.
I heard her sigh and she moved her hand to my chin and pushed my face up. “Tell me.”
I didn't want to say anything because I'm afraid of them finding out. They told me to not say anything.
I should trust Amber but I don't want her to get hurt because of me.


A/N: Hi my fellow readers.

This chapter was a little hard to write and I still feel like too much is going on and maybe happening too fast? I dunno.

Anyway, I appreciate all the wonderful comments I received for the last chapter and hope to receive more so I can see I can do better.

If you decide to comment please tell me what pairings you would like to see. I might just take your suggestion, you never know.

Thank you to all reader, subscribers and commenters and upvoters. 

Welcome to all new subscribers! I hope you stick with this story until the end. ^_^

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Chapter 19: Your very much welcomed. I loved this story so much that it made me cry about the part with sehun. OMG your story was AMAZING. I love it so much. If there was a favorites button. I would be clicking it over and over.
emily123 #2
Chapter 13: Wow... Shocked
FabulousMermaid #3
Chapter 19: So cute I loved it,It made me happy then sad but again happy it was beatifull i loved it~~~<3
Chapter 19: Omg-- sehun ;;;
This was a great story though!
Great job :)
magnaa #5
Chapter 19: oh oh oh /sobbing/
you make me sad noooooo~~
you killed sehunㅠㅠ nice one;;)
thanks to you too, as you make a good-yet-rare story. i never found hanber/hunber story that made me smile everytime i read it. thankyouuu~~
Chapter 19: Oh /sobs/ i just realize that ur story is complited

Agsjdldpwkwmanbxbxxbxbjdk sehun dieeeee ;-;
My favoforite part when luhan confessed ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Its a great storyyyyy♥♥♥♥♥

Thank you so much for writing this ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Riothelazyintrovert #7
Chapter 19: You're very welcome and sorry that I hadn't replied to our PMs I've been quite busy at school. I'll reply sooner than later.

And about the story, YOU KILLED SEHUN! OMG, how can you do this to me?! *wipes tears* You're not my friend anymore *sniff, sniff* but of course I can't do that your still a friend even if you killed my soul mate.

Anyways there's nothing to worry about I'm in the middle of writing a Hunber one shot and I'm planning on making it a series of Amber one shots. Haha, I'm going to make Sehun ier than ever just you wait and see.
KPOPforLife88 #8
Chapter 19: It was totally worth every minute to read till the ending!! It had a bittersweet twist but it was beautifully written!! I cant wait for your future stories!! Fighting~!!
Chapter 19: gosh sehun T.T.... that so sad but honestly im glad that at the end amber finally with luhan, cant imagine if this is would happen but, i think you have your own reason^^
everyone is having their happy ending. except one :(
my fav scene is when luhan talk to amber while she pretending to be sleeping, that is so fluttering and the kiss is so....sweet hehe..
thanks for completing this one, and fighting for your new one XD
Chapter 19: owwwshiii and we come to an end. i guess everyone had a happy ever after huh. and adopting hyunsoo omfg i cryed much very happiness yes. this was one of the stories i kept track of and yea c:
thanks for sharing this story!