Chapter 1

The Heirs.

"YA! Wake up already you're gonna be late for school!" Hyun Joo unni yelled as she pulled off my blankets. "Do you really wanna be late on your first day of school?! All the kids are going to stare at you in the first place now they'll have more of a reason to!" she scolded as she pulled opened the curtains. The sudden light blinded me and made me roll over and grab the air aimlessly for the covers.

"No! I don't want to go to school unni. I asked you for a place to stay, not for you to enroll me in some rich snobby kid school!!" I said as I sat up with a groan. "Why can't I just chill here til you get home?!" 

"I did not let you stay with me for you to just hide out in my spare room Gu Ji Na. You promised me that you would do everything I wanted as long as I gave you a place to stay."

"Uhhh I meant doing dishes, laundry, cleaning etc. Not going to Jeguk HS." I huff.

"Well if you won't go then I'm going to have to call home and tell them where you are." she threatened. She softened and smiled when she saw my frightened face. "Today is my first day as a teacher too. Let's be awkward together okay?" I gave a small nod. There was no use in trying to argue with her, she was as stubborn as a bull on matters like this. "But let's keep it easy for each other and do our best not to act like we are close in school." I nodded again. I loved Hyun Joo unni but I wasn't about to have to explain why I was so close with the new teacher and why I'm living with her and other personal details I'd rather not have to explain in an opening conversation.


"I'm on my way right now Eun Sang. Walking up to the front of the school as we spea-" I looked up and gaped at the campus. There was no joking that this was a school for the elite. The freshly kept lawns and the enormous size of the campus made it hard to believe that anyone could call this a school. It looked better than something that the president would reside in. 

"Ji Na are you listening?" Eun Sang's voice broke the trance the campus held me in. 

"Oh sorry yeah I'm here. Yo meet me in the office, I need to go and talk to the counselor and stuff" I tell her as we end our conversation and hang up. How was I to find my way in a place like this? I secretly thanked Hyun Joo unni for throwing me out of the house early because I knew I was gonna need the extra time to find my way around.

Thankfully the first building I stepped into was the admissions office and the first door I found had a sign that read "ADMISSIONS". I breathed in deeply and went over in my head the story I had thought up to tell my homeroom teacher. I wasn't enrolled in high school for the past year because I was too busy working to pay off my parent's debts because last year they went bankrupt. Before that I lived in America as an exchange student because my parents had the ability to send me there. Okay good. That's what I'll say. I mustered up my courage and knocked on the door.

"Come in" a voice said within. I cautiously opened the door and walked in. The room was empty besides one person at their desk. I walked over and bowed before I even looked at my teacher's face.

"Anyeonghaseyo I am Gu Ji Na." I say my brain suddenly going white, what was my alibi again?!

"Whoa Ji Na. You act so different in front of people with authority." I hear as I finally look up to see my homeroom teacher. It was Hyun Joo unni!!!

"Unni~ You're my homeroom teacher?!" I squeal. This would make my lie a bit easier to keep circulating considering unni knew my story and wouldn't rat me out in front of the other teachers.

"You better be relieved Ji Na. You and Eun Sang are both in my homeroom." I gave a little fist pump in the air, "But you better treat me like a real teacher Ji Na. I don't need the other students taking advantage of me because I let you say things to me since we're close." I nodded absentmindly, thanking the gods for allowing this to happen. "I took care of both of your paperwork so get going to class now. You're gonna need some time to find your way." I thanked Hyun Joo unni as I left and went out to find Eun Sang. I looked around the hallway but there were only a few kids even though it was almost time for class. 

"Where is this girl?!" I mutter to myself as I passed by the doubletaking students. Taking in your new prey huh? I think as I ignore their stares and walk out the doors only to be met with a crowd of people. I make a beeline around the crowd when I'm suddenly hit by a body. 

"Oops I'm so sorry." I hear from the person. I look up to return the apology only to see Cha Eun Sang and my other childhood friend, Yoon Chan Young. As I get up off the floor, everone in the crowd looks over in our direction and suspiciously start to whisper to one another. I look past the two to see two tall guys standing in the middle of a circle. One of them I'm guessing is Kim Tan, who Eun Sang had described as the person who rescued her when her unni left her in America. The other I wasn't sure who he was, but he and Kim Tan sure didn't look like they were going to tightly embrace each other and exchange pleasantries. I see Cha Eun Sang has made her entrance I think as I look up at the two. 

"Let's go" Yoon Chan Young says as he grabs my arm with his other hand that wasn't already holding on to Cha Eun Sang. As we walked away from the circle of students, we hear their loud whispers and the sound of Chan Young's girlfriend Lee Bo Na whining about how Eun Sang and I were stealing her boyfriend. 

Chan Young leads us to a secluded garden on campus and sits Eun Sang and I on a bench. 

"Okay here's the deal. You have to be careful in Jeguk HS. It's not the same as other school okay. There is a really big divide between the "social classes" here that can make or break your life here." Chan Young starts.

"Is that what that guy meant in the hallway?" Eun Sang asks. "When he asked me what I was and Kim Tan told him I was an overnight money?" I look at her. Only twenty minutes in the new school and she's become a jolboo?

"Yeah." Chan Young says. "Okay let me explain to you two how the class work here in Jeguk HS. It's sort of like a pyramid formation in which all the students fall into a layer of the pyramid. At the top of the pyramid are the jebols. The heirs to the big companies, the kids who will take over after the person in charges is no longer in authorital power. Under them are the stockholding heirs. These kids won't end up running a company, but live their lives in luxury because of the stocks they hold. Third class is the children of congressman, generals, and other powerful people in Korea. And finally there's the bottom of the pyramid of social classes. The charity class. That's where all three of us fit in. We got into this school through the kindness and generosity of some richer being." Eun Sang and I look at each other.

"So what happens to people of the charity class Chan Young?" I ask. 

"Well let's just say you won't get treated the same way you would if you were in the jebol class." Chan Young says. "That's why Kim Tan told everyone you were a jolboo, overnight money, Eun Sang, it would make your time here a bit easier than if you had told everyone that your mom is the maid at Kim Tan's house." 

"But I don't want to be known as a jolboo. I'd rather be bullied for being the daughter of a housemaid than go around living a lie." Eun Sang was never much of a liar. Her being known in school as something she's not probably is making her feel as if she's not being true to herself.

Chan Young sighed. "For right now Eun Sang just leave it please? As much as I don't like lying either, it's better for you at the moment to be a jolboo." He looked at me. "What about you Ji Na? Are you gonna tell them what you are?"

I looked between the two. As I open my mouth to answer, the warning bell rings and the three of us sprint towards our homeroom class. 


"Hello class. My name is Jeon Hyun Joo and I am your new homeroom teacher for the remainder of your time here at Jeguk HS." Hyun Joo unni introduced herself to the class. "This is my first real teaching job so please work with me and we can have a great time for the next two years" A small round of applause sounded through the room. I looked out and saw Chan Young, Bo Na, and the boy that Eun Sang said was Kim Tan in the room. I also saw the other tall guy who had been standing in front of Kim Tan in the crowd when I found Eun Sang. "Now enough about me," Hyun Joo unni continued, "we have two new students to the school who have been added to our class. Please come up and introduce yourself girls" she said. Eun Sang and I slowly walked up to the front of the class. She gave me a slight nudge to go first.

"Hi everyone. I'm Gu Ji Na. Let's have a fun year okay?" I say trying not to show that I was completely nervous on the inside standing in front of all these rich kids who were obviously judging me.

"Hi I'm Cha Eun Sang." Eun Sang says next to me. 

Hyun Joo unni walks up and continues, "Okay you two, Eun Sang you can sit in the seat next to Kim Tan, Ji Na the empty seat in the next row back next to uhhh oh! Choi Young Do." I see the boy I have to sit next to's face harden. Oh boy. I think. The bad boy.

We start to head to our seats when someone asks, "What class are you two?" I look over at Eun Sang. She's gone stiff just as I have.

There's an almost too long awkward silence when Kim Tan suddenly raises his hand and says "Teacher Jeon, am I not going to introduce myself? After all I am a new student."

Hyun Joo unni looks at Kim Tan and says "I thought everyone already knew you Kim Tan." She gives a nod and Tan walks to the front of the room.

"Well they had to do it, so should I," he said as he faced the class, "Hi my name is Kim Tan. I probably know most of you or have met you before and just don't remember. Don't take it personally I haven't been in this country for the past three years." He bowed and walked back to his seat and sat down. 


Okay so it's been a while since I put up this story. At first it was a diff plot with the whole Ji Na being Won's gf and whatnot. But as the drama progressed and now that it is in its final week of airing, I've had a change of heart and couldn't think of good ways to integrate things into the heirs plot and make it interesting at the same time. So I sorta came up with something new so don't hate me for changing it -begs for forgiveness- I feel bad for all of y'all who subscribed for some Choi Jin Hyuk love only to have errthang changed around... >.< Okay well so new chapter and I promise I'm gonna plan better for this. Rewatch my heirs and study up so I can bang out these chapters and not go on a 2 month hiatus of me being dormant. C:


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tambam #1
Chapter 1: Ohhh!!!! Please continue soon!
ooooooooh~ I can't wait to see where this goes.! :D
Chapter 1: do you mean this is a prologue?