❤️Unicorn Reviews and Recommendations❤️ [OPEN!]


A unicorn is somebody who knows they're magical and isn't afraid to show it.
Aren't all writers on here unicorns, one way or another? We all write whatever we want to write about and aren't afraid to show it! We're all special and unique in are own ways!
Do you want to know how much unicorn your story is?
Want to know the opinion of two normal 17 year old girls, who love to read more than breathing? Then this is the right place for you! 
You're bored and don't know what to do?
You love unique stories but are too lazy to search for one? Don't be afraid, me, the great unicorn Mina, will help you out and recommend unicorn-ish stories just for you! (:



 | Open | Closed | Busy | Hiatus |


1) Subscribe!
2) Request in the comment section!
3) Credit us^^

2) Be patient! We may be half unicorn, but we're still a human beings! 
3) Password: iamunicorn
4) Please comment after reading your review!

Review  Form:

Story Title:
Story Link:
Is English your first language?


cr. for the sweet poster goes to: Peach & Heater Graphics Shop  <3




Review for lissamary is finished!


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Annyeong! Are you still accepting requests? Your shop says open, but all reviewers are busy.

Thanks! ^^
sarahlynlee #2
Username: sarahlynlee
Story Title: The Observer
Story Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/598625/the-observer-drama--exo-luhan-sehun-hunhan-selu
Genre: Family, Romance, Drama
Is English your first language? Well, both yes and no. mostly yes, as weird as it sounds.
Reviewer: isi371
Password: iamunicorn
Chapter 1: Username: NUESTvip
Story title: The Dark Moon
Story link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/653616/the-dark-moon-dongwoo-drama--youngkwang-boyfriend
Genre: Mystery/mild romance
Is English your first language?: Yes
Reviewer: isi371
Password: iamunicorn
Hi, my story was originally 'Our Secret' but I've now changed the title to 'c e l o'
Hey I've requested once at this shop so can I request again? :D

Username : lissamary
Story title : The Last Petal
Story link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/607250/the-last-petal-angst-romance-yixing-exolay
Genre : Romance, angst
Is english your first language: No
Reviewer : ThisMomentWhen
Password : iamunicorn
Chapter 5: Hey there! Sorry i took so long to credit you guys! But i've done so and I'm sorry for the delay! Thank you so much!
Username: theshadowknight_
Story Title: Our Secret
Story Link:
Genre: dark and a bit psychological
Is English your first language?: Yes
Reviewer: ThisMomentWhen
Password: iamunicorn
Chapter 11: Thank you!!