
One Summer Day





The sun already sets so high up in the sky, revealing the glints of summer coming down from the warmness it breaches. The rays break through one of the wide windows of a contemporary house. Revealing a sight of a woman in her mid 20s; her face glistens with sweat. Despite the hot weather she is suffering right now, she doesn’t drop and stop. She is stuffing what seems like her collections of books and cds one by one to her new wooden cupboard in the living room.

Droplets of sweat streaming down her beautiful face, flushing down some invisible dusts over her face. She turns her head to the side, looking at two more unopened boxes lied not far from her standing and sigh exasperatedly as she remembers just how many things she hasn’t finished in her new-bought penthouse. She is soaked wet and dead tired, secretly regretting her choice of living space. The penthouse is too vast; moreover, she is doing it alone.

A light chuckle from across the room is audible enough for her to hear and to feel it contagiously affected her state. She beams, that must be her little hero getting amused by the cartoon program he always loves. The image of him watching cartoons with mouth wide opened, laughing out loud while carrying his brown teddy bear, smashing its face as the funny moments hit him so hard thus he needs something to release his delight.

Her lips pucker into a smile. She remembers how she and her husband struggles on raising a child. But now, having him as God’s present in their life is such a meaningful moment; the little boy who never fails to make her burden lifted up and her heart at ease. The smile gracing her lips gets wider as the boy she is imagining about is approaching closer. As expected, he is carrying his brown teddy bear in one hand, while the other hand is holding banana milk.

He positions himself in the couch across the cupboard as he sips his favorite milk light-heartedly. He is watching his mother unload the boxes near her standing, arranging it into the cupboard orderly. His new house looks neat now thanks to his mom who works all day long sprucing things into their new respective places inside the house.

His mother looks exhausted; with a soaked white t-shirt and a pair of weary eyes she keeps unboxing her stuffs one by one. When she keeps wiping her glistening sweat from her forehead, he is alarmed. He jolts down the couch with one swift slide. His forehead creases as he grows concerned of his mother’s state.

“Mom, are you okay?” he grabs his mother’s hand. “Do you need help?”

She glances over his three year old son, “I’m fine.” a smile graces her lips. “I’ll finish these in a minute. After that, I’ll make you breakfast.”

In a minute? He asks to himself. He doesn’t believe it; his mother won’t finish it in a minute unless he is helping. So he stands up, stride over to the unpacked boxes near his mother; trying his best to open it with all his strength but he just keeps falling on his on the floor. The elder one lets out a giggle. He is definitely a cutie, just like his father. She helps her son removing the black tape so the box can be opened.

Curiously, he peeks inside the box. He finds a lot of her mother’s old collections of cds. He takes it out one by one while slightly looking at the cover. When his hands grab a thick book with yellow writing on the cover, he starts to get interested. He flips the thick book page by page. Inside, there are a lot of pages full of pictures. Each page has different pictures and different boys and all are signaling him into something. He definitely has seen the boys’ face somewhere, his memories can’t be false.

“Ereu-ereurong?" he spells the hangul characters on the front cover. "Mom, what is this?” he points to the thick book he is been prying about.

“That’s a cd, dear.” she grins, taking the thick book from the small of his hands, opening it and taking out a round cd from the back of the book.

“Whoa, really it’s a cd in a book!” he yells excitedly. “Play it, mom!”

She inserts the cd into the cd player. As the song starts to come out, she glances at his son clapping his hands while listening to the song. He straightens up himself and begins jumping up and down following the rhythm. After a few seconds, he tries to dance rhythmically according the song. She laughs heartily and starts dancing herself.

“Hey, this is the right dance. Follow me.” fortunately she still remembers the right steps to the song and her son imitating her moves passionately. While dancing, her mind drifts off to what happened ten years ago. The song she is now listening with her son is from her favorite boy group, EXO. That boy group was undeniable popular, mostly when they released their first full album. After that, she became a fan. She attended their events from simple music shows, fansigns until big concerts and award shows.

The online news forums were mainly filled with their news, whether it’s their interviews or their big achievements inside or outside the country. The EXO fever was hyped up the country to the point that their fanbase grew so fast from point to point. Their songs were played everywhere, their portraits were posted in everyplace, the city was anything but EXO.

There was a well-graven moment inside her mind, she will never ever forget. That moment when she met the half of her soul in a crowded fansign event in Seoul. Between thousands of people gathering at Hyundai Shopping Mall, they met. Their eyes caught each other; she can never forget how he stared at her after receiving her opened page for him to sign. He looks flabbergasted, his expression was unreadable. When he reached for her hand, squeezed it, then he knew just how near he was with the love of his life.

He wrote down something in a piece of paper and shoved it into the soft palms of her. Turned out he wrote his own number for her to call. When she felt like her courage she built was enough, she dialed his number a few days later. After that, everything flowed so smoothly between the both of them. They kept communicating despite his excessive schedule as an idol and her as a college student. Then, they became closer. As cliché as it sounds, the two destined souls made way to get together as one.

She stifles a laugh, earning a look from her son. He eyes her suspiciously, just how she suddenly laughing in the middle of the dance jerks him away. He picks up the thick book that he found out from his mother was an album, to his face. He observes the pictures inside the album once again, attempting to retrieve their faces.

“Mom, do you know who they are?”

“Yeah of course! They are my favorite artist back in the days when I was still in college.” she starts pointing to the boys standing aligned along the poster she just brought from the box. “They are Suho, Xiumin, D.O, Chen, Baekhyun, Lay, Kai, Luhan, Sehun, Tao, Chanyeol and—“ her face gleams, there are sparks inside her eyes as she points to the last guy. “Kris.”

Just as his mom mentions their names one by one, the group of uncles that used to hang out with him flashes his mind. The uncles who often buy him things, accompany him at home, playing games with him and sometimes with his father also. But some of their names are different, but he reckons the eleven faces of the guys in the album as them.

The first guy though, he recognizes him as the short uncle who often buys him toys. But he knows it crystal clear that his name is uncle Joonmyun, not Suho. Also uncle Minnie or Minseok (or the way his mother calls him, Xiumin), who helps him with his homeworks and sometimes teaches him origami. Uncle Kyungsoo who often cooks tasty foods for him, uncle Jongdae and Baekhyun who often pranks him and the other uncles a lot, earning loud laughs from both parties. Uncle Luhan and Yixing who teach him football; uncle Tao who plays wushu messily also uncle Jongin and Sehun who play video games a lot with him, even telling him some strategy to win the game. Lastly, uncle Chanyeol who teaches him how to play music instruments like guitar, drum, and keyboard.

They are all geniuses; he is happy to have them all at his house, he will absolutely be home when they visit although they often make loud noises that would make his dad wakes up from his peaceful sleep and eventually join them downstairs; making the nosy seems unbearable. Then he feels like he just misses someone from the poster. Ah! Somehow this Kris guy seems particularly familiar for him, aside from their similar name, he doesn’t recognize him as much as the others.

“Those are just stage names.” she lets out a light giggle. “You know, you are named after—“

Before his mother completes her sentence, a sound of loud thump from the upstairs can be heard. He sees his father taking the stairs one by one with a limp step to go downstairs. The latter runs his hand in his hair, yawning and blinking for a few times to adjust the light to his eyes. When the elder looks up to his son, the younger knows. He knows who that Kris guy and what his mom was trying to tell him a whie ago.

With fluffy and pink cheeks, he runs to his father and calls out. “Daddy!”

“Slow down kiddo!” the taller one scoop his son into a long embrace. “Good morning my little boy, what have you learned with your mom this morning?” he asks the younger one as he places his son around his neck.

This Kris guy, as time passes, he doesn’t change much; he still looks as handsome as he is in the picture taken years ago. He taps his head, he blames himself how can he forget him? He remembers him as a great guy. He is always fond of him, finds him perfect and makes him his role model. He is the guy he can’t describe just how much love he has for him, how excited he is when that Kris guy comes and how meaningful his presence is in his life. Also, he knows what his mother was trying to say to him, that he is named after his stage name. But, even though they have the same name, even though the stage name finally becomes his, he knows his mother wishes him just to be as wonderful as the former name owner. And he vows to himself, that he will try to be as great as him, because that best man is none other than his father.

Now he finds out just how the uncles and his father befriended each other. They were in a group of twelve members called EXO, the country’s heartthrob that time. He chuckles, he just realizes he is listening to their album his mother played a while ago. This time, he knows what to do. He tugs his dad’s hem and urges him to stop kissing his mother and shifts his attention to him.

“Alright Kris, what do you want?” his brow rises.

“Get me down immediately, daddy! I want to show you something!” he rushes to the cd player as soon as he reaches the floor; plays back the cd and turns it into the first song in the album. The familiarity of the song hits the older. He lets out a wide smile as he glances over to his wife meaningfully, before lastly looking at his son who is jumping up and down vigorously.

“How do you know—“

“This is your song right, daddy?” his son chuckles.

“Y-yes.” he is lost of words.

“I want you to teach me the dance moves!” the younger claps his hands and drags his dad closer to the cd player.









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Chapter 1: I love the story <3
Chapter 1: I love the story <3
Chapter 1: Thanks for a good story! Well done. :)
Chapter 1: This is soo lovely. I like it. How bout u make a sequel . Cany wait for it