
Chanyeol's Runaway Bride


            It was the break of the dawn when Chanyeol woke up from his slumber with a smile plastered on his face like always, but this time, it was brighter and full of pure happiness. He stretched his arms and legs as he yawned before sitting up on the bed and grabbing his phone. When he opened it, he pouted his lips and with slowly reddening cheeks, he kissed the screen which showed the photo of his beloved lady and brought it to his embrace before giggling to himself like a teenage boy who just saw his crush pass by.


            "Good morning gorgeous. Time to wake up from your beauty sleep! It's our big day!" He typed and immediately sent his message that was filled with love to his fiancée who's probably still snoring by now. Without further ado, he got out of the bed and fixed the blanket while humming the tune of Bridal Chorus. Then, he took his blue towel from the cabinet and went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and take a hot shower. After almost forty minutes, Chanyeol went out fresh-looking with his towel hanging on his hips. He whistled while he dried his hair with another towel when a sleepy Baekhyun barged in with a thick blanket wrapped around his entire body except for his head that poked out. His small eyes looked even smaller for they were half open and his nose was as red as a tomato.


            "Baek, you look horrible! What's wrong?" Chanyeol asked but Baekhyun only ignored him as he plumped down to the bed and curled his body like a fetus. "Are you sick?" Chanyeol added before he sat down on the edge of the bed and brought the back of his hand to Baekhyun's forehead. As soon as his hand made contact with Baekhyun's forehead, he retreated instantly.


            "Yah~ Byun Baekhyun! You're burning hot!" Chanyeol exclaimed. Baekhyun then sniffed before smiling.


            "Yeah~ I know I'm damn hot, Yeol. There's no need to mention, you know. Even your fiancée's aware of that." He answered with a grin and playful wink to the tall guy who frowned in disbelief. He was already burning with fever yet he still has the energy to joke around? Oh~ this guy really! But after a few seconds, Chanyeol finally realized what Baekhyun said then he broke to laughter.


            "Haha!! That was funny, Baek!" he cried out as he clutched to his stomach, still guffawing. He only stopped from laughing when he saw that Baekhyun was already asleep. Eh? He slept while he laughed hard? How'd he do that? Chanyeol's laugh is quite disturbing and can somewhat ruin the peace. Well, maybe because he wasn't feeling good.


            "Yah~ Baekhyun. My wedding's today! Can't you get well in an instant? I would like you to be there, too."


            Baekhyun only nibbled his head to the pillow but he was still asleep making Chanyeol heave a sigh. Obviously Park Chanyeol, you shouldn’t ask when it's noticeable. He thought. Pouting, he dragged himself away from the bed and went for his suit that was neatly hanging in his closet. He dressed hastily but carefully before spraying perfume and with a convinced smile, he winked to his reflection on the mirror as he ran his fingers through his short black hair.


            "Perfect." He muttered.




            Eunmi woke up at the sound of her phone ringing. She felt around for it because it was still dark and she brightened up when she learned it was her best friend Yumi. She called to congratulate her and Eunmi wholeheartedly gave thanks while blushing. But then, she jokingly scolded her best friend for calling at that time of the day.


            "Eunmi-yah~ Why don't you visit your grandma first?" Yumi asked. Eunmi thought for a while before she nodded in agreement and answered yes to her friend's suggestion. She's right. Since her grandma is too old to travel, she will not be able to witness her wedding so it's better to give her a visit while she still can.


            "Let's go together, then! I miss grandma, too, you know." Yumi offered.


            "Sure! That's a great idea! I'll fix myself first. Call me later, okay?" After a while of chatting, both of them finally decided to end the call.


            Just like Chanyeol, she stretched before sitting up on her bed with a grin on her face. She the lamp and took the portrait of dorky Chanyeol from her bedside table and kissed it before seductively saying, "You'll soon be officially mine, my love." Then she hugged the portrait and squealed to herself, pummeling the nearest pillow to release all the emotions she felt. Eunmi's feeling excited, happy, sad, horrified, and all! Of course, she should be! She'll soon get married and that will be the start of another chapter of her life.


            Getting a hold of herself, she put back Chanyeol's portrait to its rightful place then she grabbed her towel and took a quick shower. She hurriedly get dressed, putting on her simplest attire – faded-blue skinny jeans and a three-forth red checkered polo shirt partnered with white sneakers. She blow-dried her curly black hair and tied it into a ponytail and combed her side bangs with her fingers.


            While waiting for Yumi, Eunmi stuffed a few extra clothes in her backpack together with her toothbrush, toothpaste, comb, and so on. She might need it in case of emergencies. In the middle of packing, something struck her mind. She froze in an instant and she felt her heart beat faster before she released a tensed sigh. Is she ready to be a wife? Will she be able to let go of her freedom? Is Chanyeol really the one for her? All these thoughts played in her mind for a few minutes then she grabbed a piece of paper and started scribbling her thoughts when a telephone ring stopped her from what she’s doing.


            "Yeoboseyo?... Omona! Oppa is that really you?... Yeah~ right! I'm so sorry I forgot… Arasso~" Eunmi exclaimed, putting away her pen while the paper flew to the floor without her noticing. She abruptly zipped her bag and swung it over her shoulder before dashing out of her room. Just as she shut the door, something vibrated on the bed. It was her hand phone. The screen lit and showed... 1 new message from ChanChan.




            Thirty minutes after his preparation, Chanyeol went out of his room after tending to the sick Baekhyun. He couldn’t leave his best friend burning and run to the church just to wait for the time he’ll say his vows. That would be very rude of him! And since it’s still early, he should at least take care of Baekhyun for a while and... he did! He gave him medicine and he constantly dabs Baekhyun’s forehead with an ice pack wrapped in a cottony face towel.


            When Chanyeol arrived at the kitchen, he looked around and was shocked when he realized something. Where’s EXO? Why are they not around? They’re supposed to be getting ready! It’s his big day for crying out loud! Is he the only one excited? This is going to be history yet it feels like no one even cares!


            Feeling irritated, Chanyeol decided to grab himself a bottle of water. When he came to the fridge, a note was stuck which says...


Hyung, we’ll go ahead. We decided not to wake you up because you’re probably tired from last night’s event. Baekhyun hyung is sick by the way so he won’t be able to come. Hurry up okay? Or coordinator noona will destroy your wedding! kekeke~ Oh, and don’t worry. We’ll prepare all the things you’ll need. Just bring yourself at the venue before lunchtime. Don’t even think about going to Eunmi! Understand? ^__^




            Ohhh~ so they went ahead! How thoughtful of them! Chanyeol thought before smiling. He took the water with him and went back to his room where Baekhyun was still lying on his bed. He helped the sick boy to sit down and let him drink the water.


            “Hurry up, Yeol. They’re probably waiting for you.” Baekhyun whispered weakly. Oh, poor boy~ why did he have to be sick in an important day for Chanyeol? Such wrong timing.


            “You should comfort your fans today. Give time to them okay?” Baekhyun added. Chanyeol nodded as he stood up before his eyes rounded in realization. Comfort the fans today? Yes, he should but...


“Uhhm, I’ll do that some other time, Baek. I have to go. Anyway, are you going to be fine?” He asked and Baekhyun nodded. “Are you in a hurry?” Baekhyun asked.


“Yes. It’s my BIG DAY, Baek. Don’t you know?” Chanyeol answered happily then he turned and hopped his way to the door. Baekhyun frowned in confusion. Big day? What is he talking about?


“But Yeol, your big day is...” Baekhyun said but was cut off immediately by Chanyeol’s farewell.


“Bye Baek! Get well soon, okay? Sorry I won’t be able to take care of you.”


“It’s alright but Yeol...”


“Bye.” With one last overly happy goodbye, Chanyeol left Baekhyun without even letting him finish what he has to say. When Baekhyun was all alone he rolled his eyes and sighed before muttering, “Chanyeol, you pabo~”




            Chanyeol drove his way to the humble church where he’ll be marrying Eunmi in a while. Putting sunglasses on, he hopped out of the car with a contented sigh as he scanned the beauty of the church’s façade and grabbed his phone to dial his bride. However, she’s not picking up. He tried and tried but it was still the same until he decided to just dial Yumi.


            “Oh.. Chanyeol oppa. Waeyo?”


            “Yumi-ah~ Is Eunmi with you?”


            “No, I’m going to Busan alone. She said she needs to go first so I was not able to fetch her.” Yumi answered. Oh no! Could it be? Chanyeol started panicking. Anyway, why is Yumi going to Busan? Whatever! He didn’t care anymore. All he wants is to find where his bride is.


Instead of checking if his relatives and Eunmi’s are already inside the church, he went back inside his car and zoomed to Eunmi’s house. He ran inside after Eunmi’s mother opened the door. He absentmindedly greeted her and he went to Eunmi’s room. There, he saw her hand phone on the bed and saw that she was not able to read his text message this morning. Did she run away at night? No... Eunmi, why? Chanyeol began to wonder and his heart squeezed tight in his chest making it feel painful when a note on the floor caught his attention. He stood from the bed and took the note in his hand before nervously reading it. He fell on the ground dramatically when he saw Eunmi’s scribbles.


Am I ready?... Is Chanyeol really the one for me?... Is this what I really want?... I'm confused.


Chanyeol felt his eyes become wet. Did she leave him for good? No, this will not end like this. Chanyeol stood up and fixed his tie as he told himself to calm down and sort things out. Maybe there's an explanation on why she left. He has to know. He's got to know. Sighing, Chanyeol threw the note to Eunmi's bed and went out of the room, but to his knowledge, the paper flipped over and showed another scribble from Eunmi.


Chanyeol ran back to his car when Eunmi's mother waved goodbye to him. He smiled and bowed to her before turning the engine on and speeding to the road. Hold on! Why is Eunmi's mother still at home? Chanyeol thought. He tried hard to remember what she was wearing but he couldn't. Honestly, why are the people acting weirdly this day? He shook all the thoughts away and just focused on finding Eunmi. He went to their favorite coffee shop, to the park where he confessed, to the place where Eunmi goes when she's upset, but she was nowhere to be found. He was about to lose hope when he remembered something.


Three days ago, Eunmi told him something when they were cuddling each other on a couch while watching a film. "Byunghun oppa will attend in our wedding day." She said as she nibbled her cheeks on Chanyeols firm chest.


"He will?" Chanyeol asked, with a bit of jealousy as he wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her closer to him. Byunghun is Eunmi's childhood crush according to Eunmi herself but of course, she always told Chanyeol that he's the one she loves so it didn't bother him. But this time around, it did. What if Byunghun actually came last night? What if he took Eunmi with him? But no. Eunmi loves Chanyeol, right? She wouldn't leave him just like that. Running out of ideas, he dialed Yumi again.


"I thought you know. She went to Busan early this morning oppa and Byunghun…." Yumi said making Chanyeol gasp and blurt even though Yumi was not yet done with what she's saying.


 "On the day of our wedding? Why?" Chanyeol almost shouted but he managed to control. Why would she go to Busan on the day of her wedding? And Byunghun? With Byunghun? Of all people?


"On the day of your wedding?" Yumi repeated on the other end of the line but Chanyeol already ended the call before she could comment.


Chanyeol couldn't control his heart anymore. He knows it's unwise to get jealous without knowing the whole story but what can he do? He loves her so much that it hurt. Not that he doesn't trust her but, he just don't know what else to feel. For once, he wants to succumb to this feeling.


Without wasting another minute, he headed to Busan as he drove at the maximum speed possible, without breaking a law. After all, he's still a law abiding citizen. He was so focused on driving that he didn't notice it was already thirty minutes before twelve and his phone was vibrating madly on the seat next to him. There were text messages from Baekhyun, Suho, Sehun and even Kris who seldom texts him. There were also 12 missed calls from Baekhyun, Yumi, Suho, Coordi noona and Kai.


After who knows how long, Chanyeol finally arrived in Eunmi's province. There stood the house of her grandma near the tree where he used to push Eunmi on the swing that hang from it. The place was so peaceful and relaxing until he heard that cute giggle from the back. He slowly walked nearer and peeked over when he came to the corner and his eyes widened in surprise as his heart throbbed uncontrollably in his ribcage. There she is, ever so pretty. Her eyes sparkled with joy as she slowly twirled around in her wedding dress. He glanced to whom she was smiling and his heart sank when he saw Byunghun smiling back at her with glittering eyes. They look so happy. Though Byunghun was in his normal jeans and shirt, they both look like a real couple. They truly matched each other. With a sad look on his face, he unconsciously walked to them.


"Eunmi-yah~" Chanyeol called out, barely above a whisper. Eunmi's smile faded and was replaced by a shocked and confused look as she blinked rapidly at the slowly advancing Chanyeol. What is he doing in here dressed like that? Nevertheless, she smiled, seeing how handsome her groom is in that outfit.


"Channy bear! Why are you here?" Eunmi asked sweetly but her smile slowly turned into a frown when she saw the hurt on his face. "What's wrong, my love?" she asked and cupped his face with both of her hands. Both of them stared into each other's eyes and Eunmi released a sigh when she saw a tear drop from Chanyeol's right eye.


"Chanyeol-ah~ What's wrong? Oh? Tell me." Eunmi whispered as she wiped away the tears from his eyes. Now, Chanyeol was crying for real. He didn't answer to her question but instead, he pulled her to his embrace. He squeezed the petite bride in his arms who barely reached his shoulder level before blubbering, "Why did you leave me Eunmi-yah? I… I thought I'd never see you again!"


"Mwo? Why are you saying that?" Eunmi calmly asked as she lightly pushed Chanyeol by the chest for air. But Chanyeol only stared back in her eyes and hugged her tight again and continued sobbing.


"You were not in the church and you weren't answering my calls so I went looking for you." He started.


"Church?" Eunmi asked.


"Why would she be in the church?" Byunghun sarcastically asked as he snickered secretly. Chanyeol sent him a glare at once, making Byunghun hold his hands up high and say, "Okay fine~ I won't meddle with your problems."


"I went to your house and I saw your note." He went on then he loosened his arms around her. He sincerely looked her in the eye before heaving a sigh. "Mimi, if you're not ready, then I'll accept it."


"Chanyeol I…"


"I understand how much you value your freedom. If you're not ready, then we'll cancel this wedding." He continued.


"But Chanyeol I…"


"Just please… Don't leave me. I'll wait! Two years, three years, even for ten years, I'll patiently wait 'til you're ready!"


Chanyeol's drama was cut off by a loud laugh. He turned to face Yumi who was already rolling on the ground from laughing so hard. Why is she laughing? Did she lose her mind? Then he turned to his side when he heard a chortle which was actually from Byunghun. What on earth are they doing? But what made him more confused was when Eunmi joined the two in laughing. She giggled heartily and she giggled even more when she saw how bewildered her fiancé was.


"Why are you laughing? Did I say something wrong?" Chanyeol asked, dumbfounded but no one answered. Eunmi shook her head in amusement. "So this is why you're crying?"


"Yeah. What else could there be? I… I just can't believe that you ran away from our wedding." He sighed and let his face fall.


"You thought I ran away?"


"Well, baby you already did." Chanyeol answered sadly earning him another giggle from Eunmi.


"Paboya~ Do you even know what day it is today?" She asked while Byunghun and Yumi sat on the bench which is a feet away from the lovers and watched them intently while chuckling. Chanyeol nodded.


"Today's our wedding day, of course."


"No! That's tomorrow you pabo!" Eunmi exclaimed followed by another laugh. This time, it was louder as she clutched her stomach that ached in so much joy.




"Hahaha~ Well, you heard me right! Hahahaha~ Our wedding day is tomorrow. So why would I runaway? I was merely visiting grandma." She explained but Chanyeol was still confused. Why is she in her wedding dress then?


Eunmi noticed Chanyeol staring at her wedding gown so she said, "This is not my actual wedding dress, honey. This is my mother's and Grandma wanted to see me wear this. I was only obeying an old woman's favor."


Chanyeol was still speechless. He stared blankly on her. How? Why? What's going on? What's the truth? He doesn't know anymore.  But then, he managed to blurt out, "What about the note then?"


Eunmi smiled and held his huge hands in hers then she searched his eyes and explained, "Chanyeol, I was just nervous. It's normal for me to feel that way. It's not every day I get married. Besides, I wrote something at the back. Didn't you see?"


Chanyeol shook his head.


"I said…" Eunmi paused and stood on tiptoe to give Chanyeol a peck on the lips making the latter's eyes grow wider. "No matter what happens…" she continued then she pecked his lips again.


"No matter how confused I am… I will marry Chanyeol… Then I'll grow old with him… And I'll love him forever." Every phrase she said was punctuated by a kiss that Chanyeol almost melted. His face was red allover and Eunmi couldn't help but giggle on his cute reaction. However, Chanyeol was not satisfied so he pulled her closer for more.


"Aigoo~ get a room!" Byunghun said as he jokingly made a puking sound making Yumi and Eunmi laugh again.


"Haha~ Chanyeol oppa. From now on, when you're talking to someone, let them finish so you won't misunderstand!" Yumi reminded. Then Chanyeol finally realized, "Good heavens! So Baekhyun was trying to inform me earlier, too!" Chanyeol scratched his head. How could he be so stupid?


Then he remembered, if tomorrow's he's wedding day, then today's….


"OH NO!! The fansigning event!!" He cried out. Giving his fiancée another kiss, he ran to his car to check his phone. He read a message from Baekhyun. "YAH!! Chanyeol, go to the fansigning event! Today's not your wedding, you fool! I couldn't sleep peacefully here! Coordi noona's been calling and asking me where you are!"


He gasped before opening another message. This time, from Sehun.


"Yah, hyung! Where are you? I told you to be here before lunchtime! They're all looking for you!" Chanyeol bit on his bottom lip before looking at his wrist watch. Uh-oh~ it's already 1:00pm! He felt a pat on his back. When he turned around, he saw his bride smiling to him and nodding her head, signaling him to go on.


"I love you~" Chanyeol purred before pulling her to his embrace and giving her a passionate kiss which she gladly accepted. She pulled back a few seconds later and answered, "I love you too. Don't forget to apologize to your fans, okay?" She reminded and Chanyeol laughed. He'll surely remember that. He couldn't help but laugh on the fact that he was overly excited to get married that he thought his bride ran away.


Chanyeol leaned in again for another kiss but when his lips were only a breath away from hers, his phone rang making him groan in disappointment. Eunmi chuckled as he brought the phone to his ears full of irritation.





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Chapter 1: Hahaha so funny but I figured this would happen I the beginning
kylakaren #3
Chapter 1: Omg our wedding day..... hahahhahahahah
I really love this story!!! LOL Chanyeol.. don't be too excited!! hahahha
Miemela #5
Chapter 1: I cannot. Lol chanyeol.
EXOleen #6
Chapter 1: OMO. XDDDDD I can't explain what i feel. xDDD
Chapter 1: OMG the plot twist is really unpredictable >< Hahahaha, beautifully written indeed!
LavyChua #8
Chapter 1: PUAHAHHA! Seriously Chanyeol! ><
Chapter 1: Oh, Chanyeol LOL
This was really entertaining, I love it!
Lol chanyeol's so excited he confused the dates xD