Saving Seohyun

Behind Closed Doors






It was five in the morning in the Seo's mansion. It would be the same old routine for the Seo family. All except
Seohyun , who would get up around six, would wake up to get ready and get their morning coffee.

But not this time. Seohyun, who was sleeping in her pj's, was awoken by a scream.

She immediatly sprung out of her bed. She bumped into many things in her room, still dazed, trying to get to her door.

Her eyes that were half closed, opened as she blinked many times trying to get her sight back. She opened her door and was about to run, to see what was going on, but tripped over something. A box, maybe?


Not even looking back to see what she tripped over, she quickly ran everywhere to find her family. Seohyun reached the kitchen where she saw her mom on the floor crying while her dad was trying to comfort her.

Just what the hell is going on over here? And where was Tiffany?

Her sister would of heard the scream too. Tiffany should have been down by now. 

" Dad, what's going on? " Seohyun asked, scared of what the answer might be. It must of been of been horrible news, that her mom, who was strict and scary, was even crying. " She's gone" her mother cried.


Seohyun walked lifelessly back to her room. How could Tiffany do this? She stopped infront of her room, staring at the item that she had tripped over. What is this? She picked up the medium sized box and walked into the her room.

Curious of what might be in the box she sat it on her desk and sat in her chair. Seohyun picked up the box and looked all around it. It had pink wrapping paper all around it.

She ripped it off and opened the box. She pulled out a rare limited addition kerroro doll. A smile broke out on her face. Seeing that there was something else in the box, Seohyun reached in the box to take it out. She took out a note.


You know I love you, right? I'm sorry that I left on this day. I know that today was suppose to be your special day but I really couldn't take it any more. I really couldn't. I tried to stay in that awful company of ours but there are things in that company that I had to do for it. I never wanted you to experience what I went through but today was my breaking point. What ever you do, do not let them take advantage of you, do you hear me? I will return when I feel like I'm ready again. I'm so sorry. I love you. Happy Birthday


Seohyun did not get the letter at all. She was confuse on what her sister was talking about. There were things that she didn't know about the company? Did that mean that she would have to take over the company?

Her parents were far too old to handle it so Tiffany had to take over in order of her parents but now that she was gone, did that mean that she would be in charge?

Seohyun layed her head on her desk. She never wanted to take over the company. She knew it was going to cause too much stress. Seohyun squeezed her eyes shut hoping that this was all a dream. She put her doll close to her chest.

Seohyun knew that she was going to have to hide it from her parents. They never liked her having childish stuff like that. Her parents would always get rid of her childhood toys that she still kept.

She put her doll and note back into the box and hid it behind many other boxes under her bed. She layed back onto her bed and stared at the ceiling. She closed her eyes and thought to herself,

Happy Birthday to me.


<   >

" Listen dear, since Tiffany is out on the loose. You're just going to have to take over the company until she comes back " Her father was sitting in his chair at his own home office. Seohyun nodded her head.

She knew she could never disobey her father. " You are dismissed for now." Seohyun nodded her head once again before she got up and headed to their door.

" Seohyun dear " She looked back at him, hopeful " Don't disappoint me " her hope died down. He didn't even remember her birthday.



<   >



It was Seohyun's first day of work at their company. She started after school of course. Her father just said to come after school was over. She didn't know how she was going to juggle her school work and her company work.

But she couldn't just say no, so here she was sitting in her own private office. Actually the work really wasn't that hard so she didn't know why Tiffany would run away from this.

She had her own big office, the staff members were really nice and the work was easy. It was until she had a private meeting with a client that she understood.

Her own mom came to instruct on what she was suppose to do. " Hello my name is Seohyun " she introduce herself to her client " Hello my name is Mr. Wang " he said and shook her hand.

Her mother looked at her approvingly. " Now Seohyun show Mr. Wang, our long time client his appetizers " Appetizers? What was her mother talking about?

She was pretty sure that they never gave any of their buisness partners food during a meeting. Her mother elbowed her.

Her mother rolled her eyes and instructed her again.



Never in Seohyun's life would she have thought she would have to do that. She was holding the tears she had in her eyes. She buttoned her shirt back to normal.

" It was a pleasure doing buisness with you " Mr. Wang said with a smirk, he was shaking hands with Seohyun's mother. He exited out of the room. Seohyun's mother snapped her head towards Seohyun as soon as she heard the door close.

" Now that you know what to do now, I won't be accompanying you to these anymore " her mother waved her off. How could her own mother make her do this?



<   >



Seohyun cried every night ever since that encounter. She was always more jumpy like it would happen again. And it did. Everytime she would have a meeting with a private client, she would have to give them an 'appetizer'. Now she knew why.

Why Tiffany would leave and to think that Tiffany stayed in their company for a year. FOR A YEAR. Soon Seohyun was falling into depression.

Who was the first to notice? Of course it was Seohyun's teachers. They contacted her parents about it.

They told her teachers that they had no idea why she would fall into depression. After the talk with her teachers they immedialty went to ask what was wrong with her.

Seohyun told them but they just shook it off, saying that she would 'get used to it'.

Seohyun never wanted to get used to it. Selling her own body for their company's partner ship with others. It was until she started to selfharm that her parents sent her to 'get help' by sending her to a crazy home to get help.

Not wanting to go back to their company she quickly agreed.



<   >



Seohyun was already checked in. Her nurses walking her to her new room. She had her backpack on, scared being in here. This was a crazy home after all.

She was bound to see many people with different problems.

" Here you are Ms. Seo " the nurse appointed Seohyun to her new room. " Thank you " Seohyun said with a smile. She walked into her new room.

The room was painted all in white and there were two beds.

Two beds? Is she going to have to have a roommate? Seohyun would've thought her parents would have gotten her a single room just for herself.

She walked up to the empty bed and started to take her stuff out. She took out of under garments and her other necessary items.

Lastly she took out her kerroro doll that she got from Tiffany.

That's one thing she kept to help her stay sane. " Get back here Im Yoona! " She heard someone shout. Seohyun turned her head at the noise of someone opening  her door and locking it.

" No then you're going to make me take those nasty pills again! " she heard the random girl yell back.

" Yoona don't make go in there " Seohyun heard the voice groan against the door, like this has happened many time before.

" No "

" Okay but you asked for it " then she heard the person started to walk somewhere else. Seohyun just stood there forzen not knowing what to do.

The mystery girl by the name of Yoona finally notice there was a second person in the room. She looked confuse looking at Seohyun before smiling at her.

Yoona took steps closer to Seohyun, Seohyun was nervous not knowing what she was going to do. " Hello my name is Yoona " she said sticking her hand out for Seohyun to shake.

Seohyun stared at Yoona's hand still a little scared. " Hello Yoona, my name Seohyun " Seohyun shook Yoona's hand. " Seohyun " Yoona whispered to herself liking the name.

They snapped their heads to the door when they heard a clinking noise of keys bumping into each other. " Oops! I guess I should go now. Bye new roommate! " Yoona gave Seohyun a cute smile.

The door flew open, a nurse had her hands on her hips giving Yoona a glare " You know the drill Im. Here. Now. " the nurse said.

" Okay, okay. I know geez. No need to get all grumpy " Yoona walked to the nurse.

" Bye Seohyun-ah "



<   >



" Hey roommate! " Yoona said as she walked into their room late at night.

Truthfully Seohyun didn't even leave the room. She was too scared to see other people.

They were afterall in a crazy home, right? Seohyun sat up from the bed. She was already getting ready to go to sleep before Yoona came in.

" Hey " Seohyun mumbled before bringing her doll closer to her body. Yoona jumped flat on her own bed and snuggled her face into her pillow.

She then turned her head looking at Seohyun. Seohyun was getting nervous from the stare she was getting from Yoona.

Yoona smiled at her, " You know Seohyun, you're really cute "




<   >




" Seohyun-ah~ " Yoona whispered in Seohyun's ear, trying to gently wake her up by shaking her body slowly.

Seohyun groaned not wanting to get up. " Five more minutes mom " she waved Yoona off. Yoona just smiled, running out the door and asking the nurses to keep track of the time.

They just sighed wondering what kind of crazy antics Yoona was up to this time. Yoona waited patiently for the five minutes to past.

" Yoona, five minutes have past. What was so importan-" Yoona rushed back into her and Seohyun's room.

" Seohyun-ah~, I'm not your mother but I did let you sleep five more minutes " Yoona tried waking Seohyun up again. 

Seohyun snapped her body up totally forgetting that she wasn't home anymore but here.

She relaxed when she realized that she didn't have to get up for work. " Goodmoring Seohyun-ah " she gave her a cheeky smile.

" Goodmorning " Seohyun started to stretch her body on the bed. " Come on Seohyun, we're going to be late for breakfast " Yoona grabbed Seohyun's hand.

Seohyun's eyes widened and pulled her hand away. Yoona looked at her with wide eyes that soon turned into puppy eyes, she felt like she had made the biggest mistake in the world.

" Sorry "

" It's fine "



<   >


Through the days that soon turned into weeks Seohyun got closer to Yoona. Yoona was like a little puppy that would do anything she would ask.

Honestly Yoona still felt bad about the inccident that happened weeks ago.

Today was suppose to be the day Yoona was going to sneak Seohyun up to the rooftop to see the view that she had claimed was the best view in Seoul.

But today Yoona was sick. She was shivering in her bed because she was running fever.

The nurses gave her medicine already hoping she would get better soon.

" Hey Yoong! Are you ready to g- " Seohyun burst through the door and stoped midway when she saw Yoona's condition.

Yoona looked at her and then turned her back on Seohyun. She felt bad that she promised to take Seohyun to the rooftop knowing Seohyun had been very excited about today but couldn't fullfil her promise.

Seohyun stood there not knowing what to do.

She never had to take care care of a sick person before. She then thought of when she was sick and her sister went to her room to take care of her.

Seohyun slowly walked up to Yoona's bed. She was very uncomfortable with what she was about to do but if it would make Yoona feel better then she would do it.

Seohyun pulled the cover up a little so she could lay beside Yoona. She then wrapped her arms around Yoona to warm her up.

Yoona's body immediatly tensed up but soon relaxed.

She hesitatly held Seohyun's hand.

Now it was Seohyun's turn to tense up. Yoona rubbed her thumb against Seohyun's.

" Hey Seohyun "

" Yeah "

" Sorry. "



<   >


It was about two weeks since Yoona fell ill.

She and Seohyun are trying not to get caught trying to sneak up to the rooftop. Yoona still kept trying to keep her promise to Seohyun about taking her up there.

" Come on Seo, nows our chance " Yoona waved Seohyun over.

Seohyun tip toed over to where Yoona was at. After she reached Yoona, Yoona grabbed her hand and rushed her up the stairs.

Both her and Yoona were giggling while running up the stairs.

But Seohyun's breath hitched when Yoona opened the door and saw the view.

Yoona wasn't lying about saying it was truely the best view. Yoona dragged her closer to the edge to get a closer view.

" Wow " was all Seohyun could say at the moment. " This place is beautiful "

" Yeah beautiful " Seohyun turned her head and Yoona was looking at her. Seohyun blushed and looked away.

" Hey Yoong"

" Mmm "

" Thanks for staying with me, I know I must be hard to be around me. It really means alot to me knowing I can trust you. " She looked at Yoona.

Seohyun's eyes widened when out of no where Yoona pecked her lips.

Yoona pulled back all flustered. " Sorry "

<   >



Yoona and Seohyun were both laying down on her bed, Yoona giving her kisses on her neck.

Seohyun couldn't help but giggle. " Yoongie~ " Seohyun was pushing Yoona's face away. " Stop, it tickles " she giggled some more.

Yoona stopped and gave Seohyun a cheeky smile. She then started to peck Seohyun's lips.

They smiled at each other. Yoona then layed her head on Seohyun's chest, closing her eyes. Seohyun was playing with Yoona's hair, stroaking through it.

Yoona let out a yawned.

" Are you sleepy Yoong? " Yoona lift her face out of her chest. " No no no " she shook her head. Seohyun could tell that Yoona was lying.

Her eyes were giving her out.

" It's fine Yoong, just take a nap. Okay? " Seohyun pushed Yoona's head back onto her chest. " But I still want to play with you. " Yoona mumbled.

Seohyun kept petting her hair until she felt Yoona's breath even. Yoona was sleeping.

Seohyun thought since she was sleeping it would be okay for her to take a nap too. She started to move her body to get comfortable when the door opened.

" Seohyun? " one of the nurses poked her head from the door. " You have a guest who came to visit you " the nurse looked at her and Yoona's position and rolled her eyes before muttering " Kids these days " and shut the door.

Seohyun was confused. Guest? She never had guest.

Her parents? Her parents would never come knowing someone might reconize them and ruin their 'reputation'.

Although she didn't want to move Yoona off of her she had to. She carefully slid Yoona off of her hoping not to wake her up.

Seohyun started to fix her clothes before going to the visitor room.

She walked into the room only seeing one person in the room. To be exact, the back of a girls head.

Her eyes widened when took a seat infront of her visitor, tears whelming up in her eyes,

" Unnie " she whispered.


<   >


Seohyun walked back into her room, her eyes still red from the talk with her sister. Yoona was still asleep.

Seohyun layed beside Yoona and started thinking about her conversation from earlier on.

She didn't want to think about it but she started to get worried.





" Seohyun " Tiffany bursted out in tears. She quickly covered her face with her hands, not wanting her little sister to see her like this.

" I'm sorry. I am so sorry to have put you like this. " Tiffany was appologizing with her tears not stopping. " I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left. If only I wouldn't have left you to be in that god awful company you wouldn't be in this hell hole "

Seohyun shot out of seat. Her tears flowing out. She walked over to her sister and hugged her.

" Unnie " Seohyun cried into her neck. " Please don't blame yourself. Please don't ever blame yourself "

" But I left you "

" No unnie. I love you "


After calming down from their crying session Seohyun started talking about her experience here. " You know unnie it really isn't that bad here. I even met someone that I like. "

" It's nice to know that you have a bestfriend " Tiffany held her hands.

" No unnie. I meant as in like-like " Seohyun explained getting shy.

Tiffany paused for a second. She then turned confused. " But I thought this was an all girl- "

" Yes you are correct "

Tiffany looked shock for a second. " Wait are you telling me that you're- " Seohyun cutted her. " I'm not straight "

" And here I thought you were always straight this whole time! " Tiffany nudged Seohyun on the shoulder.

" Well I was " Seohyun blushed some more " Until I met her "

" Have you got it in yet? " Tiffany wiggled her eyebrows. " Unnie! " Seohyun slapped Tiffany's chest.

" What?! " Tiffany laughed " I cant tell "

Seohyun looked at Tiffany confuse. Tiffany gave Seohyun a erted smile before motioning her her towards Seohyun's neck. Seohyun gasp. She knew Yoona must've made a mark from earlier.

Her face got even more red.

Then Tiffany got serious. " Seohyun "

" Yeah? " she was fanning her face. " But please save anymore erted jokes that you may have."

" It's not that. What's your girlfriends name? "

Seohyun smiled real big at the thought of her girlfriend. " Her name is Yoona "

TIffany thought for a moment. " Are you happy with Yoona? "

Seohyun didn't even hesitate to answer that. " Of course "

" One more question "

" Go for it "

" Do you even know why Yoona was sent to this facility? " Tiffany's question hit her hard. Seohyun didn't even know much about Yoona's past.

Tiffany knew she hit a sensitve topic so she just didn't make another comment.

A nurses then walked into the room. " Sorry girls but visiting hours are done "


End of Flashback


Yoona stirred from her sleep. She soon opened her eyes still seeing Seohyun on the bed with her. " Hello beautiful " Yoona gave Seohyun a cheeky smile but it soon went away once she saw her red and puffy eyes.

She sat up and hovered over Seohyun. " My love, why have you been crying? " Yoona stared into her eyes worried.

" It's really nothing. My sister had visited me and it got a little emotional " Seohyun then thought about what Tiffany had said earlier.

" Hey Yoong "

" Mmm " Yoona stuff her face in Seohyun's neck

" Why are you even here? "

" Because I love you, silly " Seohyun blushed. " I didn't mean that, I meant why are you here ? "

Yoona picked her face back up. " Well you see I used to have a bestfriend but she died. I swear to you that I kept seeing her. No one ever believed me. I couldn't think that there was something wrong with me but I was the only person that could see her. And there were other people that I could see that no one else could. My sister insisted that I get professional help so I did.

She stuffed her face back into Seohyun's neck. " The doctor told me that I was hallucinating. He recommended my family to put me in here saying I would get better. "

Yoona's body was shaking a little. She was crying? Seohyun felt her neck getting wet. " I'm scared "

" Why are you scared Yoong? " Seohyun was trying to pick Yoona's head off of her to wipe away her tears. But Yoona wouldn't let her

" The fact that you might not even be real. This whole time you might have been just from my imagination. " Yoona started to hug Seohyun even tighter.

" Please be real. Please be real " she sobbed even more. " But even if it means for me not to get better just to keep seeing you then I'll make sure I'll never get better "

Seohyun smiled petting Yoona's hair.


<   >


It had been weeks since that talk with Yoona.

" Seohyun " one of the nurses walked into their room. " Pack your bags "

" What? " Seohyun looked at Yoona who was just as confused as her. " I said to pack your bags. You're going back home today "

" Wait. What?! " nurse smiled at Seohyun thinking she was excited that she gets to go back home. " Yup. Your doctor thinks you are good enough to go back home now " The nurse left the room.

Seohyun snapped her head at Yoona who had her head down. " Yoona "

Yoona lifted her head and looked at Seohyun with sad eyes.

" Yoona " Seohyun cupped her cheeks " Promise me you'll get better so we can meet each other again outside these walls? " she tilted her head and gave Yoona a cute smile.

" But what if you're not real? I want to keep seeing you "

" Oh Yoongie " Seohyun gave Yoona a kiss. She leaned into her ear. " Trust me I'm real "

Yoona smiled.


<   >


Today was the day.

Yoona was going to be released after being in that facility for weeks. Seohyun was going to pick her up and take Yoona to her house.

Yoona was already waiting outside the building with her bags on the floor looking for Seohyun.

Seohyun drove her car close to Yoona. Yoona just stood there over looking her car. Seohyun giggled before honking the horn.

Yoona jumped then glared at the nice looking car. Seohyun rolled her eyes before rolling down her window.

" Hey hot stuff. Got a boyfriend? " Yoona stared at Seohyun shocked and then gave her smirk.

" No but I got a pretty hot girlfriend "

" A pretty hot girlfriend you say? What's her name? I don't see her anywhere " Seohyun looked at Yoona with a sly smile.

Yoona grabbed her bags and opened the car door and took a seat. She tossed her bags in the back seat. " Her name is Seohyun. And she is right.... " Yoona leaned over to Seohyun and gave her a kiss. " " She then gave her a wink.

Seohyun blushed and drove away from the building.

While Seohyun was driving Yoona was looking around in Seohyun's car like a lost puppy. " Yoongie "

Yoona gave her full attention to Seohyun. " Yes my love "

" What's wrong? Do you not like my car? " Seohyun kept her eyes on the road not even glancing at Yoona.

" No it's just... " Yoona then exclaimed " I didn't know my girlfriend was loaded! "

Seohyun laughed. " Oh Yoona, it's nothing really "

Seohyun noticed Yoona was being strangely quiet. She took a quick glance at Yoona. Yoona seemed to be thinking.

" Seohyun when we get older.. " Yoona gave Seohyun a shy smile "... I'll support you with my money that I earn "

Seohyun smiled to herself. " Okay Yoongie. I'd like that but for now how about I take you out somewhere. Where do you want to go? I'll take you anywhere. "

Yoona that for moment. What is the first place she would like to go? " Lets go get ice cream! "



" Yoong you go ahead. I'm just going to park the car " Seohyun dropped Yoona off at the front of the ice cream parlor.

Yoona started walking to the front door when she spotted someone familiar coming out of the store. Her eyes widened and soon ran to ingulf them into a hug.

The person seemed to have stiffen at the hug of a random stranger. Yoona pulled out of the hug.

" Miss me unnie? " the person's eyes then widened when she realized who Yoona was. She then pulled Yoona back into a hug.

" Why didn't you tell me that you were already out? I would've picked you up "

" It's fine unnie, my girlfriend picked me up "

" Girlfriend?! " she then pulled out of the hug.

" Ahem " they then heard someone give a cough. " Whoops almost forgot "

" Seobang aren't you going to introduce me to this... " the girl gritted her teeth " girl that you were hugging very tighting a few seconds ago "

" Of course Sicababy " she then introduced them. " Yoona this is Jessica. Jessica this is Yoona, my sister "

Jessica quickly appologized to Yoona. " Oh my gosh I'm so sorry for being rude. I didn't know that you were her sister " Jessica bowed her head a couple of times.

" Yoong? " Seohyun walked in on them. " Who are you talking to? "

Yoona grabbed Seohyun's hand. " Yuri unnie meet Seohyun, my love. Seohyun meet Yuri unnie, my sister "

Seohyun bowed to Yuri a couple of times. " Hello my name is Seohyun, it's very nice to meet you "

" Damn Yoona, you snagged a good one. She has manners and to top it off she's even beautiful! " Yuri took Seohyun's hand and started shaking it.

" Ouch " Jessice had stomped on Yuri's foot and walked off.

" Wait! Sica! You know I only have eyes for you! " Yuri was about to chase after Jessica but wanted to say something to Yoona first.

" You just got today right? " Yoona nodded her head.

Yuri whispered into Yoona's ear. " Someone is getting laid tonight " she then ran off to chase Jessica.

Yoona's face turned red

" Unnie! "



Ah yes I have finally finished this after about the longest time but I have somewhat of an excuse.

I've been grounded for like the longest time.

Okay but answer some questions you may have

1. Seohyun was having to show some of her body parts to make their company's buisness partner remain their buisness partners

2. That time where Yoona had touched Seohyun for the first time and Seohyun freaked out, Yoona appologized because even though she didn't know about what happened to Seohyun she figured something happened to Seohyun that led her there

3. Tiffany went back to taking care of the company but refusing to do 'you know 'that anymore.

I hope that cleared up any confusion. I hope this story wasn't disapointing. but do comment if you have a question

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Chapter 2: YoonHyun again~ Really, thank you for this one (:
YulSicSLTTR #2
Chapter 2: Love it!! It's random but it's really good :)
Chapter 2: wow, it's really cool! Hope you do a continuation!
eunixw #4
Chapter 2: Yoonhyun is so cuteeee!^^ Such stupid parents to think of earning money in such dirty way..
Chapter 2: Waiting for the first chapter, sounds intense for seohyun.
Aww waiting for the first chapter (: