Conversations at Night

Zelo was pouting around the dorm.  He managed to make a decent dinner that Himchan and Youngjae had even complimented him on – Daehyun was too busy stuffing his face – but Yongguk and Jongup hadn’t come back in time to eat dinner with them.
Himchan had called Yongguk when it looked as if the two would be late to dinner, but the older did not answer.  Instead, after Himchan left a heated voice message, he saw that he had a text message from Yongguk stating that he and Jongup would be late coming back to the dorm, and that they’ll probably just pick something up on the way there.  So now Himchan was trying to comfort a sulking Zelo.
“Oh come on, Zelo,” Himchan said as he sat down on the bed next to the maknae, “cheer up.”
“Hyung~” Zelo whined before he lied on the bed and buried his head in his pillow.
Himchan chuckled at seeing the childish antics of the LTE rapper.  “I know that your upset that Yongguk and Jongup wasn’t here to eat the food that you made for the first time, but there will be other dinners.”  Zelo just groaned into the pillow.  “Isn’t it at least a little good that the rest of us liked your cooking?  I mean, both me and Youngjae said it tasted really well, and you know that it’s a compliment if Daehyun couldn’t spare a second from eating to say anything.”  Himchan smiled, remembering how Daehyun attacked his food like a crazed animal.
“Hyung~” Zelo whined again before he sat up and sighed.  “It’s not really about the food.  It’s… what happened.”
Himchan looked at Zelo, confused.  “What happened?”
“The incident,” Zelo answered, looking down at the floor.
“Oh,” Himchan mumbled.
Zelo sighed again.  “I know that Jonguppie-hyung hasn’t been himself lately, and Yongguk-hyung has been watching him,” he said looking at Himchan concerned.  “If there not back yet, do you think something happened?”
Himchan shook his head.  “I already talked to Yongguk.  He said they were fine, they’re just going to grab something to eat on the way here.”
“But why are they late?” Zelo asked.
“They’re probably just talking,” Himchan replied, shrugging.
“But what…?”
“Junhong, don’t worry about it,” Himchan said, sliding off of the bed and kneeling in front of Zelo.  “Will you stop worrying about everyone?  Things will be okay.  Jongup might be a little shaken up or whatever, but everything will be fine.  I promise.”
Zelo slowly nodded before looking down and mumbling, “Your leg.”
“What?” Himchan asked, standing up.  “My leg is fine.  I already walked from the kitchen to here.”
“You should have stayed in the kitchen,” Zelo said.
“And what?!  You expect me to sleep at the kitchen table too?!” Himchan asked preposterously.
Zelo pulled on Himchan’s arm until the older fell onto Zelo’s bed.  “You’ll sleep here tonight.”
“What?!” Himchan asked as he fought against Zelo pushing him down onto the bed.  “My bed is just right across the room.”
“It’s too far!” Zelo said loudly as he forcefully laid Himchan down and cuddled up to the younger.  “You’ll just have to sleep next to me.”
“Yah!  Junhong!” Himchan shouted.  “Who’s the hyung here?”
“Shh, hyung, I’m trying to sleep,” Zelo responded.
“Yah!” Himchan shouted again before trying to get out of Zelo’s grasp.
Daehyun and Youngjae walked into the room and saw Himchan lying with Zelo in the maknae’s bed.  They both started laughing.
“What is going on here?” Daehyun asked.
“We aren’t interrupting anything are we?” Youngjae asked, trying to cover up his amusement.
“Hyung is going to sleep with me tonight,” Zelo said, smiling.  Himchan just harrumphed – causing Daehyun and Youngjae to laugh more – and gave in, getting comfortable on Zelo’s bed.
“Well have a good night,” Youngjae said as he turned off the light in the room and went to his bed.
“Yeah,” Daehyun said with a smile, trying not to laugh as he got into his own bed.  “It’s a small bed, so you two might want to hold on to each other to make sure no one falls out of the bed.”
Youngjae laughed.  “That’s right!”
“Yah!” Himchan shouted.  “You two shut up and go to sleep!”
Daehyun and Youngjae were still snickering, but turned over to go to sleep.
“Goodnight Himchannie-hyung,” Zelo whispered, but Himchan figured that Daehyun and Youngjae heard because they started chuckling again.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~TS Entertainment~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yongguk had told Himchan that he and Jongup would get something to eat from a convenience store on their way back to the dorm, but they hadn’t even left the TS building yet.
Yongguk frowned when his stomach growled for about the fifth time that night.  He sighed and looked over at Jongup.  “I’m going to go see what snacks they have in the break room,” he said, standing up.  “I’ll be right back.”
Jongup’s eyes widened, and he quickly stood up too.  “I’ll go with you,” he responded.
Yongguk’s first thought was that Jongup was afraid to be by himself, but then Yongguk realized after everything Jongup revealed to him, the dancer was probably more worried about Yongguk being by himself.
Yongguk nodded and told Jongup to follow him.  He turned to go out of the practice room, but stopped when something took hold of his hand.  He looked down to see Jongup’s hand holding his.  When he looked at the younger questioningly, Jongup just smiled.
“Mianhe, hyung,” Jongup eventually mumbled.  “I know I’ve been a lot of trouble lately, but I’ll try to change.  I’ll get better.”
Yongguk squeezed Jongup’s hand and responded, “Just don’t bottle everything up.  I know things are tough right now, but we’re a team.  We’re all here for each other.  I’m here for you.”
Jongup’s grip on Yongguk’s hand began to weaken.  “But I…”
“No buts!” Yongguk said as he held Jongup’s hand tighter and even grabbed the younger’s other hand.  “You are not to blame.  What happened isn’t your fault.  If anyone’s to blame it’s those men who were waiting down that alley for some innocent victim to stumble upon them.  You are innocent in this.”
A tear slid down Jongup’s face.  He sniffled and then smiled.  “Gomawo, hyung,” he said before he wiped his face and began to tug on Yongguk’s hand that he was still holding.  “Come on.  Let’s go see what’s in the break room.  I know you’re hungry.  Your stomach has been growling for a while.”
Right on cue, Yongguk’s stomach growled again.  The leader laughed and allowed Jongup to pull him out of the practice room and towards the break room.
Himchan woke up when he heard talking.  He went to get up, but Zelo had one arm slung over him, and their legs were all twisted up together.  Himchan sighed and worked on untangling their forms.  By the time he did, he heard the talking again.  He smiled when he realized who was talking.
Himchan turned over in the bed to see Zelo’s peaceful looking face.  The maknae was already cute, but asleep, he was too adorable in Himchan’s eyes.
Himchan knew that Zelo often talked in his sleep, but he hadn’t heard it in a long time since his bed is on the other side of the room.  He Zelo’s colorful hair and waited for the youngest to say something else, in hopes that he could have a conversation with the sleeping rapper like Jongup often did.
“Hyu- hyung,” Zelo voiced out.
Himchan smiled and mentally danced with glee.  “Yes, Junhongie, what is it?”
Zelo frowned, causing Himchan to wonder if he was having a nightmare.  “Hyung hurt,” Zelo said.
“Mwo?  Hurt?” Himchan asked, not quite sure what Zelo was saying.  “Are you hurting somewhere?”  Himchan pulled back the covers, ready to check over Zelo’s body, but the youngest shook his head.
“You… you hurt,” Zelo replied, still asleep.
“Oh, am I hurt?” Himchan asked before shaking his head.  “I’m fine, Junhongie.”
Zelo shook his head.  Himchan thought the younger would wake up with such movements, but Zelo only snuggled up closer to Himchan.
“Hyung hurt,” Zelo repeated.  Himchan shook his head again, ready to disagree, but Zelo continued.  “I… I protect you.”
Himchan finally realized that Zelo was talking about the “incident.”  He smiled sadly at the LTE rapper and lied back down, placing their foreheads together.
“Gomawo, Zelo,” Himchan whispered.
Himchan knew that what happened affected more than just him, Yongguk, and Jongup.  Daehyun, Youngjae, and Zelo were affected too.  Daehyun and Youngjae were dealing a lot better than the others, mostly because they had each other to lean on, but Zelo didn’t seem to be taking it too well.  Himchan didn’t want the maknae to worry so much.  He had to do something to make the youngest feel more at ease.
“Saranghae, hyung,” Zelo mumbled out of nowhere.
Himchan smiled and replied, “Nado, Junhong.”  He leaned forward a bit and pecked Zelo on the lips.  As soon as he did it, Himchan jerked his head back and blushed.  He didn’t know what came over him.  He turned over so that he was facing away from Zelo.  His eyes were darting all over the place even though he couldn’t really see anything in the darkness.  He just kept wondering over and over why he kissed Zelo.
Himchan’s eyes widened when Zelo’s arm snuck its way around his stomach and pulled him back into the maknae’s hold and one of the maknae’s legs wedged itself between Himchan’s legs.
“Goodnight, hyung,” Zelo sleep-talked, his breath ghosting over the back of Himchan’s neck.
Himchan tensed up, not knowing what to do, not knowing what he felt.
“N- n- night,” he replied squeakily before tightly shutting his eyes and praying for sleep to overtake him again.
A/N:  So I put in a bit mor HimLo.  I normally focus more on Yongguk and Jongup because Jongup is my bias and BangUp my OTP, but I had fun with HimLo :D
I didn't exactly plan on going far into pairings, despite the tags.  Really the tags were because Yongguk was going to be mostly helping Jongup and Himchan and Zelo were going to spending a lot of time together.  Anyway, I've decided to add a bit of romance to this regardless.  Nothing too heavy, but just a little bit of fun.
I'm having a bit of trouble incorporating Daehyun and Youngjae into this, which for those of you reading for DaeJae moments.  I'm sorry.  I'm trying, but I promise there will be more of them, at some point.  I'm working on it.
I know that things have cooled down kind of fast from the last chapter, but I promise there will be more drama in future chapters.  I just really wanted to kind of set the HimLo part up in this chapter.
Anyway, let me know what you all thought of this chapter :)
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rose_lily #1
Chapter 10: The ending is so cutee
Chapter 3: It's too obvious for me what's wrong with Jongup lol, that must
annethundr05 #3
Chapter 10: Oh my that was just fantastic, love it! Bad author-nim playing w/my emotions (sad/happy/sad/happy). But I enjoyed it so much. My feels, do so love Bangup & Himlo just squee. Thank her das woot. :-)
Chapter 10: I blame you because I'm starting to get bangup feels x) ♥ nice story~ ^^
JongKeylovingpanda #5
You know the scene in which Yongguk slams with the hammer at the car and fire comes out? The fire got to his skin....but he still wanted to go on since it was their first album...
Chapter 10: Awhhh, I love it! Those gifs at the end are perfect haha❤️ But very nice, I was really starting to tear up, and then after, "but please… jebal, don’t break mine" I just burst out crying, and Yongguk's confession too, gosh, BangUp feels, this was lovely. They were so fluffy, and then I love how Bang teases him, this was cute, very nice❤️
Chapter 10: Noooooo why it has to end?! /cries
Awwww the ending makes me happy. So cute, lil erted uppie lol.
I reaaaaaally love this story. One of the best few bangup stories there are. I wish there were more. Write more plzzz.
Chapter 10: omgg they end up together xD just love bangup *o* my feels xD

himchan is a little jealous in the gifs xD
Chapter 9: Awhh, HimLo is really killing me haha. They're so cute:) And I think I like a dominant Zelo❤️ But that was a good way to incorporate DaeJae, haha, they're so real:) I can't wait for the BangUp though❤️ And happy holidays to you too:)