Not allowed to leave

Your room wasn’t very interesting. The moment you stepped through the door, you saw a bed to your right, next to it a window. Below that window was a desk with a chair, some papers and pencils. “Baekhyun thought you might like to draw”, Tao explained after he caught your puzzled expression. You let your gaze wander to the wardrobe in front of you. It was simply white, like the rest of the room. Even the rug on the floor was white and the bedding. “I know it’s a bit colorless, but we don’t have much things that we don’t use and that was the only concept hyung-nim came up with in such a short time. Please ignore Kai’s whining when you see him, it was his carpet. And he liked it, it’s the only one without any stains”, the blonde male shrugged and turned around. The moment he left the room, he turned his head back. “I’m going to lock the door, the bathroom is behind that one next to your wardrobe. If you need something, make some noise. Someone probably hears you”, he left and closed the door in one swift motion. You heard the key jiggle in the lock, than it was pulled out and footsteps departed.

You walked slowly to the bed and sat down. What the hell was happening? You got kidnapped by a group of the most wanted terrorists who doesn’t seem to actually like you, maybe except Lay and Suho.

You were forced to stay in a complete white room, which gave you the feeling of a mental hospital. At least one of the guys was a murderer. And more than one seemed to dislike your presence.

Letting out an exasperated sigh, you slumped yourself on the bed, burying your head in the cushion. Tears began to stream down again, wetting the fabric underneath you. A sob escaped you, than another one. After a minute, you were crying miserably.

You hastily shut up when the door opened. Not willing to know who entered your room, you just stayed the way you laid on the bed. “You alright?”, asked the slightly familiar deep voice of one of the boys. Chanyeol sat down next to you and patted your back. “I’m sorry”, he whispered into your ear, leaning over your back. You nearly squealed in shock when you felt his lips on your skin. “I didn’t mean to bring you into this, you know? Suho-hyung always tells me to think more before doing something, but sometimes I’m just too impulsive and Sehun told me to bring you inside and…”, he stopped and let himself fall on your back. This time you shrieked and kicked and slapped him out of the bed.

In the next moment the door burst open and Baekhyun and Tao stumbled into the room. “What the hell you’re doing?!”, Baekhyun shouted. Tao grabbed Chanyeol’s ear and dragged him despite the loud protests out of the room.

“Are you alright?”, the blonde boy carefully approached you. Seeing your wet face, he drew the false conclusions, but that was the smallest problem at the moment. Baekhyun may was one of the calmer ones, but you weren’t able to evaluate his reactions. Coming closer, he scared you. It didn’t came to your mind that he probably was going to help you.

Seeing your scared expression, Baekhyun took a step back. “Wait a second, I look for Suho or Lay!”, he said and walked to the door. Leaving you alone with that opened door was maybe the biggest mistake he could have done, if you were a confident and strong person. But at the moment, you just felt weak and not like moving anyway.

After a minute an exhausted Lay stormed into your room. “Baekhyun told me Chanyeol did something to you?”, he asked nervous. You just looked at him with teary eyes. He stepped closer, but stopped when you flinched. “Hey, it’s alright. I’m not going to do anything to do, don’t you think? I’m just sitting down next to you and listen to you, okay?”, Lay gave you his unbelievable genuine smile and did as he said. When he leaned his head against the wall behind you, you caught a glimpse of his unstable inside.

“He didn’t done what we thought he did”, Suho came into the room, half an hour after Lay sat down on your bed. Both of you had remained silent all the time. “Tao beat him up pretty badly for nothing, but at least we’re sure now that he told us the truth. You okay, Eunmi?”, he crouched down in front of you and patted your feet. You just stared at him blankly, but didn’t flinch. “She refused to talk to me, but maybe you have a better influence on her”, Lay said while he got up. He left your room without looking back.

Suho observed your reactions. You just sat there, gazing straight forward. “I know that it’s hard for you, but it seems to be better than to die, doesn’t it?”, Suho asked you slowly. Your eyes flickered. A tear threatened to roll down your cheek, but you pushed your hand up and roughly wiped it away. “I’m fine”, you muttered, unwilling to let Suho seeing how miserably you felt. He smiled weakly. “You’re obviously not, but if you don’t want anything I couldn’t help you”, he began to leave the room. “Someone’s going to get you for breakfast tomorrow, so go to sleep early. One of the boys will bring you some clothes for sleeping and for tomorrow”, he stopped in the door and turned around to give something that seemed like a reassuring smile. Then he left as well. You were alone again.

A while later you heard a soft knock before the key was turned around. Lay’s smile greeted you from the door. “It’s Kyungsoo’s stuff, so it should fit you. Oh, and Tao gave me this for you to sleep”, he showed you a t-shirt big enough to use it as a tent. “I don’t know where he got that from, but it’s wide enough to be a comfortable night-gown, isn’t it?”, his smile widened. He walked across the room and put the clothes on the white desk. “Good night”, he said before closing the door. You shot the door an irritated glare before you got up and shuffled to the clothes. You threw the t-shirt on the bed and inspected the other textiles, grey jogging pants, a smaller but also black t-shirt and a dark blue hoodie.

The next morning you woke up feeling very light headed. You wondered briefly what happened to your room before a sharp knock on the door brought back the memories of yesterday. “I give you fifteen minutes to get ready”, Luhans cold voice sounded through the door. You stared blankly at the wall before it hit you that you shouldn’t lie in bed when he comes in, so you stood up quickly and hasted into the bathroom. After you fulfilled some morning needs, you washed yourself quickly with a washing cloth. There was no time for a shower, and you hadn’t any fresh underwear as well. You dressed yourself in Kyungsoo’s clothes, the moment when the hoodie was in place the bathroom door burst open revealing a pissed Luhan. “You’re late”, he hissed and grabbed your arm. He pulled you out of your room and down the stairs into the room where you had met the whole group yesterday.

Everyone else stood around the desk, together with another black haired man who seemed to be a little older than the other boys. You felt like you know his face, but couldn’t remember his name. He was handsome and gave you a gentle smile when Luhan left you and walked to two boys whose name you forgot. “Good morning Eunmi, how was your night?”, a busy Kyungsoo greeted you while placing some neatly arranged plates with food on the table. You looked at him blankly.

Lay seemed to notice your lack of confidence and unwillingness to respond, because he walked up to you, took your hand and carefully placed you on a chair at the left side of the long table. He sat down next to you while Suho placed his hand on the back of the chair on your right side. Kris sat down next to the chair Suho had reserved for himself followed by Luhan and Chen. Left from Lay Sehun slumped down on the last chair on that side of the table. On the other side of the table Chanyeol sat down facing Sehun because Tao grabbed the chair opposite Lay and sat down as fast as he was able to. Kyungsoo, the guest and Baekhyun sat down quiet and well-mannered on the next three seats. The last blonde boys whose name you forgot pushed Kai on the last chair and placed himself next to Baekhyun.

When everyone went quiet and stared at the food more or less hungry, it seemed like Suho decided that it was time to introduce you to the new person. “You probably wondered who our guest is, haven’t you Eunmi?”, he asked you. You simply nodded starring at the plate in front of you because Chanyeol stared at you since he sat down. “My name is Choi Siwon. I’m the personal secretary of Suho’s father. Currently my job is to bring him an invitation to the Summer ball on the 27th”, he bowed slightly and throw Suho an asking glance. “He sometimes helps me, since he’s in a part of the network as well. I asked him to come over for a breakfast because my father always tells him to inform me about the social happenings”, Suho explained. Siwon nodded. “My group works as a kind of junction between the government and those who want to change something. Since we’re older than most of them, we work for some their parents and cover them up if necessary.”, he added calmly.

Suho and Siwon kept talking about the ball during the breakfast, while the other boys stuffed themselves with food. Kyungsoo, noticing that you haven’t ate anything yet, build a smiling face out of some vegetables on your plate. “Look, it loves to be eaten by you!”, he grinned widely. Lay shook his head. “Are you drunk?”, he asked quietly. Tao and Sehun snickered, while Kyungsoo scrunched his nose. “That’s not fair hyung. I only want her to eat…”, he whined. Lay tried to shoot a sharp look at Chen, who didn’t return his gaze. “Chen, have put something into Kyungsoo’s coffee?”, Suho asked calmly. Chen shook his head vehemently, but cracked down laughing eventually. Kai grinned as well. Their leader sighed, while Siwon seemed amused. Lay and Xiumin stood up at the same time to bring Kyungsoo into his room and put him to sleep. Together they wrestled the struggling boy out of his seat and dragged him upstairs. You could still hear his whines and complaints when the three were out of sight.

“He tends to get out of control and do strange things when he’s drunk. Normally he would never touch any alcohol because of that, but if someone mixes something with a high percentage into his drinks, he usually fails to notice it and since he gets drunk very easy situations like this sometimes happens. I think Chen is a bit bored lately…”, Suho sounded friendly as ever, just the last sentence was emphasized different in a slightly dangerous way. Chen seemed to notice that as well, because he hurriedly stood up and volunteered to do the dishes. This seemed to be the sign that the meal has ended because everyone else stood up as well. Suho and Siwon walked away, leaving you alone with the rest of the boys. “You really should eat something, Kyungsoo has a really good memory…”, Sehun whispered into your ear from behind. You winced and Baekhyun shooed the younger boy away while taking Lay’s former seat. He grabbed some bread, salad and other stuff and began to build you a sandwich. “Here!”, he handed it to you and looked at you expectantly. You carefully took a bite without looking at him. “And?”, Chanyeol asked from the other side of the table. Everyone seemed to look at you now. “I-it’s good, I guess”, you whispered. Baekhyun leaned back with a proud grin before grabbing his book and beginning to read once again.

After you finished your sandwich, your plate was snatched away by Chen. “You’re finished now”, he said and left the room. “Don’t mind him, he’s normally friendlier but getting caught in a prank so easily always drowns his mood”, Lay explained while entering the dining room. “We all have a lot to do today so Suho decided to leave you in Tao’s care. He’s most likely going to spend the whole day in his laboratory, but that’s more interesting than it sounds.”, he smiled apologetically. Tao lifted an eyebrow, but remained quiet.

“That’s unfair. I have nothing to do, why can’t I take care of her?”, Chanyeol complained. “Because of yesterday for example”, Sehun snickered. The taller one walked wordlessly up to him, smacked his head and left the room. Kai cracked down laughing.

“Since all of you seem to have so much fun, why don’t you help Chen with the dishes? He has an important job to do today, so be useful and save his time!”, Suho advised sharply when he came back. Everyone hurried into the kitchen, except for Suho, Tao and you. “Bring her up there now, and take care of her during the day”, the black haired said. Tao nodded. He carefully but noticeably took your wrist and pulled you up the stairs. You didn’t stop at the floor where your room was located, not at the next one as well. You walked up all the way to the third floor. He let go of your wrist and opened a door with some strange signs on it. “Welcome in my laboratory, please don’t touch anything without my permission if you don’t want to get hurt by whatever may happens”, he stated calmly while placing his hand on your waist and pushing you inside. You stumbled slightly.

When you lifted your gaze, you were completely awestruck. The room was filled with silver shining computer terminals, black monitors and shelves over shelves filled with bottles, cups, boxes and things you’ve never sawn before. Tao walked to one of the terminals and pressed a button. The screen lit up and showed a schematic illustration of something that looked like a twisted ladder. He tipped something into the keyboard and the ladder began to rotate. With another command he added some colors to the rugs.

“You have no idea what that is, right?”, he asked when he turned around. “That is a strand of DNA, my DNA to be exact. I’m trying to confuse the system with false informations so that we can’t get identifies with a simple DNA-check”, he explained when he saw your clueless expression.

“You know that a sample everyone’s DNA is put into a databank when they’re born, right? The government says it’s to prevent crimes and to identify the culprits faster if something happens though. My father build that database. It helps to control the lives of everyone out there, because it makes it very easy to tell if you were somewhere or not, together with all the cameras and stuff. And because we can’t get caught, I’m changing the recorded structure of our samples a little bit so no one is able to identify us even if they find some skin, a hair or blood”, Tao’s expression got stoned during the explanation and you began to wonder if there was more behind the “freedom-fighters” than being simple terrorists…

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Chapter 4: aww ~ this was the best story I ever read :) - Yuki
Chapter 3: Dear Unni :D
Your little sister loves this , so write more, more, MORE! Get it?
And think about Xiu's maps^^
B.A.P is coming soon *-* *fangirling*
Luv u ♥
Chapter 3: Continue please I love it!!