"My everything"

{Oneshot} My everything

~Let’s start~




Hyesung woke up from the bloody headache. He was so drunk last night that he couldn’t really remember anything from the moment he finished his last glass of wine. It took him not too long to realise that he was in his bed, sleeping tightly, comfortably, and there must obviously someone took him home.




“Morning, Eric”


Hyesung didn’t really have to use one second to go back to his blank memory from last night to remember exactly who was the one that took him home. Eric was standing right at the door, holding a tray of a definite stunning breakfast for him. He couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relieving. Fortunately, Eric was there.


“Go wash up. You’ve been sleeping for like 12 hours.”




“Don’t worry. I didn’t spend my night at your house. I just threw you on the bed and back home and…”


“It’s okay. Thanks.”


Eric was in a rush of explaining that he didn’t stay overnight at Hyesung’s house. He knew Hyesung too well, that spoiled prince would kick his out like a thousand miles away if he ever had that idea of staying at Hyesung’s house. Strangely, Hyesung didn’t get suspicious all out his way like what Eric expected, but smiling and say “thanks”.


That was pretty unexpected, yeah…


...even the way Hyesung gave out a compliment of what Eric made for him for breakfast. Chicken creame soup, that was like the most simple thing Eric has ever cooked for Hyesung, but he has never heard a word of complimenting from the prince. He was quite in a shock, and there was definitely something going wrong.


“I’ll do the dishes.”


“No, leave it. Come here for a second, would you?”


Hyesung smiled gently, and walked out to the living room, then lazily sat on the couch. Eric was hesistated for a second, but he just ended up doing what Hyesung wanted him to do.


“You wanna talk?”


Eric broke the silent and just sat on the opposite side from where Hyesung was. Hyesung didn’t really answer Eric’s question, but telling him to come and sit next to him.


“Aigoo… you’re, like, the softest thing exists in this world.”


Unexpectedly, Hyesung lied down and had his head placed right on Eric’s thighs, with his arms around the leader’s waist.


“…Baby, I don’t know what they fed you last night but this is so unlike the usual you.”


“Hmmm… what is the-usual-me like?”


“A-spoiled-kid, a-troublesome-old-lady, a-naggy-wife




“But seriously, you’re acting strange. Like, did you, by any chance, drank some magic liquid last night?”


“Hey! You don’t have to react that excessive, do you? I’m a man!”


“Wow, a man, for God’s sake.”


“I have a freaking man’s crotch and you know it like way better than anyone else, even my mom.”

“…Haha okay. I got it, you’re a man”


“…plus, I’m a happily-in-love-man”




“You have time tonight?”, text message from Hyesung. Wow, seriously. Hyesung has never contacted Eric first.


“Sure, love.


“Can you come over?”, he replied in an instant




“No, take your time. I’ll be home in 30 mins.


“Want me to cook dinner?


“No, beers and pork belly are on the way home. My treat.


“Wow. I’ll get ready then.


Eric couldn’t help but smiling happily. These days Hyesung has been acting so strangely, but in a very sweet way, so he didn’t really mind it. Eric felt like he’s loved back from the one he loves for the first time in 10 years of their relationship.


Talking about the time they’ve spent together, 10 years wasn’t that long, neither short, but enough to let them get to know each other more and more, then love each other more and more each day. Time flies, people said, but when they spent time together, it felt like time has stopped at that moment forever.


But being treated unexpectedly nice by that prince, he really couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Shinhwa was doing well, his family was all fine too. There was no such reason for him to act this way. This made Eric worried and overwhelmed in happiness at the same time.




“You’re early.”, Hyesung greeted him with a light kiss on the cheekbone.


“I was wondering if you will need my help.”, he replied as he walked inside.


“I’m doing fine. I told you today is my treat.”


Hyesung walked back to the kitchen and Eric was alone at the livingroom. Hyesung was cooking some simple side dishes when he felt the sudden back hug that let him be in the warm embrace of the  leader.


Normally, Hyesung’d kick Eric far away from him when the leader did such things to him. The fact that Hyesung hated skinship like the worst thing ever happened in his life made Eric got a little confused, but he just decided to enjoy this peaceful moment.


“You’re not pushing me away?”




“Should I be happy about this?”


“About what?”


“You’re changing in a very shocking way, you know?”


Hyesung giggled and leaned his body on to Eric’s. He was happy that Eric could see clearly that he was trying to change.


“I’m just trying to show you something”




How much I love you.”




-       flash back –


Eric went to Hyesung’s house on one day that the lead vocal wasn’t at home. Hyesung was getting back to his invidual activities, so he couldn’t take a good care of himself. Eric was worried when he could clearly see that Hyesung was getting thinner and pale under the stress of the work.


That was the reason why he was there, preparing some food for the little prince. All Hyesung had to do when he came back from the studio was heating up the food and eat it. Eric went to the supermarket earlier to get some healthy ingredients that would help him to prepare the meal for Hyesung.


While waiting till the soup was fully cooked, he realised that the apartment was nearly a mess because Hyesung was so busy and really didn’t have much time to stay at home and tidy things up. The leader decided to start cleaning a bit. The dust might affect badly to Hyesung’s health too.

And he saw something lied on the floor while cleaning up that made him went frozen for a minute. How could Hyesung have this in his apartment?


A girl’s hairpin.




Hyesung came back from the studio at nearly 1AM. He had nothing but a cup of coffee for dinner but he didn’t feel like eating anything. He planned to take a quick shower and go to bed. That was a long, stressful day.


But when he walked into the kitchen to find some warm water for his sore throat after the whole day of recording, he saw the dishes on the table, which were fully cooked and everything he had to do was heat up the food. He smiled gently, he loved the way Eric silently took care for him like this.


They have gone through a decade together as lovers, so there was no such cheesy things needed to express their love towards each other. Eric just like that silently took care of Hyesung, and Hyesung just like that enjoyed the feeling of being taken care of from Eric.


But the smile on his face disappeared in an instant when he saw the hairpint on the dinning table.




“Hi. Did you have dinner properly last night?


“I did.


Eric came over at dinner time, because he knew that the prince had a day off. He bought some delicious dishes from Hyesung’s favorite restaurant and brought over Hyesung’s place. Eric didn’t really have any strange attitude, neither asked anything about the hairpin, but Hyesung couldn’t hide his awkwardness.


“I bought some delicious food. Dinner will be ready in a minute”, Eric smiled and talked to Hyesung while he was walking straight to the kitchen.


“Sure, thanks


“How was the recording?


“All fine. Just that after recording, I’m having a sore throat.”, Hyesung tried to reply in the most normal way he could. His heart was beating fast like a kid was caught telling a lie.


“I’ll bring you some honey. Warm it up and have a spoon of warm honey before going to bed, that’s the best way to get over a sore throat.


“…Thanks. I’ll set the table.


Everything seemed like nothing happened. Eric didn’t show any strange attitude, but Hyesung kept feeling that this was just the calm before a storm. He felt so unwell and he tried to ignore Eric whenever their eyes met. He couldn’t face the leader for the whole time of the dinner.


Hyesung felt like he had to do something before the storm inside Eric exploded.


“That hairpin is not mine.


“Of course that couldn’t be yours.”, Eric smiled gently.


“That’s my cousin’s.


“I see.


“…Actually, my ex girlfriend came.


“Okay, I got it. Have this. This is yummy.”, Eric’s expression was still calm, he even put some food in Hyesung’s bowl. 


“She came and begged me to comeback to her. But believe me, nothing happened. Please, Eric, I… I…”


“Hyesung ah.


Hyesung looked up and met the gentle eyes of Eric, and a smile that could calm the little prince’s nerves down.


“I trust you.




“So he just let it pass like that?”, Jun Jin eyes were widely opened when he heard the whole story from his Mabird. After that night with Eric, Hyesung kept thinking about ridiculous things that ended up making him got confused with all the thoughts. He could rely on no one beside his Babird, so he went for a drink with Jinnie.


“Yes, that’s what makes me feel so nervous.




“Like, normally, you’d get jealous if you found an evidence of your lover cheating on you, right?


“So what?!


“What if that, by any chance, means he has stopped loving me?






“Hyung, why can’t you just get it!


“Get what?!


“Why do you even dare to be suspicious about Eric hyung’s feelings after like the whole decade being together?!


“But Jinnie…”


“But what?! He didn’t get jealous not because he has stopped loving you, but because he loves you way too much. He loves you so much that he’d rather let his feelings be hurted than stop loving and taking care of you for a second!!




“Hyesung hyung, remember this, there’s nothing in this world that more valuable than trust. Especially, when you talk about love, trust is, like, everything. E.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g




“It means, Eric has given you his everything.




“And meanwhile, what have you done for him beside all this suspicion?




Hyesung felt ashamed, but at the same time, he realised something that he was so happy to  find out:


He realised that Eric’s smile could brighten up his days,


Eric would protect him whenever and wherever,


Eric would never leave him no matter what,


Eric would let him do everything as long as he’s happy about that,

Eric trusts him, unconditionally.






For the whole entire life, Hyesung has been wondering,

 if he would ever find his perfect one.


And he realised, Eric might not be perfect, but he’s the perfect one for him.


-end flash back-





“Eric? Are you still sleeping?”, Hyesung called Eric in early morning that made the leader surprised.


“No, I’ve done with my breakfast.”


“Will you give me a drive to the studio?”


“Taehak is not picking you up like normally?”


“I told him not to, from now on.”




“Because I already have you, neighbor.”


“Well, you’re like a big boss.”


“…A big boss that wants to spend a little longer time with his lover before getting to work for the whole freaking long day.”




Sometimes, letting your lover feel like he’s being loved by these little things in the daily life, is the best way to let him know that, you trust him as much as he trusts you. 


And to let him know that, you’re giving him your everything, as well.




3:50AM, 20th Oct 2013. 

Ended by Po with love <3












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Chapter 2: Your thoughts and my thoughts are the same! *in minwoo oppa's voice* lol even though i know i will be heartbroken one day, i will happily trade my heart with our oppas' happy marriage... because they deserve it...
For your writing, i don't mind if it's oneshot or chaptered as long as it's sweet ricsyung... XD and i really love your writing... so.. write as you wish... Hwaiting!
shintahahaha #2
Chapter 2: I love the fic.. ^^

But honestly, I tried not to think about Shinhwa's girlfriend or marriage, since Apgujung girl incident and I got very affected by it.. ;p
Chapter 2: Tbh,i want to see shinhwa's wifes and juniors. But, tbvh, i think i never prepare my heart well. It'll broken someday, and i must be cry for weeks or months *blame my innocent heart* T.T

And i love every ricsyung ff with fluffy and happy ending. I don't like angst. But if that'll happy ending, i can forgive it. Kekekeke :p
Just write what do you want author-nim, i think you must be have many ideas for that :D
Fighting!! ^^/
czarheyda92 #4
Chapter 2: I totally agree with you...as much as I love Ricsyung, i know they will get married and have kids...sooner or later...but till then, let my ship sails...
hyuu_hikari #5
Chapter 2: Well, as much as I love ricsyung, ofc I'm excited to see ShinKids xDD but... till they really announce the big day....

Let my ship saiiiiiliiiiiing~ <3

I'm waiting for 'Love'♥♥♥
Chapter 1: So sweet (: Like it? No. I love it.
Chapter 1: Omg!! YOU'RE BACK!!!! YOU'RE FREAKING BACK! SARANGHAE!!! This story was so cute and romantic!! :3 omg!! I love your stories!!! :) <3
Unnie, so glad that you wrote this!! :)
Chapter 1: Woaaahh so sweeet kkk..I love it
Chapter 1: So sweet ricsyung story...I love it!