
First Meeting

“Why did you drag me? Of all people, why me?” Xiu Min muttered, glaring at the ground.

“Because.” He shifted his glare from the floor to the vocalist. “Lu Han, I’m serious. Why?”

“Well, the other members are dead tired-“

“So am I!”

“Baozi, I cannot carry 12 drinks and a bag full of food by myself. Tell me, would you rather wait there for hours until I get back or come with me to get them yourself?” Xiu Min stayed silent and thought this over in his head for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. Lu Han grinned, “I thought so. Now come on.”

“You could have dragged Sehun.”

“He’s napping.”


“Jongin wouldn’t let him leave.” The shorter out of the two let out another sigh, giving up entirely.

“See, we’re already here. That’s not so bad right?” Lu Han said as they stopped in front of a small café the members usually go to when they’re on breaks. Xiu Min stayed silent and it was Lu Han’s turn to sigh. “Yeah, brighten up. I bet you won’t be this moody once we leave with food.” He teased, poking the older in the cheek before strolling into the café. Xiu Min rubbed his cheek and fixed his cap before walking in too.

Lu Han walked up to the counter and smiled at the employee, making her blush a light pink and stutter, “H-Hello. Welcome, how may I help you?”

“Yes, is it alright if I order,” he took out a piece of folded paper out of his pocket and gave it to the employee “everything on this list?” the female employee nodded numbly, taking the paper from him. The vocalist smiled sweetly at her and her face went redder. Xiu Min chuckled and shook his head,“We’re going to get a discount again.”

“Umm…Take a seat while waiting p-please. I’ll get your order done as soon as possible.”

“Doubt it.” Xiu Min chuckled, walking over to the secluded corner of the shop. Lu Han laughed too and took a seat across from the shorter. “No one has finished our order in five minutes before; I would like to see her try.”

“Well at least we get some rest right? Even if it’s just for a little while.” Lu Han smiled, leaning back into his chair. Xiu Min hummed, supporting his chin up with his hand as his eyes scanned the small café. He lost count on how many times he’s been into the café. They practically come here three or four times a week whenever they have practice. There weren’t much people there; a group of teenagers just hanging out a few tables away, a college student doing their assignments in the other corner so no one would disturb him, two middle age women talking among themselves and a girl sitting by the window reading a-

“Holy- Damn, who is that?” Lu Han raised an eyebrow at his friend’s words and turned around to see what caught his attention. He look over the café and his eyes landed on a girl sitting by the window with a book in her hand and a hot cup of chocochino in front of her. A smirk pulled at the corner of his lips as he turned around to face his fellow member.

“She, my dear little baozi, is a girl who actually caught your attention by doing nothing but sitting there and reading.” The vocalist teased, his smirk growing bigger when he noticed the light blush spreading across Xiu Min’s cheeks. “S-She didn’t catch my attention.”

“Oh? Then who were you talking about?”


Lu Han chuckled and decided to tease his friend a little more, “Well if she’s not who you’re talking about then I’m going to go talk to her. She’s pretty cute.” Xiu Min’s eyes widen and he quickly grab hold of Lu Han’s wrist when he made a move to stand up. “Okay! Okay. Y-Yes, I was talking about her. Please stop teasing me Lu Han.” He whined, burying his face into his hands.

The vocalist laughed and they guessed it was a little bit too loud since the two women a few tables away were giving Lu Han disapproving looks. He felt his cheeks heating up slightly before he bowed towards them in apology. This made Xiu Min chuckled before he noticed the girl was looking at them too. His eyes widen and he kicked Lu Han’s shin on impulse to get his attention.

“Ow!” He hissed, hand reaching down to rub his shin. “What the freaking hell was that for?”

“She’s looking this way!” The vocalist’s eyes widen slightly, “Seriously?” A nod from his fellow member made him turn and Xiu Min was right, she was looking at them. He offered her a sweet smile and her cheeks turned to a light pink before she smiled back, going back to her book.

“I think she thinks something is wrong with us.” Xiu Min mumbled, pulling the bill of his cap down in hopes to hide his face while Lu Han raised an eyebrow, “And what’s so weird, may I ask, with two friends hanging out at a café and one of them just burst out laughing out of nowhere? It seems perfectly normal to me.”


“If you’re so worried, go over there and apologize to her.” His eyes widen at his friend’s suggestion and quickly shook his head, “No way.”

“Yes way.”

“No Lu Han.”

“Yes Baozi now get your over there or I’ll drag you there myself.” Lu Had said, narrowing his eyes at Xiu Min. He gulped, his eyes going back and forth between the girl and Lu Han. Making up his mind, he let out a shaky sigh before pushing his chair back and getting up.

“I hate you.” Lu Han laughed, “Love you too Baozi. Now go.”


“E-Excuse me.” Seo Yen looked up from her book and saw one of the boys that were sitting at the table in the corner standing in front of her, a small -and what she can tell- nervous smile on his face. She blushed slightly, hoping he didn’t come here to ask if she was staring at him and his friend earlier. “Y-Yes?”

“Umm…I would like to apologize for my friend’s behaviour before. He can be a little…Loud.” She giggled and shook her head before giving him a small smile, “It’s quite alright. You don’t have to be sorry for it.”

The boy blushed and started stuttering, “Umm…I-I…C-Can I sit with y-you?”

She giggled again and nodded, “Sure. But what about your friend over there?” he looked back at his friend and saw him talking on the phone with a small pout on his face. “He’ll be fine if I’m gone for a couple of minutes.” He said, taking a seat across from her.

“I’m Min Seok by the way.” She smiled, “Seo Yun. Nice to meet you.” Xiu Min smiled back and he was happy that he wasn’t stuttering that time. God, he’s such a nervous wreck sometimes.

“So Min Seok-sshi, what made you come over to talk to me?” the boy scrunched up his nose and tilted his head to the side with a pout, “Do I really look that old to you? I’m only 23 you know.”

Seo Yun laughed and shook her head, “No it’s just that, it wouldn’t be polite to just call you by name when we just met.”

“She has the cutest laugh and I love her smile.” Xiu Min mused, mentally grinning to himself.

“I don’t mind.” She rolled her eyes, “Obviously.” An awkward silence decided to settle around the two of them after a while when nothing was said. Xiu Min bit his bottom lip while Seo Yun looked down at her lap, trying to think of what else to say. Both of them didn’t notice Lu Han slapping his forehead with his palm at the corner of the shop.

“Soo…Seo Yun-ah, are you a college student?” She let out a sigh of relief that he broke the ice first and looked up at him, nodding. “Ye. I’t’s my third year. I’m going to finish college in another few more months. I’m majoring in performing arts.”

Xiu Min’s eyes light up, “Seriously? That’s-” Xiu Min yelped, hand going towards his head to rub where he had been hit. “What was that for Lu Han?”

The vocalist grinned, “Revenge. Oh, and also because we have to leave. Sehun woke up and found no food so he called and complained.” Xiu Min saw the four plastic bags his fellow member was carrying, he's starting to wonder why he was dragged again since Lu Han looked like he could handle everything himself and then he remembered you, his mood turned from pissed off to slightly disappointed. He didn’t really get to talk to Seo Yun much…

Lu Han, noticing this, looked at the girl and smiled sweetly. “Hello, I’m Lu Han. And you are…?”

She blinked, registering what had happen before smiling back. “Seo Yun.”

“Well Seo Yun-sshi, I’m sorry to interrupt but we have to go. Maybe you both could meet up some other time and get to know each other. If you want to that is.” Xiu Min’s eyes widen and his jaw dropped as he stared at his friend. Before he could even hissed at his friend, telling him to wait outside; she answered, “Sure, I would love to. I really want to know you better Min Seok oppa.”

Now the said boy was staring at her with a shock expression, “R-Really?” Seo Yun giggled and nodded with a smile. She took the napkin and the pen that was on the table and wrote her number on it before folding it in half. “Here. At least like this, we’ll have some form of contact.” She said, placing the folded napkin in front of him.

After a while, Lu Han sighed at his friend’s lack of response before taking the napkin and pulling Xiu Min up to his feet. “He’ll call you tonight. It’s nice meeting you Seo Yun-sshi. I hope we’ll meet again.” He smiled and she nodded, waving back in return before the vocalist pulled the baozi out of the little café.

“Were you like that during high school too? Have you even had a girlfriend?” Lu Han teased as he two plastic bags at him. Xiu Min’s face heated up and he quickly took the plastic bags. “Y-Yah, shut up.”

The vocalist eyes widen, “Wait, you really haven’t had a girlfriend?”

“Of course I had!”

“Then why are you so defensive?”

“Because you’re teasing me!” The shorter out of the two whined, walking away from the vocalist. Lu Han quickly caught up to him and nudge Xiu Min’s side with his elbow, a teasing smile on his lips. “I bet you’re happy that I dragged you with me now, huh?” Xiu Min’s face turned a bright red.

“Yah, hajima!”

Sorry that I haven't been posting lately, end year exams.

Not fun x.x

And I haven't been active on my scenario blog either T.T Well, I hope you guys still liked this though ^^

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Chapter 1: This was absolutely adorable! I love shy Minseok hehe. Keep up the good work!